Chapter 57

The second event is hurdle running. It's literally a race to overcome hurdles, and if you knock down a hurdle, 0.5 seconds are added to your time, and if you make contact with a hurdle, 0.3 seconds are added to your time.

However, unlike in the 100-meter dash, my opponents were not strong like Hashimoto or Shibata, so I was able to comfortably take first place.

By the way, Masumi also took first place due to her natural athleticism, while Hiyori...she knocked down all the hurdles, and came in last place.

I knew the outcome, but I didn't think she would send all the hurdles flying.

However, the results cannot be said to be good. This time too, Sudo and Hirata were hit by small fry, and the average student here lost to B class.

Well, of course there are spies.

Meanwhile, the next competition begins. Next up is the boys-only botaoshi, the first team competition.

The boys from Class A and Class D stand up and I try to follow them, but then Arisu and Masumi come towards me.

"Hachiman-kun. Just make sure you don't get hurt."

"...I'm rooting for you."

The encouragement from these two people fills me with motivation. It may seem simple, but it can't be helped. Both of their gestures are too cute.

"Thank you."

I thanked them and went out onto the field.

"You guys are definitely going to win. Keep your spirits up since idiot Koenji  isn't here!'' At the same time, Sudo came forward and cheered on the boys from A and D classes, while I faced my opponents from classes B and C.

I see. Botoshi requires power.

Looking at his physique, the biggest threat to us is Albert Yamada, a half-black guy in Class B.

If it were a simple power, it would be more dangerous than Ryūen.

The winner is the one who gets two sticks first, and it was agreed in advance that each class would alternate between attacking and defending.

First off, let's start with the D class offense. This must have been in consideration of Sudo's breakthrough ability. "Well, don't worry. I'll defeat every single opponent."

"Sudo, you should calm down otherwise you'll injure the opponents and cause penalty..."

"I can't guarantee that. I'm irritated by the Koenji incident,'' Sudo replied to Ayanokoji's words while showing the f*ck sign to the other person.

Violent acts such as punching and kicking are illegal, but due to the nature of the event, grappling is tolerated.

Then the whistle sounds to start the game. Sudo, who was leaning forward even before the ringing, immediately jumped out.

I also started running at a relatively fast pace, although I wasn't at full strength.

Normally, I would cut corners, but now that I have received support from Arisu and the others, I have no intention of cutting corners.

Along the way, they passed by Alberto and several other members of the opposing team's attacking team, but contact was prohibited.

The rule was that the attacking side had to attack towards the defensive line.

"The guy who wants to be killed is calling me!"

Sudo raises a loud voice and charges at the defense team centered on C class.

"Stop it! Stop Sudo!" the C-class boy on the defensive side yelled, and people gathered around Sudo all at once.

At first, Sudo tried to tear it off, but...

"Gah, dammit, how many people are going to come!?'' The closer he gets to the stick, the more painful it becomes.

No matter how good Sudo is, he won't be able to win against more than five men.

If you glance behind you, Albert will come into contact with the red team's defense. If this continues, we will lose.

I don't mind if I just lose, but since I received support from Arisu and the others, I have no intention of losing without doing anything.

Having made that decision, I headed towards Sudo, who was being pushed back by the C-class defense team...



I jump onto Sudo's back, which is slightly curled up, kicks Sudo in the back without wasting any time, and uses the momentum to jump onto the white team's pole.

At that time, I heard Sudo's moans, but it was a cheap sacrifice.

Then, when I start to act violently while clinging to the stick, the stick starts to shake.

There are about 20 people on defense, but 5 or 6 of them are defending Sudo, so now is the chance.

"Pull Hikigaya away from the stick!"

"Attack all at once!"

C-class staff officer Kanzaki and D-class leader Hirata shout at the same time.

As a result, the C-class guys are trying to catch me, so I quickly get to a higher place.

Then, as it gets even more violent, it shakes even more than before, so when I look down, some D class students have reached the stick and are shaking it with me.

When I glanced behind me, I saw that the B-class guys were going wild, centering on Albert, and the red group's sticks were shaking as well.

This would be a 50/50 chance.

Even as I thought so, I continued to rage even harder to win, and the stick finally wobbled...


It collapses and the whistle blows to end the game. Looking at the red team's stick, it is tilted but not fallen down, so the red team wins.

Relieved by that, I headed towards the red group's club, and Sudo approached me.

"Hey, Hikigaya! you bastard, don't start kicking me all of a sudden!"

"That's too bad. It didn't look like you could break through the defense, so I needed another plan."

"Huh? It was just a little effort, but if I kept going like that, I could have broken through!"

No, it's impossible. In fact, right before I jumped, he was being pushed and was arching his back.

"Well, well, we've got the lead for now, so let's calm down. Next up is the defense team."

Then Hirata cuts in and Sudo clicks his tongue as he looks over at us.

"Tch...I'll definitely protect you!"

"I know! I'll do it as long as I can."

"I can't do it as long as I can. I'm on the defensive! For hours!'' No, it's impossible.

D-class lacks cooperation and motivation.

There is no denying that they are far inferior to the C class, which is active in events such as sports festivals, and the B class, which has a dictatorial system in Ryūen.

"B should attack...'' Sudo mutters, but I personally want to avoid class B, which has a lot of physically fit students.

And when the whistle sounds...

"Hey! B is here!'' At the same time as the starting whistle, the students of class B rush out.

Then, they begin attacking the D-class defense. Albert Yamada is still active.

He uses his overwhelming physique and power to blow away the D-class defense.


Then, a boy charges at me while letting out a roar. Moreover, he was still prepared to do an elbow strike. It's obvious he's going to play rough.

There's no need to be shy about people like that.

I dodge it, pull his clothes, kick him, knock him to the ground, and stomp his back with my foot.

Fortunately, there were a lot of people around, so they wouldn't think it was a foul.


While the man I stepped on screamed, Alberto, the one in question, kicked his classmates away and came towards me.

Originally, I wanted to throw the whole thing at Sudo, but... "Gah, gah! Who punched me in the stomach?!" Sudo has fallen prey to the rough play from the B class and can't stand it.

I did it a while ago, but acts of violence are actually illegal.

However, when people are crowded and dust is swirling around, it is very difficult to determine whether the contact was a coincidence or not, so there is no problem.

Albert swings his arms, but I don't want to get hurt if he eats me, so I hit Alberto's arm and parry the attack.

If you fight him, you won't be able to win, but there are many ways to do it.

Even though Albert was hit, he didn't seem to be hurt at all and attacked me, so I parried all of them.

Fortunately, since we're in a competition now, the other side won't attack as hard either, so I can parry it.

If this was a fight behind the school building, they would probably attack even more violently.

However, there is no point in me buying time against Albert. After all, Sudo, who was supporting the stick, was on his knees due to rough play and was in a pinch.

It's still supporting the rod, but it's probably full now. After all, Ryuen came close to Sudo... ''Gah!'' He then kicked Sudo in the back.

With that blow, Sudo, who had managed to hold his ground until now, collapsed, and the pole fell along with it.

This is one win, one loss.

With the winner decided, Sudo glares at Ryuen. "Haa. 'pants' bastard 'pants'

this is a foul...!"

"What, you were there like that? I didn't notice you," Ryuen said, showing no signs of being offended.

As I was looking at this scene, the man I stepped on earlier approached me with an angry expression on his face.

"Hey! That thing you just did was a foul, wasn't it?!"

"A foul? I don't know what you're talking about."


"Stop it, Ishizaki. It's an unexpected accident."

Then Ryuen steps in to stop him. Then, the man called Ishizaki reluctantly nodded and headed toward the White Group's staff.

"Ishizaki caused trouble. Now that Hikigaya and Sudo know the bottom, I'll play with you next time."

"Hey, wait! I'm still not convinced!"

Sudo complains as he falls to the floor, but Ryuen snorts at Sudo, spits in Sudo's face, and heads towards the White Team's stick.

At this point, Sudo's anger must have reached its peak.

"This bastard!"

"Sudo-kun! No!"

Hirata stopped him, and Sudo stopped, but his anger had not subsided and he was breathing heavily.

In the meantime, the final battle begins, but I lost...

As I was sighing, the signal for the start of the match sounded, and at the same time Sudo started running at full speed.

There's no way they could win by leaving the others behind.

Although I was stunned, I followed suit. From now on, the C-class will be on the offensive side, which is rare, and Ryuen and the B-class will be in charge of the defense.

However, only Albert, who has the power, is attacking.

Then, when Sudo tries to approach Ryūen, a brawny boy like Ishizaki stands in front of Ryūen and grabs Sudo's arm.

"Get away! I have no use for small fry!"

Sudo goes wild, but the others don't move in the slightest. That's a dog's for you.

While thinking this, I tried to use Sudo as a stepping stone again, but before I could, a hand reached out and I hit it.

The moment I realized that it was Ryūen's hand, I distanced myself from Ryūen and tried to take a detour and attack, but...

"Hey, hey. It's a big deal, so please deal with me, okay?"

Ryuen goes around and throws a backfist. It was a merciless blow, even though the sand smoke was already flying around and the people outside the ground couldn't see it.

Of course, I don't want to be fooled, so I cross my hands and guard.

There is some pain, but I ignore it and kick him.

Ryuen, on the other hand, grabbed Yamauchi, who was nearby, and pulled him between himself and me.

I thought about stopping for a moment, but it was already impossible to stop the kick, and since it was Yamauchi, I decided it was a good idea, so I just swung my legs away.


As a result, while Yamauchi was in agony, I immediately tackled him and tried to knock him and Ryuen, who was behind him, to the ground.

However, Ryuen twists his body and escapes from under Yamauchi before falling...

"As expected. Die."

While saying this, I threw a kick at Ryuen. I'm sure this will have a negative impact on future events.

If you think so...


A metallic sound comes from under my feet, and at the same time my feet feel numb.

When I thought what was going on, Ryuen was smiling triumphantly, but...

(Bastard. He put a steel plate in his stomach...)

I can't think of anything else. In fact, I was also thinking about installing an iron plate, so it's definitely true.

Well, I didn't prepare it because I thought it would reduce my mobility.

Then, Ryuen grabbed my leg while keeping his posture low and tried to knock me down, so I raised my fist to intercept him, but...


A sound rings out to signal the end.

The nearby sticks haven't fallen, so the BC alliance must have knocked down the AD alliance's sticks. In other words, it's our loss.

"Hey Ryuen. Take your feet off me."

"Yes. That was a really merciless kick. If I hadn't used the iron plate, I might have vomited."

Did you prepare it after all? It would have been better to aim for the shin instead of the pigeon tail.

"Thanks to you, my legs hurt."

It's not that I can't run, but I can't deny that I feel numb.

"Well, that's fine. I'll repay this debt with a cavalry battle."

"I'm looking forward to it."

They exchanged one last word and started walking toward their own camp.

If I were to face him directly next time, it would be in a cavalry battle, so I would definitely sink him then.

When I returned to my base thinking that...

"Ah, I'm so irritated! I was planning on winning all the battles!" Sudo says with blatant sarcasm towards the AD class.

Sudo was being glared at by several members of Class A, but he didn't notice it at all, perhaps because the blood was rushing to his head, and perhaps because he wasn't the listening type to begin with.

Katsuragi and Hirata restrained the students who were about to complain, but... teamwork is the worst, yeah.


Defeated in the botaoshi, we leave the field and head to the bleachers to watch the second-year students compete.

Then I saw Arisu and Masumi, so I headed over there.

"Thank you for your hard work. It's great that you don't seem to have any major injuries."

Arisu says so. Well, it's true that I wasn't really injured other than my legs going numb.

"Well, it's not like we had a fight."

"That's true, but I was worried because there are many martial artists in Class B."

Judging from the way she spoke, it seems that the fact that I had caused some trouble was not visible due to the dust cloud.

"Yeah...but Hachiman looked really cool in the first match..."

When Masumi said something like that, my face became hot.

Because Masumi, who is usually cool, says this while fidgeting a bit.

"I-I see...thank you."

This makes me feel weird.

"Anyway, thank you for your hard work. The next event is the ball toss, which is only for girls, so please get some rest. If you don't mind, I'll do a lap pillow for you."

"Then I'll ask you."

I guess it wasn't my fault for immediately responding to Arisu's proposal.

Because Arisu's thighs are smooth and feel good.

"Sakayanagi is physically weak, so I'll take care of it."

Then Masumi also makes such a suggestion. Arisu, on the other hand, grins and shakes her head.

"No. If it's just a pillow on your lap, I won't get tired, so it's fine. Also, in your case, Masumi-san, you have to participate in the event, so please don't waste your energy on anything other than the event."

"It won't consume any physical strength."

What? I feel like there are sparks flying between the two of them.

Arisu aside, I thought Masumi was dry.

"Then, let Hachiman-kun decide. Which will you choose, my lap pillow or Masumi-san's lap pillow?"

"That's right. Which one do you like Hachiman?"

Are you coming to me here?! Forehead? seriously?

In conclusion, it's hard to choose between the two. Arisu's slender thighs and Masumi's thighs with just the right amount of flesh are the best.

Both have different tastes, but they are both exquisite.

Arisu opens her mouth as I wonders how to respond.

"It seems like you can't decide. Well then, Masumi-san, if you have time to rest like now, let's take turns sleeping on our lap."

"...Well, that's fine though."

"It's decided. Let's end the conversation here for now."

Apparently, the two of them had come to a conclusion before I could reply, and they said that to me.

To those two, I thought, "Well, as long as I can enjoy being on their knees, that's fine,'' and I followed them without any particular objections.

5 minutes later…

"Oh, the red team won the third-year bo-toshi."

"Ah, ah. That's right."

That's what Arisu says as I rests my head on her lap. In front of me, the 3rd year A class, led by Chairman Horikita, was knocking down their sticks and cheering.

There's no problem with that...

(S-My gaze hurts...)

The A-class and D-class students around me were ignoring the game and looking at Arisu and me.

I originally thought that I would be forced to sleep on my knees in the cottage where I was supposed to rest, but I was unexpectedly forced to sleep in the A-class camp.

At first I tried to run away, but Arisu was holding onto my arm so tightly that I couldn't escape.

As a result, I receive murderous intent from the boys in the AD class, and look of interest from the girls, while being pampered by Arisu.

Hashimoto, who took a photo with it, I'll later kills him.

"Now then, it's time for the girls to put their balls in. Masumi-san, please do your best to show Hachiman-kun that you're cool."

"...Hmph. Well then, Hachiman, I'll go."

"Oh, good luck."

"thank you"

Masumi said as she headed towards the entrance gate with the AD class girl.

The only girl left is Arisu, who is physically weak, and the murderous intent from the boys becomes even stronger.

However, I don't know if Arisu is aware of the murderous intent or not, but she doesn't really care and pats me on the head.

"Now, who do you think will win the ball game?"

"...I don't know. The ball baskets are far apart, so there's no contact between the red team and the white team, so there won't be any rough play."

In that case, it would be advantageous to have a lot of tall people. Other students who have good jumping ability and those who are good at handling balls should be involved in winning or losing.

As I was thinking this, the first-year girls entered the room and gathered near the basket they were all aiming for.

Then, when the signal to start is given, they all pick up the balls, jump, and throw them toward the basket.

At that time, Masumi's breasts were shaking and my face felt hot.


When I heard such a voice, I looked to the side and saw Ike and Yamauchi, who were in the D-class camp, stretching out their noses in excitement.

Most of them are probably excited to see the girls' breasts swaying.

"It's ugly."

Arisu says that in a cold voice, but I can't deny it.

He's a man, so it might be natural for him to get excited, but it would be ugly to act so foolishly.

Well, I also saw Masumi's swaying breasts. "Maybe it can't be helped that boys are interested in things like that, but they should get excited without making a sound like Hachiman-kun.''

That's awesome.

When I looked at Arisu in fear, she was smiling.

It's as if she can see what I'am thinking.

"...Are you mad?"

"No way. I've known for a long time that Hachiman-kun is naughty, so I'm not angry."

I have mixed feelings about that...well, I'm certainly excited about seeing Arisu and the others in cheerleader costumes, and I'm still enjoying Arisu's thighs, so I won't deny it.

While thinking this, as they were looking at the ball toss, a sound signaled the end of the game, and the girls all left the basket all at once, and Chabashira-sensei and Hoshinomiya-sensei approached the basket and began counting the balls.


"The red team won with a total of 54 pieces."

Such an announcement will be made.

This cancels out the defeat of Botoshi.

"We won."


Unlike the 100-meter and hurdle races, in team events, all participants participate at the same time, so there is no problem even if the participation list is leaked.

Well, on the other hand, if you lose in a team match, it will be difficult to come back.

As I was thinking, the first year girls came back and Masumi came over.

"Thank you for your hard work, Masumi. I saw you jump a lot."

Masumi jumped and put the ball in the basket. Some of the other girls were also jumping, but Masumi was jumping particularly high.

That's what I thought, so I complimented Masumi...

"That's right. Her breasts were shaking so much that even Hachiman-kun was fascinated by it."

Arisu says unnecessary things. Arisu... You're doing something unnecessary.

Later I blow into her ear and then tickle her.

As I was thinking, Masumi looked at me with a blank stare.

" see my breasts in the bath every day, but are you still obsessed with them at times like this?"

That's it!

Wow, if I say that here...


Look! The AD boy heard what she just said and screamed! It became public that they were living together because of Ryuen, but it was also made public that they were taking a bath together!

Masumi's expression became shocked, but then she turned bright red and ran away.

It looks like it's going to be bad if I leave her alone.

Having made that decision, I raised my head from Arisu's lap and decided to pursue Masumi.

But before that, Arisu must be punished. I put my face close to Arisu's ear...



I blow on Arisu's ear, making her gasp, and continues to tickle Arisu's armpits.

"Hyah! Hachiman-kun...nah! Stop it...anh!"

Arisu turns bright red and twists her body. That's enough for her.

"You're teasing a little too much. Hold your breath."

"Haa... I understand... haa... Hachiman-kun is such an idiot..."

Arisu nods with her last breath, but she disses me, but did she go a little too far, right?

Even as I thought so, I sped up my pace to chase after Masumi.

Fortunately, there's still time until the next tug of war.

When I enter the school building, I find Masumi near the shoe rack. She seemed to have noticed me as well, so she stopped in her tracks.

"...I'm sorry for slipping up earlier."

"Don't worry about it. It's because Arisu said something be honest, I won't deny that I was looking at your breasts."

Really? Leave me alone, I'm a man, so I can't help it.

Arisu saw through it, but I am trying not to show it to the public, so I am better than Ike and Yamauchi, right?

"Yes...but aren't you angry?"

"For what?"

It would be fine if Masumi was angry at me, but I have no reason to be angry at Masumi.

"No...because they found out we were taking a bath together."

"Not really. It's known that we're living together, and Arisu and Hiyori kissed me in front of a lot of people."

It's not like I don't feel a little embarrassed, but at least it's not to the point where I get angry at Masumi.

"So don't worry. I'm not angry at all."

"...thank you"

Receive a bow from Masumi. At the same time, an announcement will be made inside the school and on the ground.

"The men's and women's tug of war will begin soon. First-year boys, please gather at the entrance gate as soon as possible.''

It looks like the next event is about to start, so I have to go soon.

"Okay, Masumi. I'm going now."

"Ah, wait a minute... hmm."

As soon as I say that, Masumi kisses me on the lips. If you think about it, Masumi's cheeks are slightly flushed.

"Do your best...I'll give you a kiss to cheer you on."

"Ah, ah. You should do your best too."

"Yeah. And if Hachiman is okay..."

Masumi closes her eyes and sticks out her lips. She always makes a gesture when she wakes up and before she goes to bed...a gesture begging for a kiss.

After looking around and making sure no one was around, I kissed Masumi on the lips in response to her request.

"Hmm...let's do our best together."

With that said, I start running toward the entrance gate.

When you receive support like that, you have to work hard.

Well, it's a tug of war, so I don't know if it looks to Masumi and the others that I tried my best?


"Oh. Welcome home, Masumi-san."

When Masumi returns to the A-class camp, Arisu welcomes her with her cheeks flushed.

At that time, she attracts attention from the girls in the class, but Masumi ignores it and sits next to Arisu, where she utters what she had been wondering about.

"What happened to you? Your face is red and your breathing is rough."

"It's nothing"

Arisu immediately answers Masumi's question. Arisu had been humiliated by Hachiman a while ago, but she had no intention of telling Masumi about her weaknesses.

Masumi, on the other hand, decided that it was impossible to ask and gave up on asking.

"Well, then I won't ask."

"Please do that. Also, Masumi-san, your mouth is slack. Did you kiss Hachiman-kun?"

"I did."

Arisu exhales as she expected Masumi's reply.

She has an absolutely strong person named Hiyori as a rival, but she didn't think Masumi-san would become as strong as her.

"You should do it too. Well, I got Hachiman's first kiss."

Due to Masumi's provocation, a blue streak appears on Arisu's forehead.

Even though Arisu is normally calm and collected, the fact that the man she loved had her first kiss taken away by her rival was enough to make her lose her composure.

"That's a lot of talk. Whether you can become a lover just because you got your first kiss is another matter. For example, about the ring. Masumi-san and Hiyori-san seemed to want it, so he bought it for you. In my case, I received something that Hachiman-kun prepared himself."

Those words caused a blue streak to appear on Masumi's forehead.

In fact, Hachiman bought it on Hashimoto's recommendation, but Arisu doesn't know about it.

Hashimoto was listening to the exchange between the two from a little distance away, breaking into a cold sweat.

It would be dangerous if he was found out.

As I was doing this, all the first-year boys entered the room all at once. At that time, Arisu and Masumi were the first to spot Hachiman and never took their eyes off him.

At the same time, Hachiman also noticed them and gave a slight nod, making the two of them happy...

"Please do your best, Hachiman-kun.''

She gave a small wave.

Arisu and Masumi waved at me, and I stood near the rope, feeling my excitement rise. In front of me was a class A student whose name I didn't know.

We had decided in advance that we would line up in order of height. On the other hand, because the white team did not coordinate, the responsibility for the front and rear ropes was clearly divided by class.

The C class holding the front of the rope was the exact opposite of us, lining up from the front in descending order of height.

Based on this, I think the aim is to raise the position from which the rope is pulled.

For the B class, nothing in particular has been decided. Well, since it's about Ryuen, he might be planning something.

"We have an advantage! Let's go, you guys!'' Sudo yells, and the signal to start the match sounds, so he pulls the rope as hard as he can. "Ohes! Ohes!"

Most of the students shouted and pulled the rope, but I channeled the energy of my shouts into pulling.

"Ora ora ora! You can afford it!'' At first, the balance was maintained, but this side, which was coordinating, had the upper hand, and the battle was quickly settled, resulting in the red team's victory.

"Shh! Did you see that? It's crazy!" Sudo, who was in charge of the last rope, was barking loudly.

Class C, on the other hand, seems dissatisfied, but Class B and Class C don't really seem to be cooperating.

"Hey, it's better to cooperate after all, right? The opponent is too strong.'' Shibata from C class says that, but Ryuen doesn't seem to be dealing with him at all.

"Alright, let's change the layout of you guys. Arrange them in order from the smallest.'' It felt more like an order than an instruction, but they lined up in order from the smallest as Ryuen instructed.

The completed white group was lined up in an arched shape. That tactic...

Just as I was thinking about it, I was told that the match was about to start again.

"OS! OS!" chants echo as the match begins. However, this is where I felt something strange.

Obviously the weight is different from before. "Hold on, you guys. If you lose easily, you'll be sentenced to death." Ryuen's carefree command flew out, and I felt the rope become a little heavier again.

"Aaah, it hurts, it hurts!!" While Ike and the others let out painful cries, I pulled with all my might, but I was pulled back little by little, and eventually the White team won.

"Why is it different from before!? Someone must have cut corners!?"

Sudo tries to find the culprit, but Katsuragi stops him before he can.

"Calm down, Sudo. The reason for our defeat is that the opponent took one of the correct formations, and that we let our guard down. Now you understand. The opponent has the ability to fight even without coordination. Next time, don't let your guard down, and be careful. Tighten it. Also, when you pull the rope, make sure to pull it diagonally upwards.''

Well, there are many B-class people who brag about their strength.

I guess the purpose of the first match was to cut corners and catch them off guard.

"Okay, you guys did a good job. Do the same thing next time. Let's remind those bastards who think they can win.'' Ryuen gives encouragement because he is in control of the class.

As I listened to those words, my eyes met Ryuen's. At the same time, he flashes a ferocious smile, but his eyes look like he's planning something.

With that in mind, the final battle began.

"OS! OS! Get back!" he shouted as he put his strength into the rope. Then, your feet will be slightly behind where your feet were at the start of the match.

Because of that, they seem to be drawn towards me, albeit slightly.

"I'm going to win! Just one more breath! Pull back!" I pull with even more force as Sudo shouts. If things continue like this, the red team will win.

That's what I decided...


Finally, after pulling as hard as you can, let go of the rope and jump to the side.

At the same time, Hashimoto, who was in front of me, also jumped to the side.


"Waaah!!?'''' All the boys from the AD Union fell down with a flop.

When I looked ahead, I saw that some of the B-class had also collapsed, and Ryuen was laughing happily behind them.

"I guess Class B really let go like you said."

Hashimoto, the only unharmed member of A class, talks to me, the only unharmed member of D class.

"That's why I told you. If we had done this in the second game, we would have hurt the BC Union."

I proposed it at a preliminary meeting, but that clown Hirata rejected it while shaking.

"Are you kidding me!?"

"I thought I couldn't win, so I stopped playing. Good thing you guys were able to pick up a win that looked like garbage. It was funny to see you crawling around."

Ryuen stirs up Sudo's anger. That makes Sudo even more excited.

"Bastard!'' Sudo tries to run as blood rushes to his head due to the incident where he was hit with a stick.

But Katsuragi grabbed his arm and stopped him.

"Stop it, Sudo. Making you angry like this is part of his strategy. He might be aiming to drain your physical strength and then win a foul by committing violent acts."


"It's true that what Ryuen did was not commendable, but it wasn't against the rules."

That's right.

Ryūen didn't violate any rules. In fact, if I were in the leader's position, I would have given instructions to carry out the same strategy.

With that thought in mind, I leave the ground.

I have to apologize for losing to Arisu and the others.

"Wait! Hikigaya and the others didn't fall, they're cutting corners!"

Then, Sudo's anger was directed at me and Hashimoto, who were safe. It's a complete hit, isn't it?

"I just thought Ryuen would use a cowardly move because we were about to win. I was serious about it until he let go."

"Well, I told Hirata and Katsuragi during the meeting, and Hirata warned me to be careful in the classroom. I just followed the warning, and up until then I had done my best."

It's an undeniable fact that I did my best until I let go, so I have no choice but to say that...

but Sudo doesn't seem to be convinced and starts yelling at me.

"Don't lie to me! Next time you cut corners, I'll blow you up."

"That's why I didn't overtake you. You're the one who's holding us back. I think the reason we lost in the third match of the Botoshi was because you didn't cooperate and ran alone like a monkey."

At least if Sudo had cooperated there, I think we would have had a chance of winning.

"Ah?! Are you trying to tell me that I'm an idiot?!"

"At the very least, you're the greatest pestilence god in Class D. Even though your athletic ability is high, your academic ability and mental strength are below that of an elementary school student."

After all, I shouldn't have helped him with the first midterm exam. If Sudo were to be expelled there, the class would be heading in a positive direction even if the class points were negative due to the invisible part...

"Calm down, Sudo-kun!"

As I was thinking that much, Sudo ignored Hirata's attempts to stop me and started punching me.

Does this guy really think that he can solve everything by punching him?

While sighing, I dodge Sudo's fist. At the same time, Sudo throws his fist again, a blue streak appearing on his forehead.

However, I can clearly see where he is trying to hit from his perspective, so I hit Sudo's arm and parry with a fine line.

If it's true, I'd like to use a joint technique, but if I do that, I'll be punished.

But to be honest, that's too honest.

Judging from Sudo's personality, it seems like the formula holds that having strength = being strong, but strength is not everything when it comes to strength.

Intelligence, insight, and heart are also important in terms of strength.

When you think about it that way, Ryuen, who has less physical strength than Sudo but has a sharp head, and Koenji, who has both power and intelligence, are much scarier than Sudo, who just has physical strength.

"Shit! Don't avoid me!"

If you dodge or parry for a while, Sudo will raise his voice, but if you get hit, it will hurt, so you should avoid it.

"Rejected. Sudo, Chabashira-sensei is here, so it's time to stop."

When I glanced at the side, Chabashira-sensei had heard the commotion and was coming towards me.

If this continues any longer, he will definitely be in trouble.


Sudo clicks his tongue and leaves with an angry look on his shoulders. Is this guy really a high school student?

All I could do was be shocked.

Afterwards, Chabashira-sensei asked me about the situation, and I replied that it was just a casual joke about a monkey running in the wild like crazy.

There are three reasons. The first is that even if Sudo were to blame here, I wasn't injured, so it would be impossible to expel him from school.

At best, there will be strict warnings, and at worst, suspension and expulsion will be severe.

The second reason is that if Sudo is punished, the class points of the D class will also drop, but if that happens, there is a possibility that even I, who caused the trouble, will become hostile and things will become troublesome.

The final reason is simply that I cannot claim compensation from Sudo.

On the ship, when I filed a claim for compensation, he was in A class, which has a lot of rich people, but Sudo doesn't have a lot of points, so it would be impossible for me to get money.

With that in mind, I didn't particularly raise my voice.

However, it goes without saying that I was scared of Arisu, who was filming our interactions with her cellphone with her absolute zero gaze.