Chapter 116

Ayanakoji's room

"I see... but you seem strangely depressed. I saw the poster about the results, but there were no expulsions from Class C, right?"

"... Yes. I will return the nearly 9 million points by the deadline."

"I understand that, but why are you depressed? You were already prepared for the debt, right?"

Ichinose was at a loss for words after hearing Ayanakoji's words.

Ichinose herself couldn't refute the statements made by Hachiman and Arisu earlier.

She thought that if she spoke here and Ayanakoji agreed with what the two of them said and rejected her own methods, she might not be able to recover.

"Tell me what happened....wait let me guess, Did you get attack by Sakayanagi again?"

Having already been informed by Sakayanagi during their conversation, Ayanokoji knew the reason behind Ichinose's depression but pretended not to know.

Ichinose is at a loss as to what to do, but decides to talk because she decides that Ayanokoji will know it either way tomorrow morning from his classmates.

To be honest she thought, it's a good thing that Ayanakoji went to hang out with his friends after the results were announced and now she is the one who could explain everything that happened.


With that in mind, she talked about what Hachiman and Arisu told her earlier.

She was told that her best friend should be expelled from school, but her own policies were denied and she couldn't refute it, making her feel frustrated.

Ayanakoji, on the other hand, listened while nodding with his usual expressionless face, and opened his mouth when Ichinose finished speaking.

"I see... In conclusion, your actions were not wrong."


Ichinose thought she would be denied outright, but when it was confirmed, her eyes widened.

"The tactics that Sakayanagi and the others talked about would be natural if Sakayanagi and Ryuen would do them, but you shouldn't use those tactics."


"If you didn't use the relief measures, you wouldn't have to owe money and you wouldn't have lost the weapon called 'private points.'

However, in that case, the unity that is the most important weapon for your C-class will be cracked.

You're not wrong, it would be a bad move to give up your greatest weapon when you have two more years to fight.''

Ichinose realized that the despair in her heart was gradually fading away due to Ayanokoji's words.

"But... I have complaints about the students who are excellent in Class C and those who have a lot of points..."

That's the problem. The words that Hachiman and the others said at that time denied their unity, but since they were not wrong, Ichinose could not refute them.

"You lacked enough care in that regard. When you told your classmates that you would use relief measures, you should have kept an eye on them, spotted the students who seemed to be dissatisfied, and persuaded them while you still have time. You ran too far ahead.

In a sense, if you ignore Hikigaya's cruel wording, he was right about other students in your class losing their individuality and finding it difficult to express their thoughts because of your position as a leader."


Ichinose looks down at Ayanakoji's words but affirms them.

That's absolutely true.

Ichinose realized that she was a little too impatient and prioritised protecting her classmates without listening to other people's opinions, and due to her own wish of protecting them.

In a way what Hachiman wanted to say, that unity is important but not in the sense where you lose your own thoughts and just followed her like "mindless sheeps".

Ichinose realised that she had a larger impact on her classmates than she thought and forced her ideals upon them. In a sense, brainwashed.

So, she decided from now on she would face her classmates at the early stage and carefully consider everyone's opinions instead of borrowing money from Nagumo-senpai.

Instead of creating a atmosphere where they couldn't say their own ideas. In a sense, she violated their freedom of speech.

Now, that Ichinose thought, the second year students also have their special exam going on?

And Nagumo-senpai just used 20 million ppts in the forest exam, and he would still need points in this exam, right?

Even though she knew Nagumo-senpai had a large amount of private points, but it couldn't be this much.

Besides the condition of the contract were also strange, giving 20 votes each to Hachiman and Ryuen.

Did Nagumo-senpai make some kind of deal with Hikigaya-kun behind the scenes since Ryuen-kun has left the leadership of Class B?

Was Hikigaya-kun involved in lending  9 million ppts?

Ichinose could only make wild assumptions, since she didn't have proof.

But after getting advice from Ayanakoji, she felt much better than before and her brain was starting to work.

Now that she realised her mistakes by understanding what Hikigaya and Sakayanagi meant. She would not repeat that.

"Well, there's still two years left, so there's no need to rush. You can learn from your mistakes, and make sure not to repeat them in the future.

Besides like I said earlier, it's not wrong for Class C to not let anyone drop out."

After saying that, he patted Ichinose on the head. When Ichinose looked up, Ayanokoji nodded with his face still expressionless.

"So, you should apologize to your classmates on Monday and prepare for the next special exam with them."

"...Yes! Thank you. Ayanokoji-kun is really an amazing person."

Ichinose responds strongly while smiling at the words of this expressionless boy.

What Hachiman and Arisu said was not wrong... now that she has realised her mistakes, and the meaning behind the words of Hachiman who have maintained his distance from her these past months.

Ichinose thought about Hachiman, who noticed her mistakes while she was leading the class very early on, will definitely find her methods a little scary.

Now that she realised, Ichinose was embarrassed about the term 'brainwashing'.

And even though both Sakayanagi and Hachiman said rude things, they were really trying to help her in a roundabout manner.

She was grateful to them, and will not make the mistake of forcing her ideals on everyone.

But Ichinose didn't agree about cutting off her classmates like this, she valued unity, could not tolerate.

Apparently she lost a little skin today, but not completely.

(First of all, I would like to apologize to everyone for rushing ahead due to impatience on Monday, and then let's go win together with everyone in the class!)

It's natural to reflect, but if you stay depressed forever, you'll be a nuisance to the class.

Once again, Ichinose decided that everyone would win together, and there was no despair in her heart, but a glimmer of hope.

(Second, find out the reasons behind the strange conditions on the contract. Nagumo-senpai must have made a deal with Hikigaya-kun, and in return he asked for praise points for himself and Ryuen-kun?)

But if Nagumo-senpai really had 9 million points, there was no need to write about those conditions, right?

She was skeptical about that.

It basically means if she had asked points from Hachiman first, they could have made some kind of agreement with the conditions that was in the contract with the President?

To be honest, she didn't contact him first was because of the incident that happened earlier, where Watanabe hurted Hachiman. It would be very awkward to negotiate.

So, she had no choice but to contact Nagumo-senpai for points, even though she was quite reluctant to ask for his help.

Ichinose was not stupid, even if it was Sakayanagi was the one responsible for spreading rumours about her.

She knew it was a direct attack, and rumours about shoplifting were spread.

The only person she told about this was Nagumo-senpai, so how did Sakayanagi know?

Did he leak her personal information to Sakayanagi-san that day when I saw her leaving the student council?

At that time, she thought it was just a trivial matter and ignored it.

But the rumour incident started after that day. So, as a result she had doubts about Nagumo-senpai.

Ichinose also noticed him sometimes looking at her with a lustrous and creepy gaze, making her uncomfortable in the student council.

She was sensitive towards this kind of gaze, from her middle school days when her breasts started getting bigger gaining unnecessary attention.

Nagumo-senpai had the same look in his eyes.

That's why she politely declined the offer to go with them during Christmas.

At the present, she didn't know what penalty the President would impose on her, so it would be better to give the money she borrowed before the time period ends.

Outside of Ichinose's field of vision, Ayanokoji slightly narrowed his eyes at Ichinose, not knowing what outrageous things she's thinking.


Some time ago.

After breaking up with Arisu, I drink tea at a cafe in Keyaki Mall. Black tea goes well with the still cold wind in March.

As I was thinking about this, a familiar figure appeared in the corner of my vision and sat down across from me.

"Yo. Looks like you didn't expel from school, Dragon Boy."

"Stop calling me that, I'll kill you."

The person who came was Ryuen, also known as Dragon Boy.

"In the first place, you're involved this time, right?"

"Well, I won't deny it. I was just protecting Ryuen while protecting myself."

"I guess you invested the points in Nagumo who was planning to lend them to Ichinose, but I don't understand why you would help me."

"Simple story: If Ryuen returns to the role of leader, the range of strategies will expand. Also, if you leave the school, the contract regarding Hiyori will be cancelled, and since I found out that Manabe was dissatisfied with my relationship with Hiyori, there will be problems so I decided to kick her out."

I don't have any grudge against Ryuen.

"So? Are you planning to leave me behind and use me for your own benefit?"

"No way. You're not the kind of person who does something because someone tells you to. Instead of making a move, I just create an environment where you make a move on your own."

Human beings basically don't feel good when they are influenced by a third party, no matter what the profit.

In such cases, it would be advantageous for people who want to move to create an environment in which they can move spontaneously.

"Even though you receive regular income from Class A, it doesn't reach 20 million, so you have to make a move somewhere, right? I'll make some of that money for you, so you can move on."

"Ha, I guess you're basically erasing Watanabe, but you can do it without my help."

"What, I just want him to physically experience the proverb "bee" with a crying face. Incidentally, Ryuen, I will tell you..."

With that in mind, I explain something and Ryuen laughs.

"I see. You're even more of an outcast than me."

What is this guy talking about?

"You seem to be misunderstanding this, but being an outsider means doing something that deviates from the norm, but I don't break any school rules, so even if I'm a lowlife, I'm not an outsider.''

Ryuen is the type of person who is willing to break the rules in order to win.

On the other hand, I never break the rules, but as long as I thoroughly explore the holes in the rules and don't violate the rules, I'm the type of person who doesn't care about ethics, so I'm a scumbag.

"But there's no doubt that you are worse than me."

I guess so. It's not impossible to raise questions about Ryuen's behavior in breaking the rules, but it's impossible for the school's rules to judge me because I never break the rules.

At best, the way they're doing it is terrible, so it's probably Seki's mountain that calls for it to stop.

"Well, I won't deny it. Getting back to the topic, if you're planning to save up 20 million yen and go to class A, then take advantage of the opportunity that comes along."

"I'll think about it. By the way, it seems like you didn't provoke Yamauchi this time, who was expelled from school, but if you didn't have a broken bone, you would have provoked him and got injured, and use that as an excuse to get points?"

"No, Hiyori told me to be careful about things like that when the Watanabe incident happened."

My top priority is my three girlfriends, so if one of them told me to take care of myself, there's a good chance I wasn't planning on making a move like that

"Well, instead of me, Matsushita was trying to protect Koenji, who was provoking Yamauchi, and got hit with a chair.''

"I see. But even if it's to get points, she seems like a pretty useful woman for going out on her own to hit a chair."

"I won't deny that."

Matsushita is actually quite useful. She belongs to the Karuizawa group, which has a strong voice in D-class, and she has potential and courage.

She is improving herself in order to increase the number of jobs that I can arrange for her, and she is quite talented.

Well, there are a lot of points I'm requesting, but it's not unreasonable, and if you continue to do the work I give you, I have no intention of sparing you the reward.

Honestly, I thought about preparing two pieces from D class, but I think Matsushita alone would be fine.

In fact, it is enough to rent Karuizawa via Ayanokoji like this time.

"Well, in any case, Arisu and Hiyori now have protection points, so next time I have to give Masumi one too."

"Ha, as expected from God."

"Stop calling me God!"

"Huh? The formula that Hikigaya Hachiman = God has already been established, so there's nothing you can do to stop it."

...I can't deny it. I surrendered to the temporary excitement of the sports festival, but it was clearly a failure.

If it weren't for that, I might have been called a harem guy, but I wouldn't have been called a god.

All I could do was sigh as I remembered what I had declared to my three lovers at the sports festival.

30 minutes later...

"I'm home"

"welcome back"

"welcome home"

After having tea with Ryuen at the cafe, I return to the dormitory where Hiyori and Masumi greet me.

It looks like Arisu hasn't come back yet.

"Okay. Good job on the exam."

Chut tut tut

When the two kiss just like they always do, their faces look happy.

"Thank you for your hard work... hmm."

"Well, I'm not tired just because I put in a vote ..."

The two kiss me home. It's been tens of thousands of times, but there's no sign of getting tired yet.

"Hachiman-kun doesn't seem to be injured, but I was relieved you didn't try to trigger violence and earn points."

Hiyori says so. As Hiyori said, I weighed myself.

"Well, Matsushita was beaten by a chair instead."

"Is it a chair? Is she okay?!"

"Well, anyway, there are protection points for Arisu and Hiyori, and I will do my best to give you one too."

In this exam, Arisu and Hiyori can be discharged at least once, but I would like to get Masumi to obtain it too and have a mental room.

"No, you would be glared at by your class."

"Do I think I care about that?"

It's already floating, so it's more.

"Not at all"

"That is, what it is."

"I see. I'm grateful, but even if I get the protection point, I'm going to submit a rejection of the school if you drop out."

"I want to get a protection point at the same time if possible. I understand your opinion anyway. I will also try to get the protection point."

"Hmm... more than anything, Hachiman. The exam is over, so is it okay if I indulge you?"

"I want to be pampered too..."

Hiyori and Masumi look up at me, so I give them a small nod, and they lean in and kiss me in turn.

"Hmm... Thu... I love you, Hachiman..."

"Hmm...I'm so happy kissing Hachiman-kun...please stick out your tongue..."

When I stuck out my tongue as I was told, they stuck out their tongue even more than me.

Masumi and Hiyori, who were now fully indulged, and the three of them intertwined their tongues with each other.

As I was making the sound of water echoing in the room, I heard a crashing sound, and then Arisu entered the room.

It looks like the conversation with Ayanokoji is over.

Arisu narrowed her eyes when she saw us, then walked towards me and took up position on my left side.

"I've just returned, but please mix it with me too..."

As soon as she said that, she stuck out her tongue and started licking the tongues of the three of us.

As a result, the tongues of the four people intertwine and it becomes extremely erotic.

When I happen to have lesbian play with Hiyori x Arisu, Hiyori x Masumi, Arisu x Masumi, I always think that kissing between girls is erotic, but when I think that I am participating in an erotic kiss, I feel extremely happy.

Tomorrow is Sunday and I don't have any broken bones, so I'm confident that the three of them will be able to enjoy the full course from now until the morning after tomorrow.

However, Arisu seems particularly proactive, but did something happen during her discussion with Ayanokoji?

In fact, after the additional exams started, Arisu told me alone, "I received an email from an unknown sender asking me to expel Ayanokoji-kun,'' and that was the trigger.

Did you get into any kind of trouble?

...For now, I'll ask Arisu when I'm alone with her as soon as possible.

Well, right now, my top priority is kissing the three of them.

In the end, we were able to enjoy the sweet, sweet time until just before sunset.


Meanwhile, Nagumo was waiting in the student council for almost an hour but there's no sign of Ichinose coming to the student council today.

"....." Nagumo. 'Where is Honami? She should have arrived at the student council at this time?"

President Nagumo was really confused, because Ichinose never neglect her student council duties.


Ichinose was lying on her bed, her face buried inside her futon. She sends a text message to Ayanokoji, asking if they could meet if he had time today.

He replied saying that he was currently hanging out with his friends, after seeing the unexpected results and he had to give an explanation.

But they can meet some time later, if it's urgent. In this way she made an appointment with Ayanokoji.