Chapter 36

After leaving the B class base camp, Hiyori and I headed straight to the A class base camp. I know from the map I received from Hashimoto that the location is where the cave is.

After walking for a while, the vegetation disappears and the area becomes rocky. From that, the destination is probably close.

As I continue walking with this thought in mind, my destination, the A-class base camp, comes into view...

"There's a temporary shower and two temporary're making good use of the supplies you received from Ryuen-kun."

There is one temporary shower and two temporary toilets near the cave entrance. The temporary toilets seem to be separate for men and women, which is a luxurious way to use them, but as Hiyori says, they seem to be making full use of the support from Ryūen.

But that's not the problem. The problem is the black vinyl in the cave. A banner made of black vinyl is hung at the entrance of the cave, making it impossible to see inside the cave.

"Isn't that a problem according to the rules?"

"I think that banner is probably on the edge of the spot, so it won't be a problem. Okay, let's go and fire it up."

"Are you going to do something bad again? Like provoking them?"

"Yes. There are two guards. I don't know about one, but the other one is Totsuka."

His weakness is that he is infatuated with Katsuragi, so if you exploit that, there is a possibility that I will easily take advantage of him.

"It's Hachiman-kun's freedom, so I don't have the right to stop him, but please don't go too far, okay? I don't want to see Hachiman-kun get hurt again..."

Hiyori looks up at me and says something like that...I'm disappointed. If you say things like that, I won't be able to provoke him.

I don't care if people around here make fun of me, but I hate seeing Hiyori's sad face.

I had no choice but to stop provoking and say, "What are you doing there?'' I heard a voice like that, and two guards came towards me.

Aside from Totsuka, the other one is also openly hostile, so I guess he's from the Katsuragi faction.

"Hikigaya...! This is the A-class base camp. Hurry and go home!"

"Huh? What are you talking about? The A-class base camp is inside a cave, and I haven't crossed the line, right? Is your head fine?... I don't think it is when you're worshiping a small fry like Katsuragi."

"I'm going to kil-

Totsuka tries to yell at those words, but before he can, another person stops him. It looks like they are taking proper precautions. It's tough to provoke violence.

Well, that's only natural. After all, if you are violent towards a student from another class, you will be disqualified from the class to which you belong.

In any case, if I can't provoke violence, there's no point in being here, so I'll go home.

You can't see inside the cave because of the blackout curtain, but you can ask Hashimoto or Kamuro for information on what's inside.

Having made that decision, I smile and talk to Totsuka and the others before heading home.

"Then we'll go home, but you're the one giving me 160,000 private points starting next month. So, Let's be good friends until graduation."

With that said in the end, I took Hiyori with me and ignored the yelling coming from behind me.

"Are you going home yet?"

"There's no point in staying any longer. Fortunately, I know the leader information, so I don't have to worry about A-class spots... In any case, I want to keep in touch with Hashimoto or Kamuro just in case. "

However, their phones have been confiscated, and Hashimoto and the others are probably being wary of the Katsuragi faction, so I think it would be difficult to meet them.

Therefore, I would like to have a means of communication. Using fire to raise smoke... that's no good. It looks like the others will come as well.

There's still time, so I'll think about it slowly.


"Then I'll stay here. See you later."

After leaving the A-class base camp and arriving at the halfway point between C-class and D-class, I say goodbye to Hiyori, but she shows no signs of leaving.

"Hachiman-kun... please kiss me goodbye."

She sticks out her forehead while saying this. Ah, that's what it is.

"Yes, yes..."

I hug Hiyori and kiss her forehead. I didn't feel particularly embarrassed, probably because I was in front of the C and D class members yesterday.

"Thank you...see you tomorrow."


Like me, Hiyori kissed my forehead and smiled the most charming smile on her face as we walked to the C-class base camp.

After seeing that off, I returned to the D-class base camp and found some sort of discussion going on in the center of the base camp.

There are bosses in the class like Horikita, Hirata, Kushida, and Karuizawa yelling, so it must be quite important.

As I was thinking that, Kushida saw me and beckoned me. To be honest, it's a hassle, but if you ignore it, you might be treated as a traitor, so head on over.

"Do you need something?"

"Yeah. Actually, Kamuro-san from A-class came over earlier and brought information about the spot that A-class has newly occupied."

While saying this, Kushida shows me a map. Looking at it, it was occupying about 10 locations, extending a little further from the surrounding area of the cave.

The spot occupancy expires after 8 hours, so you have to renew it again. Then, you will receive a 1 point bonus for each update, so you can earn 3 points in a day. If A class continues to occupy the spot until the final day...

1 x 10 (number of occupancies) x 6-7 (number of days of occupancy) x 3 (points for 1 day)

So you will get close to 200 points.

Well, if you hit the leader, all that bonus will be blown away. And since I, Hashimoto, and Kamuro told about the leaders to Class B, C and D, it has been decided that Class A will lose its bonus points.

There is a way to protect the bonus points, but I have no intention of teaching it to A-class.

Quiet topic...

While I was thinking about this, Kushida's story continued.

"The A-class occupies the area around their base camp and doesn't occupy the remote areas, so we want to occupy them."

Well, I guess so. And that's the right decision.

D class and A class base camps are separated. As a result, it is better to occupy spots near D class because A class will not occupy them.

"I understand that, but why are you telling me that?"

That's the problem. If the policy has been decided, there's no need to go out of your way to tell me.

"Yeah. But, it would be a problem if another class were to see us occupying the spot, so I'm thinking of a countermeasure. I want Hikigaya-kun to cooperate?"

"So you want me to come up with an idea too?"

"Yeah, I think Hikigaya-kun is probably the smartest in the class."

"Huh? Hirata-kun is the smartest one!"

Hirata's girlfriend Karuizawa immediately refutes Kushida's words, but to begin with, Hirata and I are on different playing fields.

Hirata is a clown who thinks about things in order to prioritize everyone in the class, but I am the type of person who thinks about things and prioritizes myself and my loved ones.

"...Well, that's fine. For now, I'll talk on the premise that if I were the leader, I would take two boys and three girls as companions, and use jerseys to hide their faces while occupying the place. However, one of the boys is petite and one of the girls has short hair and small breasts.''

"Huh? What do you mean? I understand that you hide your face with multiple companions, but do the physical characteristics of men and women have anything to do with it?"

Kushida replied with confusion, and the others nodded, so I began to explain.

"Information is a weapon that can be deliberately given to others to cause damage. What would happen if a small boy covered his face and stuffed his chest?"

"Ah! It might look like a girl!"

"That's the thing. On the other hand, if a girl with short hair and small breasts tightens her breasts with something like Sarashi, she can look like boys."

If they see you up close, they might find out, but I don't think they'll come into direct contact with you either.

Even if they were to come into contact with each other directly and find out that he was dressed as a man or a woman, his true identity would not be discovered if the students in other classes were hiding their faces. If someone tries to remove the jersey that hides their face, they can be sued for assault, so there's no problem with that.

"That way, other classes won't find out. If the situation arises, all you have to do is change the leader."

"Wait a minute. Changing leaders is basically not allowed!"

Horikita replied. What Horikita says is not a lie.

The manual states that changing the leader is basically not allowed.

But there are also back roads.

"Basically not. However, if you complain of poor health like Koenji did, a change in leader will be allowed."

Teachers will likely accept poor health as a valid reason for retiring.

"If I retire, I'll be minus 30 points, right?"

"Karuizawa, are you an idiot?!"


"If you retire, you'll lose 30 points, but don't you know what the loss is compared to if the leader is found out?"

"Ah, I see. If the leader is found out, you will be deducted 50 points, and you will also lose bonus points."

"In addition, if you change the leader, the class to which the person who sees the D-class leader belongs will also fail to guess the leader and receive minus 50 points."

There are many other ways to do this using the retirement system.

For example, a leader boldly occupies every spot. If they do that, the other classes will find out the true identity of the D-class leader.

Then, if the leader retires just before roll call on the final day, other classes will fail to guess the leader and receive a -50 point penalty.

Well, I think this tactic will be rejected because it's a tactic to reduce the point growth of other classes, and it won't increase the point growth of the D class.

"For now, I've given you the countermeasures. I'll leave it up to you whether or not to use this plan. Then I'll go to bed."

"Ah, if you don't mind, could you help me choose a companion?"

"Pass. Don't try to give your work to me. Besides, I don't know much about my classmates and I'm tired."

I disagree with Hirata's opinion and enter the tent. I could hear complaints from behind, but maybe because my opinion was reasonable, no one complained directly, so I guess it's okay.

"I'm tired... I wonder what Arisu is doing these days."

She's probably playing chess in an air-conditioned room.

At the same time...

"Hehehe… Is this what Hachiman-kun likes to do?"

In Hachiman's room, Arisu watches the erotic video stored on his computer and smiles with absolute zero happiness in her eyes.

To be honest...

She looks pretty scary.

"Still, there are too many big-breasted things. I guess petite bodies like mine aren't your hobby..."

Occasionally, Arisu would give a sad smile while looking down at her flat chest.


As of the fourth day on the deserted island, the D-class is making good progress. As for food, I eat fish, fruit, corn, etc. and save points by not buying food from teachers.

Also, regarding the spots, they used the information, received from Hashimoto to take possession of the spots that A class had not touched, using the method I proposed, and as of the end of the third day, they had already occupied 10 spots.

If you occupy one spot for a whole day, you will get 3 points, so by the end of the exam you will have almost 100 points.

The points they've spent so far are close to 100 points, including the penalty for retiring from Koenji, so if it keep going like this, we'll have close to 300 points by the end of the exam.

However, from the D-class's point of view, they probably can't let their guard down just yet. 300 points is only if things continue as they are, and there is a possibility that accidents may occur in the future.

In particular, I don't know what Ryuen will do.

I headed to C-class base camp on the third day, only to find himself an empty shell.

A normal person would think that everyone would retire after playing, but Ibuki at our base camp and Kaneda at the B class base camp were said to be spies by Ryuen himself, and he also owned a radio, so they were on the island.

He's probably hiding in the bushes somewhere eating rats.

But that doesn't mean Ryuen is the leader. It's possible that Ryuen is keeping the key card with Ibuki and Kaneda as the leaders just in case. In fact, that's what I would do.

Well, in any case, I don't care about the class leader. I still don't know the leader of my class.

That's really sad to be honest.

At least the only people who know are the candidates. According to my opinion, the six people are working on various ways to avoid being found out by other classes, but the people who are doing the devising are Horikita, Ike, Miyake, Kyosuke Okiya, Mii-chan, Kayano Onodera.

Therefore, there are 6 leaders among them.

If you think about it normally, there's a possibility that Horikita is the most talented of the six, but there's also the possibility that it's a bluff, so I can't say anything, and I'm not going to say anything.

Even if something were to happen, it would be the leader's responsibility.

I'm searching for a spot. This island seems to be managed by the school, and spots are set up everywhere. In fact, I found 3 of the 10 spots occupied by the D-class.

While I was thinking about this, as I was searching for a spot, I saw a hut in the mountains, so I stopped to approach it.

(I can't feel the gaze...)

But my intuition tells me. There's someone nearby watching me.

Breathe out, concentrate, and examine the direction of your gaze.

As a result, I feel a line of sight coming from the grass in the 10 o'clock direction.

At the same time, I pick up a nearby stone and throw it as hard as I can toward the tree on the grass.

As a result, a dull thud can be heard as it hits a tree, and a rustling sound can be heard coming from the grass.

It's bingo.

I immediately closed the distance and pushed through the grass...


Kamuro-san was there.

If they're here, they're probably on a stakeout to check out who's trying to occupy the spot.


Kamuro, on the other hand, blushed and looked away from me. What's with that attitude?

"Kamuro, did I do something rude to you? Maybe you got irritated by carrying me unconscious?"

If that's the case, I have to apologize. I was unconscious at that time, but I caused trouble for Kamuro.

"...No. I mean, Hikigaya, you don't remember?"

"Are you talking about when I passed out? Then the answer to your question is yes. I remember seeing the A-class leader with you, but I don't remember anything after that."

"I see. So you treat me normally on the street."


What do you mean? Judging from Kamuro's story, it seems that something so dangerous has happened that Kamuro can't interact with me normally.

"Kamuro. Please tell me what happened. If I did something terrible to you, I will have to take responsibility."

When I asked that, Kamuro's face turned even redder. What? Did I step on some landmine?

"I-Idiot. Talking about responsibility..."

She mumbled that. Currently, Kamuro doesn't show any of her usual cool expression, instead she has the expression of a cute maiden.

What the hell did I do?

"You're not pregnant like Horikita, are you?" I asked quietly.

"...." Kamuro.

"W-what the hell? Why's your imagination so wild?!" Kamuro yelled at me.

"It's okay then, I got scared for a moment. Can we talk properly?"

"...I'm sorry, but I can't do it."

"Then I can't help it. It was my fault for forcing you."

It's true that I'm curious, but I don't want to force myself to ask.

If Kamuro can't talk, then let's end this conversation.


"There's no need to apologize. Besides, since you're here, is that an A-class spot?"

When I change the subject, Kamuro seems to agree with the idea, and shakes her head while blushing.

"No. I'm not occupying it, but I'm in charge of keeping watch."

Ah, is this a tactic to lure the leaders of other classes without daring to monopolize them?

"I see. By the way, if D-class tries to occupy this place, will you overlook it?"

When I asked, Kamuro gave a small nod. After all, the Sakayanagi faction is reliable as an ally.

"Also, there are three spots nearby that the A-class are guarding. There's a spot on the mountainside, a stream near the top, and a spot in a cave about 3 o'clock from here, but the two guard spots other than the cave are Katsuragi factions."

"Thank you for the information. Then I'll go, but will you be on guard?"


"Okay. See you then."

After saying that, I bowed slightly to Kamuro and tried to leave, but before I could, Kamuro grabbed my arm.


"W-what happened?"

"I say this because you forgot...I was just surprised at that time...I-I didn't hate it."

Kamuro said that while turning bright red and distanced herself from me. I was becoming more and more curious about what I had done, but since Kamuro didn't feel like telling me, I decided it was impossible, so I left Kamuro and headed for the spot that Kamuro had told me about.

"...What am I saying? If Hikigaya remembers..."

Kamuro rubbed her forehead,

"... besides why did he think I'm pregnant?... wait, didn't he say something similar about Horikita?...."

She has only met that girl twice, but she didn't think Horikita would be interested in the matter of the opposite sex.

Kamuro-san was really dumbfounded and doubting her life.


"So, there are mountain huts and caves, and there are guards on duty, but since they're from the Sakayanagi faction, you'll be fine with just the bare minimum of vigilance. However, be careful and disguise yourself just in case."

"No need to tell me. Let's go."

When I marked the location of the spot on the map, Horikita nodded and the team occupying the spot hid their faces and heads well with their jerseys, Ike stuffed his chest, and Mii-chan entered the tent and after a while came out with her chest flattened. and hide her face with her jersey.

I still don't know who the leader is, but I don't think they'll find out if this is the case.

There are now 12 spots occupied. Class A occupies more than 15 spots, but the leader is revealed, so it's essentially 0 points.

Class B is solid and isn't proactive about occupying spots which is pretty stupid in my opinion and I haven't seen any spots occupied by class C, so I'm not sure about the spots.

D class will probably win.

Should I try one more move later?

"Hirata, I want to eat some fish, so I'm going to go fishing for a bit."

"Okay. Be careful."

After confirming what Hirata said, I grabbed some bait and two fishing rods and left the base camp.

After walking for a while, you can smell the scent of the ocean and arrive at a rocky area facing the sea.

Then there was already a customer.

"Yo Hikigaya. How are you doing?"

That's what Hashimoto from Class A says. Although he has a playful atmosphere, he wears a jersey and gives off a rather chaotic atmosphere.

"It's a mess. What about you?"

As I said this, I handed him the fishing rod and Hashimoto started laughing.

"At camp, Katsuragi was looking at the memo with the occupied spots and had a smug look on his face, and it was really hard to hold back my laughter.''

Oh, really.

He has a smug look on his face as he is steadily accumulating points, but in reality, the leader of his class has been found out by other three classes, and it has been decided that not only bonus points but even normal points will be blown away in large quantities.

To Hashimoto, a senior member of the Sakayanagi faction, Katsuragi's smug look would seem downright comical.

"That's tough. By the way, there's something I want you to do. I'm sure the shower you guys are using was included in the supplies Ryuen gave you, right?"

"I see, but...are you sure you want me to destroy it?"

"Yeah. It would be bad if I broke it, but if you, an A-class student, break it, there's no problem."

The manual states, "If you commit violence, looting, or property damage against other classes, that class will be immediately disqualified and all private points of the target will be confiscated.''

This means that there is no penalty even if the class destroys property.

In fact, Ryuen injured Ibuki to increase his credibility as a spy. Just to be sure, I checked with Chabashira-sensei, and she told me that unless there was excessive violence, there would be no penalty.

If it's okay to act violently against your own classmates, then it's probably okay to destroy property belonging to your own class.

"Haha, I never thought you'd ask me to destroy it. You really want to destroy the Katsuragi faction."

"Of course. The Katsuragi faction, whose executives are the bastards who insulted Hiyori, are my enemies."

At least until the Katsuragi faction's influence in Class A is reduced to 0, I intend to attack them in every way I can think of.

And although the shower room costs 40 points, which is not a small price, Katsuragi will probably buy it.

The reason is that the only water source near the cave is the ocean, so it's not suitable for washing your body.

Plus, he's been using the shower so far, so it's impossible for girls to resist.

"Of course I won't force you. If he finds out, you'll be in trouble. However, if you do it and it's found out, I'll pay you 100,000 private points as an apology, and if you're disqualified, which I don't think is possible, you'll be forfeited. I'll give you 150,000 private points."

This time, Hashimoto will be under too much of a burden. I think he wants to do it, but I'm not going to force him to do it.

"Hmm... I'll finally get around to it when I have a chance. However, this time the difficulty level is high, so don't expect too much. Also, if I succeed, I want a reward."

"Good. Well, if you succeed in destroying the shower, how about some beef from A5 at the high-end restaurant as soon as we get back to the school?"

"That's not bad either... Ah! Then when you get back to the school, I'll often come to your room and let me play with Kamuro, who is now a maid."

"I see...I understand. Then, if Kamuro tries to get involved, I'll stop her. By the way, are you going to play with Arisu?"

"No, no, I don't want to die yet."

That makes sense. If you tease Arisu too much, the counterattack will be scary.

After talking about our harassment of the A-class, or Katsuragi faction, we relaxed and fished until the sun went down.