Chapter 58

The first-year girls' tug-of-war ended with the red team winning, and next was the obstacle course.

The obstacles provided are balance beam, net diving, and head bag. It's not very difficult, but it can be a pain because you have to put the head bag on your foot.

While thinking about this, I looked around, but this time too, I saw only people who were unimpressive.

Putting aside the fact that the participation list for class D has been revealed, I'm thankful that the students in class A and C are unimpressive.

Currently, I'm tied for first place with Sudo in all individual events, and I'll probably be able to take first place this time as well.

It doesn't matter if the class loses. If I get a good score and get a bonus, it's like a win for me.

Just as I was thinking this, the signal to start sounded, so I ran at full speed, crossed the balance beam easily, and began to dive under the net.

At that time, the people behind me who are using leverage will catch up a little, but it is not a problem because they are also using leverage.

Then, it slips through the net, attaches the head bag to its legs, and jumps up and down.

At that time, Hiyori, who is in the B-class camp nearby, smiles and waves at me, so I waves back, feeling comforted by her.

Then, I got through the area where I had to use the toadabukuro, immediately threw it off, sprinted as fast as I could, and finished in first place.

Things are going well so far. I've already won first place in both the 100-meter run and the hurdles, so at this point I've earned a 9-point bonus for the next midterm exam.

I sit in the waiting area, praying that my opponent will always be a small fry.

However, I'm getting pretty tired and I want to take my lunch break soon.

While thinking about this as I leisurely watched the obstacle course,

I noticed that Sudo had won by a landslide in the last group of races.

The three of us who took first place in the D class in the obstacle course were me, Sudo, and Hirata... but if we can't figure out that there's a traitor out there, the D class won't have a chance.

In any case, the boy's turn is over and I must leave.

I leave and sit next to Arisu.

"Congratulations on 1st place"

"Because the other person was a small fry."

Actually I'm probably lucky. I haven't run into anyone strong other than Hashimoto and Shibata who competed in the first 100m run.

After answering that, the girls' obstacle course begins...

"Oh...this is a big mess."

As Arisu said, it was a great combination from the beginning. In addition to Masumi, the fastest girl in class A, Horikita is the fastest girl in class D, and from class B there are track and field members Yajima and Kinoshita.

However, that guy Ryuen definitely coming to crush Horikita. If I recall correctly, Horikita ran into Yajima and Kinoshita in the hurdle race and came in 3rd place.

There's no way they won't notice that there's a whistleblower within the D-class here.

With this in mind, the first group begins. Kinoshita was the first to slip out.

Yajima was second, with Horikita following behind her.

No matter how strong Masumi is, she won't be able to beat the track and field club's students.

However, perhaps because this is an obstacle course competition, Horikita and Masumi are gradually closing the gap on the balance beam.

Then there was the next obstacle net, and Yajima was able to slip through it easily.

That's probably because her breasts are small and her body has less resistance.

In fact, Masumi, Horikita, and Kinoshita, all of whom have big breasts, have quite a bit of leverage.

By the time the three of them had slipped through the net, Yajima was already bouncing around with the head bag on his foot.

Yajima's number one spot is now confirmed.

As for the question of second place, the three of them have now put their heads together and are starting to move forward, but so far Masumi is slightly behind Horikita and Kinoshita.

However, Kinoshita lost her balance while removing her head bag, allowing Masumi to pass Kinoshita and Horikita to take the lead.

She runs through the last part with all her might, but something strange happens.

For some reason, Horikita kept looking back as Masumi ran off course.

Arisu also had a suspicious look on her face.

As a result, Kinoshita overtook Masumi, and Horikita was caught up by Kinoshita, but...

"Oh!? Something amazing has happened!?"

Ike, who was nearby, shouted as Kinoshita caught up with Horikita and the next moment their legs became entangled with each other and they fell down at a considerable speed.

Then, Masumi immediately overtook them and moved into second place, and then five other people passed by the two who had collapsed, causing his ranking to drop all at once.

Horikita finally got up and finished in 7th place.

Kinoshita, on the other hand, was unable to continue competing and was placed in last place.

"...What do you think of this Hachiman-kun?"

"I can only speculate because I don't have much information, but it's probably intentional."

Masumi and Horikita kept looking back, so Kinoshita must have said something strange to get their attention.

Masumi then ran off course, so it's highly likely that she targeted Horikita.

"Well, I guess I should check it after Masumi gets home."

While watching the obstacle race in response, there are surprisingly many Venuses, perhaps because there are many obstacles that are not normally used.

In fact, several of the girls competing with Hiyori have fallen off the balance beam and had to start over, their breasts getting in the way when they dive under the net, and their balance caused by head bags.

Hiyori, on the other hand, was slow but didn't make any mistakes, so she came in 5th place out of 8 riders.

Hiyori, who doesn't have good athletic nerves, must have put up a good fight.

She took 3rd place in her first 100m run, so she might not be in the bottom 10 overall in her class.

While I'm relieved, the obstacle course progresses one after another, and the first-year girls' division is over, and Masumi comes back.

"Welcome back, Masumi-san. What happened earlier?"

'For some reason, Kinoshita called Horikita's name over and over again, and Horikita glanced behind her. I don't know why, but I had a bad feeling, so I ran to the outside course, but it turned out to be the right thing to do.''

When Masumi glances at the side, I  see Horikita walking in a way that makes her feel uncomfortable.

Indeed, if Masumi hadn't run off course at that time, she might have gotten involved as well.

"But why did Kinoshita call out Horikita's name? If you were going to bump into her on purpose, a surprise attack would have a better chance of success than going out of your way to call out her name."

"If you think about it normally, it's true, but it's not that simple. Perhaps Ryuen-kun's aim is to get Horikita-san's attention."

"That's right. As far as I can see, Horikita turned around twice, then lined up with Kinoshita, and then the two of them fell down, but Ryuen didn't think this was an accident where Kinoshita hit her from behind, but Horikita. She purposely caused Kinoshita to fall. I'm sure he's trying to turn it into an accident."

Then, Horikita's reason for turning away was changed from

"Because Kinoshita called her name'' to  "Because she was looking for the right moment to make Kinoshita fall.''

"Is that possible?"

"It's not impossible. In fact, Kinoshita-san has retired and  Horikita-san has not, which is a big difference."

Arisu is right. If Kinoshita does not participate in future events, there will be an atmosphere within the school that favors Kinoshita, which will put Horikita at a disadvantage.

"I see. If Kinoshita complains to the school, things will get bigger, and things will be a lot more difficult after that."

If they go into deliberations, D-class will be in big trouble whether they win or not.

After all, the D-Class has to work hard to prove their innocence, but in this case, it is difficult to prove their innocence.

On the other hand, class B has a good chance of winning in deliberation without any preparation, and class D would probably want to avoid deliberation.

"I see. But what should I do once the deliberations are held?"

Since Masumi was running close to Horikita and Kinoshita, she will be asked by Class B and Class D to be witnesses.

"It's up to you to decide which side you're on, but if you lie, it'll be troublesome, so be honest."

I'm serious about this. If you give false testimony and get caught, you'll be in big trouble.

"But keep it to the bare minimum. Just say that Kinoshita was calling Horikita's name and Horikita was glancing behind her."

"Okay. If they ask me why I ran away to Outcourse, how will I explain it?"

"I guess it's because Horikita-san who just glances behind her and Kinoshita-san who says Horikita-san's name over and over again was creepy. And Masumi-san."


"If you are asked by Class B or Class D to be a witness, please request class points from Hirata-kun and Ryuen-kun as a condition. Of course, not a large number of 100 or 200, but around 30 or 50."

Well, if you ask for a large amount of class points, you'll probably be rejected.

I wonder if it's possible to trade class points...maybe it's possible if the teacher is present.

"You're so merciless."

"It's important to watch your feet. Private points are fine, but in that case, ask for a lot."

As expected from Arisu. I'm always thinking about how A class will benefit.

However, judging by Horikita's condition, it looks like her leg is hurting a lot, and depending on what happens next, she might retire like Kinoshita... Ah.

Thinking that much, I put my face close to Arisu's ear.

"Arisu, could you please keep my private points for just one day today?"

"That's fine, but why?"

"If Horikita retires, there's a possibility that they'll send someone in to replace her.''

For recommended events, if someone is injured or absent, it is possible to send a substitute, but the point required for this is 100,000 private points for each event.

Then, if Horikita retires, there's a possibility that Sudo will ask me to give him points.

Of course, it would be a shame to pay points for Horikita, but if I refused when I had points, it would be a lot of trouble, but if I secretly gave the points to Arisu and didn't have them, I wouldn't be so blamed.

"I see...but how do you come up with an excuse?"

"I'll pretend that I made a fuss after buying a room during summer vacation. Fortunately, by the second semester, the D-class guys didn't know how many points I owned, so I was able to fool them."

"Okay, but I'll be suspicious if you take all of them, so I'll leave you with about 200,000 points. And if they ask for it, you should promise to pay them with interest."

Well, if I give it 0 points, it's too obvious, so I agree.

"Okay. I'll send it now."

While saying this, I take out my cell phone and send money to Arisu.


Hikigaya Hachiman

248539 ppt

My points have dropped to just over 200,000. The reason why I set the amount halfway was to avoid arousing any unnecessary suspicions.

Well...I hope there won't be any trouble this time.

...I guess it's impossible though.

The obstacle course is over, and the next race is a three-legged race, but the first pair of Sudo and Ike to compete took first place with Sudo holding up Ike halfway, and the second pair of Ayanokoji and Hirata running solidly to take first place.

Then, I, who has the 3rd fastest running ability among men, will run alongside Miyake who is 4th...



Perhaps because their speeds were the same, they were in perfect harmony and took first place with a large difference from the other competitors.

This is the fourth consecutive 1st place in the individual event, and if you look at the results, I am tied with Sudo and Hirata.

That's when I was about to sit down, feeling relieved.

"Hey. Can I ask you something?"

Miyake talks to me.


"Let me ask you this directly: Are you betraying our class?"

It seems that he has noticed that something is wrong.

However, it was different this time, so I deny it.

"Betray? I will eventually betray D-class by moving to A-class, but it's too early now, right?"

"That's right, it's the sports festival. But the B class students competing with you, Sudo, and Hirata are too weak. There's also the Horikita incident, so I don't think it's a coincidence."

"I see. In conclusion, I didn't betray you."

"I see. I can't help but doubt it."

"Don't give up so easily."

Honestly, I thought he would confirm it several times, but I never expected him to back down after denying it once.

"I just thought that if Hikigaya, who has always said he would go to A-class on his own, betrayed me, he would cooperate with A-class instead of B-class."

Well, I guess so. If I were to cooperate with other classes, it would be better to cooperate with A class, which is under pressure from B class, rather than B class.

However, I would like to share Miyake's calmness with Sudo, if only by 10%.

If that happens, D-class will be heading in a much better direction.

"By the way, do you know about the traitor?"

"Unfortunately no"

Well, I actually know, but I have a feeling that talking about it will cause a lot of trouble, so I'm not going to talk about it.

There's no evidence for that. In fact, there's a high possibility that you won't believe me even if I say it.

In reply, I sat on the ground and absentmindedly watched the people running after me, but as expected, the performance of the D-class was mediocre.

The overall scores for the red and white classes are made public, but the scores for each class are not.

However, it is almost certain that the D class will be at the bottom, the B class or C class will be fighting for first place, and the A class will be in third place.

After that, I looked at the two-person competition, and as expected, the results for the D-class boys were not good.

Looks like Sudo is going to be rough again.

I let out a sigh as I left and headed towards Arisu, who waved at me with a smile. It's really cute.

"Thank you for your hard work. It's amazing that you came in first place with two people on a tripod. Some of the people around you were slow, but Hachiman-kun's pair was fast."

"It's a pair of men's 3rd place and men's 4th place. If we lose, Sudo will probably get upset, so we'll do our best."

Even as I say this, it's her turn as a girl.

Masumi will be participating in the first group, but her combination with the female pair is outstanding and she finishes with a difference of more than 20 meters from the second place.

Although there is a big difference between the fast pair and the slow pair, the two-person trip is amazing.

By the way, due to the circumstances of the course, for the two-person tripod race, instead of 8 pairs of 16 people competing, 4 pairs of 8 people will compete.

Next, Hiyori appears in the second group, is that okay?

The pair of Horikita and Kushida is also the second pair, but I don't know about this pair.

In practice, they were in the top class among the women's pairs, but it's difficult to judge because we don't know the extent of Horikita's injury.

With that in mind, they start.

At the start, the A-class pair was in first place, and Horikita and Kushida were in second place.

Hiyori's pair is in last place, but there is almost no difference between them and the C class pair in 3rd place, and they quickly overtake them to take 3rd place.

"It's a good run. It's great for two people."

Hiyori's pair were not fast, but they ran carefully and with the same stride length.

When riding in pairs, it is important to synchronize your stride and breathing with your partner.

"That's right. But because of the injury, and both Kushida-san's and Horikita-san's breasts are big, they're shaking so much and stalling..." Arisu said something like that, while looking extremely happy for some reason.

I looked at them and found that they had a good start, finishing in second place, but, perhaps due to Horikita's injury and Kushida's large breasts running wild, they gradually slowed down and were caught up by Hiyori's pair in third place.

Hiyori, on the other hand, is trying her best even though she seems to be in pain.

"Good luck Hiyori..."

My voice leaked out involuntarily, but luckily Sudo was so absorbed in the match that he didn't hear me.

Good thing, if they find out, I'll definitely be in trouble.

On the other hand, in the Horikita & Kushida pair, it looks like Kushida is leading the way and Horikita is attacking.

Horikita may want to run fast, but against her will, it seems like her legs just can't keep up.

Before they knew it, Hiyori's pair was in 2nd place, and Horikita & Kushida's pair had fallen into a battle for last place with the C class.

It currently has a slight lead over the C-Class. It seems that the two decided to block the C-class's progress and take a strategy of escaping.

However, Horikita's movements slowed down at the last corner, giving her a momentary gap and allowing them to pass her.

They immediately tried to overtake them, but this time the C-class pair blocked Horikita's path, and as a result, the C-class pair managed to escape all the way to the goal.

"Ah! What a shame!!" As a result, Horikita and Kushida finished in last place.

Even if Horikita's foot was in poor condition, this loss would be a blow to Class D, as this combination was aimed at taking first place.

In fact, it would be no exaggeration to say that the atmosphere in D-Class is the worst.

If one more problem occurs, there is a possibility of an explosion.

"For the time being, it's good to be 1st in Class A for the second time in a row."

"Yes, but it's still not enough to raise your class rank."

Well, there is nothing wrong with what Arisu says.

Honestly, even if the red team wins, it's not hard to imagine that first-year A and D classes will still have their class points deducted.

In fact, if the Red Team loses, there is a possibility that Class A will fall to Class B.

Well, with Arisu's ability, I think she'll be able to rise to the top quickly.

Even as I thought about this, the two-person trip continued to progress, but as expected, the results of the D class were not very impressive.

I don't think the gap has widened, but I don't think it has closed it.

The two-person trip for two or three years is also progressing. The fortunate thing about this misfortune is that the second and third year students of the red class are excellent, so the red class never loses.

With this, the three-legged race is over, and next is the cavalry battle.

However, there will be a break for a while, and the girls will start next, so I'm sure they'll get plenty of rest.

"I'm going to go wash my hands."

"Be careful. Oh, and I'll pay the points later, so can you buy me some tea?"

While nodding to Arisu's request, I headed towards the school building to relieve myself.

Then I headed straight to a vending machine a little further away from the ground and bought some tea.

"Ah, Hachiman-kun."

I meet Hiyori and she comes over.

"Oh Hiyori. I'm glad you did better than expected."

Although Hiyori sometimes got tired, she finished 3rd in the first 100-meter run, and 2nd in the two-person race earlier, leaving her with good results.

She will definitely not make it into the bottom 10.

"Congratulations to Hachiman-kun for coming in first place in all events. You looked really cool..."

After Hiyori says that, she hugs me and starts to sneeze. Suddenly, she is completely spoiled.

"What's wrong? You're so nice to me all of a sudden."

"Because Hachiman-kun, Arisu-san, and Masumi-san are in the red team, but I was the only one in the white team and I felt lonely. Hachiman-kun was enjoying sleeping on her lap..."

Was I being watched? Well, it was noticeable so I guess it can't be helped.

"So please let me do this, even if it's only during the break..."

Well, I guess that's enough. Don't worry about the fact that you basically take a bath and sleep together in your dorm room.

I pull Hiyori and move behind the vending machine, then gently hold her back and gently pat her head.

It's behind a vending machine that's far away from the ground, so they probably won't find out.

Hiyori, Arisu, and Masumi all have an incredible way of being kind to men, right?

If it weren't for me, you'd definitely blow away your reason, right?

Actually, when I take a bath with the three of them, I sometimes feel like I'm losing my mind.

But in the end, I can't beat the three of them.

Actually, I don't have any desire to refuse Hiyori's hug.

Even as I was thinking about this, as I was gently hugging Hiyori, I could feel the rush coming from the field, so I looked at the clock and saw that there were less than three minutes left until the end of the break.

"Hiyori, I'll be back soon."

I say as I break the hug. It's a shame, but we can't stay like this forever.

"I see...Ah, could you give me a kiss of encouragement at the end?'' As soon as she said that, she begged me with an upturned look.

She says the same thing as Masumi. It's too late, but a kiss of support...

However, Hiyori closes her eyes and gets into a position to receive the kiss.

Looks like this will continue until I do.

I sigh and then gently kiss Hiyori on the lips. It was only for a moment that they touched, but in that instant the softness of Hiyori's lips was felt.

"Thank you... Hachiman-kun, please do your best."


With those words, Hiyori kisses me.

Not just the touching kiss I did earlier, but a kiss where our lips overlapped each other's.

"Ah. We're in different groups, but let's do our best together."

"...Yes," we said as we stepped out from behind the vending machine and started running towards the ground.

It's only a little bit until lunch, so I have to do my best.


"I'm home. Here, tea."

After the break time ends, I give Arisu some tea.

"Thank you. Now for the point... Hachiman-kun, did you kiss Hiyori-san?"

Immediately, she becomes suspicious and asks such a question. How?

How did you find out?

"I take silence as an affirmation."

"Ah, ah. I did. But how did you know?"

"Because you look happy."

I seem to have a happy expression on my face. Well, Hiyori's kisses really feel good.

While replying, I looked at the ground and saw a first year girl entering the ground.

Next, we will start with the first year girls. The first event is cavalry.

As the name suggests, teams of four people form a horse and aim for points by taking the headband worn by the jockey.

There will be four horses from each class, and eight horses from each group. The remaining members are substitutes.

Each horse has points, and if you steal an enemy's headband, you will get that point for each one. In addition, even if you survive to the end, you will receive points as well.

By the way, one of the four cavalry horses is assigned the role of a general's cavalry. Normally, the three cavalry horses have 50 points, but the general cavalry has 100 points allocated to them.

If you have the power of Ikki Tousen, you can expect a large amount of points, but on the other hand, there is a risk that you too will be easily robbed.

By the way, there are four D-class jockeys: Horikita, Karuizawa, Kushida, and Mori, and Mori is the general jockey.

Mori, who doesn't have good athletic ability, is selected as a jockey for the general horse.

The aim is to protect it with the remaining three horses.

By the way, the jockeys for the B and C class generals are Hiyori and Ichinose.

Hiyori probably doesn't have good motor nerves, so she won't be able to attack forcibly like D class.

As for Ichinose, she has athleticism and charisma, so it wouldn't be strange for her to be in the vanguard.

While thinking about that, the match begins...

"Hey, hey, what's that!"

As Ike shouted, the four B-class cavalry advanced without hesitation, ignoring the A-class and aiming for Horikita's cavalry instead of the general's cavalry.

Since Hiyori's side is also attacking, the purpose is probably to harass them completely.

Then, the D-class cavalry tries to help Horikita, but is stopped by the C-class cavalry led by Ichinose.

As for A class...

"Ah! They abandoned us!"

While Sudo was shouting, all the A-class cavalry moved away from the non-A-class cavalry and moved to the line at the very edge of their use area.

According to the rules of cavalry battles, if you survive until the end, you get points, so maybe you're trying to speed up your time.

You'll definitely survive and get bonus points.

While I was thinking about this, I watched a match between Class D and BC Union, and Horikita's cavalry was attacked by four B class cavalry relentlessly, robbing her of her headband, and Horikita fell from her horse.

Well, anyone would lose.

When Horikita fell off her horse, a melee ensued and Kushida and Mori lost their headbands.

However, in the end, Karuizawa was prepared to trade and succeeded in stealing one of the headbands from the C-class cavalry.

That's a great thing to say about this.

Unbelievably, she defeated one horse in a desperate situation, 8 to 1.

I am revising Karuizawa's evaluation upwards because of this, but does this also have something to do with that slut?

Glancing at the clock, I saw that there were only 30 seconds left until the end of the game, and the distance between the BC Union and Class A was about 30 meters, so if they focused on defense, they would be able to protect.

In reality, the BC Union is heading towards A-class, but the A-class cavalry is moving along the line that represents the area of use. This should be fine.

After a while, time was up when Ichinose's horse and Masumi's horse were about to collide.

In class D, one horse is defeated and all the horses are destroyed.

C class has 2 killed and 3 remaining.

In class B, 2 horses have been defeated and 4 remain.

No one in A class has been defeated, but there are 4 horses left.

As a result, Class A received 250 points, Class B received 400 points, Class C received 300 points, and Class D received 50 points, resulting in a crushing defeat for Class D.

Well, maybe it can't be helped at this time.

"Okay, it's time to go."

"Yes. Good luck."

After receiving words of encouragement from Arisu, I headed to the entrance gate and entered the field.

"Let's go, you guys!'' Sudo yells and stands by. Sudo's cavalry includes Sudo, Ayanokoji, and Miyake.

It is the strongest horse with Hirata as its jockey. At first, there was talk of making this cavalry a general, but it was decided that it would be better to let him be free, so he is not a general.

"Okay, let's do it."

While saying this, he talked to the horsemen, Sotomura, Yukimura, and Hondo. "I'll leave it to you!"

Sotomura, the main horseman, says so. Well, winning or losing in a cavalry battle isn't important.

For me, I'm just bashing Ryuen.

As soon as the signal to start the match sounds, the A-class cavalry joins up with the D-class cavalry.

This was probably to prevent one cavalry horse from being targeted like last time.

"The target is Ryuen's head! Let's blow him away!!'' Sudo said as he launched a charge, followed by the other cavalrymen.

On the other hand, Ryūen, the jockey of the general's cavalry, was smiling fearlessly.

This monkey, can't you still understand that he can't beat Ryūen if he has blood rushing to his head?

As I followed Sudo's cavalry despite being stunned, Sudo launched a ramming strategy towards the enemy, destroying a total of three white cavalry horses.

Since the jockey just fell off the horse and didn't take away the headband, we don't get any points, but it still doesn't give them any survival points, so it's not a bad tactic.

When I thought about it that much, I ran into a C-class general horseman who had Shibata and Kanzaki.

The C-class general's cavalry looks quite tough, with the highly mobile Shibata on Kanzaki's horse and the general's Beppu, a brawny man.

"Hashimoto, I'll leave the surrounding horse riding to you."

"Yes. I'll leave the general and knight to you."

When I asks Hashimoto's horse nearby, Hashimoto readily agrees and begins to hit the C-class horse.

"It's an attack."

When Beppu says that, the general knight charges towards us.

He is among the fastest among horsemen.

"Take it. If you survive one shot, I'll do something."

"I understand!"

When I say that, the three horsemen bend down and spread their legs slightly.

At the same time, the general's cavalry collided with him, but the cavalry only stumbled a little but did not fall.

If you're going to take on a higher-ranking opponent, it's more effective to take a solid stance than to charge.

If the other side hits too hard, there is a possibility that the balance of their horse will be lost, so they won't hit with all their might.

Even as I thought so, I patted away the hand the other person extended to protect Hachimaki.

Because I'm good at parrying the opponent's attacks. It's not scary at all even if it attacks from an unbalanced position.

I repeatedly hit my opponent's hand, and when I found an opening, I lightly pushed him to make him lose his balance.

Malicious violence is prohibited, but slapping the other person's hand or pushing the other person's body is permitted.

Then, when Beppu loses his balance, before he can regain his balance, I pulls on his gym clothes, causing him to lose his balance even more.

And immediately let go...



It's a so-called cat trick where you clap your hands as hard as you can.

Beppu, who lost his balance and suffered a cat trick up close, closes his eyes and throws his head back, so I don't hesitate to throw the headband at him.

"Sorry, but I got the headband. Next time... I'll hit Ryūen."

"Are you sane? Ryuen is creepy so we should probably avoid it."

Yukimura objects, but...

"Look closely. Sudo is blowing away all the cavalry, and Ryuen is the only enemy."

On the other hand, this faction has an advantage with 3 horses including us.

"Because Ryūen is creepy, I will crush him 3 to 1."

"...That's right. It's better to go before Sudo takes advantage of the provocation."

Yukimura was also satisfied, so I gave instructions to Sotomura and headed to Ryūen's cavalry.

At the same time, A-class Katsuragi's cavalry is also heading towards Ryūen's cavalry.

"Hey, it's 3 to 1, right? We won this match!"

Sudo laughs loudly at Ryuen. Ryuen, on the other hand, ignores Sudo and looks at me.

"Yo Hikigaya. How dare you defeat a C-class general knight with such a small cavalry horse. Shall we continue with the fight?"

"Hey, don't ignore me!"

Sudo gets angry at Ryuen, but that's probably the other person's point...

"Ah? If I think of it, he's probably just a small fry that got stepped on by me. I wonder how long he's been near me."


Sudo gets even more angry at Ryuen's dumb attitude. Meanwhile, Ryuen becomes even more agitated.

"I'm going to do it with Hikigaya from now on. Small fry like you should start wagging your tail at Suzune, you virgin."

No, most of the people here are virgins, right?

Well, Ryuen may not be a virgin.

"What?! Don't you dare slander Suzune!"

"I don't know. Maybe Suzune is your sex friend? How much did you pay? Suzune is a small fry, but she looks nice, so I guess it's around 50,000 yen?"

Due to Ryuen's relentless prodding, a cracking sound can be heard coming from Sudo's head.

"You Bastard! I'll kill you!"

"Sudo-kun! Don't take advantage of the provocation!"

"Whoa! Can you keep quiet after hearing all this?"

Sudo said that and began to attack with some force. At that time, the horsemen other than Sudo, Ayanokoji and Miyake, were dragged along and followed, causing the jockey, Hirata, to stumble.

He really has a short temper...

''Wait, Sudo. There are three of us here.

You're in the way!''

Argh...! "

Katsuragi tries to stop him, but Sudo blows him away. As a result, the jockey of Katsuragi's horse falls and falls off.

"What is Sudo thinking?!"

Yukimura yells, but I agrees. Why are you depriving yourself of so many benefits? If Katsuragi's horse had remained, the two of them could have attacked with Sudo's horse even if he lost.

"Hikigaya-dono?! What should we do?"

"No matter what you do, don't attack now. It'll be just like Katsuragi and the others."

If we go near Sudo, who blows away his allies, we'll probably get caught up too.

While stunned, Sudo charges out of anger. Ryuen, on the other hand, is laughing happily...

"You guys, get ready."

After saying that, the three of Ryūen's horsemen bent down and spread their legs in a position to receive it.

They're in the same position as when I took on the C-class General's cavalry earlier, but Ryuen's cavalry is led by Albert, who has the physical ability to be at the top of his class.

If Albert stands firm, no one will be able to break him down.

At this point, it would be popular to retreat and take a position next to Ryuen, but Sudo probably has no choice but to attack right now.

As expected, Sudo lunges at Albert.

This caused a roaring sound, but Albert's body did not move in the slightest.

Well, it would be extremely difficult to break down Albert who was so stiff.

As a result, the clash between the horses became stiff, and it became a showdown between the jockeys.

Hirata immediately extends his right hand, probably aiming for a decisive battle.

Ryuen on the other hand stuck out his hands...



Try tricking the cat like I did earlier.

The cat trick is so effective when it happens suddenly that Hirata closes his eyes and throws his head back.

Then, Ryuen lightly pulled Hirata's right hand with his left hand, and at the same time, he used his right hand to punch Hirata's headband.

Hirata was pulled forward by this and lost his balance...



He then fell to the ground, with Sudo, who was in charge of the front, being involved.

As a result, Sudo was pinned down by Hirata. Someone cheered on the girls's side.


"Come on. You fell off your horse, so leave now, you idiot."

Ryuen slowly comes towards us while provoking Sudo and the others.


Sudo yelled, but there was no time to worry about that right now. Because...

"Yo Hikigaya, now it's just me and your horse on the ground. Let's have fun."

This is because Ryuen is looking at me with a ferocious smile on his face.

Now, what the hell is going on...


Sudo's screams echoed on the ground.

"It's ugly."

In response to Sudo's cry, Arisu looked at Sudo with a look of contempt in her eyes and gave a sneer.

And Masumi, who was next to her, had similar feelings to Arisu.

Until two minutes ago, the red team had an overwhelming advantage, 3 to 1, but it seemed like they were taking advantage of Sudo's provocation, and then they went on their own, and when they thought they had mowed down Katsuragi's cavalry who tried to stop, Ryūen... He was easily defeated by the cavalry.

As a result, only Hachiman of the Red Team was on horseback. If they had attacked 3-on-1, they would have almost certainly won, so there is no doubt that Sudo's actions caused a lot of trouble for the Red Team.

"Well, in the end, the rest of the Red Team is Hachiman-kun's horse... but honestly, it's tough."

"That's right. I don't think there's that much of a difference in ability between Hachiman and Ryuen, but there's a huge difference in horseback riding."

Arisu and Masumi both like Hachiman, but think it will be difficult to win in this situation.

The three horsemen supporting Hachiman are clearly untrained.

On the other hand, the horsemen supporting Ryūen are two members of the athletic club, led by Albert Yamada, a half-black student who is physically one of the best not only as a first-year student but also in the entire school.

If the cavalry clashed, Hachiman's cavalry would lose 100% of the time.

While thinking about this, they looked at the ground and saw Ryuen's horse heading towards Hachiman's horse...


For some reason, they didn't hit each other just because they were close. Masumi is also taken aback by this.

"I see, that's what you mean. Please do your best, Hachiman-kun..."

Arisu, on the other hand, understood Ryuen's intentions and gave a small nod.

"What do you mean, Ryuen? If we let Albert charge, we can win, right?"

I talk to Ryuen who is right in front of me. After Sudo and the others fell out, Ryūen came towards us, but he didn't try to charge his cavalry, and although he was still right in front of them, he didn't show any signs of charging.

Therefore, when I asked Ryuen a question, Ryuen snorted and laughed.

"Huh, it wouldn't  be fun to win in a natural way. I want to destroy you, not the cavalry."

Wow. Well, given Ryuen's personality, it's possible.

In this case, he's not just interested in winning. He's probably the type of person who won't be satisfied unless he wins in a way that satisfies him.

However, it is impossible to win in a battle using cavalry, so Ryūen's strategy is a wish come true.

"Take it and stand guys should bend your back a little and stabilize yourself."

They might attack you, and if you aren't more stable than that, your chances of winning are slim.

Thinking this, I looked ahead and saw that Ryūen's cavalry also took a defensive stance. It looks like he really wants to defeat me.

But... it's the same here.


They whisper this to each other and start moving.

Ryuen tries to push me with his right hand, so I hit him with my left hand, and Ryuen's left hand hits my right hand.

Click, click, click, click, click

They clap their hands together, creating a popping sound around them and causing pain in their hands.

However, if I stop, I will lose, so I don't stop and attacks...and pretends to block Ryuen's left hand with his right hand.

Then, even though I was being attacked by Ryuen's right hand, I swung my left hand and hit Ryuen's left hand.

As a result, Ryuen's left hand lowered, so while blocking Ryuen's right hand, I grabbed Ryuen's headband with his free right hand.

However, the next moment, I felt a slimy sensation and it left my hand, and Ryuen took advantage of that opportunity and reached out for my headband.

(You bastard, you're putting lotion on your headband. Don't think the same thing as me.)

I panicked and turned my body backwards to escape from Ryuen's grasp, but Ryuen didn't want to let go either and grabbed my right hand and pulled me towards him.

This makes me lose my balance, but I manage to hold back and hold my left hand in front of the headband to protect it from Ryuen's pursuit.

"You must be really excited to wax your hair."

Ryuen laughs at those words.

"You probably want to show off your good side in front of Hiyori and the others, so I'm applying wax to make myself look cool."


Even as he says this, I straighten up and look at the clock. There are less than 30 seconds left in the time limit.

At the moment, we are evenly matched, so if this situation continues, we won't lose.

However, Ryūen is a place that wholesalers do not accept.

He has a similar way of thinking to me, and there is a high possibility that he will attack me as soon as the match ends.

As for using violence at the sports festival...well, I would.

Well, you don't need to worry about it now. If you can get a headband, you should.

Even with that thought in mind, I launched an attack on Ryuen again.

On the other hand, Ryuuen continues to attack me even though he is able to outrun my attacks, so I protect Hachimaki as well.

And the moment there was less than 5 seconds left...

"It's an attack."

Me and Ryuen's voices overlap. Then, for just a moment, our horse slowly stood up, and Albert started attacking Sotomura.

At the same time, I lost my balance and started falling backwards toward the ground.


Then, Ryuen made it look as if he had lost his balance, his eyes were tinged with sadness, and he turned his elbow towards me.


At the same time, the whistle sounded to end the match, and Ryuen fell towards me while raising his elbow slightly, so I kept my knees ready even though I was falling...




As a result, Ryuen's elbow hit my forehead, my knee hit Ryuen's dovetail, and I fell to the ground, and Ryuen fell to my right side, probably because he received a knee kick.


I whisper as I sit up. His elbow hit me in the forehead, making me lightheaded.

"That's my line. Is it normal to do a knee kick in that situation?"

Ryuen stands up while putting his hand on his stomach, but when he looks at me, it doesn't seem to be working at all.

But what will happen to this? After the final whistle rang, we fell to the ground, but I don't know if there will be a survival bonus or not in this case.

"I would like to announce the current results. The jockeys of both horses collapsed, but since the jockeys hit the ground after the final whistle rang, both horses are considered to be survivors.''

When such an announcement is made, the White team is happy and the Red team is disappointed.

If it were treated as a fall, both cavalry would receive 0 points, but since it was determined that they survived, they would receive a survival bonus.

However, Ryuen's cavalry is a general's cavalry, so it gets 100 points, and my cavalry, which is not a general's cavalry, only gets 50 points.

In other words, if the survival bonus occurs, the White team has an advantage.

Well, there's no point in being stingy with the results, so I'll give up.

While thinking this, Sudo yells at Ryuen as he heads towards the exit gate.

"Hey, Ryuen! Don't do anything cowardly from just now!"

"Cowardly? I haven't broken any rules, have I?"

Ryuen snorts a laugh in response to Sudo's rage, which raises the voltage of Sudo's anger again.

"I mean, Sudo. Thank you for helping us."


"Of course. You've run alone many times and defeated Katsuragi's cavalry, haven't you? To us, the White Team, you're the goddess of victory."

Well, I can't deny it. In fact, during the Botoshi, he was consumed by anger and did not cooperate well, throwing away his chance of victory.

In the cavalry battle that he just fought, due to Ryuen's provocation, he did not reflect on his Botoshi and threw away his 3-1 advantage.

He ran away.

That would have been enough, but after defeating Katsuragi's cavalry who tried to stop him, he was defeated without a fit.

From the Red Team's perspective, Sudo is a god of evil, but from the White Team's perspective, he is a goddess of victory who contributes to the White Team.


Sudo is on the verge of exploding at Ryuen's words. In response to Sudo's barks, Ryuen gives him a gentle smile

(though there is contempt in his eyes) and turns to the members of the B class he belongs to...

"You guys, please call the name of Sudo, the Goddess of victory for the White team."


"Sudo! Sudo! Sudo!"

"Sudo! Sudo! Sudo!"




Cheers for Sudo fly from class B. Wow, that's a great provocation. Well, from the white team's point of view, Sudo's presence is a blessing...

As Sudo thinks so, he starts running towards Ryūen... but before he can, Hirata tries to stop him, but is pushed away.

Honestly, I don't care if Sudo hits Hirata.

But if Sudo hits Ryuen of the White group, there is a possibility that the bonuses that Class D has earned in the past when they achieved high rankings will be lost as a joint responsibility.

I don't mind the reduction in class points, but I can't overlook the possibility that the bonuses given to me personally will disappear.

Having come to that conclusion, while Sudo was closing the distance between him and Ryuen, I tripped Sudo, causing him to lose his balance, and then restraining him to the ground, and immediately lightly tightening his arm joints.

It's just to stop Sudo, so I won't be blamed.

"It hurts! Just let me go!"

"Who will let you go? I don't mind if you hit Ryuen and get expelled, but it would be a big deal if the bonus points earned by the Red Team were confiscated."

If that happens, my next exam score will be lost. I absolutely hate it.

"Haha! It's just like Hikigaya said. It's true that if Sudo hits me, there's a possibility that his bonus points for the sports festival will be reduced. By the way, Hikigaya, if Sudo hits me, there's a chance that your bonus points won't be forfeited and Sudo will just be expelled.?"

What if the bonus points weren't forfeited and Sudo was just expelled?

"If that happens, I'll just get hurt and Sudo will be expelled from school, wouldn't it be like killing two birds with one stone for you?"

It's really tempting. But I have no intention of agreeing with this bastard's request who just hit me on the forehead. 

Besides, it's just a possibility. No guarantee.

"Ah?! Don't be silly! Just let go!"

"Shut up, you idiot! My bonus is on the line here! Now, Ryuen, hurry home. I have no intention of letting this monkey go wild any further."

"Okay. See you later, Hikigaya. Your knee kick really hurt."

While saying this, Ryuen laughs and leaves.

At that time, Sudo screams and tries to escape from my restraints, but I has no intention of letting go.

In the end, when I released his restraints after Ryuen returned to the B-class position, he started to attack me, so I restrained him again, but does he seriously have no learning ability?

What was I thinking at that time?

I should have just let him get expelled  instead of lending Horikita my points during the first semester midterm exam for a mere 20,000 points.