Chapter 115

Last place goes to Haruki Yamauchi with minus 33 points.'' Chabashira-sensei's words chilled the atmosphere in the classroom.

Yamauchi, who was nominated, looked stunned, perhaps because he was not expecting it.

Meanwhile, Chabashira puts up a poster with the results on the blackboard.

Yamauchi's -33 points, Sakura's -20 points, and the next lowest was Ike's -10 points.

I got plus 14 points.

There were 28 votes from Class B and C, and since Matsushita seems to have given me a vote of praise, there must have been around 15 people in the class who gave me a vote of criticism.

In any case, I was able to avoid expulsion, so I have to return the points to Arisu.

While I return the points to Arisu, Yamauchi starts to panic.

"Huh?! Wait a minute! Why am I expelled?!"

My classmates are also surprised. Earlier, Yamauchi had said that he had signed a contract regarding praise votes with Yamamura in the presence of the student council president, so he must have thought that Sakura would be expelled.

"No matter what, it's because you were in last place."

"No, no, no! I made a contract with Yamamura-chan to receive 20 praise votes! It's a contract approved by the student council president, and this result is invalid because it was caused by a violation of the contract!"

Yamauchi desperately argues. It is true that if Yamauchi were to be expelled due to a breach of contract, the outcome could change.

But the result will remain the same.

"Unfortunately, Yamamura did not violate the contract."

As I was thinking about that, I heard such a voice from outside the classroom, and Nagumo opened the door and entered.

"W-why? I did sign a contract! Even the student council president told me yesterday that Yamamura had given him the recording data as proof!"

Nagumo looks at Yamauchi, who yells at him, as if he is an idiot.

"Look carefully at the contract. It says that Yamamura will call on her classmates to vote for Yamauchi, but all she has to do is call them. It is not included in the contract that they'll vote for you."


Yamauchi screams at these words, causing an uproar in the class.

"Hmm, student council president. Show me the contract too."

Koenji calls out to Nagumo in his usual manner, and he shows him the contract without being offended.

Koenji laughs after reading the contract.

"I see. If the 20 people who were invited refused, then that's correct. Did the student council president come here because he read that there would be trouble?"

"That's about it. I came here to provide the recording data."

When Nagumo operates his cell phone, audio begins to flow.

"Hey, Shimazaki-san. Could you please give Yamauchi-kun a thumbs up vote?"

"What? Yamauchi-kun a D class? I don't like him, he's disgusting.''

"I feel the same way, but I just called because it was a contract.''


Yamauchi lets out an incredulous voice as he hears the audio. I guess he never thought that Yamamura would hate him, but just how gorgeous is his head?

Meanwhile, a voice was heard from Nagumo's cell phone, but all 20 people Yamamura had called out refused to give Yamauchi a vote of praise.

Yamauchi's face turns red when he hears the audio.

"F-don't be silly! I can't let this happen!"

"It's your own fault for not checking the contract carefully."

"Why didn't you tell me?!"

Yamauchi complains to Nagumo, but what is he saying?

"I guess he didn't need to mention it because it was so obvious. Normally, if your contract was about to be expelled from school, you would have reviewed the contract many times, but didn't you do that?"

Koenji suppresses Yamauchi's cries.

That's absolutely true. Normally, if your fate is at stake, it's natural to be careful.

"Don't be silly! Why do I have to get expelled from school after taking a test like this?!"

"Whatever you say, it's your choice, but the decision won't be reversed."

"I'll never admit it! In a test like this!"

Chabashira-sensei's words make Yamauchi angry, but shouting won't change anything.

Yamauchi looked at me, wondering what he was thinking at this point.

"Hey, Hikigaya! Please! Help me with your points!"

I thought it would come. That's the only way Yamauchi can be saved.


"Impossible. When I found out I wasn't expelled, I gave the points back to Arisu."

"Then you should just send it again!"

"So? Can you give it back?"

"Well, that's...well, especially if you're an A-class person, you'll accumulate points quickly, so you don't have to give them back! Most of the time, when you're in trouble, we call each other and send you points!"

Wow, this guy asked me to give him 20 million. How brazen are you?

There's no way you're worth 20 million yen in the first place, and even if I help you now, it's obvious that you'll drop out of school sooner or later, and helping Yamauchi is like throwing money away.

"If you really think I'll give it to you after hearing that, how stupid are you?"

There's no way I'd give it to you after hearing that.

"Yamauchi, please leave the room."


Chabashira-sensei says that he seems to understand that I have no intention of handing over the points, but Yamauchi only screams and shows no signs of moving.

"That's right! Yamamura's thing was fraud, right? Is it okay for the school to admit fraud?!"

Yamauchi still yells, but Chabashira-sensei shakes her head after reading the contract.

"Unfortunately, looking at the contract, Yamamura's actions do not constitute a breach of the contract. It does not say that 20 people will vote for praise, so the contract was completed as soon as Yamamura called them."

"Huh... why..."

Yamauchi muttered as if he had decided that there was nothing he could do.

Seeing Yamauchi like that, Koenji opened his mouth.

"How long will you be here? Your presence has been deleted, so please leave immediately."

"Don't be silly! I'm not convinced!"

"Your score is minus 33 points, which means that at least 33 people in your class recognize that your presence is unnecessary. It is clear that what you say is lower than what the 33 people say. Beyond that, your approval is meaningless."

Well, I guess so. It is impossible to post criticism votes against students from other classes.

This means that students with negative scores received at least as many criticism votes as their points.

Yamauchi's score is a score, so there is no doubt in what Koenji is saying.

"If you understand, please leave as soon as possible. I can't help but feel uncomfortable when a miserable, ugly, screaming piece of trash like you, who refuses to give up, comes into view."

Koenji's high-level agitation hits Yamauchi.

He finally lost his temper at the unreasonable accusation.


Screaming, he stands up and charges at Koenji, grabbing the chair he was sitting on.

And that's when he tried to hit Koenji with a chair.


Matsushita gets between Koenji and Yamauchi and tries to stop Yamauchi.

Yamauchi, on the other hand, was surprised that a third party had intervened, and although he slightly weakened his momentum, he was unable to stop...


Matsushita was blown away and fell to the floor, engulfing those around her.



Screams echo through the class. On the other hand, while Yamauchi is stunned, Koenji speaks to Nagumo.

"Student Council President. He has already been deleted and he hurt her, who is a student, but what will happen in this case?"

"Matsushita is unconscious, so I will take her to the infirmary for now, but as soon as she wakes up, I will ask Matsushita if she wants to report the damage. It's up to her. If Matsushita doesn't complain, Yamauchi will only be expelled, but if she does, there will be further action and punishment will be legally imposed."

Yamauchi panics at Nagumo's words.

"Wait! I can't accept that! The one at fault is probably Matsushita, who came in without permission!"

Yamauchi abandons his attitude toward his superiors and confronts  Nagumo.

"There's no way that excuse will work. In the first place, it all started when you tried to hit me with a chair."

"Don't be silly! Make sure I don't get expelled! Get rid of Koenji for making fun of me!"

Yamauchi's speech was already becoming incoherent.

"Well, you seem to think it's not your fault at all, but you really can't be helped."

"Don't bother me! You're always causing trouble for the class, so don't be so bossy and make fun of me!"

Yamauchi charges at Koenji again with the chair, but doesn't he understand the difference in ability between him and Koenji?

As expected, Koenji grabbed the leg of the chair that was being swung down with his left hand, and grabbed Yamauchi's chest with his right hand.

"You aimed murderous intent at me. It hurts to see your ugliness any longer, so I'll show you what real murderous intent is!"


At that moment, an overwhelming murderous intent erupted from Koenji, taking his breath away.

Looking around, most of the students had fallen off their chairs.

As far as I can see, Ayanokoji is the only one who is calm, and the other students are extremely scared.

Even Chairman Nagumo and Chabashira-sensei are feeling a little pressured.

On the other hand, Yamauchi, who was directly targeted with murderous intent, was unconscious and foaming at the seams.

Well, there aren't many people who can face that murderous intent directly and stay calm.

"…That's it, Koenji."

Chabashira-sensei also stops Koenji despite being under pressure, and Koenji erases his bloodlust before letting go of Yamauchi and sitting on the chair.

Yamauchi collapses to the floor, foaming.

"...Since no relief measures are available, we have decided to expel Yamauchi. For now, we will take Matsushita to the infirmary."

"Ah, then I'll help."

Karuizawa suggests it, though she's a little nervous.

"The exam is over for now, so please disperse. I'll take Yamauchi to the staff room."

Chabashira-sensei said as she grabbed Yamauchi and left the classroom.

In this way, Haruki Yamauchi decides to leave the school, which prioritizes ability, while showing off his ugliness to his classmates.


There is silence in the classroom.

Yamauchi left the classroom after it was decided that he would be expelled from the school, but the murderous spirit that Koenji had released earlier was too strong.

Even the strong-willed Horikita, Sudo, and Nagumo are feeling a little pressured, and the weak-willed Sakura and Mii-chan are in tears.

The person in question was getting ready to go home without worrying about it.

I think it's okay to go home now since I'm just announcing the exam today.

Koenji hums as he stands up and tries to leave the classroom, but he stops in front of me.

"You saved me this time, Hikigaya boy."

"That's true for me too. You helped me restrain Hirata, who was likely to interfere, and defended me when I was about to be singled out. Regarding the reward, is 100,000 yen okay?"

Those words caused an uproar in the class, and Koenji laughed lightly.

"You're quite generous. Well, if you're willing to give it to me, I'll appreciate it."

"Oh, I'll be grateful for it."

After sending the points, Koenji leaves the classroom humming.

"That's surprising. You're teaming up with Koenji."

Nagumo seems to have regained his composure and starts talking to me.

"It's not so much that we're going to team up. By helping Koenji, in removing him from the list of expulsion candidates, he helped me detain a bomb like Hirata who was about to explode during the class when I explained who should be given a vote of criticism."

"Well, a third party's opinion is more valuable. Are the test results as you imagined?"

"Well, it's mostly as expected. Yamauchi and Sakura, who are worthless in the class, are far different from Ike, who is in the third worst position, and the higher rankings are also made up of students who have a say and students who can play an active role in club activities."

"Is it your fault that Ayanokoji is in first place?"

Those words drew attention from the class.

Well, I'd be curious if Ayanokoji, who doesn't seem to get any praise or criticism votes, came in first place.

However, knowing this trick, I opened my mouth without any particular rush.

"It's not me, it's Arisu. By giving praise votes to students who are neither popular nor hated in class D, Arisu's goal of not giving protection points to the main force has been achieved."

Talk about the original reason.

The real reason is to protect Ayanokoji from a test that seems to have been designed to destroy him.

But my classmates will believe the reason I just said. The strategy I mentioned is reasonable.

"Well, anyway, the exam is over and I'm heading home. President Nagumo, have your exam started yet?"

"Yes. However, I'm already sure of the victory."

I don't know when it started, but he's already convinced that we'll win...

I don't know if the current 2nd year B class, which was originally A class, is crappy, or if Nagumo's skills are amazing.

"Is that so? Now, regarding that matter, I would appreciate your assistance once this special exam begins."

I'm vague with my words here.

After all, if people find out what I'm trying to do, the balance in the first-year class will collapse.

After saying that, I left the classroom and walked down the hallway, where I saw a poster on the wall, and when I looked at it, it displayed the test results.

If you look, you can also see the results of other classes.

First place in Class A is Arisu with 36 points, followed by Totsuka with minus 36 points.

The first place in Class B is Hiyori with 31 points, and Shiho Manabe is second with minus 26 points.

The first place in Class C is Ichinose with 86 points, and Kanzaki has minus 39 points, but there are no expulsions because they are using relief measures.

It's pretty much as expected. For me, it was good that two of my three lovers had Protect Points.

All that's left to do is give Masumi some protection points and it'll be perfect.

I'll probably take a big exam during the summer vacation of my second year, and I might get some protective points as a reward, so I'd like to give Masumi one too.

And if expulsion is a penalty given to lower-ranking students, I would like to have them expelled from Ichinose's class.

As I was thinking about this, Arisu came over.

"Hachiman-kun. Thank you for your hard work on the exam. Class D... Needless to say."

Arisu looks at the paper with the results written on it and smiles happily.

Well, she just used Yamamura to cause despair to Yamauchi.

"Did Yamauchi-kun expose his abomination?"

"It was really ugly. So when he got all excited, he grabbed a chair and tried to hit Koenji."

"Oh, he really thinks he can beat Koenji-kun by holding a chair."

I agree.

Koenji's physicality is truly in a different order of magnitude, and it's natural for Arisu to think so.

It was actually easy to stop.

"Maybe he thought he was an idiot. Then when he tried to hit him, Matsushita protected Koenji and got hit instead."

"Come to think of it, Hachiman-kun is injured, so you said she'd do it in your place."

Moreover, in Matsushita's case, she was protecting Koenji, and although she might attract attention from her classmates, she would not be viewed as hostile or suspicious.

"And then, out of spite, he tried to hit Koenji again, but he easily stopped him and then unleashed his murderous intent, knocking Yamauchi unconscious.''

"Did something interesting like that happen? I really wanted to see it."

Well, I guess it'll be interesting. I've never seen someone faint just from murderous intent, and Koenji may be a user of Haoshoku Haki, which is the quality of a king.

As I was thinking about this, Arisu's expression started to look surprised, but then her expression changed to one of pure pleasure, and when I looked in the direction Arisu was looking, Ichinose was walking with several girls.

As I thought, she slowly headed towards Ichinose while using her cane.

The other side also notices Arisu's presence, and the girls around Ichinose express their hostility.

However, Arisu doesn't care at all and talks to Ichinose.

"Good day, Ichinose-san. You ran away from a simple test to delete unnecessary garbage and threw away 20 million points, but will your life be okay from now on?"

Arisu hits a big blow right after the opening.

However, if you look at it objectively, what Arisu is saying is not wrong.

Moreover, since Ichinose is the class leader, it would be a bad idea to run away from the exam.

Against Arisu, Ichinose's entourage tries to come forward, but Ichinose stops them.

"It's true that life will be difficult. But unlike points, you can't get your precious friends back even if you lose them, so I don't regret it. Also, could you please stop calling my classmates trash?"

"I'm sorry for that. But Shiranami-san is just a trash. If the leader of Class C was me or Ryuen-kun, she would have been expelled."


Shiranami's eyes widened as she didn't think she would be nominated.

"Did you think that Watanabe-kun was the top candidate for expulsion? It's true that what he did was negative for the class, but Watanabe-kun's grades and athleticism are high."

Well, if you just look at his potential, Watanabe would be on the high side in the C class.

"On the other hand, Shiranami-san. Your grades are average and your athleticism is poor. In addition, when you were the leader in the desert island test, Ryuen-kun saw through you, and in the test to guess who is a preferred person, you were nominated by Hachiman-kun which reduced your class points by 100 and caused them to fall to C class. Furthermore, even in the art club, you couldn't create enough work to earn class points. If you think about it normally, you would be a burden for C class.''

"Ah... ah...!"

Shiranami's face turned pale and she began to tremble. But Arisu grins...

"Well, I'm grateful that you're staying, and I hope you'll continue to support my best friend, Ichinose-san, and by extension, Class C."

That's what I tell you.


At that moment, Shiranami collapses and is supported by her friends.

"Chihiro-chan!...Just get your act together! How far do you have to hurt someone to get satisfied?"

One of Ichinose's entourage complains to Arisu, but Arisu has a question mark on her head.

"Hurting people? That's a strange story. I was just giving advice to Class C to make the right choice if a similar test were to take place again, right?"

"Oh! This!"

At this point, the girl with the ponytail tries to slap Arisu.

If Arisu receives a slap from her here, she will definitely be suspended and damage will be done to C class.

However, I can't ignore the fact that Arisu will get injured, so I step in front of Arisu and try to catch her with my left hand, which has not completely healed.


The other person hurriedly withdraws her hand.

It's a shame, if I had won, I could have had a C-class atmosphere at the wake.

"You guys are free to make whatever choices you want, but I don't think it's humanly acceptable to use violence against people with disabilities because you're told what you think is an objectively correct opinion."

"That opinion is absolutely wrong! Students from other classes should not say anything!"

"Asako-chan, calm down... but as Asako-chan says, this outcome is the choice we all wanted, so it's not for Sakayanagi-san and the others to interfere."

"Is this the choice you wanted? I just can't believe it."

"...What does that mean?"

Ichinose asks a question, but there is a look of fear in her eyes.

"Certainly, this may be true for the kind-hearted Ichinose-san, her entourage, and people with low potential in C class. However, students with high potential in C class or students with a large amount of private points genuinely want to help? I don't think so."

"I agree. People with high potential may think, "If I go against Ichinose, I'm likely to get critical votes, so I verbally agreed, but in reality I'm against it.''

Students with a lot of private points may think, "Why?" They may be thinking, "Why I'm the only one who has to pay more." I think at least one or two people think so."

"...This is"

Ichinose seems to understand as well and is hesitant. In fact, most of the C-Class was brainwashed by Ichinose, but there is a high possibility that a few of them are dissatisfied with her using 20 million ppts.

However, it is also likely that they did not express dissatisfaction because if they objected, it's possible that they'll not use the remedy on them, and might be expelled.

"From what I see, it seems that you are not persuading the students who are secretly against it or as I say it in Hachiman-kun's terms, they have not been properly brainwashed by Archangel Ichinose-san.

In other words, Archangel Ichinose-san is unconsciously using her position to maintain her own selfishness and is forcing them to follow her opinions, and the ones who agree with your decisions are just brainwashed into becoming mindless sheep and little angels.

... In a sense, Ichinose-san is a dark angel just like Hachiman-kun predicted around the desert island exam, that's why he cut-off all the contact with you.

So, Ichinose-san, you're even worse tyrant than me or Ryuen-kun.'' Arisu said coldly, at the end.

"..."  Ichinose.


At Arisu's words, Ichinose looks down and runs away from her gaze and goes towards the dormitory.

At this point, the ratings for the two were decided. After all, she can't beat Arisu at that level.

If this continues, they will lose to B class even without Ryuen and will soon fall to D class.

Arisu's entourage glares at both of us, but I stand in front of her.

"Let me tell you, it's unreasonable to be dissatisfied with what Arisu just said. If you're the class leader, it's out of the question for you to run away from the school exam from the beginning, and if you were to run away, you'd have to see through the people who are secretly against it and convince them."

"Well, that's fine with me. If Ichinose-san abandons the exam and goes to help the weak students in class C, more and more students will become dissatisfied. Personally, I don't want to see the dissatisfaction explode, but see it myself."

If that happens, the C class will completely collapse.

It seems to be at the end of the century for classmates to express their dissatisfaction with Ichinose, who puts her classmates first.

"Well, I have something to do, so please excuse me. If I run into anything during the end-of-year exams, I'll do everything in my power to stop you, so please be gentle with me."

"Maybe they'll fail to class D in the next exam."

Finally, we say that and start walking.

Ichinose's minions try to approach us, but I silence them by showing my right arm.

"So? Are you going to talk to that creep about this exam?"

"Yes. Will Hachiman-kun come too?"

"No. I won't follow you."

"Thank you for your consideration. I'll see you in the dormitory then. Anyway, it's fun to see Ichinose-san despair. I feel like teasing her in a different way than Masumi-san."

It's the same with Vector, but the level of teasing is different.

A light jab against Masumi, but a deadly straight against Ichinose.

"Well, I'm also planning to eliminate Watanabe, so I'm sure I'll give her even more despair when that happens."

"I'm looking forward to that time… then."

Arisu said that and left, so I took out my phone and headed to the entrance while texting Nagumo that I had caused some damage to Ichinose.