Chapter 50

When I returned to my room after finishing my meal, my belongings had already been brought in.

"Okay, Hiyori, Arisu, and I will sort out our luggage, and Masumi, please bring your luggage from your room. Did you buy any big furniture? If you have, I'll help you move it."

"No. I just bought casual clothes and a magazine, so I'll be fine on my own."

After Masumi says that, she leaves the room, so we put our clothes in the closet and start removing the plastic sheets wrapped around the TV and placing them in the corner of the room.

I removed the plastic sheets wrapped around the furniture, gathered the cardboard and plastic in one place, and collapsed onto the bed.

The size of the bed is also larger than the bed in my previous room, but does this mean that the person who used this room before was also living with someone, like me?

As I was thinking about this, Hiyori and Arisu also finished unpacking and climbed onto the bed to join me, but I didn't care as it was usual.

But starting today, Masumi will be joining us, so I don't know what will happen.

I even slept with Masumi when we were on a deserted island. Also, I was in just my boxers and wrapped in a bath towel, while Masumi was completely naked, and we were hugging each other.


"Hachiman-kun? Are you okay? You're turning really red."

"Are you having trouble breathing?"

Arisu and Hiyori talk to me, looking worried.

"It's okay. It's not stuffy, but it's summer so it's a bit hot."

Tell a lie with a straight face.

Even I know what would happen if I said something like,  "It reminded me of when I was on a deserted island and I was hugging a completely naked Masumi.''

Hiyori and Arisu will look at me like they're trash, and Masumi will probably blow me away.

"Okay. I'll lower the temperature of the air conditioner."

Hiyori says so and operates the air conditioner remote control, but she also has the choice to leave me, right?

As I was thinking about this, Arisu tugged at my clothes.


"Hachiman-kun, please hug me tightly."

"Yes, yes"

While saying this, I pull Arisu into my arms. Then, Arisu also hugged me. After all, the feeling of holding Arisu is the best.

"Ah...the way Hachiman-kun hugs me feels so good."

"Very well."

"Excuse me"

Then Hiyori hugged me on the back. And without a moment's hesitation, she starts to nuzzle her head.

"Hachiman-kun's back is big."

Saying that, Hiyori is completely spoiled and is just as cute as Arisu.

And from today onwards, in addition to these two, Masumi will also be living with me, but if she gets too spoiled and goes all out, I'm confident that I'll be completely defeated.

Masumi usually gives off a cold air, but she's really cute when she's being pampered.

As I was thinking about it, I heard the sound of the door opening. It seems that the person in question has also returned.

"...What? Are you going to bed without taking a bath?"

The person in question, Masumi, looks at us in bed with a scowl, but don't look at us like that.

"No. Since Hachiman-kun climbed onto the bed, I couldn't help but want to pamper him. But don't worry, we're going to take a bath properly."

"That's right. Now that the four of us are here, let's go."

"Oh, come on!

"Hachiman-kun, you promised"

"Yes, I'll go."

I try to see them off, but Hiyori and Arisu grab my hands and take me to the bathroom.

I could run away if I used force, but if I did that, Hiyori and the others might get hurt, so unfortunately there was no way to resist.

When we entered the changing room, Masumi also entered at the same time and began to take off her clothes without hesitation.

She then took off her skirt, revealing her purple underwear, and she hurriedly averted her eyes.

"What! You have too little hesitation!"

"I don't mind if Hachiman sees me. Besides, he saw me naked and we hugged each other on the deserted island, so it's too late now."

Masumi says this without showing any signs of shyness, this girl, does she want to cause a bloodbath here?!

''Gashi! '...

I suddenly felt a weight fall on my shoulders. When I looked, Hiyori and Arisu were smiling at me, their eyes not smiling at all.

"Hachiman-kun. Please explain. I don't think so, but did you cross the line?"

"It's not true! It just happened  because of poor circumstances. Hey, Masumi don't just stand there naked and say something!"

I said that in response to Arisu's question and explained what happened at that time.

At first, the two of them looked at each other with absolute zero stares, but as the conversation progressed, a warmth began to rise in their eyes.

"I see...well, the rain was really strong that time, so it can't be helped."

"If something like that were to happen, I wouldn't be able to help it."

The two of them nod and say so. I'm really glad that the misunderstanding has been resolved, I said, ''Let's take a bath.''

''I see.''

But how should I deal with future problems?


When I heard the sound of people taking off their clothes, I saw Hiyori in pink underwear and Arisu in light blue underwear.

At the same time, Masumi also caught my eye and I realized that my face was getting explosively hot.

All three have completely different looks, atmospheres, and personalities, but they all have one thing in common: their looks are on a whole other level.

All three have different charms.

And these three people are standing in front of me in their this really heaven?

While they were thinking this, the three of them removed their underwear and went into the bathroom, just as they were when they were born.

I haven't taken my clothes off at the moment, but do I have to take a bath too?!

When I hesitate to take off my clothes...

''Please come quickly, Hachiman-kun. Otherwise, I'll just stay naked in the room tomorrow when Hachiman-kun is there, okay?"

I had no choice but to follow Arisu's words, so I put my hands on my clothes.


"Huh... that's nice hot water."

"Shiina-san is right. Anyway..." Arisu fondled Masumi's breasts with her small hands looking quite envious.

"W-What is it, Sakayanagi?"

"No. I just thought Masumi-san's breasts were big for a first year high school student."

"I want to grow up to be that big, too."

"...You are bothering me"

Every time I hear such an exchange from those around me, I feel heat build up on my face.

They shouldn't talk like that in the bathtub.

I'm currently in the bathtub surrounded by Hiyori, Arisu, and Masumi.

Moreover, they were all naked and attached to me.

As a result, I can feel the soft touch of the three people's bodies on my body.

Even if I tried to run away, I couldn't because the three of them were in close contact with me, and on top of that, the content of their conversation was not something boys would want to hear.

"What about Hachiman-kun?"

Then Arisu leans in and speaks to me, but I feel a small but soft touch on my right arm. Do they want me to die in agony?

"W-what are you talking about?"

"What kind of breasts do you like, Hachiman-kun?"

"Big breasts? Small breasts?"

"Or is it the shape? Or are you focusing on the balance with others?"

The three of them approached me saying that, but if a naked girl asked me such a question...

"Oh, I'm leaving now!"

I felt like my rationality was about to go awry, so I got out of the bathtub and returned to the changing room, taking great care not to push the three of them away.

Then, I quickly wiped my body, changed into my night pajamas, left the changing room, and dived into bed.

What I remember is the feel of their soft bodies. That is too sweet...

After trying to deal with the heat that had accumulated on my face for a while, I eventually heard a rattling sound, but I think it was probably three people coming out of the bath.

After a while, Hiyori and her friends returned to the room wearing pajamas.

"Why did you go up first?"

Hiyori, the natural nuclear warhead, asks curiously.

As usual, this girl's naturalness is terrifying.

"That's right. Please don't go up alone first."

Arisu, on the other hand, seems to understand everything and warns me while smiling happily.

This girl is scary in a different way than Hiyori.

"Well, I don't care if Hachiman leaves early."

Masumi, on the other hand, doesn't seem particularly bothered, climbs onto the bed, takes a position on my right side, and hugs me in her arms.

At the same time, Arisu erases her smile and speaks to Masumi.

"Wait, Masumi-san. The one next to Hachiman-kun is mine."

"Isn't it first come first served?"

Masumi replied without worrying about Arisu's words. As a result, a blue streak appears in Arisu's head.

"...It seems like you've gained a lot of confidence on your trip."

"I usually follow you, but I won't compromise on this."

"Fufufu... That's fine. I'll take the left one, then. Shiina-san, please explain the difference in rank to Masumi-san.... huh, where is Shiina-san?!"

When Arisu was facing Masumi, Hiyori took up position on my left side and hugged me in her arms, making Arisu's eyes widen.

"I never thought I'd be late... If this happens, I'll just sleep above Hachiman-kun."

No, just sleep next to Masumi or Hiyori. Why above me?

As I was thinking, Arisu climbed on top of me and hugged me before I could stop her.

However, she's not heavy at all, so it's not stuffy.

Moreover, Arisu's face is in close contact with mine, and if either of us moves our faces, we'll end up kissing, so I have to be careful.

If you think so...

"Well then, Hachiman-kun. Good night."

"Ah. Good night. Ashinmu



Suddenly, Arisu kissed me goodnight. Except it wasn't on her forehead, it was on my lips.

This marks my second kiss with Arisu.

Surprised by the sudden surprise attack, Arisu closes her eyes and begins to fall asleep.

At that time, Hiyori and Masumi's gaze hurts, Arisu, don't drop the bomb and then go to sleep!

All I could do was to insult her, and after that, Hiyori and Masumi did the same thing like Arisu.


A few days after summer vacation started, I went to the shopping mall by myself. Arisu and the others asked for permission to accompany me, but I declined, wanting to go out on my own.

So now I've finished shopping and am enjoying coffee and cake at a cafe...

"Is it okay to share a seat?"

"Hmm... Oh it's Hashimoto? I don't really care."

Hashimoto, who was dressed in a playful manner, asked to share a table with me, so I accepted.

Hashimoto thanks me, sits across from me, and begins drinking iced tea.

"Still, it's rare for you to be alone without Sakayanagi and the others."

"Sometimes I want to do that."

"I see... Ah, that's right. You and Sakayanagi are going to the fireworks festival next time, right?"

"Well. Do you know?"

"Sakayanagi told me."

Do you want to ask Hashimoto to go with you? I don't really mind, but wouldn't it be nice if Hiyori and Masumi were also there?

In any case, I have to keep my promise to Arisu.

"I see. Then I'll tell Hiyori and the others."

"Just do that. Also, why don't you buy Sakayanagi a present?"


What happened all of a sudden? Is Arisu's birthday in August? It was March, right?

When I questioned Hashimoto's words, he let out a sigh.

"You know. When you go on a date with a girl, you prepare her a present."

"It's not a date. We're just going to a fireworks display together."

"It's just a date, right? Anyway, if you prepare a present, Sakayanagi will be happy."

That's a theory I don't really understand. I've never really gone out with a girl before.

I have been to a fireworks display before, but...she's a person with human problems, so I didn't care to do anything like that at all.

But I guess it's a present for Arisu...

Well, it's thanks to Arisu that my grades have improved and I've been able to get bonus points on the exam, so it's not a bad idea to express my gratitude.


(I have no idea what to buy as a present)

I've never given a girl a gift before. All I know is that handing over Gunpla is no good.

For now, I'd like to ask Hashimoto, who seems to be having lots of fun with women, to give me some advice.

"Then Hashimoto. What should I give to Arisu that will make her happy?"

"Sakayanagi, huh? She doesn't have any material desires either."

As Hashimoto says, Arisu has no material desires. In other words, all the members who live with me don't have that much of a desire for material things.

As for Hiyori, she buys a lot of books, but she doesn't buy much else, so she probably doesn't have much of a desire for material things.

"Ah, but I can understand if it's something she would definitely be happy to receive from you."

"Seriously? Then tell me."

If there is something that Arisu would be happy with, I definitely want to buy it.

"Yeah. But don't mention my name when you hand it over. Otherwise, Sakayanagi will probably get mad."

I don't really understand. Do you think Arisu will get mad if you mention Hashimoto's name? I don't understand it at all.

However, Hashimoto's expression is serious, and it doesn't look like he's lying, so he's probably serious.

"Okay. I won't tell her anything, so please tell me the present that Arisu will be happy with."

"Okay. What Sakayanagi wants is..."

"Thank you very much. We look forward to seeing you again."

After receiving a greeting from a beautiful female clerk, I exit the store and talk to Hashimoto.

"Hashimoto, this really makes Arisu happy, right?"

I paid 50,000 points to buy it, so if she's not happy with it, it's a scam.

"Of course. If the reaction is bad, I'll pay you 100,000 yen as an apology."

Hashimoto says this confidently. If you're that confident, I'll trust him

"Okay. I'm going home now, but what about you?"

"Then let me go to your room. Pay me the desert island fee."

The reward of a deserted island...oh, that's it.

"Okay. Then come with me."

Saying that, I take Hashimoto with me and return to the dormitory. Then I passed through the manager's room and headed to my room.

"The new room is on the first floor?"

"The big rooms are gathered at the back of the first floor."

While saying this, I unlock the door and go inside.

"I'm home"

While saying this, I headed to the living room...

"Welcome home, master… So why are you bringing Hashimoto here?"

"Oh? Welcome, Hashimoto-kun."

Masumi, who was wearing a maid outfit, looked displeased, and Arisu greeted him with her usual expression.

"Wow, you really turned into a maid. I laughed when I saw it on video, but when you see it in person, the destructive power is different."

"It's annoying... Hachiman, why did you bring this guy here?"

"It was my reward for destroying the shower on a deserted island."

During my trip, I received a request from Arisu to attack the Katsuragi faction, and I asked Hashimoto to destroy the A-class shower.

The former was achieved by making Totsuka use violence, and Arisu and Masumi became my maids during the summer vacation.

As for the latter, Hashimoto asked me to play with Masumi, who had become a maid, and I agreed.


"That's too bad. By the way, what about Hiyori?"

"She's going to the library. Besides, Master, you must be tired, so please sit down."

Arisu says so, so I take Hashimoto and sit on the cushion.

"Thank you. I'm sorry, but I'd like you to prepare some tea and sweets."

"Okay, I'll prepare the tea, and Masumi-san, please prepare the sweets."

"Yes, yes"

The two of them headed towards the kitchen, and once they were out of sight, Hashimoto spoke to me.

"Hey, Hikigaya. This maid outfit is nice."


"I thought it would be strange for Sakayanagi, who is the type of person who stands above people, to dress as a servant, but it surprisingly suits her, and when Kamuro, who is usually cool, wears it, I feel a gap.''

"I won't deny that."

"But it's a waste to just wear a maid outfit, right?"

"Isn't it a waste?"

"Yeah. It's a good idea to ask for a Chinese dress, a school swimsuit, a bunny girl, a race queen, a stewardess, or a naked apron."

Hashimoto says this with a dry laugh. In other words, let's have a cosplay festival.

Well, I'm definitely interested. The two of them cosplaying is awesome.


"If I did that, wouldn't I be a pervert?"

"You've already kissed three girls, isn't it too late?"

H-I can't deny it. In fact, I have kissed Hiyori, Arisu, and Masumi, and we have kissed each other on the lips many times, but from a third party's point of view...

Yeah, Hashimoto is right.

"What the hell are you two talking about? Pervert."

Then Masumi comes over with sweets while looking at us with a blank stare.

Arisu comes from the kitchen, smiling happily as she boils water, but she seems to have heard us.

"No, no. I was just talking about Hikigaya's hobbies. Kamuro more than anything."

Hashimoto smiles and talks to Masumi. Masumi, on the other hand, looks at Hashimoto with full caution.


''Since you took the time to become a maid, please come play rock-paper-scissors with me an-


At Hashimoto's joke, Masumi slams her fist into Hashimoto's stomach.

Hashimoto then hits his head on the floor and passes out. I don't understand how he feels, but it looks like it hurts.

After exhaling, I pick Hashimoto up and lay him on the bed. It would be pitiful if I let him sleep on the floor.


"Masumi, can I ask you to play Moe Moe Rock, Paper, Scissors?"

She took the trouble to become my maid. I would love to try it.

"...Okay. Then, master, if you win, what do you want?"

Masumi looks at me with a blank stare but agrees. Behind her, Arisu is pointing her cell phone at her, but she ignores it.

"Then if you win, I'll ask for a lap pillow."

"That's cool...By the way, if you lose, please kiss me on the lips."

This bastard...she casually made an outrageous request. What a horrible maid.

"...I understand. Then let's do it."

I hesitated for a moment, but agreed.

At the same time, Masumi put her hand out to me and looked extremely embarrassed...

"Moe, moe, rock, paper, scissors, pop."


Put your hand out. At the same time, I also try my hand at it, but I end up laughing.

as a result...

Masumi wins.

It was my loss. By the way, Arisu is in the kitchen with her back to us, but I'm sure she's holding back her laughter.

Well, I don't understand how she feels.

I am still in a daze about my loss.

"I win, Master. So... I'd like a kiss, please."

Masumi closes her eyes after saying that. When I glanced at the side, Hashimoto was still unconscious.

Arisu still has her back to me... so it's okay.

Having made that decision, I hugged Masumi...


Gently press your lips together. I had already kissed Arisu, Hiyori, and Masumi, so I didn't feel that embarrassed.

Masumi, on the other hand, is a very erotic maid who comes after me.

Even though I thought so, I kissed Masumi like a loser.

After that, I finished kissing and was able to enjoy Arisu and Masumi's service.

By the way, when Hashimoto woke up, Arisu showed him a video of

"Me and Masumi kissing after playing rock-paper-scissors,'' and he burst into laughter, so needless to say, Masumi and I knocked him down for a while.
