Chapter 74

Despite everything going on, the day of the test arrived. We will use it today and tomorrow to test eight subjects.

However, I studied hard and wasn't particularly nervous.

As usual, I eat breakfast with Hiyori, Arisu, and Masumi before leaving the room.

And at the same time as I was walking down the hallway, the elevator door opened...

"Yo. You guys are acting as usual even on the day of the test."

Ryuen comes out and talks to me with a ferocious smile on his face. Then Arisu replies with a fearless smile.

"There's nothing to worry about. What's going on with you, Ryūen-kun?"

"There's no need to rush. It seems like  I'm loved by two goddesses of fortune."

"Huh? Lady Luck?"

"Okay. Well, one of the eyes might be rotten."

Ryuen says that and gives me a meaningful smile, but it's probably related to the letter I wrote about the D-class strategy.

But what about two people? I'm on one side, but I guess there's someone else besides me who gave advice.

Could it be that pervert Ayanokoji?

In any case, it's no good to remain silent like this, so I'll reply.

"There's no way there's a goddess with rotten eyes. You're probably more loved by the god of death than by the goddess."

I cut the shira. It's obvious that if information were leaked from Ryūen to D-class, it would cause a lot of trouble.

"I can't deny it. Anyway, I'm grateful to you and the mastermind."

"I don't know what you're talking about. Anyway, once the test is over, depending on the results, send it to me."

"Ah. I'm going now, but I wonder who will win."

Ryuen says that and leaves the dormitory in advance.

Then Hiyori picks my uniform.

"Hachiman-kun. Did you do something with Ryuen-kun?"

"It's a lot of things. Well, there's no harm to your B-class, so don't worry."

As I say that, I pat Hiyori's head, and Hiyori nods, though it seems tickled.

So cute.

While I was comforted by Hiyori's cuteness, I headed to school with Arisu and the others.

In this final exam, there are two types of red marks: red marks for each subject and red marks for the overall score.

For red marks in each subject, you and your partner must score at least 60 points. In other words, if two people have a score of 60 or more, it is safe even if one has 0 and the other has 60.

As for the red point in the overall score, the school has announced that the overall score for a pair of students is 692 points.

There are a total of 8 subjects, and each subject has a maximum score of 100 points, with the maximum score an individual can achieve being 800 points.

In other words, the maximum score you can get with a pair is 1,600 points, but 692 points is the number a good student can get even without a pair.

And I think I'll probably get 692 points, so I'm not really nervous.

This is what I came up with simply by looking back on my studies up until now.

In addition, my partner Matsushita is also not stupid, so there is no need to worry about her being expelled.

I don't care about wins and losses between classes. Even if the class points decrease, it will only be 100 points, and there will be no negative effect on private points.

Thinking about this, I enter my classroom. As you can see, students who are not confident in their grades are reviewing their lessons to avoid getting a red mark, and students with good grades are reviewing their lessons at the end so that they can beat the B class.

The only exception was Koenji, where he was humming a song while putting his feet on the desk and doing his hair.

This guy always works at his own pace...

With that thought in mind, I sat down and did a final review. However, I don't think it makes much sense since the students were in charge of creating the problem, not the school.

After reviewing for a while, the bell rings and the students put their textbooks and other items in their bags and put them in the lockers at the back.

This school doesn't allow you to put anything in your desk during tests.

Chabashira-sensei then enters the classroom, gives the usual warning, and once the explanation is complete, she begins handing out the tests.

The first one is modern writing, but I'm not going to give it a perfect score here.

In fact, I thought I studied to get a perfect score in every subject. In order to survive at this school, creativity and resourcefulness are more important than academic ability or physical ability, but that doesn't mean academic ability can't be used as a weapon.


When Mr. Chabashira says this, the students all turn over the test and check the questions.

The tests given by the school require knowledge of kanji and other problems, but the questions created by Class B were quite unforgiving from the beginning, including reading comprehension questions.

Well, most of the questions I created were reading comprehension questions, and the questions about kanji were more like harassment questions.

Well, it's not that difficult for me, who was good at humanities subjects even before I mastered science subjects

It's just that it's difficult compared to the questions that are usually given at school, and the difficulty level for me is somewhere above medium.

With that in mind, I begin to move the pen. I didn't give the slightest thought to the outcome of the battle between classes, but I was thinking deeply that Arisu and her friends would make sure that they didn't make any mistakes.

3 hours later...

"That's it. Put down your writing utensils and put your hands on your knees."

When Chabashira-sensei announces the end of the third period English test, she collects the test papers and leaves the classroom.

At the same time, classmates check their responses with their paired partners.

I have taken tests in three subjects so far, and I am confident in all of them.

I think it will be difficult to get a perfect score, but I am confident that I will get a score of 90 or above in all subjects.

If the remaining 5 subjects were of similar difficulty, I think Matsushita would be above the border line even if she got 0 points in all subjects.

Well, if you blatantly cut corners, I'll kill you.

After a while, Chabashira-sensei comes into the classroom with a new envelope, so everyone takes a seat and waits.

They waited for Mr. Chabashira to finish handing out the test papers, and when the signal to start was given, everyone turned over their papers at the same time as usual.

And that's when I started to solve it.


A groan-like voice can be heard coming from Kushida's mouth, who is sitting nearby.

"What's wrong, Kushida?"

"No, I'm sorry. It's nothing."

Kushida apologizes to Chabashira-sensei's words, but is clearly upset.

(What's this all of a sudden? Maybe Ryuen is involved?)

I know that Horikita and Kushida are competing in math tests. In that case, Kushida, who is teaming up with Ryuen, would have an overwhelming advantage since she would be able to receive test questions from Ryuen.

Does the fact that Kushida is upset despite this mean that the actual problem is different from the one that Ryuen gave to Kushida?

(...No, this match is about Horikita and Kushida, so ignore it.)

With that in mind, I start solving the problem, and it turns out to be a pretty good problem. I heard from Hiyori that the test questions were created by a student named Kaneda, not herself, but it seems that there are other students in class B who have excellent academic ability besides Hiyori.

There are quite a few trick questions, and I can see evidence that they were forced to fix the problems in an attempt to create a twisted problem.

The average score will probably be about 5 points lower than during the midterm, and some of my classmates will probably score 10 or 20 points.

Matsushita, who was solving the problem diagonally in front of me, would be fine. I don't know if she's serious, but I don't see any signs of impatience on her face.

In the end, I decided that there was no need to rush, so I started solving the questions, and once I finished solving them all, I kept checking to make sure there were no discrepancies in the answer column until the end of the test.

"Hey, Hikigaya-kun. How was your test?"

When the math test is over, Matsushita will talk to me.

If you look at it, most of your classmates are talking in pairs, so it's not unnatural.

"I bet I got over 90 points in all subjects."

I am confident that I will get full marks at least in English and modern Japanese.

"That would be great. I think I got around 50 points in all subjects."

"Then there's no problem. (By the way, what would be the score if you give it your all?)"

I asked Matsushita a question in a low voice. I know that Matsushita usually cuts corners, but I'm curious to see how serious she gets.

"(I'm not saying absolutely, but I think I can get over 80 points in all subjects)"

Well, this test was one rank higher than the one at school, but I guess it was over 80 points.

If she had such good grades and sociability, she would probably be put in class A.

Well, this girl has been cutting corners since middle school.

At this point, Kushida leaves the classroom looking exhausted. It's clearly different from her usual behavior.

After all, there was some kind of problem with the test and she probably went to Ryuen to ask questions.

A short while later, Horikita and Ayanokoji also left the classroom, probably chasing after Kushida.

Then Matsushita operates her cell phone and shows it to me. A notepad app is running on the screen, and it says  "The traitor is Kushida-san, right?'' so I nod a little.

Matsushita had originally regarded Kushida as suspicious, and Kushida's behavior during the math test was unnatural, so there was no need to hide it.

For the time being, Ryuen will realize that Kushida was unable to outwit Horikita in this case and will dismiss her, so I need to come up with a strategy regarding that as well.

With that thought in mind, I got ready to leave, gave a nod to Matsushita, and as we passed each other, I whispered in his ear,  "We'll talk about the notepad another time,'' before leaving the classroom.

I have to go home early and study for tomorrow.

A little while later, I met up with Hiyori, Arisu, and Masumi and headed home together, but I was relieved that all three seemed to have plenty of time.

From my point of view, I'm incomparably more worried about the safety of the three of you than about class points.

If one of the three of us is expelled from school, I will do whatever it takes to help them.

I returned home with a renewed sense of my determination.


"Let's go to bed now. It's unlikely, but just in case you overslept and you're late, it won't be a joke."

"That's right. I'm feeling sleepy too."

At 1 a.m., I said that while closing the workbook, Arisu nodded as if she understood, and Hiyori and Masumi also put their workbooks in their bags.

When I'm done cleaning up, I'm the first one to go to bed. I took a bath and brushed my teeth beforehand, so I was able to go to bed right away.

Then, after a beat, Hiyori and Masumi took positions on my left and right, Arisu on top of me, and then hugged me.

"Good night, Hachiman-kun. I'll do my best too."

"Keep your promises, okay?"

By the way, I promised Arisu and Masumi that if their average scores in all subjects were above a certain level, I would set up a day where they could spend time together.

"What are you talking about?"

Hiyori asks a question curiously. So when I talked about the promise we had made earlier, Hiyori looked a little dissatisfied.

"I didn't know you made such a promise. Now, if my average score exceeds 90, I'd like you to set up a day where we can spend time alone."

"You too...I understand."

Now that I have agreed with Arisu and Masumi, I have no intention of disrespecting Hiyori.

"Thank you...I love you."


When Hiyori says that, she kisses me on the lips and tightens her embrace. I feels eyes on me from two directions at the same time.

"Hachiman. I love you as much as Hiyori..."


"I love Hachiman-kun more than anyone else. Someday, I will definitely prove that Hachiman-kun is mine and I am Hachiman-kun's."


Starting with Hiyori's kiss, Masumi and Arisu also kiss while whispering their love.

The words of love and kisses from the three of them made me fall in love even more as I slowly closed my eyes.

Strangely enough, I felt like I was going to get a perfect score in the second half of the final exam.

After several hours....

"Now, the final exam is over. The test results will be announced next Monday."

Chabashira-sensei says that and leaves the classroom with an envelope containing the test for the last subject, Classics.

At the same time, my classmates breathed a sigh of relief and took various actions, but there was no hint of pessimism and there probably wouldn't be any red marks.

I don't know if it can beat B class though.

As for me, maybe because I received words of love and a kiss from Arisu and others before bed, I'm doing really well and I'm confident that I'll score over 95 in all subjects on the second day.

People can become stronger or weaker due to various factors, but in my case, Hiyori's love seems to be the factor that makes me stronger.

As I left the room, at the same time, he came out of the B class classroom, made eye contact with me, grinned at me, and then came over to me and put something in my pocket as we passed each other.

When I took it out, it was a recorder.

You can tell that he's handing over the recorder at this point without hearing the contents.

It appears that Ryuen has changed his policy from using Kushida's power to bash D-class to crushing Kushida and shaking up D-class.

I put the voice recorder back in my pocket and walked down the hallway, and Hiyori came out of the B class classroom one step later than Ryuen, and when I met her eyes, it was completely different from Ryuen and had a soothing smile on her face.

She hugged me in her arms.

"Thank you for your hard work. How was it?"

"I'm confident. What about you?"

"I'm fine. Once I reach my goal, I'll have time to be alone with Hachiman-kun each day, so I'm more motivated."

It's a great blessing for a man to get fired up like that.

Then Arisu and Masumi came from class A and came over.

"Thank you both for your hard work. Masumi-san and I are pretty confident, but what about you?"

"I'm more confident than Hiyori."

"That's the most important thing. By the way, the test is over, so would you like to go somewhere?"

Arisu says so. I certainly have been studying a lot lately, and I don't deny that I wants to get away with it.


"I don't mind that, but I'm sure all the students have similar ideas, so I think the mall will be crowded."

The shopping mall is crowded after every test, but I don't like noisy things so I don't really want to go there.

"I guess so. So I have a suggestion. Would you like to come here?"

As soon as Arisu operated her cell phone, it displayed information about a facility on the school grounds.

Well, there won't be many people here. Even though it's cold, it's not the kind of place students go to right after their exams.

"But isn't it a pain to prepare?"

"I'm renting it over there, so it's okay."

"Then I have no objection. What about Hiyori and Masumi?"

"No problem"

"Me too. There won't be any people there."

"It's decided. Let's go then."

Arisu said that and started walking, so we followed her to relieve the fatigue we had accumulated from studying for tests, changed into our shoes at the shoe rack, and left the school.

30 minutes later…

"Ah, come back to life"

I'm currently taking a hot spring bath in a spa facility in a corner of a shopping mall.

I researched this hot spring and found it to be effective against stiff shoulders and lower back pain, so I'm thankful for that.

My shoulder stiffness was caused by studying and writing tests, and my lower back pain was caused by holding Hiyori and the others at night.

It's really effective, I'd like to visit it regularly.

In that case...

"Hachiman-kun, you look like an old man."

"You're really tired."

"Well, it's almost winter break, so why don't we get some rest?"

Let's say, I go with Hiyori and the others again like this time.

Currently, I am enjoying the hot spring while being triple puffed by three people.

I liked that this spa was a mixed bathing type where swimsuits were required.

However, Ryuen told me to die before, but Triple Puff Puff is the best after all.

But Ryuen always takes Ishizaki and Albert with him, maybe he's gay?

Quiet topic...

"Ah. As the days go by, the exams at this school will become more difficult, so I'll get plenty of rest."

I was confused at first, especially since the desert island exam had content that would never be possible at a normal school.

I've gotten used to it a little now, but it's still quite tiring.

There might be a special exam held during the winter break to trick the students, so it's important to take a break now.

There's no doubt that the main players in other classes are also trying not to get too carried away even if they have fun.

"Yes. Please get some rest."

"Please be kind to us as much as you can."

"If you want to be spoiled, I'll spoil you to the fullest, and if there's something you want me to do, I'll do anything for you..."

Hearing my words, the three of them tighten their embrace even more.

This makes the softness of the bulge against my face even more obvious.

That alone will relieve my fatigue and I'll be able to do my best again soon...

That night...

Ping Dong

I was reading a manga in my room when the intercom rang, so I got up and opened the door without checking the camera.

Then Karuizawa, the top of the Buddha, was standing there.

"Have you come? Let's go inside for now... Ah, Hiyori and the others are outside, so don't worry."

As I said this, I returned to the living room and Karuizawa followed suit.

"Wow...the room is really spacious. How much did it cost?"


"Ridiculous...! You're beyond the norm."

"Well, that's fine, so let's get to the point. Do you know why you're here?"

"You're going to expel Kushida-san, the traitor in our class, right? I've heard that from Kiyotaka, but wouldn't you and Kiyotaka be able to do it without my help?"

"Kushida has Ayanakoji's weakness, so it's tough right now. As for me, it's not impossible, but I want to avoid risks as much as possible."

As for the final blow, I'll deliver it directly, but until then, I don't want Kushida to think about it.

"Hmm... So? What do you want me to do?"

When she said that, I took out the recorder Ryuen had given me and pressed the play button.


...That's why I want to expel Horikita. I'll sell you information about D-class, so please help me.''

"Damn... I never thought there would be someone more trash than Hikigaya. That's fine, all I have to do is cooperate with Suzune's expulsion, right?"

"Yeah. Actually, I tried to gain your trust by telling Ryuen-kun that I was the one receiving the preferential treatment, but...''

"Before that, Hikigaya told me and spoiling your plans. Then sell the information about Class D in the special exam in the second semester. I'll lend you a hand depending on that.''

The exchange between Ryuen and Kushida is played. Karuizawa's eyes widened, as if they never expected something like this to come.

"Did you get this from Ryuen?"

"Yeah. After the sports festival, I made a deal with Ryuen and said, "If Kushida makes a big mistake, or if Ryuen decides that he can't use her, give me a record of your interactions with Kushida.''

There is also data on interactions at sports festivals and final exams.

I approached Ryuen after the sports festival had ended, but since he had been recording these before then, Ryuen must have been thinking about cutting her off as well.

"So? Do you want me to broadcast it on the school internet and criticize her tomorrow in the middle of the classroom?"

"Most likely, but I'll do it the day after tomorrow. I'll skip school tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, and I'll spread it on the school internet at 7:40 a.m. the day after tomorrow, 10 minutes before HR, and you'll do it at 7:45. Please blame Kushida. Be as persistent as possible."

"Why are you taking a break?"

"Because it's necessary for the operation."

I'm planning to have Kushida contact me after Karuizawa blames her, but it would be better if I let her think that I didn't know the details because I had been off sick since the day before I distributed the items.

If you're planning something, there's a better chance they won't suspect you.

"You also don't tell me the details at all…"

Karuizawa says this while looking shocked. It seems like Ayanokoji hasn't talked about it in detail either, but we don't know where the information will leak.

"Well, you're just asking questions about things that were posted on the internet, and you're not going to get caught, so it's okay, right? So, is 10,000 yen fine as a reward?"

"Eh? Will you give me points?"

"Work comes with rewards."

Matsushita could do this job, but Karuizawa, who has more say in the class than Matsushita, would be more qualified to do it, and since she's a beginner, it's an important job.

"So? Is 10,000 enough?"


While saying this, Karuizawa operates her cell phone and shows me her ID number.

"...That would be good."

I originally thought I could pay up to 30,000, but I'll pay 15,000.

I operate the terminal and send points to the terminal in Karuizawa.

"I sent the money, so please check it."

"It's in properly."

"Then that's fine. I'll check again, but the data will be streamed at 7:40 the day after tomorrow..."

"Is there a reason to blame Kushida-san in the 45th minute?."

"Please. The level of blame may have something to do with the strategy, so don't hold back at all."

"Okay, okay. If you're done talking, I'll go home."

"Oh. Also, when you go home, do it from the balcony."

I forgot when Karuizawa came, but if she was seen coming out of my room, it would probably cause a lot of trouble.

"I'll do it even if you don't tell me. It was a pain to make sure no one came when I was coming."

After saying that, Karuizawa carried her shoes through the front door and went out from the balcony.

(For now, the initial preparations are over, and next I have to contact Ryuen and Matsushita.)

I explained the strategy to the two of them via email, and then sent an email to Hiyori and the others to let them know it was okay.

After that, when Hiyori and others returned to the room, perhaps because the test was over, I kissed three people until they went to bed, and even after they went to bed, they asked for more, and before I knew it, we were watching the sunrise.