Chapter 75

"Okay, you guys. I'm going to take a break today too, but be careful."

Two days after the test ended, I saw Hiyori and the others off at the entrance.

In order to beat Kushida as safely as possible, I skipped school yesterday, and I'll skip school today as well.

"Yes. Hachiman-kun, please take a good rest too... hmm."


As soon as I say that, Hiyori closes her eyes and sticks out her lips, so I kiss her. I don't usually do it because we go to school together, but it's not bad on occasion.

"Please do that for me too."

"me too..."


When I kiss Hiyori, Arisu follows, and Masumi, not to be outdone, asks for it too, so I kissed them as well.

"Then be careful."

After saying that, and kissing the three of them one last time, they leave the room.

And seeing the three of them out of sight from the dormitory hallway, I returned to my room and started operating the computer.

Then I display the bulletin board screen on the school's internet and wait for the time to arrive. When the time comes, I will spread out all the information about Ryuen and Kushida on the bulletin board.

There are also chat logs inside, including a screenshot of the sports festival participation list.

It won't be long before the disguise of the top-class popular person in my grade will peel off.

While I was thinking about this, I made a cup of tea and waited until the scheduled time finally arrived, so I posted a preface on the bulletin board saying,

"The true nature of Kikyo Kushida, one of the most popular people of the year,'' and then released all the information.

At the same time, I sent a text message to Karuizawa's cell phone saying,

"I've published it. You can punish her in five minutes,'' and then closed the cell phone.

Now, there will be a lot of screaming in the classroom.

"Hey, Kushida-san."

Kei Karuizawa talks to Kikyo Kushida, who is talking with Inokashira and Mii-chan, in the Class D classroom.

However, she has a quarrelsome tone, and the students in the classroom stare at her with some surprise.

The only exceptions are Chiaki Matsushita and Kiyotaka Ayanokoji, who are aware of the situation.

Kushida opens her mouth in surprise at Karuizawa.

"Um... what? Did I do something bad?"

Seeing Kushida's troubled expression, Karuizawa glared and opened her mouth.

"You have no idea, right? You teamed up with B-class Ryuen to try to get Horikita-san expelled, right?"


Karuizawa's words create an uproar in the classroom. Kushida's eyes widen for a moment, but she immediately smiles at her.

"I won't do that. I won't do anything that would betray my class."

"Oh, that's right! Besides, there's no way she could team up with Ryūen!"

Kanji Ike, who is in love with Kushida, supports Kushida in a loud voice.

However, Karuizawa glares at Kushida and thrusts her cell phone at her.

"I was accessing the school's internet just now, and I saw on the bulletin board that it was announced that Kushida-san was teaming up with B-class Ryuen. There were also audio and chat logs."

Hearing those words, everyone simultaneously turned on their phones and accessed the school's online bulletin board.

There was a large amount of information that made it clear that she was indeed collaborating with Ryuen.

"Now you understand, right? I don't know why, but Kushida-san wanted to expel Horikita-san from school, and for that purpose, she teamed up with Ryuen-kun and kept betraying Class D at the sports festival and final exams."

When Karuizawa said that again, almost all of her classmates looked at Kushida.

However, the meaning of her gaze has changed from the way she looked at Kushida up until now, and her classmate's eyes contained negative emotions such as anger, sadness, contempt, and surprise.

On the other hand, Kushida was irritated by being exposed to malicious eyes, and harbored strong anger towards Ryuen who posted it on the internet.

Although it was actually Hachiman who snitched on her, Kushida thinks that Ryuen uploaded it.

However, from Karuizawa's point of view, she is not interested in Kushida's feelings and blames her.

She was getting paid this time after all  unlike Kiyotaka who just ordered her around.

"So? Kushida-san, don't stay silent and explain. Why do you want Horikita-san to be expelled? Why did you involve the class at that time? Won't you please explain to me?!"

"Oh, that's..."

"What? Don't be silent, just say it clearly. It's about you, so you can explain it, right? Besides, it's true that you didn't deny it, so you were betraying the class!"

As Karuizawa approaches Kushida while saying this, a chime rings and Chabashira, the homeroom teacher, enters.

"Take your seats. Start HR."

"...I'll have you explain it to me once HR is finished."

At those words, Karuizawa distanced herself from Kushida, glanced at her, and then took her seat.

Chabashira talks in HR, but most of the class ignores the conversation and turns hostile toward Kushida.

Kushida, on the other hand, had an unusual amount of anger in her heart.

(Don't be silly! Why do I have to be glared at! This is all because of Ryuen...! That scumbag!)

She puts herself aside and poisons Ryuen who is in class B.

"That's why Karuizawa-san questions Kushida-san every time class ends. It's not like I'm going to take advantage of that, but Yukimura-kun and Sudo-kun are also getting close.''

When lunch break begins, I contact Matsushita in my room. We have passed the first stage and would like to move on to the next stage, but we need cooperation with Matsushita.

"What's Kushida's reaction? Didn't she do anything?"

"During the 10-minute break between classes, she used her right to remain silent by looking down, and then disappeared from the classroom by lunchtime. Hirata-kun tried to protect her several times, but he was outnumbered.''

"I guess so. Next, I'll give you an order to follow Kushida after school. However, if you're about to find out, stop following her and keep your distance from Kushida."

It would be more troublesome for Kushida to discover Matsushita's presence than for her to stop following her.

In case of an emergency, you can ask Arisu to stake out the A class students as well.

"Understood. Other than that?"

"Kushida will probably contact me, so I'll contact you again then."

After saying that, I hung up the call.

Well, I think it's about time for Kushida to complain to Ryuen.

Anyone in Kushida's position would probably complain about him.

At the same time...

"Yo Kikyo. Do you need something?"

Kushida is facing a smiling Ryuen on a deserted rooftop. However, Albert is waiting behind Ryuen.

"Don't be so stupid. What are you planning on doing?!"

"What? What is it?"

When Ryuen laughs and cuts Shira, Kushida becomes furious.

"Don't be silly! You were the one who posted the information on the bulletin board, right?"

"Yes," Ryuen replies with a smile.

Although Hachiman was the one who actually uploaded it, Ryuen affirms it because he'll know the penalty if someone is expelled and has built a cooperative system with him to destroy the unity of D class.

"Why did you do this!?"

"It's simple. We decided that it would be more profitable to expel you and crush D-class than to team up with you and bash D-class."

In fact, from Ryūen's point of view, it didn't matter whether he teamed up with Kushida or crushed Kushida, but when he received advice from Hachiman and mastermind X that

"Kushida's betrayal during the final exam was discovered by Horikita.'' , he cooperated with Hachiman and switched to a policy of expelling Kushida to unite the D class and take away class points.

"Anyway, you're probably isolated in class, are you okay?"

"Who do you think is to blame...! Stop kidding!"

"Whose fault was this? You betrayed the class by teaming up with me to destroy Suzune, so it's your fault, right?"


Hearing those words, Kushida tried to approach Ryuen, but before she could, Albert stood in front of Ryuen and cracked his fists, so she stopped there.

It is well known that Ryuen's class uses violence without hesitation. In addition, Kushida understands that if she receives a blow from Albert, her body will be easily destroyed.

Seeing Kushida like this, Ryuen smiles and talks to her.

"Well, I'll put Suzune on the back burner for a while and play with you."

With that alone, Kushida understands Ryuen's intentions.

"Are you planning on forcing me to expel from school...?"

"Correct. You were the most popular person in the class, but I'll make you worse than an insect and then expel you from school."

Ryuen says this while laughing. His opponent, Kushida, looks at him with murderous intent in her eyes, but she doesn't care about Ryūen.

"That's a good look in your eyes. I'm sure you're trying to get revenge on me, but I am the one who stands the top ground. Who are you going to ask for help, is it Hirata? who is at best a good-natured person, or Hikigaya, who will do anything as long as he  gets points."

Ryuen snorts and leaves the rooftop with Albert. After a while, Kushida kicks the bench on her roof to vent her frustration.

"Don't be silly! Don't pretend to be king when you're inferior to Sakayanagi! Don't look down on me!"

Although it was a sight she didn't want a third party to see, Kushida couldn't help but vent her dissatisfaction. If she doesn't do that, she won't be able to do it.

"Ryuen and Horikita both die! If Horikita hadn't enrolled in this school, this wouldn't have happened!"

Kushida, who vented her complete resentment on the bench for a while, took a breather and thought about her future.

"It's not going to be good if it continues like this. What should I do..."

In middle school, when Kushida's classmates turned against her, she was able to deflect the blame by revealing everyone's secrets, but this time the situation is different.

It hasn't even been a year since I entered the school, so I don't have many secrets.

She has secrets from about 5 or 6 of her 39 classmates, but she can't deal with the anger of the rest.

And since my position is the worst, I have to rely on a third party.

However, it is impossible for people from other classes. It's no exaggeration to say that she is hated by the first graders. 

Once it was discovered that she had teamed up with Ryuen, it was obvious that the people in other classes would also be wary.

All of her classmates, except for Hirata, turned against her, and although Hirata tried to protect her, he was powerless in the face of the hostility.

In that case, the only person she can rely on is Hachiman. From Kushida's point of view, Hachiman has a high level of ability.

Moreover, since Hachiman has no interest in D-class and has business dealings with Ryuen, I don't think he will have that much hostility toward Kushida herself, so he is the perfect person considering his abilities and position.

Additionally, since he hasn't come to school since yesterday because he hasn't been feeling well, he doesn't know the situation, so it's easy to approach him.


"They definitely demand a high amount of points…"

That's what Kushida is worried about.

Hachiman is famous in her class for not being motivated except for points-related matters.

It is still fresh in my memory that Horikita actually signed a contract to pay a large amount of points in order to get him to cooperate.

And it is easy to imagine that if you ask for help, they will ask you a considerable amount of money.

They probably won't accept 100,000 yen, and they might ask for more than 500,000 yen instead of 200,000 or 300,000 yen.

Kushida uses her cell phone to check the points.

182517 ppt

She doesn't waste much, so she has quite a lot among the D-class, but it's easy to see that it's small compared to Hachiman.

It's obvious that Hachiman is buying a big room, hiring members of the Katsuragi faction, and playing gambling matches to earn a lot of points.

Kushida is convinced that her points alone are not enough.

"Still, it will be bad if things continue like this… I need his cooperation no matter what…"

While saying this, Kushida opens her cell phone and begins by expressing concern for Hachiman's health, sending him an email asking for a time to talk, and begins thinking of ways to get Hachiman to cooperate.

However, at this time, Kushida did not know that everything was in Hachiman's hands.

"Well, I got an email from Kushida. Well, I'll pretend I'm sleeping and ignore it."

While I was relaxing in my room looking at the cosplay images of Hiyori, Arisu, and Masumi saved on my computer, my cell phone informed me that I had received an email from Kushida.

However, if I reply immediately, there is a possibility that the other person will become suspicious, so I do not reply until after school, no matter how early.

There's no need to move for now.

When I was using my computer while looking at soothing images, I ended up clicking on a different folder than the one I was looking for...

"...nightvoice? What's this?"

There was an audio file named

"nightvoice'' in a folder with the common name ''Windowsfile.''

Moreover, there are up to No.30.

I was curious, so I clicked No.1 and played it...

"Aaan! Hachiman! More intense! Hmmm! "

"Ah...! I'll make it as intense as Masumi wants...! "

"Hmm! Hach! Hachiman faster!"


Press the stop button immediately.

This is definitely the one that Hiyori recorded. I never thought it would save not only the video but also the audio...

(...But audio has a different destructive power than video.)

Perhaps because I heard Masumi's singing voice, a naked Masumi appears in my head and I can't get it out of my mind.

There's probably Hiyori and Arisu's too, but I'll delete them all. It seems dangerous just imagining it.

With that in mind, I deleted the audio file in complete embarrassment.

A few hours have passed since the connection between Kushida and Ryuen was made public...

"Well, I think I'll be hearing from Matsushita soon..."

At the time when HR was probably in session on the way home from school, I grabbed my phone and turned it on.

When I looked, I saw that I had received five emails and three calls from Kushida.

I guess that's why she's so anxious.

Then, just in time, I received a phone call from Matsushita.

"Hello? Did you see any movement?"

"Yeah. As soon as HR was over, she ran out of the classroom to run away from Karuizawa-san. I'm following her now, but I guess she's in a hurry and don't really notice.''

"Then that's fine. Follow her carefully so that you don't get noticed. Then, leave the phone connected and let me know if you find out that Kushida is heading to the dormitory."


When I received a call from Matsushita, I put on a coat, a scarf, and a mask to protect myself from the cold.

When I turn off the TV, I hear Matsushita's voice coming from my cell phone.

"She's not heading towards the shopping mall, but the dormitory.''

"Okay. Now, hang up while keeping your distance so you can record the video. I'll contact her now."

"Roger that. I can expect a reward, right?"

"If you succeed, I'll give you 150,000 yen."

After saying that, I ended the call and asked Kushida, "Are you calling me for something? ' After sending an email, I left the room and walked slowly, as if I had a cold.

When I leave the dormitory, I meet Kushida, who is using her cell phone.

As if she had been waiting for me, she breathed a sigh of relief and spoke to me.

"Ah, Hikigaya-kun. Are you feeling okay?"

"It's not working, so I'm going to the hospital now. I just woke up, so why did you call me like that?"

When I talk to Kushida as if I don't know her, Kushida takes a deep breath before talking to me.

"That's true, but as I said in my email, I have something to talk about, so could you please give me some time?"

"...I'm not feeling very well. So, I hope it doesn't take long."

"It's okay. It won't take more than 10 minutes."

"Well, I don't mind if that's the case. So? What's the story?"

"Ah, yeah. It's something I don't want to talk about in public, so could we please come to the back of the dormitory for a moment?"

Behind the dormitory...a place where there are no surveillance cameras.

I can easily imagine that they were trying to trick me at that point...

"I don't mind if it's quick."

I agree. That's also part of the strategy.

"Thank you. Let's go then."

Kushida smiled broadly and headed to the back of the dormitory, but I didn't miss the momentary smile on her face.

It seems like she's really trying to trick me into something.

As I followed Kushida, I glanced at the side and saw Matsushita, who was holding her cell phone, nodding.

Kushida doesn't seem to notice Matsushita, probably because she's in a hurry, so I'm relieved.

I arrived at the back of the dormitory and Kushida faced me. However, the tinge of ridicule disappears, and she begins to show her mask.

"So? What's the story?"

"Yes...Hikigaya-kun, do you know about my current situation?"

"Huh? I don't understand the meaning of your question."

Of course I know, but I pretend to be in love with her.

"Actually, I teamed up with Ryuen-kun and betrayed Class D..."

"...Seriously? I expected Kushida to have a hidden side, but you were the traitor."

I opened my eyes slightly and expressed surprise as I showed it to Kushida, who looked at me with surprise.

"Hikigaya-kun, did you realize my true nature?"

"It's not like I noticed it, but judging by your usual behavior and grades, it's strange that you're in Class D. Well, I didn't expect you to team up with Ryuen, but I could tell by the way you looked. So, is it him?"

"Yeah. Ryuen-kun said he was done with it and posted our exchange on the school's online bulletin board."

Well, it was me who posted it on the bulletin board, not Ryuen, and Ryuen said the same thing.

"I see. If that happens, your evaluation will probably be the worst. But I don't have to worry about it. I've been praised for being on good terms with Ryuen, but I don't care about criticism from third parties."

If Hiyori and the others criticize me, I'll improve, but I don't care what third parties think of me.

And Ryuen is an existence that has merit if not handled incorrectly. Well, if you mishandle it, you'll end up in hell like Katsuragi.

"Hikigaya-kun may be able to do that, but I can't."

"Well, maybe so. Anyway, I understand the general story. The point is, you want me to do something about this situation, right?"

"Yes. The only person I can rely on is Hikigaya-kun."

I guess so. I'm the only first year student who can help Kushida right now.

It's only natural that all the D class students except me will eventually go to Arisu's class, and the students from other classes won't want to help Kushida who has teamed up with Ryuen.

Actually, I have a plan to help Kushida... but I have no intention of helping Kushida because I plan to expel her from school.

"500,000 is fine."

"... You're asking for points after all."

Kushida's mouth twitches and she glares at me.

"Of course. I don't care if you betray our class or not, but there is no benefit to helping you. And the only benefit you can offer me is points."

When Kushida says that, her eyes grow cold. She doesn't seem to have any intention of hiding it, probably because all the students have already known about her betrayal.

"...Certainly there is no benefit for Hikigaya-kun to help me. But there is a disadvantage to not helping me."

"Disadvantage, huh? What does it mean?"

I can predict it, but I'll cut Shira.

She'll probably do what she did to that pervert Ayanokoji again. I bet he definitely enjoyed it.

"Here and now, I'm going to pretend that Hikigaya-kun almost raped me.''

"Huh? They're not going to believe you when you, the hated person, said that, right?''

"It's okay, it's not a false accusation.'' When she said that, Kushida held my hand.

She grabbed it and put it against his chest. Basically, she made me rub her own breasts. "B-bitch!"

I purposely make an angry sound.

However, I actually have no anger toward Kushida, and when I see Matsushita filming us from a distance, I realizes that the operation was a success.

"Now I have your fingerprints. I have proof. I'm serious. Hikigaya-kun, please cooperate with me."

"Shit...! I understand, I'll cooperate."

I pretended to be confused but agreed, and Kushida smiled at me, the same smile she usually shows in the classroom.

"Thank you. If Hikigaya-kun is with me, I would be 100% strong."

Ha, smile now. This is all part of the plan.

Even though I was thinking this, I opened my mouth, trying not to show it on my face.

" the way, do you do this every time you meet a boy who wants to know your true nature or give you orders?"

I ask while glaring. Well, this isn't for me.

"Ayanokoji-kun and Hikigaya-kun are the only ones who did something like this."

"Ayanokoji? I know that creep's not an ordinary person, but isn't that shoddy bastard part of your harem?"

"W-what the? What do you mean by harem, Hikigaya-kun?!" Kushida glared at me.


"If I get out of this situation, I'll expel him from school just like Horikita-san and Ryuen-kun."

In reality, I know that Kushida and Ayanokoji are enemies, but when I pretend not to know and ask if he's a part of Kushida's harem, she denies it.

There is a strong sense of disgust there.

"...I see. For now, when I'm fully recovered and can go to school tomorrow, you'll act like one of my subordinates."

If I were to help Kushida, it would be inevitable. Otherwise, it would be impossible to help Kushida.

"I know. From tomorrow onwards, I'll officially be Hikigaya-kun's - yes girl."

Kushida seems to understand that as well, and nods without any objections.

"Tsk... is that enough talk? Then I'll go to the hospital."

"I'm sorry. But if you're going to hold a grudge, you'll have to blame yourself for catching a cold, missing school, and not knowing the current situation."

Kushida says that without any signs of being offended. Ryuen was right, this girl was even more selfish than me.

"You will definitely die in a bad way."

With that said, I turned my back to Kushida and started walking, leaving the dormitory for the time being.

After walking for a while, I glanced behind me and couldn't confirm Kushida's presence, so I took out my cell phone and called Matsushita.

"It's me. What do you think?"

"Perfect. Both audio and video are clear.''

"Good then. I'll defend Kushida in the classroom tomorrow, but you'll have to come up with a plausible reason and condemn her in front of everyone. Once that's done, I'll show you my gratitude."

"Thanks. See you tomorrow"

After saying that, the call ended, so I put my phone back in my pocket and exhaled.

If Matsushita reveals this tomorrow, Kushida's existence will be reduced to nothing more than trash, and the cards Kushida has against Ayanokoji will also become weaker.

I dared to ask if she had ever had her breasts touched before, and Kushida said that she had done it to Ayanokoji.

She may not have noticed Matsushita, or she may have let her guard down because she mounted against me, but at that point she lost the card.

Even if Kushida tells the school that

"Ayanokoji raped me'' tomorrow after Matsushita reveals the video, the school won't believe it.

The video of her grabbing my hand and making me touch her chest, and Kushida's words in the video, are too powerful.

Furthermore, even if you say that you were raped when there were fingerprints only on your chest, it would be strange if there were no fingerprints on your skirt, dress shirt, etc. in addition to your breasts.

In the end, it's too late to report.

Ayanokoji said that he found out about Kushida's true nature in the first semester, but she should have reported it within the first semester.

Even if she reports after tomorrow, her credibility will be low.

Personally, I don't really care what happens to that creep, but Arisu wants to fight him.

In any case, the preparation for the second phase was completed. Let's use Matsushita tomorrow to accomplish the second phase, then activate the third phase and crush everything Kushida has to offer.

I returned to the dormitory thinking about my future plans.

"I'm home"

After the incident with Kushida was over, I was watching TV in my room when Masumi said that and came into the room.

"Welcome back. How was school?"

"There's been a lot of commotion. Some of my classmates were good friends with Kushida, but they said they were cutting ties."

Well, for someone who knows the information Ryuen gave them, Kushida is a piece of trash.

"In addition, the name-calling must have been terrible. What about Arisu?"

Hiyori is in the tea ceremony club, but Arisu usually comes home with Masumi, so it was unexpected that Arisu wasn't there.

"She has something to do with Ichinose, so she told me to go home first. I'm keeping her bag."

While saying this, Masumi places her bag and Arisu's bag on the sofa.

"How's Hachiman doing?"

"It's going well. Kushida contacted me and threatened me, but it's as expected, so I've taken countermeasures."

While saying this, I operate my phone and play the video that Matsushita just sent me.

It showed Kushida making my hand touch her chest in order to threaten me.

"I see. Matsushita will reveal it in the classroom tomorrow and cause even more damage to Kushida."

"That's the place."

" the way...did Kushida's breasts feel better than mine?"

"No way. Compared to you, Hiyori, and Arisu's breasts, they're worthless."

There's no way I'd get excited about the breasts she used to threaten me, and even if that's taken away, I like Masumi's breasts better.

Hiyori's breasts fit comfortably in your hand and are comfortable to massage.

Arisu's small but sensitive breasts

Masumi's breasts are both large and well shaped.

Those three people's breasts have been touched hundreds of times, but compared to that, Kushida's breasts are worthless.


After saying that, Masumi puts her head on my shoulder, and when I stroke her, she narrows her eyes as if she's tickled.

That gesture is just adorable.

While watching TV while patting Masumi's head, a news story about shoplifting comes on and I can't help but look at Masumi.

"...What? I haven't been shoplifting lately, have I?"

"I know. If you keep shoplifting at a school with no connections to the outside world, you'll be found out someday."

"Well, I didn't think when I first started school that I would be bullied because Sakayanagi caught me shoplifting."

I guess so. Actually, I didn't expect her to start shoplifting so soon after enrolling.

"At first, I didn't like Sakayanagi to use me so much...but now I don't like that.''

"Is it so?"

She definitely wanted to be freed from Arisu, but is that not the case?

"Because if Sakayanagi hadn't found out about me, or if I were someone who didn't shoplift, I don't think I would have any contact with Hachiman."

I'll think about what you say. If Masumi were a person who did not shoplift, she might have been the type of person who only interacted with her classmates to the bare minimum based on Masumi's personality.

At least she wouldn't have formed a deep connection with Arisu.

Then I was introduced to Masumi by Arisu, and thinking about it like that...

"Well, maybe so."

As Masumi said, there would have been no contact. Maybe there will be contact, but it will definitely not lead to a relationship that goes beyond living together, kissing, or having physical contact.

"It's annoying to be used so hard by Sakayanagi, but I'm happy spending time with Hachiman. So maybe it was a good thing that shoplifting was found out."

Saying that, Masumi becomes even more indulgent than before, and starts slithering while resting her head on my shoulder.

"I see. Well, you guys make me happy too, so I'm glad the shoplifting was found out."

"Hmm... Hachiman."

"What's up?"

"...kiss me"

Oh no. Even though it's still evening, she's showing off her spoiled behavior.

"Yes, yes. Masumi is really a spoiled child."

"I... It's not just me, it's Hachiman who made Sakayanagi and Hiyori into spoiled brats... so I'll ask him to take responsibility."

"What is responsibility?"

"I don't know who will become Hachiman's legal wife, but please marry them all and don't break up for any reason other than death."


I just hugged Masumi and gently pressed our lips together. Masumi, on the other hand, closes her eyes and receives a shower of kisses from me.

"Hachiman... Hmm... Hachiman... I love you..."

Masumi gradually becomes more proactive. Looking at Masumi like that, my rationality is blown away, and even though it's evening, I pushes Masumi down onto the sofa.

"Masumi... is this okay?"

When I asked the question, Masumi blushed and nodded, so I took off Masumi's uniform and dress shirt, and then tried to undo the belt of my own pants, but at that moment, my cell phone started ringing.

When I picked up my phone, feeling irritated and wondering who it was, it was Kushida.

"…What is it for?"

"what? Are you in a bad mood?"

No wonder. I was planning to eat Masumi, but you interrupted me... I was really upset because I was interrupted in the middle of the meal.

"I don't think anyone would be in a good mood being called by someone who is threatening them."

In any case, I will reply with a plausible reason.

"Ahaha, maybe so. Let's get to the point, but you won't betray me, right?"

It seems like she has suspicions about me. Well, it's too late now.

"I regret it, but I have no intention of doing anything that would be too risky, and I have no intention of betraying you now."

Although I have already betrayed you.

"That's fine, though. For now, Hikigaya-kun will cooperate with me until Horikita-san, Ayanokoji-kun, and Ryuen-kun leave the school. Once that's over, I can set you free.''

This girl is quite brazen. How badly do you want those three to be expelled?

Anyway, let's follow it until tomorrow.

"...That's fine. That creep and Ryuen aside, I don't like Horikita either."

"It would be helpful if you could say that. Good luck tomorrow.''

After those words, the call ended, so I put my phone on the table and looked at Masumi.

Masumi's upper body is already naked, only covered in underwear, but I am unable to get excited due to the irritation caused by Kushida's presence.

"Sorry, Masumi. I've lost my mood, so maybe it's okay to do it again next time?"

"...Okay. But I want to feel Hachiman's warmth, so please hug me."

"...Well, if that's all. However, the sofa is small, so I'll go to bed."

While saying this, I grabbed Masumi and headed to the bed, and the two of us collapsed on the bed, hugging each other.

You can clearly see that the warmth coming from Masumi cleanses the stress that Kushida has accumulated.

"...Masumi is so warm."

"Hachiman is warm too. Happy..."

Masumi is completely spoiled with a dejected expression and is getting aroused.

Normally, Masumi exudes an atmosphere that is difficult to approach, but if students other than myself, Hiyori, and Arisu saw the current Masumi, she would definitely be popular.

"I appreciate it if you say that. Is there anything you would like me to do?"

"Then please hug me too."

Just as I thought I heard that voice, I felt warmth coming from behind me.

This warmth and voice...

"Sakayanagi...I was starting to feel like the atmosphere was going to be good, but can you read the atmosphere?"

It can't be anyone other than Arisu. At the appearance of Arisu, Masumi's expression changes from one of horny to one of complete dissatisfaction.

"I'm sorry about that. Well, just call it bad luck."

Arisu, on the other hand, apologizes, but judging from her tone, I don't think she's apologizing at all.

"I see, Arisu. It seems you had something to do with Ichinose. What did you do?"

"We just promised to play."

Arisu says so, but in Arisu's case...

"It's for information gathering, right?"

I can't think of anything else. It's probably part of Arisu's strategy to have two people who don't usually go out to play together.

"Yes. First of all, I would like to find out why she was in class B when she first entered the school."

Considering Ichinose's potential, it wouldn't be strange for her to be in A class when she first enrolled.

At least if I were the interviewer, I would assign her to class A.

Nevertheless, being in class B means that there is a high possibility that she has dark history or she's also a green tea like Kushida, and Arisu probably intends to use that as the key to her strategy.

I think it's the latter but there's no proof because Ichinose's a natural person unlike Kushida.

"Hmm. Then Hiyori and I will occupy Hachiman that day."

"Do as you like. Lastly, as I am in the position of becoming Hachiman-kun's legal wife, I will tolerate most of my mistress' actions."

"Huh? I'll be the legal wife. Will I be able to please Hachiman with Sakayanagi's style?"

"...Stop copying me or I will sue you Masumi-san!"

You guys...could you please stop squabbling over me to become my legal wife?

I have to stop the fight for now.

"You guys don't get into trouble. Huh...hey."



I blow into Arisu's ear and poke Masumi's armpit, making the two of us gasp loudly.

Their weaknesses are obvious. By the way, Hiyori's weak point is her neck.

"Don't let sparks fly between you."

"...But please stop blowing into my ear."

"...pervert, devil"

Wait, Masumi. Don't call people devils.

I certainly don't deny that the side that comes out at night is evil, but isn't that because Masumi seeks intensity?

"That's too bad. I mean, I've told you many times not to make sparks fly in front of me."

"I'm sorry, but I can't give up on this."

"That's right. I usually follow Sakayanagi, but I have no intention of  compromising on Hachiman."

"...Please stop now."

"I will. Besides, is everything going well with Kushida-san's case?"

"No problems. I'll just keep working hard and tease her until she's expelled."

I will only destroy those who try to destroy my peace. You're free to want to destroy Horikita, but I don't want you to get me caught up in your own selfish actions.

With that response, I accepted Arisu, who was fawning over me even as we talked, and gently hugged her.

In the end, the three of us spoiled each other until Hiyori returned, and after she returned, the four of us spoiled each other.

But at that time I didn't know it yet.

The cornered prey takes unexpected actions.