Chapter 68

"We're going to take a quiz now, but before that we have a report."

On the day of the quiz, Chabashira-sensei says this as she enters the classroom. It's probably about the class I was nominated for.

Our class nominated B class led by Ryuen. The reason is simple: the A class and the current C class, which was B class when they entered the school, have too high academic ability.

"This time, you all requested to nominate B class for the final exam, but as a result of a lottery with C class... D class won and your nomination to B class was approved."

Those words caused a sense of relief in the classroom. Well, if I lost in the lottery, I would have to give the question to A or C class, whose academic ability is much higher than D class, so it's only natural.

"And the class that was supposed to give the question to class D was class B, so it was decided to go with class B."

In other words, A class and C class, B class and D class are colliding with each other.

Since it is a direct competition, the losing class will give 100 class points to the winning class.

I think it was Arisu's idea that A class nominated C class.

By the way, the class points for each class at the moment are...

A class: 809

B class: 700

C class: 650

D class: 452

The difference is not that big compared to May, so there is a possibility that the class will change after this exam.

For example, if class C defeats class A, and class B defeats class D...

A class 709

B class 800

C class 750

D class 352

...The current A class will suddenly become C class, the current B class will become A class, and the current C class will become B class just like when they entered the school.

Also, if class A defeats class C, and class D defeats class B...

A class 909

B class 600

C class 550

D class 552

...and D class will be elevated to C class, and C class will be demoted to D class.

The current C class was a B class when they first entered the school, so they probably don't want to drop to a D class, so they'll probably be really fired up this time, as there's a chance they'll be demoted to a D class.

Well, in short, the tension seems to be increasing.

"Anyway, everyone looks so pale even though the test is about to begin. Let's see if you guys have a secret plan."

While I was thinking that, Chabashira-sensei opened het mouth and said something like that.

"Hehe. Well, please watch."

Ike says so, but his job is to not answer a single question, so I guess he can afford it.

"You should take it seriously so you don't regret it later."

"What? It won't affect your grades, right? In that case, as long as you don't get the points, you'll be safe."

"If it's what you think."

Chabashira-sensei tries to confuse Ike and the others, but this teacher doesn't seem interested in D-class's rank increase.

Hearing Chabashira-sensei's words, there was a feeling in the class that it would be better to get points.

"Don't be fooled. Follow the plan you set out."

However, when Horikita's cold voice echoes through the classroom, everyone becomes shocked.

There should be no problem with this.

Chabashira-sensei seemed to understand this as well, and after giving the usual explanation, he began handing out test papers, and once they had been distributed to everyone, she gave the signal to begin.

When you look at the questions, they are all so easy that even an elementary school student can get a 60 point. However, the students who should have scored 0 are not deterred by this and abandon the test by turning it over within the first 30 seconds.

Even as I look at them, I begin to solve the problem. If I don't give it my all this time, it will be a breach of contract.

After 20 minutes, I had solved all the questions and I can definitely say I got 100 points.

The next day...

"Now, I'm going to announce the pairs for the final exam.'' At the end of the fourth period of Japanese history class, Chabashira-sensei pastes a sheet of paper with the quiz scores and pairs on the blackboard, so students can read it from top to bottom.

As I follow...

Hikigaya Hachiman---Chiaki Matsushita

My pair is Matsushita. She's one of the most reliable members of the Karuizawa group, so I guess that's a good thing.

Sighing, I looked at the other pairs and saw many pairs with perfect scores and zero points, like Horikita and Sudo, Hirata and Yamauchi, and Kushida and Ike.

"Looking at these results, it seems like you've figured out the law of pairs. The law of pairs states that those with the highest and lowest scores pair up in order."

Chabashira-sensei says this with admiration, but this pair selection is just a question that must be cleared at the bare minimum in the exam.

There are many things to do from now on, such as creating tests, improving the overall strength of the class, and stealing information from class B.

Horikita says that she thinks so.

"Later, we will hold a study session to raise the average score of the class. This time, we are thinking of having two shifts a day.We will have one session for 2 hours from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm, and we will take into consideration club activities. There will be two sessions for two hours from 8:00 to 10:00 p.m. I'd like to decide on a rotation between each session.''

"I'm in a club group, so I'll be in charge of the second division."

Horikita and Hirata are saying that, but if you want to win for sure, it would be better to take a break from club activities...well, I don't know what will happen to the club activities, so I won't say it.

While thinking about this, I vaguely listen to Horikita's story, but I probably won't join the teaching group.

I've made quite a few enemies.

As I was thinking about this, my eyes met Horikita's. Ah, I have a bad feeling.

"Hikigaya-kun. Could you please make up questions about modern literature and classics? You haven't forgotten about the contract, have you?"

"...That's fine. That's the contract."

Do your best for the class. If you break it, the penalty will be huge, so you'll have no choice but to comply.

"Wait a minute. Since Hikigaya is living with Shiina-san from B class, isn't there a possibility of information leaking?"

Karuizawa says so, but it's completely natural, so I don't have any complaints.

Since I live with my opponent, Hiyori, a B class student, it's natural for them to have doubts.

"I have a workaround. There are 50 questions for each subject. For two subjects, I would need to create 100 questions, but I will have Hikigaya-kun create at least twice that many questions."

Of course, Horikita says that.

"Then, if he creates the questions, Hirata-kun and I will decide which questions to put on the test and I won't tell Hikigaya-kun the questions. In addition, if I create 10 to 20 questions, and Hikigaya-kun will give the information to Shiina-san. He won't divulge it. I don't think Hikigaya-kun would give information that is not reliable to Shiina-san, who is a close friend of his.''

Well, you're not wrong. If I go with that policy, I won't give Hiyori any information.

To put it bluntly, it's dangerous.

Regardless of Hiyori, Hiyori's partner might get impatient and get a red mark if the information differs from what she heard in the actual performance.


"Wait, okay? That means you have to make at least 200 questions, right? No matter how much trouble it is, I'll give you 100,000 private points if you make 200 questions, and 150,000 private points if you make 300 questions as a bonus.''

...That's fine. If you create 200 questions for each subject, 400 questions in total, please donate 200,000.

This girl has really grown since the sports festival. Rather than giving commands to others, they motivate them by presenting them with rewards.

There are just three weeks left until the test submission deadline. If you write 20 questions a day, you can easily write 400 questions.

"The contract has been finalized. I'm looking forward to it."

"You should prepare for the points."

While we were talking that far, a chime started ringing to signal the start of lunch break.

I stand up at the same time and head to the dining room. My job is to create tests, so there's no point in me staying in the classroom any longer.

At the same time, Hiyori came out of Class B, and Arisu and Masumi also came from the hallway.

"That's a strange coincidence. So let's go as usual."

Arisu said so and the four of us walked down the hallway. Instead of going to the dining room, I went to the wooden table in the courtyard.

There aren't many people over there, and it's a nice place as long as it doesn't rain.

Then, I took a seat and started eating Hiyori's special bento.

"Anyway, are you worried about your partner?"

Arisu asks me and Hiyori that question.

"I think I'm fine. What about Hachiman-kun?"

"Well, I just need to do my best. I'm talking about pairs and serials, but the point is, I just need to get over 700 points in eight subjects."

This test was created by the students, so there will probably be a number of difficult questions, but if you study hard from now on and don't miss the basics, you won't have any problems.

Besides, the students who created it are also first year students, so I don't think their amount of knowledge is overwhelming.

"It's good. It's sad to be expelled in the second semester of the first year. Also, Hachiman-kun. I had various things to do yesterday so I couldn't come, but now that the match card has been decided, I'll be back in your room from today."

"Ah...Then I should leave the room until the test is over..."

Hiyori says that with a sad tone...

"I think it's probably okay then. Actually..."

As I was saying this, I explained the idea I had heard from Horikita earlier: I would create a large number of questions, Horikita would randomly choose from them, and then Horikita would create 10 to 20 questions of her own.

"I see... that certainly would prevent information from leaking out. However, given Horikita-san's personality, I thought she would ask you to live separately."

I feel the same way about that. After being told to create a test, I thought that she would also ask me to live separately from Hiyori.

Are you planning something?

oh dear...

"If she doesn't order us to live separately, then there's no need to worry about it. It's hard for me to live without Hiyori."

I've always been indebted to Hiyori. I'm confident that I'll be a pretty bad person if I'm left alone.

Forehead? Aren't you a bad person if you live with three girls? That's another story.

Besides, the penalty is only 500,000 yen. If they annoy me too much, just destroy the whole class making them unable to move any further.

It can also be used as a merit when I go to Class A.

When I said that, Hiyori smiled happily and couldn't help but pat me on the head, and at the same time Arisu and Masumi looked at me with wistful eyes, so as a result, I ate lunch and stayed with the three of them until the lunch break was over.

They kept patting my head.

"Hey, Suzune. Shouldn't Hikigaya live separately from the girls?"

"I understand what you're thinking, Sudou-kun. But I have no intention of tying Hikigaya-kun too tight. If he gets too tied down and thinks, "I'll get irritated so I'll betray you even if I pay 500,000 private points as a penalty," then the D-class will be in trouble.

It could be a disaster.

We must avoid that at all costs (Kushida-san alone has my hands full, but if more traitors appear, it will become unmanageable).

After school, when the pairs were decided, I stood up and left the classroom as soon as HR was over.

I have to make a test starting today, but I don't feel like making one in the classroom.

I guess I'll just create this while having a drink at a cafe.

I quickly left school and arrived at a cafe in a shopping mall. I went right after HR, so I was relieved that it wasn't that crowded.

After buying coffee, I sit down at an empty seat and take out my computer from my bag and start it up.

Then I started looking up past university questions on my computer.

I don't intend to completely copy it, but I would like to refer to the questions that might be useful.

However, I do not look up past questions from universities like the University of Tokyo, Hitotsubashi, and Waseda-Keio.

The reason is that it is so famous that people in other classes may use it as a reference.

Therefore, I don't refer to universities that are extremely famous and have extremely high deviation scores, but rather to refer to past questions from universities that have fairly high deviation scores but are not that famous.

I then arrived at a special page where past questions were posted, so I accessed it.

(For now, I'll roughly research the types of questions that will be asked today, and then start creating them in earnest tomorrow.)

Having decided on a rough plan, I focused my attention on the computer.

(Hmm...the test is 2 points per question, 100 points out of 50 questions, and there are no multiple choice questions...well, if you write everything down, the school might reject you if it's too strict)

Should I include some multiple-choice questions...or should I first try making all the questions written ones? If that doesn't work, include multiple-choice questions.

(For now, I have decided on the question format, so let's create the questions next...but before that, let's go get some coffee.)

Thinking about that, I looked up from my computer and...

"Ah, you finally noticed."

For some reason, across from me was Chiaki Matsushita, my partner for this test.

She seems to be studying for a test since she has notes and reference books spread out in her hands...

"Why are you here?"

"Of course, to study. But when I came to the cafe, most of the seats were full, so I had to sit with you, so I decided to come here. I called Hikigaya-kun many times, but he didn't reply, so I sat down on my own. Sorry."

"No, I don't mind that."

Apparently, I was so focused that I didn't respond to Matsushita's call.

Well, I'm not really complaining about this because of how crowded the cafe is.

However, there are some concerns.

"Aren't you going to participate in the study session?"

"Is that Horikita-san's? If that's the case, I can imagine Ike-kun and Yamauchi-kun making a fuss, so I'll pass."

Certainly, if I were in Matsushita's position, I wouldn't want to study in a noisy place, so it's a wise decision.

"Then you went to a cafe, and here we are."

"Yeah. Hikigaya-kun, you're making problems, isn't it difficult?"

"It's a subject I'm good at. Also, if you do a lot of problems, you'll get a bonus, and if you cut corners, you'll get a penalty of 500,000 yen. Giving 500,000 yen is a hassle, so I don't plan on cutting corners."

It's a penalty that can be avoided if I don't cut corners, so I'm going to do my best to create the problem.

"It's just troublesome, but it's not impossible. Hikigaya-kun is outstanding even in the D-class after all."

Matsushita said this with interest, but I felt something strange about her expression.

Let's talk about something safe for now.

"It's not that big of a deal for me. If you're outstanding, Koenji would be better."

To be honest, I can't imagine beating Koenji at all.

"Koenji-kun is not motivated, so he is excluded."

I won't deny it. Koenji has a lot of potential, but he is probably at the top of his class in terms of slowness.

"Actually, I think Hikigaya-kun is amazing, right? Because even though our classes are at odds with each other, you get along well with the girls from other classes."

Ah, well, I won't deny it. This school has a system in which four classes compete for the spot in Class A before graduation, and students from other classes will inevitably compete.

Currently, the D-class has an alliance with the C-class, but the alliance will likely be broken in the near future.

When you think about it, the fact that we openly live together may seem amazing to a third party.


"I'm sorry. But you're amazing, aren't you?"

"Eh? No, I'm not that great. I think I'm in the middle or below in my class."

Matsushita laughs and denies it, but I don't think so. Because...

"No, no. I think it's amazing that you're wearing such a wonderful mask."

When I answered that, Matsushita's eyes widened. Judging from the reaction, it must be bingo.

I didn't normally have any contact with Matsushita, but when I saw her face to face like this, it was a really nice mask.

Well, compared to Arisu and Haruno-san, she's inferior.


"Judging from the strength of your mask, you must be quite evil, a talented hawk, or a young lady who often participates in social circles."

Still, it's still stunning, so any of the things I just said will probably apply.

When I said that, Matsushita let out a breath and looked at me. However, I feel a little colder than usual.

"It's really amazing. I didn't think it would be so easy to see through it."

"Unfortunately, I've seen even more amazing masks. So? Do the three ideas I mentioned apply?"

"Out of those three, I'd say you're a capable hawk."


That's like saying you're excellent.

There are quite a few people who praise themselves as being excellent, but most of them are just talking, and Koenji is probably the only one who is actually excellent.

However, in Matsushita's case, judging from the fact that she always wears a mask and the atmosphere she is currently creating, there is a high possibility that she is actually excellent.

Apparently, there were still some sleeping tigers in the D-class.

"By the way, how confident are you in your own excellence?"

"Hmm... It may sound self-congratulatory, but I think I'll be in the top 20."

That's quite a high rating. Well, if you look at the first-year students, Arisu, Ryuen, and Koenji are by far the best, but if you go below that level, there's a big difference.

If Matsushita's story is true, she probably doesn't want to be serious because she doesn't want to stand out.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to cut corners in a meritocratic school.

Well, anyway...

"I see. So? By being so stupidly honest with me, are you planning something?"

Matsushita could have been quiet about it. In fact, if I were in Matsushita's position, I would have cut her off.

But the fact that you're so foolishly admitting it means that there's something you want from me.

"Well, to be honest, I also want to move up to A class."

There are two conditions to move up to A class. Be in the class with the most class points out of the 4 classes, and prepare 20 million private points.

And speaking at this timing...

"Are you also considering preparing 20 million private points?"

"Well, it is true that there are many talented people in class D, but most of the students are in the lower grades. Koenji-kun, who is talented, has no motivation, and Hikigaya-kun will eventually go to Sakayanagi-san's class. It will become an obstacle for D-class. No matter how hard you try, you will never become an A-class."

Putting aside the fact that she overestimates me, Matsushita actually sees reality more than I expected, and is merciless.

And I could roughly read this girl's purpose.

I guess she wants to make a connection with me, who has connections with Arisu and Ryuen.

In fact, Hashimoto and others are teaming up with me to make sure I graduate in class A, and Matsushita is probably the same type of person.

"I understand the story. So? What do you want me to do?"

"Nothing yet. I just want a reward if I bring you any useful information in the future."

Got it.

Me and Matsushita have no real contact. But now that I've seen through Matsushita's mask, she's willing to sell herself to me.

Then she gets points from the rich person like me, and she get connections with other classes.

I was wondering how to respond...

"...It depends on your actions."

That's what I replied. Certainly, just like Arisu has Masumi and Hashimoto, and Ryuen has Albert and Ibuki, I don't deny that I want excellent pieces to prepare for the future.

However, I have no intention of using someone whose ability has not yet been revealed as a pawn.

Besides, she's a girl who doesn't always show her true feelings.

And when I handle pieces, I don't use charisma like Arisu or violence like Ryuen, but I use actual points.

If you increase the points according to your work, the pieces will be more motivated.

"That's fine for now. I've always wanted to connect with Hikigaya-kun."

While saying this, Matsushita writes something on a piece of paper and hands it to me.

"That's my contact information. If you have anything you want to ask, please contact me. See you then."

Matsushita said as she stood up and left the cafe. When I looked at my watch, it was already 6 o'clock.

I seemed to be concentrating quite a bit on the questions.

(I'll continue after I get back and eat Hiyori's meal.)

After exhaling, I put the study materials and computer on the table into my bag, stood up, and left the cafe just like Matsushita.

It was an unexpected encounter, but I wanted to have a promising network in addition to a source of funding, so I guess it's okay.

If I can use it all for myself, I'll also let you use me.

When I finished writing the test and returned to the dormitory, I found Arisu at the entrance. There was no one around her, and Arisu didn't even notice me.

At the same time, a sadistic feeling comes out inside me. Basically, I'm always being teased by Arisu, so I'll take revenge on her every once in a while.

Having made that decision, I reduced my presence and approached Arisu, who was slowly walking in the direction of our room...


I blows into Arisu's ear, which is her weak point. moment...


Arisu makes an erotic sound and jumps up. Her reactions are interesting.

At the same time, she turned around and looked at me, turning bright red and staring at me.

"...Shall I listen to your excuse?"

"I did it because I wanted to tease you. I didn't feel any remorse or regret."

"You idiot!"

"That hurt!"

Then Arisu hit me on the shin with her cane. The pain was more than I expected, Arisu must have given it her all.

"Hachiman-kun, you idiot... Please take responsibility for humiliating me."

"That was too bad. If you were to blame, you would have given it to the sports festival, right?"

I humiliated three people during a borrowed race and took responsibility for them.

"...That's right. Then please make me your legal wife."

Wow. I'm sorry for teasing you, but you made a request that was difficult to give permission to...

"I'm just kidding. Please bend down a little instead."

"Well, if that's the case..."

I bend down while saying this. I honestly have a feeling that she won't like it, but since I've teased her, I have no intention of disobeying her.



This girl Arisu was licking my neck. I couldn't help but let out a strange noise from the excessive tickling.

"Hehe... that's a cute voice."

Arisu smiles happily and shows me her cell phone. If you look, it's in recording mode, and when Arisu presses her play button...

"Ah! "

My surprised voice comes out. When did this girl record it?

While stunned, Arisu continues to play.

"Ah! "

"Ah! "

"Ah! "

"Wait. It was my fault, so please excuse me."

I immediately admit defeat, and Arisu nods with a triumphant look on her face and puts her phone in her pocket.

"It's 10 years too early for Hachiman-kun to take the mount from me."

"In normal life. I'm the one holding the mount on the bed."

When I play teasing her, Arisu makes erotic noises and wants me.

That kind of Arisu is great because there is a gap between her and usual.

"Uh, it's annoying. Hachiman-kun is an idiot..."

Arisu turns bright red and glares at me. I could see Arisu's expression like that, and I was satisfied.

"That was bad. I'm sorry."

After patting Arisu on the head, I turned towards the direction of the room, and Arisu looked down as she hugged my arm, so I followed Arisu's pace and headed toward the room.

Then enter the room. The room was pitch black, probably because there was no one else there but us.

At the same time, music flows from Arisu and my pockets. Does the email coming at the same time mean it's from the school?

When I take out my phone from my pocket and check it...

"I'm very sorry. I think it will be difficult to make dinner today because the study session is going to last longer than expected, is that okay?"

It was an email from Hiyori. It seems impossible to make dinner, but I'm not complaining.

It's unreasonable for me to be dissatisfied since I've been getting food made for me on a regular basis.

"Arisu, is it okay if I don't let Hiyori do any housework until the end of the term?"

Hiyori is overworked. If you let your child do housework while there is also a study session for the final exam, there is a possibility that the child will break down, so it would be better not to let her do housework for a while.

"Of course. I owe Hiyori-san too much."

Arisu doesn't seem to have any objections either. Masumi would probably also agree to letting Hiyori rest.

Deciding this, I sent an email saying she didn't have to do any housework until the final exams were over, and I immediately received a reply saying I'd do housework again tomorrow, it's just for today.

As I was wondering what to do, Arisu borrowed my phone and texted her that I would leave the good morning kiss and good night kiss to Arisu instead of her until after the final exam.

Then, I received an email saying that she would be taking a break from doing housework until the final exams were over.

I've always thought that Hiyori, Arisu, and Masumi are all kissers...

"Well, I'll make some food for now, so you can rest."

I said that to Arisu even though I felt a little embarrassed. Since Hiyori and Masumi aren't here, it's inevitable that I'll make the food.

Arisu is physically weak, so it's a little tough for her to do the housework.

Hearing this, Arisu bowed her head slightly, thanked me, and went to her desk and took out her computer.

She is probably preparing test questions.

After seeing Arisu off, I headed to the kitchen and prepared to cook some rice to make dinner.

Put the wash-free rice into a special container and then start the rice cooker.

Then, just as I was about to take out some ingredients from the refrigerator, I heard a clatter at the entrance and Masumi came into the kitchen.

"Welcome back Masumi. I'm going to make dinner now, so please wait a little longer."

"I'll help too."

Masumi replied and put her bag in the living room, then took out an apron from the closet and put it on before returning to the kitchen.

Looking at Masumi like that...

"...what happened?"

"No, I just thought a uniform apron would be nice."

It may seem more random than Hiyori, but its destructive power is outstanding.

Moreover, when a basically cool girl like Masumi wears a pink apron, there's a gap that really makes me go crazy.

"I...I thought Hachiman would say that a naked apron would be good."

Wait?! Does that mean I'm a pervert who likes naked aprons?

...Well, I won't deny it. I myself have wanted the three of them to wear naked aprons or dress like Precure.

I'll never say it though.

"Will you do it if I tell you to do it?"

"If you want to see Hachiman."

Hearing those words, I wanted to see it for a moment, but just as I was about to say it, I bit my tongue and restrained myself.

I don't deny that I want to see it, but if I saw it, it would blow my mind away. If you lose your sense of reason while making dinner, you're out in many ways.

"I'll refrain from it for now. You can do it next time."

"Okay. Then I'll cook. I'll make the miso soup and salad."

While saying this, Masumi starts washing the vegetables, so I take out the steak from the refrigerator and start frying it in a frying pan.

Then, when the meat was cooked, I prepared a plate for serving and tried to take a knife to cut the meat...



Masumi also tried to use the knife, but my hand was placed on Masumi's hand instead of the knife.

"Oh, that's bad."

"B-not really."

I immediately apologized. Masumi also seemed strangely embarrassed.

It's strange, I've never held Masumi's hand before, I've even hugged her, kissed her, and even been physically attached to her, but just holding hands makes her feel strangely embarrassed.

Is this that? Is it because there is a situational element?

As I was cutting the meat, confused, Masumi started talking to me.

"Hey Hachiman"

"what is it?"

"...don't we look like a newlywed couple when the two of us are cooking together like this?"

Masumi blushes as she holds my hand and looks at me with a glossy gaze, but I don't deny it.

I am also a bit sloppy about the kitchen knife thing, but for a moment I had the same thoughts as Masumi.

But it's really embarrassing to admit that.

"What do you think?"

"Idiot... Well, it's fine. Even if we just look like a newlywed couple now... Hachiman and I will become a real couple someday... I love you."

Masumi said that and resumed cooking, but I couldn't concentrate on cooking at all.

But it can't be helped. No matter how much I'm used to being told that they like me every day, I think it's a violation to attack at different times.

"...Thank you."

While replying, I looked away from Masumi and resumed cooking.

Also, it was strange that right after we finished eating, Arisu was staring at me and Masumi, as if she wasn't interested in her food for some reason.

"Now that I think about it, Arisu, why did you choose Class C as your target for attack?"

I talked to Arisu while eating dinner. For some reason, Arisu was in a bad mood right after the meal was finished, but she's back to normal now, so I asked her a question.

Regarding academic ability, A class led by Arisu and C class led by Ichinose has high scores.

If you're aiming for a sure win, it's best to hit B class or D class.

Maybe it's because Arisu's personality doesn't make it interesting, but if I were in Arisu's position, I would criticize her to go for B class.

If they could hit Class B, where Ryuen, who had attacked Class A many times, would have greatly increased the morale of the class.

"There are various reasons. I don't want to attack the class that Hachiman-kun and Hiyori-san are in, and I would like to observe the dispute between Class B and Class D rather than interfere with it, but...The first reason is that I wanted to mess with Ichinose-san. That's because I wanted to."


"Yeah. It seems like the main dish is still a long way off, so I thought I'd play with Ichinose-san until then."

Not with Archangel Ichinose-san, but with Dark Ichinose-san...?


I don't know what she's going to do, but from what I see in her eyes, she seems serious.

Please don't cause any trouble for now...

When I looked at Masumi, who was sitting to my left, I saw her sighing in annoyance.

Why are you sighing? Didn't I tell you to stay away from Ichinose?

Is this girl got fooled by her again?

Judging from Masumi's reaction, she's definitely going to get into a lot of trouble.

...Please don't cause me any trouble, okay?

I don't want anything to do with that high level of green tea!