Chapter 67


When my alarm goes off, I wake up and turn off the timer. When I tried to lift myself up, I noticed a weight on my right arm, so I glanced at it...


Arisu was sleeping while hugging me without any clothes on. She looked happy while she was sleeping and didn't seem to be waking up, but it couldn't be helped since we were laying on top of each other until after 2 o'clock.

I'm also quite sleepy at the moment.

Yawning, I let Arisu out of my arms, got out of bed, took out my underwear from the closet, and went to the bathroom.

The smell is so bad that I have to wash it off before I go to school.

Then, I went straight into the bathroom and took a shower to remove the smell and dirt, and when I came out of the bathroom, Arisu, who was wrapping her body in a bath towel, came into the changing room at the same time.

When Arisu sees me, she gives me a gentle yet sexy smile.

"Good morning. You loved me a lot yesterday and it felt good."


Then she kissed me on the lips, took off the bath towel, and entered the bathroom.

My heart skipped a beat from Arisu's kiss, so I put on my underwear, went back to the living room, and put the bed sheets in the washing machine.

I wash the sheets this morning two or three times a week, but I'm pretty lazy.

After running the washing machine, I leave the changing room and make breakfast in my underwear.

Today I'm making something for the first time in a while since Hiyori isn't home, but that alone makes me realize how much I appreciate Hiyori's presence.

In fact, I feel like if Hiyori takes care of me, I'll become a useless person.

As I was thinking about that, I heard a noise coming from the changing room, so I thought Arisu must have gotten up, so I turned around and...

" is it?"

Arisu was there wearing my shirt and I was at a loss for words.

My baggy dress shirt, her beautiful legs that are on full display, her white shorts showing off, and Arisu's shyness.

When I saw Arisu like that, I immediately opened my mouth.

"Stop acting like that. It's going to shatter my rationality."

If Arisu were to kiss me at this point, another battle would begin.

Hearing this, Arisu blushed and nodded slightly before making a U-turn and heading towards the closet, but as she did so, her dress shirt fluttered and her small butt wrapped in shorts caught my eye.

Oh, this is dangerous.

When I thought that...

"Hya... Hachiman-kun?!"

My rationality was at its limit as I hugged Arisu from behind.

"I'm sorry...but can we do this as long as time allows?"

My rationality has barely escaped collapse, but right now I can't help but want to feel Arisu's warmth.

"...Yes. That's good."

After getting Arisu's approval, I took her to the bed, and after I sat on the bed, I made Arisu sit on my lap and hugged her from behind.

"Sorry. For listening to my selfishness."

"Don't worry about it. Hachiman-kun also heard how selfish I was about wanting to live with him."


With those words at the end, I tighten my grip on Arisu and blow into her ear.

"Hyaan! Ha, Hachiman-kun!"

Arisu gasps, but I ignore it and blow again into her ear.

"Hmm! Hachiman-kun! Please stop... Anh!"

Arisu says so, but it was your fault for wearing my shirt and seducing me in the first place.

This is already on the verge of reaching its limit.

With this in mind, I spent as much time as possible enjoying Arisu's warmth and blowing her ears.

Furthermore, when I released Arisu, she turned bright red and hit my shin with her cane, which was quite painful.

Well, it's my fault because I ended up licking instead of blowing.

After several hours...

As the 6th period of long homeroom began, Mr. Chabashira left the classroom.

At the same time, Hirata and Horikita, who were sitting diagonally behind me on the right, stood up and headed toward the podium.

"In today's long home room, I would like to have a discussion regarding the quiz. I have received permission from Chabashira-sensei. First of all, Horikita-san, is that okay?'' Hirata announced in front of everyone, and Horikita spoke. open it.

"...Before we begin our discussion, I would like to apologize for something that happened in the past. I had a disappointing result at the sports festival. I said something strong with my mouth, but in the end I couldn't leave anything behind. Let me apologize for that."

She bowed her head as she speak. Apparently, she lost a little skin when she lost to Ryuen.

I thought Horikita was in the same category as Yukinoshita, but she was better than Yukinoshita when she admitted her fault and bowed her head.

And if it's just acting to gain control of the class, I'm still impressed but slightly disgusted.

"B-it's not just Horikita-san's fault that we lost."

"That's right, Suzune. Haruki and the doctor were of no use to me," Sudo said, looking at Yamauchi who was nearby, but you're not much different, are you?

"If you just look at the results. But at the sports festival, I have almost zero points to evaluate.'' Well, that's true.

The result is important, but the process of getting there is also quite important, and Horikita's process cannot be praised.

"However, my apology ends here for now. I want to work together with everyone in the class and try our best for the next final exam."

See, I knew it!

"I understand that, but what are we going to do concretely? We still don't know how to decide on pairs."

Some say so, but you can pretty much predict how the pairs will be decided.

The person who took 1st place in the quiz will team up with them, the 2nd place person will be 39th place, the 3rd place person will be 38th place, etc.

When I looked into it, it seems that this exam is held every year, and there are one or two groups who drop out, but if idiots team up, there will probably be more pairs that drop out, so I guess they create pairs to balance the exam.

"It's as if you already know how to decide on pairs. You can also manipulate the combinations to some extent. Hirata-kun."

"Yeah," Hirata says, and writes down my idea of pairing rules on the blackboard.

For example, a student with 100 points is written as a student with 0 points, a student with 99 points is written as a student with 1 point, etc.

"Oh! This is the law! You did it!"

"This is the conclusion that quite a few people have come to. The problem is next. As per the rules, the combination is relatively balanced, but exceptions can occur. Perhaps the pair in which this exception occurred was expelled from school in the past.''

That's why I'm going to explain a plan to reduce the number of irregularities as much as possible.'' As soon as Horikita said that, she wrote the names of 10 people on the blackboard.

The name she wrote is a member who is not good at studying.

"For the 10 people listed here, all you have to do is write their names on the quiz. It doesn't seem to affect their grades, so there will be no disadvantages even if they get 0 points. On the other hand, the 10 people with the highest grades will definitely Have them score 85 points or more. Then, the 20 people in the middle class are basically divided into upper and lower half, with the top students aiming for about 80% and the bottom students getting 1 point.''

Well, to win in class . In order to attend, you must avoid pairing up students with similar grades.

However, for me, I want to intentionally cut corners on the quizzes and team up with Horikita, Yukimura, and Koenji.

From my point of view, the class points will be reduced, but if I can get 160,000 points every month from the Katsuragi faction, it won't be a big loss, and I want to definitely take a policy to avoid expulsion.

At this point, Horikita looks at me.

"Do you have any objections to that, Hikigaya-kun?"

"I'm just going to do what's best."

"Is that what's best for D-class or what's best for you?"

It seems like they've found out that I'm trying to pair up with a student who has excellent grades.

"Which one do you think?"

"The latter. But if you intentionally get a low score, this system itself will no longer work."

"I guess so. But for me, it's more important that I don't get expelled."

"I guess. But I would like you to be paired with a student with lower grades. Students who are paired with you, who have excellent grades, will almost certainly avoid expulsion."

"So you're telling me to be serious in the quizzes? From my point of view, there's no obligation to obey. I hate things that have no merit."

With that said, Sudo stood up, but Horikita stopped him with her hand, then took a breath and opened her mouth.

He really became a dog.

"I won't give you an order. Even if I did, I don't think you would obey. That's why... I would like to make a contract with you."

...I see. It seems like you're presenting me with benefits without giving me instructions without thinking.

I see, it seems that being cornered by Ryuen has awakened Horikita. Or is that slut, Ayanokoji again.


"Yes. Hikigaya-kun will contribute to D-class until he transfers to the class to which Sakayanagi-san belongs. In exchange, he will receive all the bonus points earned from regular exams, and half of the points paid on the 1st of every month. I will give it to you until you transfer.''

Those words caused an uproar in the D-class, but it was an unexpected proposal even for me.

I can get a lot of points just by giving my all to D class.

Horikita earns more than 100,000 yen each time as a bonus for regular exams, and half of the points she receives on the 1st of every month are pretty big.

"It's a very good deal."

"You won't cooperate unless you prepare this many cards, right?"

"I won't deny it. If that's the condition, I'll sign the contract."

While saying this, I took out a piece of paper and started writing out the details of the contract. Then, finish writing the contract and confirm it.


Hikigaya Hachiman (hereinafter referred to as "A") and Suzune Horikita (hereinafter referred to as "B") conclude the contract as follows.

1. Until Hikigaya Hachiman (hereinafter referred to as "A") transfers to the class to which Sakayanagi Arisu belongs, Party A will do his best for the class to which Party B belongs in preparing for exams and events prepared by the school.

2. If Party A seems to have violated Condition 1, a deliberation will be held in the presence of the teacher. If it is determined that Party A has violated Condition 1, Party A will pay Party B a fine of 500,000 private points.

3. Party B will pay Party A all bonus points for regular exams and half of the private points paid on the 1st of every month until Party A transfers classes.

4. Party B will do her best in the exams and events provided by the school.

5. If Party B seems to have violated Condition 4, a deliberation will be held in the presence of the teacher, and if it is determined that the party has cut corners, Party B will pay all private points she owns to Party A at that stage.

I finished writing the contract and handed it to Horikita.

"As for the contract details, you have nothing to complain about, right?"

"There are a lot of penalties that are related to me."

"There's no problem as long as you don't cut corners. Also, you said it's big, but if it's around 500,000 yen, it won't be that hard for me to get."

While they are talking, Horikita checks the contract, but this time I have no intention of forcing her into it.

The point is more important than the fit.

Horikita, on the other hand, carefully examines the contract, but eventually sighs.

"The negotiation has been concluded. I will sign this contract and give you the points, and you will do your best for D-class during future exams."

As she says this, she writes her name on the contract, so I write my name too.

Okay, now we've secured another source of funding.

Once you get two or three more sources of funding, your school life will be smooth sailing.

For now, after the final exams are over, I'll try to join other clubs besides the chess club.

I looked at the contract and thought about my future plans.

After completing the contract with Horikita, the strategy meeting ended without any problems, and I left the classroom with Horikita in a good mood.

After all, when the contract was signed, Horikita gave me 110,000 bonus points that she had earned during the midterm exam as a contract bonus.

I can only be grateful to Ryuen for improving Horikita by beating her up, who specializes in arrogance.

So now I'm going to get the seal of approval from my homeroom teacher, Chabashira-sensei, regarding the contract.

"Excuse me"

While saying this, I entered the staff room and headed towards Chabashira-sensei, who narrowed her eyes.

"That's an unusual combination. What do you need from me?"

"Actually, I signed a contract with Horikita, so I came here to get your seal of approval as my homeroom teacher.''

While saying this, I hands over the contract, and Chabashira-sensei looks at it and then looks at Horikita.

"You presented very good conditions."

"If I don't do this, I won't be able to tie him down."

I guess so. I'm also confident that I would have refused if she didn't present a considerable benefit.

"Well, that's fine. I don't mind if they agree."

While saying this, Chabashira-sensei stamped the contract, made two copies of the contract, handed them to me and Horikita, and put the original contract on the desk.

"The contract has been completed. From now on, if Hikigaya judges you to have cut corners in the exam, you may receive a penalty, so please be careful."

"Understood. Also, I have a question for Chabashira-sensei regarding the submission of the problem."

Since I said I won't cut corners, I will seriously go for the win.


"For example, let's say I created an exam question and went to submit it to the teacher. However, if Horikita submitted the question first and it was accepted, my question would not be accepted. So, what can I do to make you accept my questions instead of Horikita's problem? Please answer that question"

...are you?"

"Yes. Hikigaya-kun seems to want to know how to cancel the acceptance of my problem, but in that case, you will need to take me, who submitted it, to Chabashira-sensei."

"I see. That means you know what I want to ask..."

"I asked the same thing on the day the exam was announced. Then I told  Chabashira-sensei, "I have the right to decide to submit the questions,'' and "She can pretend to accept anyone else who comes.''

I see. If that were the case, one of the strategies of the traitor, "submit the problem first and show it to other classes'', would be suppressed.

If that's the case, then it won't be a problem if we can prevent them from eavesdropping on the questions and leaking them to other classes like they did during the sports festival.

"I see. Then I won't have to ask. Sorry for the inconvenience."

After bowing to Chabashira-sensei, I leave the staff room. What should I do now?

Arisu must have been creating the questions, and Hiyori must have had a tea ceremony club. Inviting Masumi...

No, no, I wouldn't want her to think I was paying attention.


"Wait a minute!"

Horikita calls out to me.


"The fact that you asked that question earlier seems to indicate that there is a traitor in the class, but is that person…Kushida-san?"

Apparently Horikita knows this too. Maybe Kushida fell apart at the sports festival.

"Yeah. I also heard from Ryuen. The target is likely you, but if they involve a third party, I can't leave it alone."

After all, at the sports festival, she had brought the D class into a predicament. From Kushida's point of view, she would not hesitate to involve a third party.

But from my point of view, it's a good nuisance, so I won't tolerate it.

"So you're saying you want to expel her?"

"Yeah. But that doesn't mean I'm going to do anything right now."

It's not that I don't have a plan to crush them, but I don't have enough cards.

With Ryuen's cooperation, I can defeat her without too much trouble, and I plan to fail Kushida's betrayal in this exam and induce Ryuen to cut Kushida out.

"About that...Hikigaya-kun, will you please do nothing?"

Horikita then makes an unexpected request, but judging from Horikita's tone, it seems like she has no intention of expelling Kushida.

"From the way you say it, are you planning on not expelling Kushida and trying to talk to her so that she doesn't betray you?"

"Yes. If she doesn't betray Class D, she will be a great force."

Well, I won't deny that. Class D needs a coordinating role, and Kushida will be a great help in that case.


"I understand the story... but I don't want to bet on such uncertain factors. You are free to think about whatever you want, but I will do what I want."

I value certainty. I'm not opposed to cooperating with the D-class due to my contract, but I can't stand leaving the bomb unattended.

Horikita tries to say something, but I ignore her and walk down the hallway.

Even if she say more, it will be a parallel story.

Then, I went straight to the shoe closet, changed my shoes, and tried to go out...


Masumi was near the exit, fiddling with her cell phone as if she had been standing there for a while.

She seemed to notice me as well and put her cell phone in her pocket.

"Hachiman. It looks like you're going home now, but do you have any plans after school?"

"No. I don't have a clear plan."

Well, I'll probably just study at the library or wander around the shopping mall.

"Well, why don't you come back to your room with me?"

"I don't mind that, but do you want to do something in my room?"

I was surprised that she suggested going out of her way to go back to my room. For some reason, she rarely go straight home.

"...I want to be pampered by Hachiman."

Then Masumi says that while blushing a little. If I was asked to do something like that, I wouldn't be able to refuse. Or rather, I had free time to begin with.

"Okay. Now let's go to the room."


Masumi nods cutely, then approaches me and intertwines her fingers with mine.

When I first met Masumi, she was a cool and unapproachable girl, but as time went on, I realized that she was a clumsy girl who wasn't good at being spoiled.

Then, recently, she started to get spoiled with me and I don't feel bad about it.

While thinking this, I leave the school building feeling Masumi's warmth and head straight towards the dormitory.

When I arrived at the dormitory, I went inside and headed to my room on the first floor.

I unlock the door and enter the room, but Masumi still doesn't let go of my hand.

"So? Why did you suddenly say that?"

"Sakayanagi won't be coming to the room for a while, and Hiyori has club activities until 6 o'clock... If we go back to the dorm now, I'll have Hachiman all to myself for about two hours."

Damn, you're too cute.

"I see. So? What do you want from me?"

"I want you to hug me...I want you to stroke my head...I want you to kiss me..."


I nod, then pull Masumi to the bed and hug her gently as I get inside.

Then, Masumi lets out a small sigh and then hugs me back. As a result, Masumi's warmth is directly transmitted to me, and I feels happy.

Then, when I stroke Masumi's head, Masumi twists in my arms as if tickled.


Masumi is just adorable and makes me want to pat her on the head even more.

"Ah... Hachiman... Hmm."

What is this guy? Do you want me to die in agony?

While wondering, Masumi strokes my head and eventually closes her eyes and sticks out her lips.

She probably wants a kiss like she requested earlier.

I didn't know it when we first started living together, but now I've kissed Masumi, Hiyori, and Arisu over a thousand times each, so I don't feel particularly embarrassed, so I just put my hand on the top of Masumi's head.

On the back of her head. Move to...


Just kiss her.

Then Masumi closes her eyes and presses her lips to mine.

When I tries to pull away, she doesn't seem to want to let go, so she tightens her hold on me and showers me with kisses.

I give up the option of resisting Masumi, who is completely spoiled, and continues to receive kisses from Masumi.

(Every time I think about it, I'm too weak to push...)

I sometimes kiss them myself, but when Masumi and the others kiss me, I can't resist.

"Puhaha... Hachiman... I love you, I love you... mmm."

Masumi kisses me repeatedly while saying what she likes me.

Is this that?

Do you mean attack while the sun is out?

But be patient. If I messed with her at this point, I'd think it would be disrespectful...I'll put aside the fact that I've already had three people.

"Hmm... Hachiman. I have a favor to ask of you."

"What's up?"

"It's Christmas Eve next month...Would you like to go on a date with me, just the two of us?"

"Isn't that a complete rush?"

It's definitely going to be a hassle.

During the fireworks festival, Arisu either ran around or lied, which caused a lot of trouble.

"Yeah. But..."


"Because I want to be Hachiman's number one..."

That's why! Don't say things like that clearly...!

But how should I respond to this? I hadn't been told their feelings yet when Arisu was there, but now I have been told feelings by three people.

And I responded to them.

In such a situation, what does it mean to give preferential treatment to only one person, Masumi?

I was told that I had until graduation to decide who would be my legal wife...

It was at a time when I was wondering what to do.

"It's no good after all. Then shall we spend Christmas Eve and Christmas together?"

"What's up?"

"Because Hachiman, judging by your expression, now that you've confessed your feelings, you're worried about giving preferential treatment to just one person, right?"


"So, back to the topic, I won't force you. However, if Sakayanagi or Hiyori try to run away with you, I'll complain."


"I don't deny that I want to be alone with you, but I'd rather be alone than have Hachiman worried."

"Thank you."

Masumi must be very kind, as she can immediately see when I'm worried and doesn't push me too hard. I am truly grateful.

"So don't worry about it... hmm."

After Masumi says that, she starts raining kisses on me again, so I think I might attack Masumi, and while I receive the rain of kisses from Masumi, I rain kisses on Masumi.

As a result, we ended up playing around until Hiyori came back.

"Hey Hachiman"


"...How many children do you want?"


But please don't drop a bomb between kisses.

By the way, that evening, Hiyori and Arisu over the phone invited me to be alone with them on Christmas Eve, but when I told them honestly how I felt, they both agreed, and we'll have a great time together on Christmas Eve and Christmas.

I was relieved that the four of us would be spending the time together.

However, on that day, I was asked to love her with all my heart, so I might have to prepare some energizers early.