Chapter 102

"Hey, Karuizawa and Hirata broke up."

One morning, when I entered the classroom, I heard a commotion, and it seemed like Karuizawa and Hirata had broken up.

However, I actually knew those two weren't dating, so I wasn't that interested.

Besides that pervert has been sleeping with Karuizawa for a while, so they might be dating secretly.

So, can it be said that Hirata got cuckolded by his girlfriend?

Of course not!

Karuizawa herself seemed upbeat and said something along the lines of  "I think I'm going to step up, too,'' and Hirata doesn't seem to be holding back either.

(However, I can't imagine that Ike and Sudo, who are the first to make a fuss, won't make a fuss in the first semester.)

In fact, the two are curious, but there is no sign of them trying to interject or gossiping about each other.

Apparently, the meditation, morals, and speeches at the training camp the other day may have brought growth to both of them.


"Hey Hirata. You got dumped by Karuizawa? Don't worry!" Yamauchi, the man I want to kill the most, says teasing words to Hirata.

In response, Ike and Sudo look uncomfortable and pull Yamauchi away from Hirata. "Hey, what's going on? You guys should comfort Hirata too. It's rare for a good-looking guy to get dumped, isn't it?"

"Don't do anything in such bad taste,'' Ike warns Yamauchi. If this was the first semester, Ike would have ridiculed Hirata along with him.

I sense growth from Sudo and Ike, but not from Yamauchi. This school is meritocratic and there is no future for those who do not grow.

It looks like Yamauchi will be expelled from school before he can do anything...well, before that, I'll give him despair and expel him.

While thinking about this, I put down my luggage and headed to the bathroom.

As I walk down the hallway, I hear whispers.

"Hey, did you know? I heard that Ichinose also commits murder, right?"

"No, there will be no murder. I think there will be compensated dating."

A boy from class A is having such a conversation.

In recent days, there has been a lot of slander against Ichinose. There are various answers such as  "Have used drugs,'' "Had been in a paid relationship,''  "Have had a history of theft or robbery,''  "Have been involved in a violent incident.''

If all of this is true, Ichinose would be a tyrant who is a slut among gangsters, but that's probably not the case.

The person spreading the rumors is definitely Arisu out of ten.

I can't think of anything else.

But it's not going to stop. I teamed up with Ryuen and turned Kushida into a bastard, and changed her job to an AV actress.

Now however, Arisu had previously said that she would do it until Ichinose breaks down in order to catch Ayanokoji, but it seems that she is really slacking off.

Arisu's methods are too warm.

Even as I was thinking about this, I went to the bathroom and sat down at the last minute.

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Nothing unusual happened that day, and the chime sounded to signal the end of the day.

(Well, today I'm going to go play a betting match at the judo club.)

While thinking this, I started getting ready to go home.

"Sorry. Is this okay?"

The classroom door opens and a flaxen-clad girl enters.

I don't know her name, but she's definitely an A-class girl.

"Is Haruki Yamauchi here?"

What? Why does Yamauchi's name appear?

The entire class looks at Yamauchi in unison. Even Yamauchi was surprised.

"Eh? It's me, do you need something?"

"I have something to talk to Yamauchi-kun...I'll be waiting for you on the stairs."

The girl walks out of the classroom, looking embarrassed. This creates silence when you enter the classroom.

"No, no, no, no! It's impossible! Why is Miki Yamamura from A class doing business with Haruki?!"

Ike reveals his surprise. Miki Yamamura...I think she's always been in the top 20 in the popular girls' rankings.

By the way, Hiyori and Arisu are in the top 5 every time, and Masumi goes back and forth between 6th and 15th place.

Until the middle of the second semester, Ichinose and Kushida were competing for first place, but since Kushida dropped out, Ichinose has remained in first place.

In any case, my classmates couldn't believe that such a beautiful girl had something to do with Yamauchi.

Even if it's a trap, it's obvious. I don't think there are any women who want to be involved with Yamauchi, who is consistently number one in the unpopular ranking among men.

Meanwhile, Yamauchi doesn't seem to have the slightest suspicion that it's a trap, and hurriedly prepares to go home.

"Sorry! I had something to do!"

"Wait, Yamauchi-kun."

"W-what is it, Horikita?"

It was Horikita who made the decision.

"Maybe she's trying to ensnare D-class?"

"Huh? Why does that happen?"

"I'm saying that the situation where you were invited is abnormal. What do you plan to do if it's a trap?"

It's a cruel thing to say, but what Horikita is saying is undeniably true.

I don't think it's abnormal for Yamauchi to be asked out by a girl.

"There's no problem. It's true that I'm a lethal weapon in this class. But that's why I'm okay. If it turns out to be a trap, I'll handle it just fine."

What is a lethal weapon? You look good as a throwaway piece.

Do you have any concrete plans to finally make it work?

Yamauchi leaves the classroom while feeling disappointed. While everyone looked at Yamauchi in shock, I left the classroom and called Arisu.

"Hello. What happened, Hachiman-kun?

"Yamamura from your class just came to see Yamauchi from my class, is she the assassin you sent out?"

"Yes, this is a honey trap I prepared to crush him."

I knew it. There's no way such a beautiful girl would come to see  Yamauchi.


"I understand that you view Yamauchi as an enemy, but isn't it pathetic that you let him come into contact with other girls?"

Yamauchi is famous for openly reading gravure magazines in the classroom and lewdly looking at girls' breasts and buttocks, and has remained at number one in the ranking of unpopular girls among boys.

Even though it was to set a trap for Yamauchi, girls wouldn't want it to be so close.

"I agree. In fact, when I asked other girls, they all looked disgusted. That's why I offered 500,000 points as a reward and got Yamamura-san to take action, but it must be a necessary expense.''

Well, that's reasonable. A-class girls receive nearly 100,000 points every month, and unless they have at least 500,000 points, they won't be able to move.

"So? Are you going to get information on D-class?"

"That's my intention. Hachiman-kun is floating around in D class, so it will be difficult to get information from him. Well, after a certain point it will be revealed and the trust of the class will be taken away.''

That being said, I don't think it will make much difference in Yamauchi's case since he doesn't have the trust of his classmates.

By making fun of Hirata, his trust from girls probably went down, not to zero, but to a minus.

"...Okay. For now, I won't do anything."

If I get involved, Arisu's existence will also be doubted.

"Please. Also, I have something to do until this evening, so please help me.''

After those words, the call ends. It's probably something to do with Ichinose.

Thinking so, I went down the stairs and headed towards the entrance, where I saw Yamamura walking alongside Yamauchi.

"So? What do you need me for?"

"I got interested when I saw Yamauchi-kun working hard at the forest school."

"Oh, Seriously?"

"Yeah. Maybe you don't like me?"

"I-I don't hate you! I don't hate you at all!"

"Good then. Do you want to go to karaoke now?"

"Let's go! Let's go!"

I can hear such a conversation, but Yamauchi must be too stubborn.

Why can't you tell it's a lie?

Forest schools were basically separated by gender, so it's unlikely that girls would see the activities of boys.

Don't you even understand that?

While stunned by Yamauchi's stupidity, the two leave the school building and head toward the shopping mall.

Well, I feel good just now.

Once the two were out of sight, I let out a sigh as I changed my shoes and left the school building.


"Well, excuse me. Thank you for being with me."

"Okay. Come again before I graduate."

When I bowed at the entrance of the tower where martial arts clubs gather, my senior, wearing a martial arts uniform, smiled and waved.

I leave this place while smacking my tongue at my senior.

Until recently, I had applied to the judo club for a betting match.

As a result, I was able to defeat most of the 2nd year A class and 2nd year B class, but I lost to a senior from the 3rd year B class who saw me off at the very end and lost 1 million yen.

From the senior's point of view, he must be quite happy because he received some extra income in preparation for the decisive battle against the 3rd year A class.

He was so happy when he beat me.

But that can't be helped. After all, the 3rd year A class lost 20 million private points and 300 class points in order to save Tachibana-senpai, who was about to be expelled from forest school.

On the other hand, the 3rd year B class also lost a large amount of points to help Igari-senpai, but Nagumo paid for the private points, so there was no damage.

In short, if you compare before the forest school and after the forest school, there was no difference in class points, but the private points of the 3rd year A class decreased by 20 million.

The most important thing is class points, but since private points can also be used as weapons, they cannot be ignored, so there is no doubt that the 3rd year B class has essentially closed the distance with the 3rd year A class.

I don't know who will win, but it is clear that if Nagumo makes a move, Class A may be at a disadvantage.

Well, it doesn't matter. The important thing is that I lost at the very end and lost 1 million dollars.

When I looked at my phone while sighing...

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It says, but if I didn't lose in the end, I would have crossed the 10 million barrier...Maybe I was too greedy.

As I walked toward the gymnasium, sighing inwardly, a strange sight caught my eye.

Hashimoto from Class A and Kanzaki from Class C are facing each other, and nearby are the four students from my class: Ayanokoji, Sakura, Miyake, and Hasebe.

It's an unusual...or rather, a strange combination.

As I was thinking about it, Hashimoto noticed me and beckoned me. That's how other people notice me too.

Hashimoto seems to be trying to get me into trouble, but maybe the points will move, so I'll go.

Hashimoto smiles as I head towards the seven people.

"Thank you for coming. Kanzaki was following me around earlier and I was in trouble."


"They thought I had spread the rumor about Ichinose and attacked me. I was just telling a third party what I heard, right?"

Kanzaki looks sharply at Hashimoto who laughs. But this type of problem is difficult.

Defamation is a crime, but it's fine if you actually post something on the internet, but it's difficult to judge people who are just talking normally.

"Don't lie, Hashimoto. I've been researching Class A for the past few days, and the source of the rumor was that there were several boys and girls in Class A.

When I asked a few of them, they said, "I don't remember,'' or "I heard it somewhere.'' Everyone gave vague answers. This means that there was someone who gave instructions to all the students.''

Hashimoto smiles without feeling overwhelmed by Kanzaki's words.

"Was it Sakayanagi who instructed you to spread that rumor?"

Correct answer.


However, Hashimoto cuts Shira.

"Then who is it? The only ones who can give instructions to Class A are Katsuragi or Hikigaya, Sakayanagi's lover."

Well, it's natural to have doubts, but...

"I don't think so. If I were to attack Ichinose, I wouldn't do it this warmly."

It's difficult to crush someone at Ichinose's level based on rumors. If I have to do it, I'll use more extreme methods.

"Oh, that's scary. As expected, you teamed up with Ryuen and got Kushida expelled."

Hashimoto says this while clapping.

In response, everyone looks at me with shocked eyes...

"Who did you hear that from?"

There aren't many people who know that I teamed up with Ryuen to get Kushida expelled, and I don't think Arisu will go out of her way to talk about it.

"Huh? From Ryuen himself before. I've never been as scared of you as I was when I heard what he said."

It makes sense if you hear it from Ryuen himself.

"I see... well, that's fine. In conclusion, I have no intention of taking advantage of this incident or defending Ichinose. There is someone I want to destroy far more than Ichinose."

Besides, Arisu has told me not to touch her.

"The one you want to destroy? Who is it?"

"We'll see eventually."

That's the answer to Hashimoto's question.

Since there are D-class students here, I have no intention of talking about it.

"I see. Going back to the topic, you only heard about it somewhere, and I have no idea that it was released from class A. Maybe it's Ryuen, where he pretended to have retired."

Well, there's actually no conclusive evidence.

"So you're going to go around spreading discredited stories?"

"There's a lot of stuff like that in the world, especially when it comes to rumours. Most of the time, Kanzaki. Ichinose won't confirm or deny it, and she hasn't asked for help from anyone, but if you're going to find out about who spread the rumours, you should move on."

"Ichinose hates conflict. She probably thinks there is no room for malice even with the person who spread bad rumors about her."

It's possible with Ichinose. I think Ryuen would happily accept his bad reputation and treat the person who leaked it like a bug.

"I see, then C-class guys are really just little angels like Ryuen said."

Hashimoto laughs and tries to leave, but Kanzaki stops him.

"The story isn't over yet."

"That's enough. They're parallel lines anyway, so there's no point in talking about it anymore."

I guess so. Even if Kanzaki continues to ask questions, it is obvious that Hashimoto will continue to cut back.

Hashimoto walks past Kanzaki and talks to me.

"I'm going home now, but what about Hikigaya?"

"I'm going to pick up Hiyori and Masumi. Hashimoto, I've been wondering for a while now, but why are Ayanokoji and the others here?"

"When Kanzaki attacked me, Miyake intervened. After a while, the three of them came."

With those words, Hashimoto leaves. I thought for sure that Ayanokoji was planning something, but based on Hashimoto's conversation, it seems that's not the case.

At the same time, I was about to head to the Cultural Affairs Club building, but Kanzaki stopped me.

"Wait, is Sakayanagi involved in this case?"

"Come on. Even though we're lovers, that doesn't mean I'm exposing everything."

I answered Kanzaki's question and left this place. Well, he knows that I'm actually lying and that Arisu is involved.

But I'm not going to talk. The C-class guys worship Ichinose like a goddess, and if they get solid proof that Arisu is involved, some of them might turn to violence.

If that happens, Arisu, who can't exercise, will be in great danger, so it's best to give vague answers even when asked.

Then, when I head to the cultural club building, Hiyori and Masumi come out from the entrance.

When they notice me, they come over with a smile on their faces.

"Looks like club activities are over, so let's go home together."

"Of course. I'm happy to meet, Hachiman-kun."

"I can't believe I can meet you right after club activities are over..."

The two of them hug me in their arms with happy expressions on their faces, and I head home while enjoying the softness of their bodies.

When I was about to arrive at the dormitory, I caught sight of Ichinose heading towards the dormitory.

However, there are about 10 C class students around. She's probably trying to protect Ichinose from malicious intent, but it's like they are a bodyguard.

However, I think the rumors will go silent after about a week, but I wonder what Arisu will do then.

I know she'll cut corners, but I don't know how much she'll cut corners.

Well, in any case, I have to do what I have to do, so I'll just stay out of the way when it comes to Ichinose's case.

With that in mind, I took the two of them into the dormitory and flirted with them until Arisu returned.


"Then, let's close HR."

As Chabashira-sensei said this and left the classroom, the students also stood up and began to take action.

I also leave the classroom and walk down the hallway. Today, Hiyori has club activities and Arisu has something to do, and Masumi seems to have received some kind of instruction from Arisu and is not here.

So I walked down the hallway alone, but there was no particularly disturbing atmosphere.

Nearly a week has passed since rumors about Ichinose spread.

Rumors about Ichinose have now spread throughout the school, but perhaps because Ichinose herself has not reported it to the school and she appears as usual, the rumors have lost their validity.

As a result, almost no one spoke about rumors about Ichinose.

However, I can't believe that Arisu has such warm hands, so I think it's time to go shopping.

Thinking about this, I arrived at the entrance and was about to change my shoes when Matsushita approached me.

"Hikigaya-kun, are you going home now?"

"Before that, I'm going to go buy some ingredients at the shopping mall. Arisu and the others have something to do today."

"Hmm. I was also planning to go to the supermarket. Can I go with you?"

"Do whatever you want"

I teamed up with Matsushita in Paper Shuffle during the second semester, and when I defeated Kushida, Matsushita ostensibly helped me, so it wouldn't be a problem if we were together.

After changing my shoes, I leave the school building and head to the shopping mall.

"So? What's the point?"

"It's about Ichinose-san, but is Hikigaya-kun doing that?"

"No, Arisu is in charge and I'm not interfering."

"As expected? But I think Sakayanagi-san is also sadistic, but isn't her method half-hearted?"

Well, people who know Arisu would probably think that her methods are warm.

"Well, I guess it's time to move on."

No matter how much Ichinose is bait to catch Ayanokoji, it has to cause some damage to Ichinose.

And if she wants to cause damage to Ichinose, she needs to make the next move.

"Will Hikigaya-kun move at that time? In that case, will you help her?"

"No, Arisu has asked me not to interfere with this matter, so I won't do anything. Besides, Matsushita, you've been training a lot lately."

Her legs have gained a lot more muscle than when she started the third semester.

I think Masumi, Ibuki, and Horikita are the best for first-year girls, but looking at their physiques, I think she can compete with them...

"Well, I guess I need to improve my skills in order to receive pocket money from Hikigaya-kun, and it looks like this school will be more tolerant of violence in the future, so I'm seriously studying Aikido and joint techniques."

Well, in this school, people who don't grow are gradually forced into a corner, and the more they grow, the better they feel.

While thinking about this, we headed to the supermarket and headed straight for the free food section.

"Even though you have points, you still buy free food."

"Free set meals don't taste good, and free food isn't as good in quality or appearance as paid food, but it's up to the cook."

Occasionally I eat expensive food or buy expensive ingredients, but generally I buy free food.

"For me, the chefs are Hiyori, Arisu, and Masumi, and their cooking skills are high, and above all, their food has the best spice of love. The food that the three of them made with love. In front of me, even A5 steaks and high-quality sushi are no different from frozen foods.

In addition, when they do that, I can feel even more love from the three of them, and I feel like I'm going to ascend to heaven.

And when Hiyori and the others make dishes made with high-quality ingredients and love and treat me well, I sometimes get so happy that I pass out after the meal."

"Ah, yes, yes. That's good!"

Matsushita was completely stunned and picked up the free food.

I can't understand that kind of attitude.

"I see you're buying free food too. Have you used your points yet?"

I've given Matsushita nearly 700,000 yen so far, so she probably has the most points after me in D-class.

"I still have about 600,000 yen, but I want to save it as much as possible. Well, I recently received about 40,000 yen, so I'll use some of it for my hobbies."

The class points for D class are 469, so I received 46,900 private points on the 1st of this month.

This should be enough pocket money for one month. Since it's a dormitory, there's no rent, water, and utilities.

After shopping with Matsushita, I left the supermarket and returned to the dormitory to find a large number of students gathered at the dormitory entrance.

I wondered what was going on, and when I entered the entrance, most of the people were near the mailbox, so Matsushita and I opened ours as well, and there was a piece of paper folded in quarters.

When I opened it...

Honami Ichinose is a criminal

Only that one sentence was written. But unlike before, there is no sender's name, and the font is generic.

Up until now, it was just a rumor, but this time a real letter came out.

The sender was most likely Arisu, but since she posted a letter like this when the rumors were about to die down, there was no doubt that it would reignite.

If Ichinose complains to the school, Arisu will be punished, but given her personality, she probably won't care about the punishment.

Or maybe there is a plan to prevent Ichinose from suing.

As I was thinking about it, Ichinose came back to the dormitory...well, in this case, she probably came back after hearing about the situation from her classmates.

Ichinose stares at the paper her friend handed her. The students around her stared at Ichinose.

Meanwhile, for just a moment, Ichinose's expression became agitated.

Her upset was quickly hidden by her usual facial expressions, but observant people and Ichinose and her close classmates would have noticed.

"…Is this in the mailbox?"

"Yeah...this is something terrible..."

Ichinose's friends approached him worriedly.

"Hey. Let's talk to the teacher now. I can't tolerate this anymore!"

"That's right. I'm sure the teachers will find the culprit!"

That's what they are saying.

Well, that would be wise, but I wonder how Ichinose will come out.

While thinking this, I looked at Ichinose... "It's okay. I don't really care about this much."

It seems like Ichinose is still trying her best.

"No, it's no good. If things continue like this, the rumors will get worse and worse..."

Her classmates try to persuade her, but that's no surprise. If even a few students believe the rumors, the image of Ichinose will deteriorate.

However, Ichinose seems to remain silent. It can't be normal.

Arisu seems to know about Ichinose's weaknesses, but my hunch is that she mixed the facts into the many rumors.

That's why Ichinose remains silent. If you fight back, facts that you want to keep hidden may be exposed.

But that's a bad idea. I haven't heard what tactics Arisu will use in the future, but given her personality as she knows the facts, I'm sure she'll spread more specific information next time, but if that happens, it's a checkmate.

If I were to decide on a good time to attack, it would be a little before the end of the school year exams.

If you deal a big blow to Ichinose at that moment, you can deal a big blow to the entire C class.

While I was looking at Ichinose and the others, I saw Masumi in the corner of the entrance, so I tried to approach her, but...

(Sakayanagi has asked me to do some work, so could you please not talk to me now?)

She made eye contact with me like that, so I stopped. She said Arisu asked her to do some work... what did she ask her to do?

While I was wondering about this, Ayanokoji, who was near the mailbox, headed for the elevator, and Masumi followed, and got on the elevator with Ayanokoji.

Is it true that work brings you into contact with Ayanokoji? I have certainly heard from Arisu that Ichinose is bait for fishing with Ayanokoji, and it is not surprising that Arisu is involved with Ayanokoji through Masumi.

But isn't it difficult to move Ayanokoji? I guess he doesn't seem interested in what happens to Ichinose.

Well, I have no intention of interfering with Ayanokoji.

More than that, I have to think about how the C-class guys will respond.

Previously, Kanzaki had confronted Hashimoto about the source of the rumors about Ichinose being an A-class student, and Hashimoto had just casually brushed it off.

However, now that the letter against Ichinose has been published, the gap between Class A and Class C will become even deeper.

And the C-class guys take a strong stance against the A-class, demanding that they stop harassing Ichinose, and it's clear that the A-class are just going to lazily get away with it.

If that happens, there's a very high possibility that the C-class guys will contact me, who has Arisu, the A-class leader, as one of their lovers.

Order Sakayanagi to stop spreading bad rumours about Ichinose... something like that.

If you use it wisely, you can make a profit.

However, I'm also afraid of pushing the C class too far.

They might drop everything and attack like Kushida.

That really freaked me out... Because Ichinose's classmates are pretty thoroughly brainwashed. So, it's a possibility that they will have mental problems?

I nodded to Matsushita and went back to my room, feeling a little uncomfortable.

Now, what will happen in the future...