Chapter 49

When I arrived at the observation deck, Hiyori and Masumi were already there.

"I made you wait."

"No. More than that, thank you for your hard work."

"That's my line. I'm relieved that you also got 500,000 private points."

Since no betrayal occurred in Hiyori's group and the existence of the preferential giver was not known, Hiyori, the preferential giver, was given 500,000 private points.

"Yes, but I will give 150,000 points to each of my two classmates in the same group, so my share will be 200,000 points."

"I see. However, I earned 1 million yen from the 500,000 yen I received from Ryūen in the exam to guess who was the favored person, and the 500,000 yen I saw through the preferential person, and Masumi also earned 500,000 because she guessed who was the preferential person, so I guess it's good. "

"We earned 1.7 million points in this exam, so we need another 1.3 million points to buy a room twice the size."

Masumi says so. A room twice the size required 3 million points, and 1.7 million was earned by taking a test to find a preferential treatment.

Only 1.3 million points remain...

"How much do you guys have, excluding the bonus points this time?"

"Around 380,000. I think Sakayanagi has about that much. What about Shiina?"

"About 250,000."

"Okay. Wait a minute."

While saying this, I took out my cell phone and called Arisu. It's still 11 o'clock, so you're awake, right?

"Hello. What's wrong, Hachiman-kun?''

"Ah. Actually, the test results just came out and me, Masumi, and Hiyori earned 1.7 million private points."

"Congratulations. Are you calling me about how much I can pay for a room?"

As expected from Arisu. You talk quickly.

"Ah. I need another 1.3 million points, how many points do you have?"

"I believe it was a little over 360,000."

Arisu is 360,000, Masumi is 380,000, and Hiyori is 250,000. If that happens...

"Okay, Arisu. I'm sorry, but could you please pay me 300,000 yen?"

"300,000? Okay. By the way, how do you feel about the distribution?"

"You and Masumi each have 300,000 yen, Hiyori has 200,000, and I have 500,000."

"Sorry. I let Hachiman-kun pay the most.''

"I'm not particularly concerned. I'd like you to give me a break from paying the full 1.3 million yen."

If that happens, I'm planning to buy a big room after summer vacation.

"It would be helpful if you could say that. By the way, what happened to class points? "

"It's an overwhelming victory for Class C. Class A has 859 points, Class B has 700 points, Class C has 800 points and Class D has 552 points. Therefore, Ryuen's class became B class and Ichinose's class became C."

"Aw. I expected Class A to lose, but the gap has narrowed more than I expected.''

Arisu seems to be impressed as this was unexpected. However, she doesn't seem to have much of a sense of crisis.

From Arisu's point of view, does this mean there is no difference?

"C... it wasn't. It's a close battle with B class, but aren't you worried?"

"No way. It's actually becoming more fun. Class D has improved more than expected, and I can't help but look forward to the special exam starting in the second semester.''

As expected, Arisu doesn't like to lose, but at the same time she also likes to compete.

"Well, do your best. I'll be watching over you with warm eyes from afar."

"Is that so. Hachiman-kun is free to do that, but once you get to A class, you'll have to do the work, okay?"

"I understand that, so don't worry."

Because I want to protect that position once I get to A class.

"If you understand, there is no problem. Also, I'll pick you up at the port tomorrow.''

"Okay. Then."

"Yeah, I'm looking forward to it."

The call ended after those words, so I put my phone in my pocket and looked at Hiyori and Masumi.

"Okay, I'm sorry, but could you please pay me more points than just the points you earned from this exam?"

"Of course. I can't let Hachiman-kun burden himself."

"Well, it's only natural that you'll be taken care of."

The two readily agree to my request.

Considering their personalities, I didn't expect them to refuse, but I'd be happy if they told me clearly.

"It would help if you said that."

"No, no. Let's have some fun together when we get back..."

Hiyori said as she gently hugged my right arm and intertwined our fingers.

"...Nice to meet you from now on."

Masumi hugs Hiyori's left arm and intertwines our fingers.

"Ah. Nice to meet you."

I reply that.

Before I entered the school, I dreamed of an unremarkable, ordinary school life, but at that time, I never would have imagined that a future where I would be living with three girls was waiting for me.

As I was thinking about this, the two of them snuggled up to me and rested their heads on my shoulders.

Their hair tickles me, but since my fingers are intertwined with them, I can't deal with it, and I continue to writhe in agony for a while.

The next day...

The ship arrives at the port of Tokyo. When the ship stopped moving, the students all lined up at the exit, but their expressions varied.

First of all, all of the former C and B class students led by Ryuen had triumphant expressions on their faces.

Although he got 0 points in the desert island test, he signed a contract with the A class to receive a large amount of points every month, and won the bonus test by a landslide and was promoted to B class.

The next person with a bright expression on his face is a student from Class D, to which I belong.

This is probably because he won the desert island test by a landslide, achieved decent results in the preferential test, and increased his class points from 0 points as of May 1st to 552 points.

552 points means you can get 55,200 private points in a month, so I don't know how you feel.

Well, Horikita has a regretful expression on her face, but I don't know about that.

On the other hand, the ones who are depressed are not B... but former B and A classes.

The former B-class student made a decent amount of money on a deserted island, but in a test to guess who would receive preferential treatment, three of them were found to be eligible for preferential treatment, and their class points were significantly reduced.

The result of the desert island test was 190 points, and the result of the preferential treatment test was minus 150 points, so in the end I had 40 class points more than before the trip, and I even fell into class C.

However, the A class is the most miserable.

They earned only 15 class points in the desert island test, and his class points were reduced by 150 points in the preferential treatment test.

Furthermore, according to the contract with Ryūen, the 39 students in Class A (excluding Arisu) pay 15,000 private points to Ryūen every month, and the 16 students from the Katsuragi faction pay me 150,000 private points and earn 10,000 per month.

Since you have to pay private points, people from the Katsuragi faction create a gloomy atmosphere, like a wake.

Looking at us now, it seems like the ranking we had when we first entered the school is not going to matter.

"Get away from me, you losers. You're in the way."

In fact, Ryuen laughs and insults the students of Class A and former Class B, while the students of Class 2 look frustrated but are unable to retort.

In fact, they were defeated by Ryuen in this exam.

Ryuen leads his classmates off the ship, followed by the A class students, followed by the C class students.

Finally, the D-class disembarks from the ship and enters the port. It's been a while since I've been on land.

The ship life was not bad, but there were limited places to play.

(But...the bus hasn't come to pick me up, what's going on?)

It's great to have arrived at the port, but I can't find the bus to pick me up.

Maybe today is the only day I have free time... Ah, four buses came.

Maybe they got stuck in traffic.

As I was thinking about this, the bus stopped, and a girl, Arisu, got off the bus, and at the same time, a nostalgic feeling began to form in my chest.

Then Arisu notices me too and slowly walks towards me, but I don't want to burden her so I quickly approach her.

Then, within 10 seconds, Arisu and I were within arm's reach.

"...It's been a while, Arisu."

When I say that, Arisu smiles kindly.

"Yes. It's been a while."

She says that and hugs me tightly. This is it. It's been a long time since I felt this hugging feeling.

I just hugged Arisu back. Hiyori and Masumi are also comfortable to hold, but Arisu is a total mess.

She's petite so she fits easily in my arms.

"I've been very lonely for two weeks. How was Hachiman-kun?"

"Ah, well, I felt lonely without your teasing."

There are times when I find it annoying when Arisu teases me, but I also feel lonely when she's not there.

"I see. If that's the case, I'll start teasing you again today."

"No, no. Don't get excited just because of that."

I don't deny that I feel lonely without her, but if you start teasing me because of that, I'll die mentally.

"I don't like it. Well then, Hachiman-kun. Please close your eyes."

"Huh? I have a bad feeling about it"

"If you refuse, Shiina-san and Masumi-san will have a viewing party to view the obscene videos and images on Hachiman-kun's computer.''

Are you a demon?!

"I understand."

I close my eyes while saying this. I never expected that I would receive a threat within a minute of meeting her.

But seriously, what are you doing?

If you are cautious...

"Welcome back, Hachiman-kun... I look forward to working with you again today."


For a moment, I felt a soft touch on my lips, and when I opened my eyes, I saw Arisu looking at me with a cute smile instead of her usual cool smile.

I couldn't say anything to Arisu for a while.


"Excuse me. Is Chabashira-sensei here?"

The day after the trip ended, I came to the school's staff room even though it was summer vacation.

"Hikigaya? What have you been up to since your first day off?"

Chabashira-sensei asks while working on paperwork at her desk, so I take out my cell phone and point it at her.

"I'll tell you straight to the point. I'll pay you 3 million yen, so please sell me a room twice the size."

Nearly 7 million private points are displayed there.

I show Chabashira-sensei the screen that displays the points I have, as well as the points I received from Hiyori, Arisu, and Masumi.

"...I'm sure there is.  Alright, I'll arrange a room for you today."

"...." Mashima-sensei.

"Ah, Hikigaya-kun. You really bought a room."

Then, Hoshinomiya-sensei comes towards me from the back of the staff room.

Even though it's summer vacation, teachers are busy.

"Well, that's about it. The teachers are busy even though it's summer vacation."

"It's true, work never feels like it's over...even though I'm depressed because my class has been dropped to C class thanks to Hikigaya-kun."

Hoshinomiya-sensei only looks at me with a gaze of absolute zero when she speaks the last part.

Well, you're not wrong. In the test to guess which person would be eligible for a preferential treatment, I nominated a former B-class student, and I also told Masumi that the preferential person was a former B-class student.

The result of the former B-class preferential test was minus 150 points, but it's no exaggeration to say that 100 of those points were caused by me.


"I don't know what you're talking about. I just nominated a preferential recipient and I got it."

There's no reason for me to be blamed. I just followed the rules of the exam and tried to win.

"That's right. Hikigaya hasn't broken any rules, so don't show any murderous intent."


When Chabashira-sensei says this, Hoshinomiya-sensei calmly disappears and returns to her original seat while pouting.

Chabashira-sensei saw me off and faced me.

"I'll call your room as soon as the room arrangements are complete. When you get the call, head to the manager on the first floor. Also, I'll take care of moving your luggage, so keep it organized."

"Understood. Well, that's it for me."

"Wait. Before that, there's something I want to ask you."


"Let me ask you this directly, do you think the current D-class can rise to A-class?"

Chabashira-sensei says so, so I'll think about it...

"There may be a slight possibility that it will go up."

If there are more exams like the desert island exam in the future, there is a possibility that you can earn a large amount of class points.

However, it will be tough if there are more exams like the exam to guess who will receive preferential treatment.

After all, Arisu will be acting as the leader of A class from the second semester onwards.

Considering that, there may be a 1 or 2% chance of being promoted to A class.


"But even if it can go up, it is impossible to keep it."

It's not enough to just move up to A class. There is no point in keeping it until job hunting or recommendation entrance exams are held.

And it would be impossible to keep. Moving up to class A means that we will inevitably be targeted by all three classes, B to D, but it will be impossible to survive the onslaught of the three classes that were originally considered superior to us.

That's what I think.

"So, are you aiming for A class on your own? But wouldn't that be too hasty? If you're going to get promoted on your own, wouldn't it be better to do it right before you take the recommendation entrance exam in your third year or start job hunting?"

Horikita said the same thing. Well, I don't deny that that's a general idea.

"Normally that would be the case, but unfortunately I'm not normal."

After saying that, I leave the staff room.

The main reason I want to move up to class A is because Arisu told me she wanted to be in the same class.

Most students would think this was stupid, but to me, it really doesn't matter.

No matter what third parties think, I personally think it's good.

With that thought in mind, I leave the school building and return to the dormitory.

Then I return to my room and talk to the three people inside: Hiyori, Arisu, and Masumi.

"I've bought it. It seems like they'll be taking care of moving my stuff for the time being, so please keep it tidy."

"Okay. However, Shiina-san and I don't have that many things, and Masumi-san doesn't bring anything into this room, so it shouldn't take that long. For now, Masumi-san, please help Hachiman-kun."

"Okay, okay. Well then, Hachiman, I'm going to gather up my teaching materials, books, and computer."


While saying this to Masumi, I take out my clothes and underwear from the closet, fold them, and start putting them in cardboard boxes.

Furthermore, when I saw Hiyori and Arisu, who were organizing their clothes like me, taking pink shorts and white bras out of the closet, I hurriedly looked away.

2 hours later...

An hour after I finished organizing my room, the phone in my room rang, so I picked up the phone.


"This will be the administrator. I would like to inform you that the arrangements for a new room have been completed. If it is convenient for you, please come to the manager's room on the first floor with the key to the room you are currently using.''

"Okay. Thank you for contacting me."

After saying that, I hung up the call and faced Hiyori and the others.

"Looks like the preparations are complete, so let's go."

The three of them nod, so I lead them out of the room, get on the elevator, and go down to the first floor.

When I handed the key to the room I had been using to the manager, the manager gave me a new key, but it was a stricter key than the one I was using before.

"Your new room is room 113 on the first floor. Your luggage in your old room will be delivered within an hour."

That's what they say. After receiving the keys, we went to check out the room and found that there was a large gap between the doors at the end of the hallway.

Judging from that, it can be inferred that all of the rooms, which are larger than normal, are gathered on the first floor.

Then I arrived in front of room 113, opened the door using the key, and went inside. Then I found a room twice the size of the room I was using before.

"I knew it was twice as big, but it looks bigger than I expected."

"That's probably because the three of us were sleeping in a small room."

"The kitchen space is also bigger."

"The bathtub is almost twice as big, so even four people can fit in it."

"Wait a minute!"

Didn't Arisu casually say something outrageous?!

"What happened?"

"What's wrong? Did you just say that the four of us were going to take a bath together?"

"Yes. Since we took the trouble to have a spacious bath, it means that we can deepen our friendship."

"I'm rejecting it. If that happens, it won't taste good in a lot of ways."

Mainly my rationality. I can't even imagine what would happen if I took a bath with three beautiful girls.

"Then let's take a majority vote in accordance with democracy. Masumi-san and Shiina-san. If you agree with the four of us taking a bath, please raise your hand."

Arisu says that and talks to them, but it seems like they're going to take a bath with a boy too, so they say, "I agree.''

"I-I don't particularly dislike it...''


Looking at the three of them, Arisu and Hiyori were standing straight, and Masumi had raised her hand, albeit small.

I'm the only one who didn't mention it...

"It's decided. 4 people will enter with 3 votes in favor and 1 vote against."

Arisu says that with a triumphant smile.

'Now that this has happened, you have no power to oppose me.'

"Ah...I see. Damn it..."

"Do you hate baths that much? Among the lewd videos on Hachiman-kun's computer, there were many videos of  engaging in acts in the bath."


I couldn't help but burst out laughing at Arisu's bombshell statement.

I knew she was checking the erotic videos on my computer, but did she actually see them all?

As I was thinking about this, I felt someone's eyes on me, so I looked over and saw that Hiyori was staring at me, and Masumi was looking at me like she was looking at trash.

I don't understand how you feel, but please don't make that expression.

Afterwards, I apologized to both of them profusely, and they forgave me, but needless to say I was extremely embarrassed when they asked me to kiss them on the cheek as a condition.

2 hours later...

"Now that the food has arrived, let's have a toast. Congratulations on the birth of our new roommate."


At a fairly high-end restaurant in a shopping mall, Hiyori said this and the four of us started smashing glasses together.

When we heard a clanking sound, the four of us drank the drinks in the glasses.

"Now then, Masumi-san. As someone who is newly living with us, please give a few words."

When Arisu says that, Masumi takes a breath and nods.

"From today onwards, I'll take care of you... especially Hachiman. Thank you for listening to my request..."

She says this while blushing a little. That gesture is also cute.

"I don't mind. Please take care of me from now on."

"I'll help you with the housework."

Masumi says so, which I'm grateful for because it will reduce Hiyori's burden.

Before Masumi came, Hiyori did the housework, and Arisu, who wasn't physically strong but was smart, taught me studies in exchange for rent.

It would be a blessing if that would lessen Hiyori's burden.

"It would be helpful if you could do that. But this will be peaceful until the second semester."

"That's right. However, Hachiman-kun, there will be trials starting in the second semester that will result in expulsion, so we can't let our guard down."

Arisu says so, and I agree with her. So far, there have been no dropouts in the first year, but I know that there have been dropouts in the second and third years.

There is a high possibility that besides getting a red mark, people will also be expelled from the special exam.

And from the second semester, we too will be taking such exams.

The first semester was just a lenient exam because I wasn't used to school yet.

"I guess. Well, I'll just do my best to not get expelled."

"Yeah. Oh, don't worry if you get expelled. I'll ask my father to let you work as a cleaner or a store clerk at this school until I graduate."

"That's a nice suggestion, but I have no intention of being expelled."

"It's just a matter of what if."

"I know that. Thank you."

"Ah... hmm"

When I stroke Arisu's head, Arisu narrows her eyes and twists her body cutely.

She's usually cool, but I can't stand it when she gives me that kind of expression.

Then I felt someone's eyes on me again, so I looked over and sure enough, Hiyori and Masumi were staring at me.

At that time, I stroked their heads the same way I did Arisu's, and their frown disappeared, which made me feel relieved.