Chapter 101

After finishing the special exam, we got on the bus and headed back to school.

Most of my classmates on the bus were asleep, probably tired from the exam.

I'm pretty sleepy too, but I'm half asleep and I'm afraid I'll be annoyed if I wake up when we arrive, so I haven't slept.

While I was on the bus for a while, my cell phone rang, so I checked and it was an email from Nagumo.

"The exam is over, and I sent you 1 million points as promised. Your answer was perfect, so I guess you saw through my strategy, so please continue to entertain me."

Along with this, 1 million points were transferred to my device.

Now I have just under 8 million points.

At this rate, it wouldn't be impossible to save 10 million by the time you reach the 2nd year.

Well, I'll pay Matsushita 500,000 yen from now on.

Sighing, I transfer 500,000 points to Matsushita's cell phone.

If you don't do any lucky lewd things over there...

If you look at Matsushita, she'll wink at you, and it looks like the money was sent properly.

In any case, the first special exam of winter break is over, but we'll probably have one more later.

If it were to be held, it would be right before spring break, and the content would be a summary of the year and the class would have to come together as one.

And I don't think it's an exam where class points change a lot, and it's not an exam where a large amount of private points change, like a test to guess who gets a special offer.

Should I cut corners here and there and let A class win?

Students were notified of the results after the forest school ended.

As a result...

Class A led by Sakayanagi 925

Class B led by Ryuen 567

Class C led by Ichinose 535

Class D to which I belong 469

It became. There is not much difference between B class and C class.

However, when it comes to growth, our class is on a whole other level.

On May 1st, when the existence of class points was revealed...

A class led by Sakayanagi 940

B class led by Ichinose 650

C class led by Ryuen 490

D class 0 to which I belong

And D class was 0 points.

If you compare this and rank the growth...

Class D where I am 469

Class B Ryuen 77

Class A led by Sakayanagi -15

Class C Ichinose -115

It becomes. Katsuragi failed in the A-class desert island test and the preferential treatment test, but even if you take that into account, the D-class is overwhelming.

(I don't know what will happen in the future, but I should do what I can... No, before that, I should make connections with other classes.)

There is a connection between A class and B class, and there is a need to make a connection with C class as well.

If you want to make contact, it would be best to drop the C class to the D class to prevent them from emerging, and then identify those who want to advance individually and bring them in.

(Then there will be a special exam at the end of the school year...)

In this way, I was devising various strategies while riding the bus.

After several hours...

"We've arrived. It's been a long forest school, but it's time to dismiss it. Rest well tomorrow and start living a regular life the day after tomorrow."

When I arrived at the school,  Chabashira-sensei told me so, so I got off the bus.

And while I was waiting near the school gate, Hiyori, Arisu, and Masumi came over.

(Finally. I can spend time with the three of them for the first time in a while)

The three of them approach me while I am so happy that I am about to go crazy.

"Finally, finally, I can spend time with Hachiman..."

Masumi was the first one to come over, and she was completely happy and grabbed my right hand tightly.

"Hachiman-kun...please give me some love tonight..."

The next person to come was Hiyori, who looked smug and grabbed my left hand.

"We were separated for most of the forest school, but starting today we'll be together again."

The last person to come was Arisu, who was lame in her legs, and hugged me from the front with a seductive smile on her face.

"That's right. Then let's go back to the dormitory and make love."

While saying this, we slowly started walking and went to a convenience store to buy a convenience store bento.

As expected, I'm too lazy to make food after 9 o'clock.

When I entered my room in the dormitory, I felt nostalgic. Unlike the wooden room at the forestry school, it is bright.

"I guess it has to be this room after all."

"That's right. This is me and Hachiman's...ah, love nest."

Masumi blushes and says cute things. She's seriously too cute.

When I hugged Masumi tightly, Masumi looked down and hugged me back. The forest school where you can't enjoy this softness immediately is hell.

"Hachiman-kun. This is also the nest of love between me and Hachiman-kun."

"Please don't forget me too, okay?"

Arisu and Hiyori say this while staring at me, but I won't forget it and I have no intention of disrespecting it.

From the moment I proposed to all three of them, I vowed to love them equally.

I hugged them both in the same way and then went to prepare dinner.

2 hours later...

"Ah, the bathroom in my room is the best after all."

After finishing dinner, we took a breather and took a bath. There were so many people in the public bath that I didn't feel at ease.

"I agree. In the women's public bath, instead of getting rid of my fatigue, I got tired."

In response to my murmurings, Masumi, who was hugging me from behind without any clothes on, said something like that.

Masumi's voluptuous breasts are pressed against my back and my rationality is whittled away.

"Is it because there are so many people?"

"That's one thing, but it was tough because Sakayanagi and Hiyori were dropping bombs every day."

"Masumi-san was the one who dropped the bomb, right?"

On the other hand, the person hugging my right side is Arisu.

Like Masumi, she isn't wearing anything, and I can feel her slight bulge on my arm.

"You dropped it first every time."

"Bomb? What are you talking about?"

Hiyori is hugging me on my left side.

She didn't wrap herself in a bath towel, either, and she hugged me as she was born and pampered me.

Masumi's big breasts, Arisu's slightly swollen breasts, Hiyori's well-grown breasts, they're all different and all good.

"Please keep quiet about natural nuclear warheads."

I was able to read about it.

Arisu teased Masumi and the girls got excited, Masumi hit back at Arisu and the girls got even more excited, and Hiyori unconsciously dropped a bomb against them and the girls' tension went through the roof.

"What about the men's bathroom? It seemed like they were making a lot of noise because of the size of that thing."

"Ah, I heard that too. I heard that you are the same as Albert Yamada in B class, and that Ayanokouji and Koenji are two-toppers. Is that true?"

Is that it? It seems like it's already known among girls.

"It's true. I kind of expected Koenji, but I didn't expect Ayanokoji."

Seriously. But?

"Didn't the girls compare their breast sizes?"

"I won't do it. It's clear that Ichinose-san is number one."

Well, I guess so. You can tell through her clothes that Ichinose ranks first in terms of breast size.

"Do you really like big things, Hachiman-kun?"

"No way. My favorite breasts are Hiyori, Arisu, and Masumi's. The others' breasts are just lumps of fat."

I used to like big breasts, but after learning about the supremacy of three people's breasts, I stopped being interested in anything but their breasts, not their size.

"Well, I'm starting to get depressed, so let's get out of here... I'm sure I'll be depressed again soon in a different way."

After saying that, I got up while being hugged by the three of them, wiped my body with a towel in the changing room, and headed to the living room with the towel wrapped around my waist.

I don't wear pajamas. I'll take it off right away anyway.

As I was waiting on the bed, three people arrived with bath towels wrapped around them after wiping themselves and styling their hair.

Then they climbed onto the bed and slumped over me with a seductive look on their face.

"Now then, Hachiman-kun. Please love me tonight until morning."

"I'll do our best to make Hachiman-kun happy, so please make me happy too..."

"I'll do whatever you want... Please mess me up..."

Three people try to tempt me, but of course I intend to do so.

I ripped off the bath towels that were wrapped around the three of them, threw them on the bed, and covered them with them.

Chun chun, chun

"...It's a nice morning."

I whisper this while listening to the chirping of sparrows in the morning.

All around me, my three lovers were asleep, clinging tightly to me, but there was no sign of them waking up.

Well, I didn't stop from 0:00 to almost 5:00.

At the forest school, when I woke up in the morning, there was no one in my bed, but from today onwards, I have three lovers.

That alone makes me so happy.

I stroke the heads of the three people I'm nestled with, one by one, and wait for them to wake up.

Just looking at it makes you happy.

After all, I made the right choice in choosing this school. If I hadn't been accepted into this school, there's no doubt that I would have been kicked out of the house as a junior high school graduate.

Well, if I had been kicked out, I would have used the evidence of discrimination against my younger sister by sending it to the police or my parents' workplace.

In any case, if I didn't go to this school, I would have had a shitty life.

Although I am fed up with the future that could have been, my mood instantly changes to happiness as the three people treat me even while they are sleeping.

In the end, the three of them woke up just before 12:00. The four of us spent a peaceful time together after we woke up, washed the bed sheets, and went to sleep, and it goes without saying that just being together made us so happy.


After finishing the forest school, we are again taking classes at the school building in Tokyo, but we are living a peaceful life without any particular problems.

Of course, I'm an exception and currently...

"Hey, Hikigaya. If you burn the skirt steak, I'll kill you."

"Are you an idiot? Ryuen. Some scorching is a must."

Eating yakiniku with Ryuen at a high-end yakiniku restaurant.

Today is Saturday, but Hiyori and Masumi are involved in club activities and Arisu is away.

So I was thinking of going to eat yakiniku for lunch, and when I tried to enter the best yakiniku restaurant in Keyaki Mall, I found Ryuen, and here we are today.

This shop is quite expensive, and it costs nearly 30,000 yen per visit, but I have plenty of it, and Ryuen also transferred points to Hiyori on the first day of winter vacation, but he has nearly 600,000 yen from the contract he signed with Katsuragi on a deserted island on New Year's Day.

There is no problem because it is.

"Well, I heard a rumor on the wind that Sakayanagi will crush Ichinose in the third term."

Ryuen says this while eating skirt steak.

Since he said it was a rumor, he didn't hear it from Arisu herself.

Did Ayanokoji talk to Ryuen then?

Arisu apparently told Ayanokoji that she would play with Ichinose until she fought him.

"That's true. Arisu is now going to President Nagumo to get permission to destroy her."

"I see. Nagumo's reason for wanting Ichinose is probably her body."

It sounds harsh, but I agree with Ryuen.

Nagumo probably brought Ichinose into the student council because of her body, not her abilities.

The reason is simple. There is no way that Nagumo, who values individual ability rather than class units, would bring in Ichinose, who values unity among classes, just for her ability.

Thinking about it normally, I'm sure it will be made up of people with whom I have close relationships, or people who are individualistic like me, Arisu, Ryuen, and Koenji.

"That's why. Arisu also seems to want to avoid having President Nagumo in her hands."

In fact, I also think it will be difficult for Arisu to defeat Nagumo.

If it's an individual potential, it's fine, but if it's a team competition, it's a different story, but if you put second year students from all classes together as soldiers, you'll likely lose.

In battle, numbers are important.

"In that case, is it appropriate to weaken her appropriately? So? Are you going to move?"

"I won't move for now. Well, if Arisu requests me, I'll move."

"I feel bad for Ichinose too."

Ryuen says that, but he doesn't seem interested at all. If Ryuen were just a little while ago, he would have smiled fiercely and jumped on the bandwagon.

It looks like this guy's fangs really broke.

"Well, there's someone I seriously want to kill, so it's important to think about how to make him despair."

"Huh? The one you really want to kill? Who is it?"

At this point, Ryuen looks at me with interest.

"Yamauchi, the guy in my class."

"Yamauchi... ah, he's the one who ranks number one in the unpopular ranking among men."

"Yes, that thing"

At this school, all kinds of rankings are created through the school's internet and word of mouth, and Yamauchi has always been ranked number one in the ranking of unpopular boys.

By the way, Ryuen and I have always won in the unpopular rankings, with the highest ranking being me in 4th place and Ryuen in 2nd place.

Both Ryuen and I have trash personalities, so I'm not dissatisfied with the rankings, but Yamauchi is even worse than that.

It seems that the reason for this is that he always looks at girls in a vulgar manner and makes a series of sexual harassment comments.

That's quite reasonable.

"So, did he sexually harass your three lovers?"

"No. I was annoyed that he made Arisu fall at the forest school and then called her disgusting."

Objectively, Yamauchi's behavior was crap, and subjectively, it made me want to slaughter him.

I will definitely expel him from school.

It also brings despair and misery.

While I was talking to that point, my cell phone rang, so when I took it out,

I saw that Arisu was calling, so I told the clerk no and went out of the store.


"Um, Hachiman-kun? Now that the discussion is over, would you like to spend some time together in the room? "

"I'm eating now, so I'll go back to my room after I'm done. So, how was the discussion?"

"Pres Nagumo promised me that I could do whatever I wanted and that he would not stop me. And Hachiman-kun, please don't move.''

"I don't mind, but do you want to destroy her by yourself?"

"I'm not particularly interested in what happens to Ichinose-san, but she might be used as bait to lure Ayanokoji-kun. If Hachiman-kun did something, Ichinose-san will be destroyed before Ayanokoji-kun can move.''

"I don't think you can catch Ayanokoji by Ichinose."

Ayanokoji is mechanical, so it's hard to imagine him helping Ichinose unless there's some benefit to it.

"I won't deny that, but if there is a chance that he will understand my desire to fight with him, I will only attack Ichinose-san until the moment she breaks down.''

"You love Ayanokoji too much, don't you? I'm really jealous."

I know that she wants to win against Ayanokoji, but wanting to win that much makes me angry.

"Rest assured. The feelings I have for Ayanokoji-kun are fighting spirit, and the person I have feelings of love for is Hachiman-kun.''

"It's an honor. So, after I've finished eating, can you stay in the room and be pampered?"

"Of course. I also want to be pampered by Hachiman-kun.''

"I'm looking forward to it. See you then."

With that, I hung up the call and went back inside the store.

"I'm sure it's from Sakayanagi, but did you get permission?"

"It seems like it. Besides, are you not going to make any moves in the future?"

"I've already gotten off. Since I get nearly 600,000 points every month from Katsuragi and the others, there's no need to work hard to earn them."

"But that won't reach 20 million, so what will you do?"

Ryuen has a contract to receive 585,000 points from Class A every month, but he has transferred the points he has saved so far to Hiyori.

So now it's the end of January, 26 months until graduation.

If that happens, Ryuen will have about 15 million chives by the time he graduates.

If you add in the points that the school gives you every month, you'll probably end up with around 20 million yen.

However, it is still 3 million yen short and will be spent on food, clothes, household goods, etc.

Therefore, in order to spend 20 million and move up to A class, you will need to earn private points in some way.

"Well, come on. Anyway, your private points will be converted into cash when you graduate, so it's best to save them up."

Well, that's correct.

"What are you going to do when you graduate? Are you aiming for a backlash from the Sakayanagi's family?"

"It's true that when I entered this school, I was originally aiming to become a stay-at-home dad, but I'm not thinking about that now."

"A stay-at-home husband? The stay-at-home husband you say is like a string, right? So, what are you aiming for now?"

"I haven't decided yet. Well, I plan to study a lot of languages before I graduate from this school."

At that moment, Ryuen had a shocked expression on his face. I guess you could probably read what I was trying to say.

What I do when I'm a student is to make sure that I can live without problems in a country where polyamy is allowed.

"Fucking bastard."

"Hey! ...wait a minute! That meat is the meat I raised!"

As expected, Ryuen ended up eating the last piece of meat I had planned to eat.

"Ha, then write your name on the meat."

Ryuen snorts a laugh. There's no way I could write my name on meat.

Even though I internally complained, I ordered dessert.

"I'm home"

"Welcome home, Hachiman-kun."

When I returned to my room after finishing my meal, Arisu greeted me from the bed.

After confirming this, I quickly walked over to the bed, sat down next to Arisu, and immediately picked her up and placed her on my lap, facing her and hugging her.

"'re quite proactive."

"Sorry. It seems I'm more jealous than I thought."

There's no reason to complain about who Arisu knows, but when I imagined her leaving me, I hugged her like this.

"Hehe, Hachiman-kun is a spoiled boy. You can spoil me as much as you like."

Arisu smiles and starts patting my head as if she were soothing a child.

"I appreciate it, but please stop talking like you're comforting a child."

"Isn't that fine? You can call me mommy if you want."

No, no, baby play is just as expected...

"I'll think about it if you call me Papa."

"…As expected, it's a little embarrassing."


"Well, it's just a joke. I'd rather build a relationship with you as a husband and wife than a temporary parent-child relationship."

"...Me too. I want to become Arisu Hikigaya as soon as possible."

When I see Arisu shyly saying such things, I feel endearing and presses their lips together.

"Hmm...or maybe I'll become Sakayanagi Hachiman."

There is also a possibility that it will be Arisu Shiina or Hachiman Kamuro.

"Hmm... I love you, Hachi-kun."

"Me too, Aria-chan."

From then on, we continued to rain kisses on each other, calling each other by our nicknames, until Hiyori and Masumi returned.