Chapter 56

"So, I think each class should stick together and participate in Botoshi and Tug of War.''

"That's right. I'd like to decide on attack, defense, and positioning when pulling the rope this week."

Almost three weeks have passed since the second semester started.

So, I'm currently having a meeting with Class A regarding team competitions. Well, a few people were selected from both classes.

From class D there are me, Hirata, and Horikita, and from class A there are Arisu, Katsuragi, and Hashimoto.

Well, the ones I'm talking about are Hirata and Katsuragi.

But why did you choose me? There's no need to elect me, who is treated with hostility by half of the students in Class A.

Well, it's probably because it has something to do with Ryuen.

Thinking this, I looked up and met Arisu's eyes. Arisu smiled and waved, so I waved back as well. So cute...

"Hikigaya-kun, are you okay?"

Then Hirata speaks to me. You can read most of the story.

"What? Is it about what plan Ryuuen will take?"

"Yeah. I thought Hikigaya-kun, who is close to Ryuen-kun, would understand."

Hirata says so, but I can't ignore it now.

"Hirata. Let me correct you on one thing. I'm not close to Ryuen. If you get close to him, you'll end up in hell without realizing it."

I often talk to Ryuen, but I've never felt that we're close, and I've never been open to him.

If I let my guard down even for a moment, Ryuen would see through me and attack me mercilessly.

"They tell each other information during special exams, so I thought they were very 'good friends'."

"Do you not know the word homophobia, Horikita?"

"Does that mean you are aware that you are trash?"

"I won't deny it. At least I'm not a stupid person. Well, I'm not a small fry like you."

At least if you fight Horikita according to the rules of this school, you'll probably win.

"You shouldn't ignore it. I did better than you in the written exam!"

When Horikita says that, Arisu, who is sitting across from her, laughs slightly.

Although it was a short gesture, Horikita did not miss it.

"...What's wrong?"

"Excuse me. I found your comment that written test scores are associated with excellence so funny that I laughed."

"What do you mean? Academic ability is the most important thing, right?"

"Of course, academic ability is important in life. However, academic ability is only one weapon, not everything. If you think that academic ability is everything, you are inferior to Hachiman-kun."

"It just sounds like a personal opinion."

Well, I guess so. It's well known that Arisu and I are good friends.

"I see. Katsuragi-kun, who has the top grades in his class, put Class A into a predicament during a summer vacation trip by Hachiman-kun and Ryuen-kun, who have lower grades than Katsuragi-kun. Thinking about that, I don't think academic ability is everything."

Arisu's nonchalant complaints about Katsuragi make him look grim, but Arisu has a cool expression on her face.

If Ryūen was an overwhelming provocation filled with malice, Arisu was a provocation that was as sharp as a hornet.

You shouldn't mess with either, if you're a smart person. That's what I thought.

"Besides, if you're really good, you wouldn't be in Class D, right?"

Well, I guess so. It would be fine if she got into trouble in middle school like I did, but I don't think a clever girl like Horikita would.

Therefore, Horikita going to D class simply means that Horikita is not excellent.

"...I can only think that there is a flaw on the school's part."

Hey hey... you've said it before, but do you still think the same way? Arisu also laughs at this.

In any case, I'm going to burst out laughing if I listen to this girl's nonsense any more, so it's time to get back to the main topic.

"Hon, I'm off topic. Let's put off Horikita's nonsense and talk about Ryuen's plan."

"Yeah. Sorry for derailing you."

When I say that, Arisu bows her head and apologizes. At that time, Horikita glares at me, but I don't care.

At most, She can only complain to her brother.

"First of all, if Ryuen were to try something in the actual event, it would probably be a team competition. If it was an individual competition, it would be difficult to blatantly destroy it."

"In that case, it will be a cavalry battle and a stick fight, right?"

"No, I'm sure they'll try to pull it in the tug of war."

"In tug of war, we keep our distance from each other, so isn't it impossible to play rough?"

Hirata says so. Well, normally that would be impossible.

"Rough play is impossible, but harassment is possible. For example, when the AD alliance is in a tug-of-war and wins with just one step behind, what will happen if the B class led by Ryuen let go all at once?"

"Ah, I see. If that happens, there will be too much momentum and the AD Union will fall."

Hashimoto murmurs as if he understands, so I nod.

"That's the thing. Due to his personality, if he decides that he has lost, there is no way he will lose for free. If he were to lose anyway, he would choose to lose in a way that causes damage to his opponent."

If that happens, there is a possibility that someone from the AD Union will get injured, and that monkey Sudo may lose his temper and not be able to demonstrate his true potential.

"I see. But isn't there no specific countermeasure for that?"

"I'm just talking about a plan that will likely be adopted by Ryuen. Well, if I had to force it, if we feel like we're about to lose, we should all just let go of the rope."

In the end, this tactic is a form of harassment carried out by the side that is about to lose.

If you do that, you will cause damage to your opponent both physically and mentally.

"No. You can't do that kind of unsportsmanlike behavior."

Hirata is the first to object. Looking around me, Horikita and Katsuragi seem to be against me, with grim expressions on their faces, while Arisu and Hashimoto nod in agreement.

To me, being cowardly and dirty is just the nonsense of a loser...

"As I said earlier, I'm just voicing my opinion, so you don't have to say you disagree with me. Next is the bodoshi, but in this case, I think they'll just cover up and punch you."

"Well, I guess so. Botoshi is the event that is best suited for rough play."

"If we're talking about countermeasures, it's about not going on the offensive. Normally, a popular tactic is for A-class to attack and D-class to defend, but I dared to go on the defensive with an AD alliance. That way, the other side won't be able to make rough plays either."

Since everyone participates in all events, there is a time limit for botaoshi, and if neither side's poles fall within the time limit, it will be a draw.

The best way to deal with the rough play on the other side is to aim for a draw.

Since Ichinose is the leader of Class C, I wonder if they won't do any blatant rough play. If they were to play rough, it would be Class B led by Ryuen, but even Ryuen would not play rough against twice as many people.

"Does that mean you're giving up the fight?"

"What else does it mean? There's no need to be obsessed with immediate victory, just win in the end."

"Ultimate victory is the accumulation of immediate victories. It would be wrong to throw it away, even if it's just one event."

Horikita says so, but all you have to do is win in the events you can win.

It's true that botaoshi is a team event, so the points you get are huge, but considering the possibility of injury, it's an event where you don't have to force yourself to win.

"Then do whatever you like. As I've said many times, I'm just giving my opinion, I'm not leading the class. And as for the final cavalry battle...honestly, there are too many moves so I can't make a decision."

"Can't decide?"

"Ah. Considering Ryuen's personality, there are too many ways to do it. He tried to crush Horikita with multiple cavalry horses, put lotion or other slippery substances on his headband, and deliberately fell off his horse and got lost in the mess while he was doing it. He might attack."

If Ryuen were to do it, that would be it. Or ordering a giant like Albert to crush the weaker cavalry.

"Well, it's basically like this. You should think of a countermeasure against that."

"Where are you going?!"

When I stood up, Horikita asked me that question...

"It's supposed to be practice, right? The reason you called me was to ask about Ryuen's behavior patterns, but I've already told you everything, so there's no reason for me to be here."

The other guys are already participating in practice.

"Please do your best, Hachiman-kun."

"Thank you."

After receiving some encouragement from Arisu, I leave the room and head to the shoe closet to practice.

Then, when I went straight to the ground, I saw that the obstacle race practice was starting, so I joined in.

One week later, after practicing various things, today is the day to submit the participation form, and you will fill out the participation form based on your practice records so far.

The general events for all participants were decided without any problems, and the recommended events and the quotas for athletes who had already been decided were also decided without taking much time...

"About the final 1200m relay...I have to decide between Hikigaya-kun and Miyake-kun."

As Hirata says, that's the problem. The 1,200-meter relay is a relay in which each class has six participants, three men and three women, each running 200 meters.

If you think about it, you should have someone who is fast, but every time Miyake and I run, we are in 3rd and 4th place and are evenly matched in speed.

Hirata is also troubled by the fact that even after looking at the notes, it is difficult to decide between the best and the worst.

"It's okay to just play rock, paper, scissors."

"What about your vote?"

"Wouldn't it be better if we both ran together from now on and won?"

I can hear such a conversation, but I'm sorry because it would be troublesome to run now.

"Isn't it enough to just play rock, paper, scissors? Looking at the records, there's not much of a difference."

"I guess it depends on Hikigaya-kun's opinion? What do you think?"

"I don't mind rock-paper-scissors."

Miyake said so, and Hirata asked me for confirmation, but there was no objection.

At least it's better than running now.

Even though I thought so, I agreed and put my hand out to play rock, paper, scissors.


Me Scissor

Miyake Paper

I won.

"It's decided. So, Hikigaya-kun is a 1200 meter relay athlete."

In this way, it was decided that I would be participating in many events, following Sudo, Hirata, and Horikita, who were participating in all events.

Well, it's a great opportunity, so I'll do my best and get a good result. If you do that, you'll get bonus points for the next midterm exam!

I am really excited about getting more bonus points!

The final 1,200m relay participants have been decided, and now all that's left to do is decide on the order.

Then, all you have to do is submit your completed participation form and practice until the day of the event.

"Okay, then let's decide the order for the last 1200 meters."

Hirata said as he looked over at the five relay participants: myself, Sudo, Horikita, Onodera, and Maezono...

"No matter what you decide, Sudo will be the anchor, Hirata will be the first, and the rest will be whatever you like."

As for the speed of the relay participants, first place was by far Sudo, followed by Hirata in second, then me, then Horikita, followed by Onodera and Maezono.

Having Sudo as the anchor is a must.

After looking into information about other classes and grades, Sudo is the only one who can compete with the incredibly fast 3-A President Horikita and 2-A Nagumo-senpai.

I also want to have a fast runner as the first runner to take the lead, and in that case, it would be best to put Hirata, who is fast next to Sudo.

"Hikigaya's opinion is fine."

"Isn't it good?"

"It would be best to have Hikigaya-kun and Horikita-san in the third and fourth positions."

Sudo, Onodera, and Maezono agree.

Horikita is silent but seems unconvinced, but is there something wrong with her?

While thinking about this, Hirata opens his mouth.

"I think that's fine too. Now, about the second runner. Wait, Horikita-san, what's going on?"

"About the anchor, I want to do it."


Sudo is confused but refutes.

"There's a reason. In Sudo-kun's case, he's good at starting dashes, so I thought he could run first and outrun his opponent. If he started first, he could keep inside and take the match to his advantage."

In other words, does Horikita want an escape strategy where she puts the fast guys first?

Well, if you're going to use an escape strategy, it would be best to put Sudo first.

Sudo's speed will allow him to extend his lead, and I have no complaints about that difference.


"If you're going to do a runaway tactic, I don't mind putting Sudo first, but I don't want you to be the anchor. As insurance, you should make Hirata, who is the second fastest, the anchor."

It's true that if you make a good start, it will be easier to run from 2nd place.

However, in the case of an escape strategy, it is absolutely necessary to use the strongest card Sudo first, so the other players have to run while feeling the pressure.

I don't mind pressure, but I don't know about other aspects.

In any case, it is best for a fast person to anchor the anchor just in case.

Horikita is the best among the girls, but she's slower than me, the third-place boy, and even if she uses a run-away tactic, it's not accurate to use her as an anchor.

"Well, if you're going to use escape tactics, that's true. I guess the anchor is for the fastest person on the team."

It seems that Sudo wants to fight with basic tactics, not escape tactics. Well, I'm fine with either.

I'd probably run 3rd or 4th with either tactic.

"This is a meritocratic school. It's not a good idea to make decisions based solely on your assumptions and preconceptions. I'll make sure to show you results that exceed your practice."

Horikita says so...but I don't understand what she means.

"Until recently, you were dismissing the opinions of some people by saying that you focused on ability. So now you're changing your policy by talking about guts."

In the previous discussion, I had the habit of dismissing the opinions of guts and opportunities, but now I'm bringing up guts...

Is it Gian's idea that others are bad and I'm good?

"I see. Is there a reason?"

Sudo seems to agree with this and asks Horikita a question. Horikita, on the other hand, seems to have a difficult look on het face, but it's obvious that this is due to her personal feelings.

As I was thinking about this, Ayanokoji came over and opened his mouth.

"Horikita's older brother is the student council president, but I think they're fighting and want an opportunity to make up.''

Horikita glares at Ayanokoji for a moment at his words, but she doesn't deny it, so it must be true.

"If that's the case, you can give it to her."

Sudo agrees with Ayanokoji's words and the others nod, but will they be able to make up with that straight-laced chairman?

In any case, the majority of participants have been decided, and the list of participants has been completed, with Horikita serving as the anchor.

"That's it. Now, can everyone just take note of their turn and partner? Please don't leave any records of the shooting or anything like that."

Hirata said as he posted the participation list on the blackboard, and most of his classmates went to the front with pens and notes in hand.

I keep an eye on my classmates. If there is a whistleblower, there is a high possibility that they are secretly taking pictures using a cell phone.

I don't have any intention of accusing him, but since he's teaming up with Ryuen, there's no doubt that he's dangerous, so I have to mark him down for future reference.

As I was observing while thinking that...

(Is that him...)

I found someone who secretly took out his cell phone and pointed it at the participation table.

Moreover, there were people who noticed it because it was a nonchalant movement.

There were quite a few people like me who stayed away from the crowd, but Ayanokoji was the only one who had a sharp look in his eyes instead of his usual lazy one.

Most of his classmates may think that Ayanokoji is a plain man, but judging by the sharpness in his eyes, he is definitely not an ordinary person.

In any case, their purpose is probably to cause damage to the D-class, but I don't understand why they would do that, so there's no need to blame them.

I originally thought that my class points would be reduced when it came to the sports festival, and if I did something wrong, it would cause a lot of trouble.

For now, I'll just investigate it, and if his actions have a negative impact on my peace or the lives of Hiyori and the others, I'll do my best to destroy him.

While thinking about this, I grabbed a notepad and started recording my turn.

After the participation list was completed, the class was dismissed, so I left the classroom and headed to the shopping mall by myself.

Hiyori and the others are still having a strategy meeting, so I can't disturb them.

With this in mind, I go to a bookstore or an arcade to enjoy some alone time for the first time in a while, but I feel lonely and unsatisfied.

(Before I entered this school, my favorite thing to do was to spend time alone...)

The reason for this is easy to imagine. The three people I live with probably have it.

Every day has been fulfilling since I started living with those three people.

(I wish I had gotten to know them sooner if possible)

If I did that, even my shitty junior high school life would have been fun.

If I had enjoyed my time with them, I wouldn't have gotten that Hiratsuka-sensei's attention during my Japanese homework.

...No. It's not fun being alone, so I guess I'll go home.

Having decided on a course of action, I start walking to leave the shopping mall. Maybe Hiyori and the others are still having a strategy meeting, but it's boring to be here.

While thinking about this, I left the shopping mall and headed towards the dormitory, when I saw students walking towards the school.

Some of the students look familiar, so all the first-year students must have finished their classes.

Then, one of them, Ryuen, noticed me and came over.

"Yo Hikigaya. Is the participation list complete?"

"Ah. By the way, I kept quiet about the spy, so don't worry."

In response, Ryuen smiled fiercely. Judging from that reaction, it must be bingo.

"Ha, I guess you saw through it."

"Well, by the way, there must be a reason why she joined you, but is there a possibility that it will harm me or Arisu and the others?"

If that happens, I will do everything in my power to destroy it. I won't say anything if you just want to mess with the D-class, but if you get angry with me, I won't show any mercy.

"No, you're not what she's aiming for."

Ryuen replies, but I have no intention of doubting it. If you look at Ryuen as an ally, you can't trust him, but if you look at him as an enemy, you can trust him.

"But, if you find out about Kikyo's secret, I think you'll become a target too."

I guess so. I don't know what kind of secrets she has, but the fact that she wants to do something even to the point of betraying her class means that secrets are likely to be something like a rebellion against her.

"Then let's be careful. Also, Ryūen, would you like to take a chance and make a bet? About the ranking of the 4th class in 1st year."

"I'd like to say, 'It's fine...' but our thoughts are probably the same, so the bet won't work."

Ryuen replied.

"Then let's write down the predicted rankings on a notepad. If they're the same, the bet won't stand. If they're wrong, the bet will stand, right?"

"Good. If the bet is successful, the one who misses the position will give the one who wins 500,000 yen."

While we were talking like this, we started typing using the notepad function on our terminals.

Then, when you show it to Ryūen, he shows it to me at the same time.

1st place C class

2nd place B class

3rd place A class

4th place D class

Ryuen's cell phone had the same content as what I wrote.

"Well, unfortunately, the bet is unsuccessful."

"That seems to be the case. Just so you know, I'm going to do everything in my power to destroy Suzune at this sports festival. Do you think that a clever person who hates to lose will admit defeat?"

"I see... hmm. I think you'll win by a landslide, but I don't know if she'll admit defeat."

This is my honest opinion. Horikita's ability is not even close to Ryuen's.

There is no doubt that Ryuen will be making a lot of moves at this sports festival, and Horikita will easily fall into his trap.

There's no doubt about that, but I don't know if she'll admit defeat.

"Well, do your best. I hate her too."

"That kind of attitude when your classmates are being crushed... you are trash too, after all."

"I won't deny it. Well, I'll be fine in real life."

With that said, I part ways with Ryuen and head to the dormitory. If you're going to destroy Horikita, I'm sure I won't be that conscious, so feel free to do it.

While internally encouraging Ryuen, I enter the dormitory, go to the room at the back of the first floor without using the elevator, take out the key, and open the door.

There are three pairs of shoes at the entrance, so everyone seems to have returned home. After checking this, I took off my shoes and headed to the living room.

"I'm home...huh?"

"(welcome home)"

When I entered the living room, I saw an unexpected sight... Arisu and the others were wearing cheerleader costumes, greeting me.

Arisu was wearing the red costume we saw earlier, Masumi was wearing a blue costume, and Hiyori was wearing a green costume.

All of them exposed their limbs and navels and charmed me with their short skirts.

"Um...Aside from Arisu, why are you guys wearing them too?"

"Because you said you like cheerleader costumes."

Masumi says so. Masumi, who has an outstanding style, looks erotic when she wears revealing outfits.

"What do you think? Does it suit me?"

Hiyori, on the other hand, looks up at me with a worried expression...


"It suits you. I want you to wear it even after the sports festival is over."

I am so overcome with emotion that I can't help but hug Hiyori. she's too cute.

Hiyori, on the other hand, gasps for a moment, but immediately hugs me back, and then Arisu and Masumi also hug me from both sides...

(If I get hugged by a cheerleader like this...I think I'll be chosen as the best athlete)

Of course, there are people who are more athletic than me, but when I'm being held by three goddesses, I get the feeling that maybe...

"...I'll do my best tomorrow."

"(I wish you the best)"""

My words received encouragement from the three of them. That alone increases my motivation.

Tomorrow I will definitely win!


The sports festival has finally begun. The entrance procession and opening declaration were brief.

The competition begins immediately. The first one is a 100 meter run.

All individual events, in which all students participate, begin with first-year students. It started with 1st year boys and then 3rd years girls.

Once the 100-meter run is finished, there is a break in between, and the next hurdle run begins in the order of first-year girls to third-year boys.

In order to participate in the competition, we first-year boys head out onto the field one by one. The 100-meter run is run using eight courses with two participants from each class.

Sudo prepares to run in the first group at the start of the season. By the way, I'm in the 6th group.

"No. 1 goes to Ken. There are only fat and skinny people out there."

That's what the nearby pond says.

It's a cruel thing to say, but the fact is, I don't feel any fear from the people who run with Sudo.

In particular, the B-class guys that Ryuen is in seem to have poor athletic ability.

However, this is clearly leaking information about the D-class.

Probably in the future, strong players like Sudo and Horikita will be treated as small fry.

There is a strong possibility that someone with poor athletic ability like Ike or Sotomura will be assigned an average person, and an average person like Karuizawa or Ayanokoji will be assigned a fast person.

In fact, I am the 3rd fastest student in my class, and the B class students running with me are both fat and obviously slow.

Yukimura, a class D student who runs with me, is not very athletic, so I won't be able to lose to these three.

However, the problem is the A and C classes.

From A class...

"I had no idea we were going to fight in this way."

Hashimoto, an executive of the Sakayanagi faction, is appearing. I saw other classes practice, but Hashimoto is a good match against me, so I can't let my guard down.

However, there is someone more troublesome than Hashimoto.

From Class C, there is Shibata, a member of the soccer club who has athletic nerves comparable to Sudo.

While I was thinking that, the first race started, and as expected, Sudo took first place by a landslide.

He won by a landslide as he had a difference of over 1 second from second place.

"That monkey, Sudo, I'm glad we're not in the first group."

Hashimoto says so, but I'm sure everyone here thinks so.

Meanwhile, the next runner has finished running, and we are now in the third group...

(I guess Koenji is closed after all...)

Koenji, one of the people in charge of the third group, is nowhere to be seen.

When I looked around, he found himself alone in the rest area. He'll still get points even if he's the last one,

but...I'm sure Sudo will get beaten up later.

While I was thinking that, the third race started. The only famous players are Kanzaki, the C-class staff officer, and Katsuragi, the A-class leader (lol).

This time, the difference wasn't that big, but Kanzaki took first place.

As expected, C class has a high overall strength in exercise.

The fourth group started while I was deeply impressed. Ryuen is in the 4th group and takes 1st place. This part is as expected.

As soon as I saw the fifth group of students standing at the starting point and the last place of the fourth group finishing, I started counting the time in my head.

This is important for winning.

(12, 13, 14, 15 "Paan!" 15 seconds?)

The fifth group of students starts with the sound of pistols. Fifteen seconds after the last place in the fourth group crossed the finish line, the signal for the start of the fifth group rang.

This is the stepping stone I need to win.

With that in mind, I stood at the starting point with Hashimoto and the 6th group.

Then, when the student in group 5, who was likely to come in last, opened his mouth with less than 10 meters remaining.

"Hey, don't you guys think it's interesting?"

"What are you saying all of a sudden?"

Hashimoto replied to me as all the students in Group 5 finished. The other six people, including Shibata and Yukimura, looked at me suspiciously.

"It's Ryūen, Look at that."

"What are you talking about? Is something wrong with Ryuen?"

Hashimoto and the others are looking at Ryūen, but they don't seem to understand it yet...

"Even though he clearly looks and acts like a delinquent, he's wearing gym clothes, running as hard as he can, and sitting down calmly and seriously. Isn't it quite surreal?"

For a moment, there was silence all around...

"Bufo! "

Not only Hashimoto and his students from Class 6, but most of the students from Class 7 onwards burst out laughing as well.

Some of them are angry.

at the same time...

"Paan! "

I heard the piston sound signaling the start, so I sprinted as fast as I could. I hear a voice saying "Ah!" from behind, but it's already too late.

You can interfere without any malicious rough play.

I just quicken my pace. At this rate, we can run all the way to the goal.

When I glanced behind me, I saw Shibata running towards me at breakneck speed, so I turned forward and sped up my pace.

Shibata's speed is faster than expected, and if I don't sprint as fast as I can, there's a chance I'll be passed just before the finish line.

With that in mind, I ran as fast as I could...


Be the first to touch the goal tape. Less than a second later, Shibata crossed the finish line, followed closely by Hashimoto.

When Hashimoto crosses the finish line, he approaches me with a wry smile.

"That's a foul on your part."

"That's right. Thanks to you, we got off to a bad start."

Following Hashimoto, Shibata also says so, but I don't know.

The battle begins even before the starting signal is given.

"That's too bad. Well, I can't lose either."

While saying this, I sit down where the first place person will sit.

At the same time, Ryuen speaks to me.

"Hey, Hikigaya. All the runners except you were blubbering. What did you say?"

"Huh? I said it was surreal seeing you so seriously working at the sports festival."

"Bufo! "

At those words, the people who ran ahead of me and didn't hear what I said right before the start burst out laughing.

Ryuen, on the other hand, snorts a laugh.

"Haha. To me, it's more surreal to see a stallion buying a big room and living with Hiyori, Sakayanagi, and Kamuro as attendants, and running seriously, isn't it?"

At that moment, a commotion arises from the surrounding area. Then Yamauchi, one of the three idiots in the class, stands up and rushes in.

"What do you mean? Aren't you cheating?!"

"No, it's impossible for me to stay in an area where there are girls because there's a curfew, but there's no problem for girls to stay in an area where boys are."

At least I've never been called a violation by a teacher, so there shouldn't be any problems.

"No, no, no, that doesn't mean that, right?!"

"If you want to say that there is an ethical problem, I don't know anything about it. My opinion is that as long as you follow the rules, you can do whatever you want."

And I'm not going to break the rules. If you break the rules at this school, there will be heavy punishment.

"It's such a refreshing waste."

"I don't want you to tell me that."

I don't object when someone calls me trash, but when Ryuen calls me trash, it makes me angry.

"I won't deny it. That monkey. Don't go around making a fuss just because you're not popular. Your boyfriend is only on the other side of the screen."

Ryuen's insults sting Yamauchi. You are ruthless.

"Nah... that's not true! I'm sure I'll have a girlfriend someday!"

It's over. I can't imagine you getting a girlfriend at all.

"1st year D class Haruki Yamauchi. Please be quiet and sit down. There will be a penalty from next time onwards.''

Then, an announcement was made. Apparently there is a penalty after the second time, but this is tough...

"That's what I mean. Why don't you just sit down, you eternal virgin?"

When Ryūen said this with a mocking smile on his face, Yamauchi was about to lose his temper again, but Sudo, who was betting everything on the sports festival, forced Yamauchi to sit down and prevented a penalty from occurring.

Ryūen snorted at Yamauchi, who was forced to sit down by Sudo. In the case of Ryuen, I can imagine him having a large number of sex friends rather than having a specific lover.

While thinking about this, I watched the 100m race and in the blink of an eye, all 10 groups had finished.

The three boys in D class who took first place were me, Hirata, and Sudo.

However, there were too many lower ranks in other rankings, and the results could not be said to be good.

Anyway, the 1st year boys' division has ended, so we'll be playing the ground.

The first-year girls entered the field as they passed each other, and as they did so, Hiyori waved her hand and Masumi gave a nod, so I waved a little.

Then, Sudo heads to the cottage with an angry look on his face, but most likely he's complaining about Koenji pretending to be sick.

While seeing Sudo off, I sat down and looked at the ground and saw that Masumi was in the first group.

When the sound of her pistol rang out, Masumi started faster than anyone else and continued to pick up speed.

Masumi is number one on this one.


"Wow! Kamuro-chan's breasts are shaking too much!"

I hear Yamauchi's vulgar comments. At the same time, murderous intent arises.

This guy gets mixed up in the clumps and gets crushed later during a botaoshi.

I looked at the ground with murderous intent in my heart, and realized that it was Hiyori's turn next.

Horikita is running with her...but why is Ibuki there too?

When I scouted B class, Ibuki was one of the faster girls. However, if Ryuen knows our participation list, she shouldn't be in the same group as Horikita.

I understand that Hiyori, who has poor motor nerves, is going to hit Horikita,'s okay.

No matter what path you take, it will still be a tough battle.

It starts when you look at Hiyori.

Ibuki was the first to jump out, followed by Horikita.

For a while, Ibuki was winning, but they lined up in the middle, and with less than 30 meters remaining, Horikita had a slight lead, and with 10 meters remaining, Ibuki was gradually closing in...

Horikita cuts the goal tape before she can catch up. It would not be surprising if the result was judged by video.

Thinking this, I looked behind me and saw that the five of us except Hiyori had 10 meters left, and Hiyori had less than 20 meters left.

Hiyori is still at the bottom...huh?

And here a miracle happened. The student in 3rd place hadn't tied his shoelaces tightly enough, so they came undone, and the guy in 4th place stepped on them, engulfing the student in 3rd place and falling to the ground.

At the same time, the student in 4th place suddenly fell, and the students in 5th, 6th, and 7th place, who were closely behind him, also fell, resulting in a catastrophe.

Meanwhile, Hiyori, despite running slowly, overtook five people and finished in 3rd place.

This caused cheers to erupt from class B.

Well, Hiyori, who was thought to be the winner, ended up in 3rd place, which makes sense since she got more points than expected.

As I was thinking this, Hiyori seemed to notice me and made a small fist with a smile on her face.

Her gesture was so endearing that I applauded her even though I knew she was my enemy at the sports festival.