Chapter 70

"Ah! It's finished!"

"Be quiet. I told you not to make a loud noise. And don't forget that today isn't the end, there's always tomorrow."

"Oh, that's too bad. I'm so tired!" I heard someone shouting while I was working on the problem, so I looked up and saw Ike and Yamauchi scurrying out of the library after being warned by Horikita.

"We're going too. Goodbye."

As Kushida and the girls leave, I look at the clock and see that a lot of time has passed.

Hiyori is taking a break from housework until the final exams are over, so it's probably a good idea to go home and make dinner.

Having made that decision, I close my computer and talk to Horikita.

"As of now, I have completed 260 questions. I will make 400 questions by tomorrow and give them to you, so get your points ready."

"I understand. Also, depending on the situation, you can also create social problems. Of course, I will pay you."

"I don't mind if that's the case, but do you have that many points?"

"Some of our classmates, including Hirata-kun, have prepared it. So please do your best."

She's still looking down on me, but unlike before, she has prepared a reward, so I don't feel particularly irritated.

Horikita is a fine customer if you're willing to offer a reward.

No matter how condescending or arrogant she is, I have no intention of refusing.

"Okay. See you then."

After saying that, I packed up my things and left the library. And as I was walking towards the dormitory, I realized that I had forgotten something, so I tried to go back to the library...

(Huh? Horikita and Kushida are walking together?)

On the way, I spot Horikita and Kushida walking in a direction other than the direction where the dormitory is.

I don't know the reason, but I heard from Ryuen that Kushida wants to destroy Horikita, and Horikita also knows that Kushida is targeting her, so is it possible for the two of them to think about it normally and walk alone?

Of course not!

I thought this might be a good joke, so I followed the two of them, keeping an eye on them.

In some cases, cards that are effective for other classes may become available in the future.

With that in mind, I followed them from a distance of about 30 meters, and as they entered the school building, I slowly followed suit, changed into my indoor shoes, and followed them.

As a result, the two of them arrive at a place where there aren't many people, stop and start talking about facing each other.

I can't hear what they're saying, so I have to move a little closer.

After confirming this, I hid behind a locker about 10 meters away from the two of them so they wouldn't find out.

I'm sure you won't find out here unless you pay attention to the locker.

By the way, it was pitch dark, probably because it was past the school dismissal time.

Meanwhile, I turn on the voice recorder and listen carefully.

Fortunately, I can't hear anyone around me, so I can hear their voices easily.

"--It's a story that won't end unless one of us leaves."

"But we're not children, so we can't move forward if we just push back against each other. But you don't trust me."

"So what do we do? What's the bet?"

Apparently, Horikita proposed a bet to Kushida before I eavesdropped on her.

As they continue the conversation with this in mind, Horikita suggests that they compete for the highest score at the end of the next term.

If Kushida loses, she asks her not to interfere.

When Kushida refuses, saying it is impossible for her to win overall, Horikita offers to compete in one of the eight subjects chosen by Kushida, and if she loses, she will voluntarily leave the school.

(It's starting to get pretty interesting. However, if it's a verbal promise, Kushida will definitely break it.)

It was obvious when she teamed up with Ryuen. Or did Horikita draw up the contract?

As expected, Kushida also says what I'm thinking, and Horikita replies that she'll prepare a reliable witness. Is that a teacher?

But my prediction was wrong.

"Can I ask you a favor, Nii-san?"

It appears that the person Horikita called was her older brother, former President Horikita.

I see, it is true that the former President still has great authority, and if he is a witness, it would be impossible for either party to break their promises.

Impressed by Horikita's management, former President Horikita declares that he will serve as a witness.

If they break their promise, neither of them will get away with it for free.

As I think about this, I feel like former President Horikita is leaving.

Fortunately, he was heading in the opposite direction from where I was, but I was relieved because if he had come in the direction I was, he might have sensed my presence.

Really, my luck is too good today? Is it because I'm helping the class?

If that's the case, I would be a little more motivated next time.

But there wasn't anything to talk about. There's no point in making the bet between the two public.

If you think that far...

"Ah, please give my regards to Ayanokoji-kun as well."

"...Why does his name come up?"

"I'm not stupid either. He told you about me, right?...Ah, you don't have to answer. I don't trust Horikita-san, and I won't invalidate your bet, so don't worry. Besides, Ayanokoji-kun has already seen this side of me, so it's okay.''

It seems that Ayanokoji also saw that Kushida had an ulterior motive.

But who exactly is this slut?

Arisu hates to lose, but when Ayanokoji's name comes up, she shows off her fighting spirit.

Besides, he's always laid back and cheating on Horikita, but to me he's nothing but creepy.

"Still, let me answer. It's true that I consulted Ayanokoji-kun about you."

"That's right. I can tell by just looking at it. You're still connected by cell phone, aren't you? No matter how many times I call Horikita-san, the line always seems to be busy."

Kushida is more prepared than I expected. It would take some time to destroy it.

"Can we meet up soon, Ayanokoji-kun?"

What? Will this slut come too? It might be better to withdraw this.

I'd be scared if I was found out.

I try to retreat, but at that moment I hear footsteps coming from the nearby stairs, so I hold my breath and hide.

It seems that Ayanokoji was much closer than expected.

(It's impossible to withdraw from this)

If it's just Horikita and Kushida, I'm confident that I can run away even if I get caught, but it's obvious that if Ayanokoji is my opponent, I'll get caught.

If so, I'll have no choice but to lay low and get on with it.

Deciding that, I used my phone and texted Masumi, "Sorry, but I have something urgent to do, so please make dinner for me.''

I don't know what they're going to talk about, but I can't get out of here, and they might have to talk for a long time.

Even as I thought about that, I held my breath and concentrated on the conversation between the three of them.

"Huh? Email?"

A huge room on the first floor of the dormitory... In the room that Hachiman is using, Masumi, one of his roommates, notices an email coming on her cell phone and operates it.

"I'm sorry, but I have something urgent to do, so please make dinner for me.''

An email like that came from someone I loved.

"Hey, what's wrong, Masumi-san?"

Arisu, who was preparing exam questions next to her, spoke to Masumi with a curious look on her face.

Masumi opened her mouth, thinking that she herself was making a strange expression, since she looked more strange than Hiyori next to her.

"No, I got a text from Hachiman asking me to make dinner for him because he had something urgent to do. I was just wondering what an urgent business was."

While saying this, I showed them my phone and they both pretended to think about it.

"It's certainly unusual for Hachiman-kun to have something urgent to do."

"Let's find out where he is"

While saying this, Arisu takes out her cell phone and operates it. Since he has given her permission to view location information services, she can detect the location of Hachiman's cell phone.

According to the information, it was confirmed that Hachiman was inside the school building, an area where not many people pass by at night.

"Given the location, it's not like it's a question-writing or study session."

"Maybe he's making a deal with someone?"

"It's possible. There are times when Hachiman-kun and Ryuen-kun do a lot of things together."

The three of them talk like that, but it's not far off.

"Anyway, if he can't come home for a while, I'll make it for you."

While speaking, Masumi stands up and Hiyori speaks to her.

"Ah, if it's too difficult, I'll make it for you, okay?"

"You should rest until the end of the term."

She dismisses Hiyori's suggestion. It has already been decided that Hiyori, who usually does housework, will be given a break.

Saying that, Masumi heads to the kitchen and checks the ingredients in the refrigerator.

(Today I'm going to make Hachiman's favorite fried chicken...I want him to be more happy with it.)

Hiyori and Arisu are cohabitants, but at the same time they are love rivals, so Masumi wants to maintain as much of a difference as possible between them.

However, the same goes for Hiyori and Arisu, so it is important to outwit them in any way possible.

(That's right. Let's do that and invite Hachiman.)

As a result of the investigation, it was revealed that Hachiman liked that. If you give that to Hachiman, he might be happy.

Deciding this, Masumi took out her cell phone and sent an email to Hachiman while checking the ingredients.

"Roger that. However, please email me before entering the dormitory.''

Masumi sends an e-mail with such content, and while preparing dinner, she begins to devise a strategy to outwit the two.

Masumi was originally lagging behind the two, so she devised a plan to gain even the slightest advantage.

Even if her attack style doesn't suit her character, she won't hesitate if Hachiman is happy.

(In addition, I have to work hard at cooking...)


(Now then, I was scared when Ayanokoji came, but so far there's no sign that he's noticed, and I want to know Kushida's weakness as soon as possible.)

Horikita summoned Ayanokoji, and even after he came here, I was eavesdropping on the conversations between the three of them from behind the lockers.

Meanwhile, in the bet she made with Horikita earlier, Kushida demands that if Horikita wins, Ayanokoji will also be expelled from school.

Judging from that, it seems that Ayanokoji also understood Kushida's true nature.

Naturally, Horikita refused. Well, this is obviously Horikita's personal problem.

However, Ayanokoji offers to take part in a bet if Kushida tells him about her past.

It would be foolish to think that he would participate even though it is unrelated, but I can't imagine that the man Arisu wants to defeat would participate in the bet without any plan.

When Kushida tells him that she thinks so, she says he can't back out, but Ayanokoji replies that it's okay.

As expected, Ayanokoji has a heart.

While I was impressed, Kushida didn't seem to be aware of my presence, so she started talking.

According to this story, Kushida wants nothing more than to feel the moment when she feels her own worth, to be praised by everyone, and because she can't do it through sports or studies, she chooses to be kinder than everyone else.

However, Kushida herself found it extremely stressful to put on a mask and be kind to everyone, and during her junior high school days, she anonymously wrote bad things about her classmates on her blog, something she couldn't tell anyone.

It seemed like it was emanating.

Through blogging, she was able to calm down her vomiting, but one day a classmate found Kushida's blog, and the contents of the blog were spread, causing the entire class to turn against Kushida.

This is completely natural.

On the other hand, Kushida escaped the trouble by telling the truth about her classmates, which she had not even written on his blog, and by changing the focus of the attack...

As a result, that class seems to have completely collapsed, but from my point of view, it just turns out that Kushida is the ultimate selfish person.

Even if you write bad things on your blog, there's a good chance you won't get caught if you also write bad things about students in other classes.

In fact, if she had deliberately written only about students from other classes, she would never have found out.

Moreover, if it was found out and gets blamed, I'll be so angry that it's my fault.

I don't mean to brag about my misfortune, but as someone who has made my entire school my enemy, it's definitely not unfortunate.

While thinking this, Kushida leaves, telling them that if they talk about her past, she will destroy the class, and that if they fail the test, they will both expel from the school.

At that time, she didn't seem to notice me at all.

And I have the recorded data at hand. If you have this, you can crush Kushida.

Furthermore, if this were made public, it would cause a rift in D-class, but unlike Horikita, who is aiming to become A-class as a whole, it won't cause much damage to me, who plans to go to Arisu's class as an individual someday.

In fact, I'm thankful that one of my rivals has disappeared.

In addition, I have a deal with Ryuen, and we have already checked mate Kushida.

I don't know if she will be expelled, but I can easily eliminate Kikyo Kushida's place in this school.

Additionally, I don't know how much information Kushida has, but there would be no problem even if she had information about me from my time at Sobu.

Even if Kushida exposes my dark history, Hiyori, Arisu, and Masumi who knew about it and still accepted me.

If the three of them accept it, it doesn't matter what the others think.

Besides talking about dark history, If Kushida's like this, then it definitely makes me think twice about what dangerous things Ichinose did in her previous schools?

A person who is an even more advanced level of green tea than Kushida.

My expectations are really high for some reason!

Even though it's getting really scary.

While thinking about this, I wait for Horikita and Ayanokoji to leave. The two of them made a bet like that earlier, but most of the time Kushida loses.

The reason is that Horikita has already taken measures against Kushida.

The only people who know this are Horikita and I, and I don't think Ayanokoji knows either, so I don't think Kushida knows.

The plan is that after the end of the term, before the winter break, I will work with Ryuen to announce Kushida's betrayal, completely deprive her of the "being praised by someone'' that she desires, and eliminate her place.

Depending on the situation, the data that is currently being recorded may also be used.

As I think about this, I feel like Ayanokoji and Horikita are getting further away. I'm glad they didn't find out.


"Oh, I forgot something in the classroom, so please go home first."

When Ayanokoji says that, only one person moves away. What? I have a bad feeling...

As I was thinking about this, I felt the presence of the other one approaching me...


Ayanokoji stopped near the lockers and met my eyes. It seems like he was aware of my existence. And Ayanokoji silently nods.

This probably means come.

I sigh and follow Ayanokoji. Then I arrived at the place where the vending machine was, so I talked to it.

"Since when did you notice?"

"It was right after I got the call from Horikita. I could hear the sound of breathing coming from behind the locker."

It seems like I was spotted from the beginning. It's extremely creepy to face this robot again.

"...Well, that's fine. What you want to ask anyway is whether or not Kushida should be expelled from school, right? The bottom line is that Kushida will be destroyed. If she's here, it looks like we'll be involved too."

Given Kushida's personality, if she wanted to crush Horikita and Ayanokoji, she would involve D-class, but from my point of view, it's a huge nuisance and I'm planning on destroying them.

"Even Ayanokoji is thinking about expelling Kushida, right?"

"Why do you think so?"

"It's simple. Because I think you're creepy and selfish."

My classmates think that Koenji and I are selfish, but from my point of view, I don't think Ayanokoji is defeated either.

The reason is simple: his eyes tell the story.

Arisu, Ryuen, and Haruno-san treat people like pawns, but some people don't treat them like pawns.

However, this slut's gaze is more creepy than the guys I just mentioned.

A look that seems to be observing something, even though it is inorganic.

Right now, he's probably looking at me and thinking about how I can help him.

As long as I win, it doesn't matter what happens to others, that's what Ayanokoji thinks and how he sees me.

After glaring at each other for a while, Ayanokoji nods.

"That's right. Horikita is thinking of getting Kushida on her side, but I'm planning on expelling Kushida from school."

I knew it.

Well, since Kushida is targeting him, it makes sense to kill her before he gets killed.

"I understand that, but why did you bother to summon me? Are you saying that I want to destroy Kushida, so please give it to me? If that's the case, you're even more creepy than I thought."

"No. I'm sorry, but I don't want you to move for a while. Kushida has my weakness right now."

"A weakness? What kind of weakness is it?"

"Shortly before the middle of the first semester, I heard Kushida insulting Horikita in a deserted place. At that time, my cell phone rang and my presence was discovered, so Kushida used a trap to keep me quiet. She grabbed my hand and forced me to touch her chest."

If that happens, there will be fingerprints left, and if Kushida complains that Ayanokoji raped her, this robot will be at a loss, who already has a criminal record of impregnating Horikita.

However, that is only if Ayanokoji moves alone.

Besides, from what I have seen at the sports festival, his motor skills are at the level of a monster.

If that's the case, then this cheater could have easily dodged Kushida's hand but he didn't, which means it was intentional.

"Then Ayanokoji. I'll back you up. Specifically..."

While saying this, I conveyed my strategy to Ayanokoji.

"What do you think? I think this will reduce the possibility of you being targeted."

If I carry out my plan, Kushida's anger will not be aimed at Ayanokoji, and if she tries to use it, the cards against Ayanokoji will be weakened.

"...I see. I'm not opposed to that move. I'll just confirm, but you'll only do it after the end of the term, right?"

"Yes, but what's wrong with that?"

"It's nothing. Besides, why are you thinking about my convenience? I thought you'd just ignore my circumstances and move."

Ayanokoji blatantly diverts the conversation.

Is this guy planning to set it up before the end of the term?

In any case, it's Ayanokoji's problem, so leave it alone.

"It's simple. Arisu wants to fight you, so I just thought of your convenience."

Although I don't know about Arisu's past, she has a strong rivalry with Ayanokoji.

If that's the case, I honestly want to make it come true.

"I see. By the way, let me ask you, how well do you know me?"

When Ayanokoji asked me that question, his eyes were so cold that just looking at them made me feel like I had stepped into liquid nitrogen.

"Not at all. Don't worry, I don't know anything about you except that Arisu knew you when you were a kid."

Arisu won't say anything more about this matter. Well, I'm not going to force her to tell me. 

I wouldn't like it if I poked a bush and found a snake.

"For now, the conversation is over and I'm going home, but I might borrow your new girlfriend when I attack Kushida in the future.''

Needless to say, it's Karuizawa.

I myself can't move in preparation for the second phase. It's not a bad idea to hire Matsushita, who hides her power, but Matsushita may be needed to close things out depending on the situation, so I'd like to hire Karuizawa.

"Why are you know what, forget it.  I'll ask her to follow Hikigaya after the end of the term."

"Okay. But don't forget to use protection while playing with Karuizawa or you'll be expelled before fighting Arisu."

"....playing with Karuizawa...?

After saying that at the end, I turned my back on Ayanokoji who was stunned for some reason and headed towards the shoe rack.

Then, while changing my shoes, I stopped the voice recorder's recording mode.

Then, when I took out my cell phone to send a text message that I had finished work, I found a text message.

Considering the timing, it's probably Masumi.

"Roger that. However, please send me an email before entering the dormitory.''

Huh? Send an email before entering the dormitory?

That's a strange sentence.

Maybe they are planning a surprise?

Well, since she went out of her way to make food for me, I have nothing to complain about.

Having made that decision, I left the school building and headed for the dormitory, and after arriving at the dormitory entrance, I sent an email to Masumi about it.

"You're here."

In the kitchen, Masumi sees the email from Hachiman and nods. Dinner was finished, and Arisu and Hiyori were concentrating on writing questions and studying for the test, not paying any attention to me, so from Masumi's perspective, the email came at the perfect time.

After seeing the email, Masumi tiptoed from the kitchen to the living room and out into the hallway that connects the living room to the entrance.

She silently shuts the door to the hallway that connects the living room and the entrance and heads to the changing room.

Then, she started preparing to welcome Hachiman while sending an email to him.

"Understood. Now, slowly head to your room.''

I received such an email from Masumi.

What do you mean by slowly heading to your room?

Even though I had a question mark on my face, I entered the dormitory with slow steps and headed straight for my room.

Then I stood in front of the door of the room, took out the card key from my pocket and opened the door...

"Oh, welcome home, Hachiman. Do you want to eat? Or take a bath? Or... me?'' Masumi, who was wearing a naked apron, turned bright red and welcomed me.