Chapter 71

"Oh, welcome home, Hachiman. Do you want to eat? Or take a bath? Or... me?'' Masumi, who was wearing a naked apron, turned bright red and welcomed me.

I was taken aback by the unexpected sight. Who could have imagined that Masumi, who is usually described as a cool beauty, would be wearing a naked apron?

When I looked at Masumi again, I could clearly see her cleavage, perhaps because the apron was so small, and her beautiful legs, which looked like works of art, were completely exposed.

In addition, Masumi is embarrassed and her destructive power is on full display and I feels like I wants to push her down right away.

Meanwhile, Masumi approaches me and looks up at me.

"Hachiman...what do you want? If the food is good, I'll prepare it right away. If the bath is good, I'll wash your back. If I'm good...You'can make a mess of me."

At that moment, even though we were at the entrance, I hugged Masumi and stole her lips.

"Nnn... Mmm... Nnn!"

Masumi's eyes widen in surprise, but she immediately accepts it and kisses me back. That alone makes my head spin.

"Then... I'll choose Masumi."

"Yeah. Do whatever you want Hachiman..."

Needless to say. If I were to be tempted like this, my patience would be over the limit.

I pushed Masumi down into the hallway, started massaging Masumi's chest through the apron with my right hand, and started pulling down my pants with my left.

And here...

"Daddy's girl?"

"...I'll do it if I take advantage of the slightest gap."

I felt pressure coming from the living room, so when I looked up, I saw Arisu and Hiyori smiling broadly while emitting a black aura.

Let's be clear. It's so scary.

"Tsk... I can't believe you intervened before the actual performance..."

Masumi, on the other hand, has a regretful expression on her face. It's true that it doesn't matter once the actual event starts, but if someone intervenes at this point, my motivation will be dampened.

When I put my pants back on, they approach me.

"I never thought Masumi-san would run around wearing a naked apron…Does Hachiman-kun like naked aprons?"

"I like it, but it's not like I asked for it, right?"

I lost my sense of reason.

"In other words, Masumi-san wore a naked apron of her own free will... I see. Masumi-san is shameless after all."

"I don't want Sakayanagi to say that. You usually act cool, but when you're in bed, you're the sexiest of the three of us."

"That's right. I looked at the recording I made earlier, and Arisu-san is number one."

"Wait a minute. Did you record it?!"

Arisu asked while her cheeks twitched at Hiyori's bombshell remark, which I didn't expect either.

"Yes. I recorded it to find out what kind of play Hachiman-kun likes."

Sorry. I appreciate your diligence in learning what I like, but don't record it.

"Wait a minute. Maybe it's mine too..."

"I do."


Masumi turns bright red and looks down. After all, Hiyori is the scariest in a sense.

Arisu is still upset and to be honest, I don't think she can win.

I guess I'll have to erase the recorded footage later.

1 hour later...

"By the way, Hachiman-kun. Why were you late today?"

After eating dinner, Hiyori deleted all the footage of their affair and was studying for the end of the term when Arisu asked me a question.

By the way, I checked the video briefly before deleting it, and Arisu was the most erotic.

"Hmm, look forward to that in the future. Well, it's not a bad thing for you, so don't worry."

After all, if I succeed, I'll get new information about the penalty for expulsion from the secretive school.

Due to Arisu's personality, she probably doesn't want spoilers.

"I see. I'm looking forward to it."

Arisu was convinced, so she didn't say anything more and turned to face the computer.

Then my cell phone on the table starts ringing.

Looking at the screen...

"Chiaki that the girl you used to spend time with Hachiman-kun at the cafe with?"

"Maybe she's asking Hachiman-kum out on a date?"


The name Chiaki Matsushita was displayed on the screen, and a little black aura was leaking from Hiyori and the others near the table, perhaps due to their energy.

"That can't be true. I don't think she has romantic feelings for me in the first place."

As I say this, I answer the phone.


"Ah, Hikigaya-kun. Sorry for being late at night. If you're having sex with Sakayanagi-san and the others, I'll do it tomorrow.''

Does this girl think I'm a stallion?

There's no way I'm going to do anything before 9 o'clock.

"It's no problem, just talk now. So? What do you want?"

"Yeah. Just to be honest, what are you going to do about Ryuen-kun and the traitor who is secretly working behind the scenes?"

It's really straightforward. But why bother asking me...

"Don't you think I'm a traitor?"

I didn't interact with my own class, but interacted with the leaders and executives of other classes, and in the end, I told Ryuen who was a D-class recipient in front of Horikita during the exam to guess who would receive a special offer.

A normal student would think I'm a traitor.

In response to my question, Matsushita said...

"Yeah. I think the traitor betrayed us starting from the sports festival, but considering the prize winner test, I think Hikigaya-kun would openly declare his betrayal without sneaking around.''

Do you answer that? Let's try it out a little.

"Then Matsushita. Who do you think is the traitor?"

This will test Matsushita's observation skills. If you say a wrong answer, cut it off right away, and not use the wrong person as your pawn.

"...Ayanokoji-kun, Kushida-san, or Hirata-kun. After that, maybe Koenji-kun.''

...Good. You're more observant than I expected.

The class... no, most of the students in the school year were unaware of the mask that Kushida wore, and considering that, Matsushita's powers of observation must be high.

I see, there are things you can do to call yourself excellent.

"I see. I understand what you're thinking."

"So? Is it one of the four?"

"There is, but I won't tell you who it is. If you change your attitude in your daily life, it'll be difficult to crush it"

The important thing when crushing people is to catch them by surprise. If Matsushita behaves differently than usual when she's talking to Kushida, there's a chance she'll be wary of her.

"Well, whatever it is. I'll destroy that guy after the end of the term. In that case, please cooperate with me."

"I don't mind, but can you do it? Hey, I know Hikigaya-kun is amazing, but don't you think Hikigaya-kun doesn't have much interaction with people in our class and his cards are weak?"

"I won't deny it as far as my class is concerned. But I have the strongest card."

The strongest card to defeat Kushida is Ryuen.

From Ryuen's point of view, whether Kushida's betrayal succeeds or fails and is crushed, it will not be a loss as it will cause damage to our class.

And I have already talked to Ryuen, and if Kushida fails, I will receive information about the transaction with Kushida.

Even if Kushida were to collapse the class, it wouldn't cause much damage to me as I have no intention of moving up in the class.

The same goes for Matsushita and Ayanokoji, who are collaborators.

"Hmm...well, I'll help you when you decide what to do. Depending on the content, please give me a reward.''

"Ah. I'll prepare a reward."

I have no complaints about that. Work comes with rewards. I also ask for compensation when someone asks me to do something.

"Then when it's time to do it, I'll go to Hikigaya-kun's room."

"Please do that."

It's well known that I, who usually live with Arisu and the others on the first floor, rarely go upstairs.

In that case, it would be better if Matsushita came to my room around midnight, so that it wouldn't be revealed that I and Matsushita were connected.

"See you tomorrow. Thank you for going out of your way.''

After those words, the call ends.

When I put my phone down on the table, I felt eyes on me, so I looked around and saw three people looking at me with curious eyes.

The three of them may be thinking that they want to know what was on the phone because they like me, but it's also bad to get too involved...

There's no real harm, so I'll tell you.

"Don't make that face. I was just asked what to do about the traitor Kushida."

"Then what did Matsushita-san ask for as compensation?"

"She asked me to give them a reward, but they didn't talk about the specifics."

"I see...if you're asked for an obscene reward, please refuse."

"No, it's usually the other way around, isn't it?"

It's completely understandable that a man would demand erotic rewards from a woman, but I don't think women would ever demand erotic rewards from a man.

"It's a difference in values. Hachiman, or rather, men may think that "women don't make obscene demands from men,'' but women are quite erotic.''

Masumi says so. It might be like that if a girl says so.

I'm a man, so I don't really understand.

"I see. Well, I don't think Matsushita would make such a request anyway. She seems to be very stubborn."

"Then I'm relieved. But Hachiman-kun. Since you're teaming up with Ryuen-kun against Kushida-san, you can't let your guard down either, so please be careful."

"Of course."

Kushida has overwhelming information and connections. If they see through my movements, I'll be in a pinch right away, so I'll take action before they even notice my movements, and I'll attack them without giving them time to counterattack.

With that in mind, I listen to Hiyori's warning and begin preparing for the test.

By the way, it seems that Ryuen will be contacting our class soon, but I have a bad feeling about it.

It seems like it's no longer possible to live peacefully at this school, yeah.

I let out a sigh but continued to take precautions.

After 9 o'clock, the four of us took a bath as usual. After getting out of the bath and studying for two hours, the four of us went to bed as usual.

The four of us went to sleep and woke up in the morning.


"Then, let's close HR."

Chabashira-sensei leaves the classroom. At the same time, the club members are the first to leave the classroom, but in a few days, the exam period will begin and club activities will be closed, so things will probably change.

I also leave the classroom after a beat.

The problem Horikita asked me to do has already been completed. And since my test studies are going well, I'd like to take a break today.

I want to get rid of all my distractions today and concentrate on studying from tomorrow until the final exam.

Rather than studying intensively from now until the day of the test, it would be better to take a day off in between.

I decided on a plan and looked at my phone while thinking about shopping at the mall.

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If you have this much, you can buy anything. I received 160,000 per month from the Katsuragi faction, my class points are close to 450, and I receive 45,000 per month, and the bonus points I earned from my contract with Horikita are also set to go into my pocket.

I bought a big room for 3 million yen, but I'm making more money than I expected.

(However, I would like to add more)

President Nagumo, who has become the new student council president, says he will make this school a true meritocracy.

In that case, you might think that the amount of private points you have is part of your ability, so you might think that there should be a test that has advantages and disadvantages depending on the amount of points you have.

The amount of private points I have is one of the highest in the year. Other than Ryuen, who receives nearly 600,000 yen every month from A-class, I don't think there is anyone who earns more points than me.

However, I know that some second and third year students earn more than 5 million yen. If the school system changes in the future, there will be a possibility that you will clash with upperclassmen, so if you are prepared, you won't have to worry.

(Change in policy. Today we will gamble)

Originally, I was planning to challenge club activities other than the chess club to gambling.

That's why I decided to try it before the test study period begins and club activities are closed.

I change my plan and head to the stupidly huge martial arts hall instead of the shoe closet.

As you approach the martial arts hall, you can hear the sounds of shouts and bamboo swords clashing.

Once inside, the noise increases, but I ignore it and head towards the space where karate is being held.

Then, when I tried to talk to someone who looked like my senior, he noticed me and started talking to me.

"First year Hikigaya, huh? You came here to play a betting match."

"I'm sure. Or rather, did you hear from the chess club that you know me?"

"That's one thing, but there's no way you don't know the guy who proudly declared his harem at the sports festival, right?"

Gah... I see, the whole school knew about it. It had been almost a month since the sports festival, so I had completely forgotten about it.

"I see… Anyway, back to the topic, I came here to play a betting match."

"I see. I'd like to save up points for the special exam, so let's take it. If you want to take the challenge, go to the changing room over there and change. There's a spare kit in the corner of the room."

If you put it that way, there will probably be a special exam in the second or third year that will determine whether or not you have private points.

Moreover, I don't think President Nagumo could interfere with this special exam that much.

In other words, starting next year there may be exams that place more emphasis on points. So it's not a bad idea to start earning money now.

Having made that decision, I went into the changing room and changed into my spare uniform.

I learned karate techniques along with self-defense techniques at the gym in case I had to face Ryuen's class, and I had competed against professional-level coaches, so I wouldn't lose to an average opponent.

When I changed my clothes, most of the club members were looking at me.

The eyes of some parts look like those of a carnivore. It's obvious they're trying to score points.

As expected, the boy with the eyes of a carnivore spoke to me first.

"Then let's do it right away. How about a bet of 200,000?"

"That's okay. Shall we do it?"

While saying this, I arrived at the starting point and faced my opponent.

Judging by his physique, I don't think I will lose.

Ever since I entered the school, I've been able to match up with the talented students in Ryuen's class.

"The battle begins!"

While I was thinking this, my senior, who was acting as a referee, gave the signal to start.

Come on, let me make some money...

1 hour later...


In the 10th fight, in an effort to somehow deflect the captain's heavy blow and launch a counterattack, I threw a Jodan Tsuki as a check, and immediately tried to do a Chudan Kick, but before I could do that, the Captain was one step faster and threw a Chudan Kick at me.

The kick hit me perfectly in the stomach, making me stagger.

"There's a technique! Red, middle kick!"

The referee says this and tells the captain in charge of red that he has a point.

At the same time, it is the end time. But I'm 6 points lower than the captain...

"Red wins!"

Blue means I lose. The captain happily bows and approaches me.

"I'm the winner. Well then, 500,000 yen as promised."

"I got it"

While saying this, I took out my phone from my bag and transferred 500,000 points to the captain's phone.

It's frustrating, but a loss is a loss.

"Thank you. Shall we have another fight?"

"No. I'm getting tired so I'm going to go up."

Even though I had been training a lot and there was a break, I was pretty tired after 10 fights, so I'm going to call it a day.

"I see. Well, I made some money too, so make sure to come back."

"I'll go when I get a chance. Sorry to bother you."

After saying that, I took a bow, and the three people who beat me, including the captain, smiled while the seven people who lost to me looked at me with resentment on their faces.

I look at my phone while changing into my uniform in the changing room.

4708942 ppt

That's how it is displayed.

Before joining the martial arts hall, I had 3,858,942 points, so I earned 850,000 points.

If I had won in the end, I would have been able to break through the 5 million barrier.

(Anyway, I know I can make money, so I'll go again next year.)

As a result of the battle, some of them, including the captain, were exceptionally strong, probably because they had been doing it since childhood, but the majority were not that strong.

Considering that, I think it will be profitable and I would like to continue visiting in the future.

(Next is the game club...I want to say that, but I'm tired so I'll go home and sleep.)

While thinking about this, I changed into my uniform and left the martial arts hall...

"Hey. You're Hikigaya, right?"

At the same time, I heard someone call out to me from the side, so I looked to the side...

"President Nagumo..."

The person there was Nagumo, president of the student council.

There is a student council officer behind me, but I'm sure it's Kiriyama-senpai, the vice president?

President Nagumo looks at me and talks to me with a smile on his face.

"You're not in the club, so you're at the martial arts dojo, so did you have a gambling match?"

Do you know after all? Well, President Nagumo's classmates were also in the chess club.

"Yes. A karate match. Is President Nagumo inspecting the club activities?"

"I have an application for equipment for the Kendo club. By the way, may I ask how many private points you have?"

You ask me something like that, but it's a good idea to disclose this information...wait.

"Then if you could tell me about the points President Nagumo has?"

I'm curious about how much money the student council president makes, so I decided to ask.

President Nagumo, on the other hand, takes out his cell phone and shows it to me.

9842517 ppt

It's just under 10 million. I thought it would be over 5 million, but this is unexpected.

In any case, since the other side showed it, I should show it too.

When I take out my phone and show it to her, he smiles.

"It's amazing. And considering that you bought a huge room for 3 million, you might become the first student since our founding to accumulate 20 million points."

"Well, I don't think it's impossible."

Considering the contract with the Katsuragi faction and Horikita, the bet, and the upcoming special exam, there is a good possibility.

"I know that you were invited by Honami and you turned it down. But I'm going to invite you again, would you like to join the student council? You're the perfect person for me, as my goal is to create a true merit-based school."

Kiriyama-senpai's eyes narrowed at those words.

There is no respect for President Nagumo.

I heard that they have been under President Nagumo's control for most of the past two years, but are they one of the few rebels?

Well, it doesn't matter now.

"As I told Ichinose, I will refrain from doing so. I have bad memories about the student council when I was in middle school, so I will live under the school rules set by President Nagumo."

"That's a shame. Well, you're always welcome, so if you change your mind, please let me know."

I don't think I'll change my mind.

"I'll keep it in the back of my mind. Now, please excuse me."

"Ah. I'm looking forward to seeing your abilities in the third semester."

"I don't think I'll be able to see President Nagumo from a different grade, though?"

"Every year, at the beginning of the third semester, a special exam is held for first to third year students together. The student council is involved in the planning of the exam.''

In other words, the content of exam will be in line with President Nagumo's policy.


"But since you just became the President, it's not that strict, right?"

It is certain that the school will not accept an exam that results in many students dropping out immediately after taking office.

No matter how powerful President Nagumo is, as long as he is a student, he is weaker than a teacher.

"That's right. We'll put in a system where weak people will be expelled, but since it's my first big job, I'll have to set it loosely. Even if there will be expulsions, it'll probably be one or two."

It's no surprise then. After all, if you get a red mark at this school, you will be immediately expelled.

"I see. I don't know what kind of test it will be, but depending on the situation, I'd appreciate your help."

"Oh. I'm looking forward to it."

I take a final bow and leave. As I head towards the school gate, I remember President Nagumo's words.

Given the structure of this school, it wouldn't be surprising if there were some exams that resulted in expulsions, but from President Nagumo's words, it seems like there will be some expulsions.

(Well, since I don't know the content of the exam, there's nothing I can do about it.)

Having made that decision, I stopped worrying and headed back to the dormitory.

As far as I'm concerned, if Hiyori and the others don't get expelled, there's nothing else I want.