Chapter 117

Sunday, the day after the special exam ended...

"It's sudden, but I can't help it. It's today, but I want to spend some time alone with Arisu."

When I say that while eating breakfast, the air freezes, but it's only for a moment...

"What do you mean?!"

"Why is it only Sakayanagi?!"

Hiyori and Masumi approach me with desperate expressions. Arisu, on the other hand, has a smug look on her face.

"Hehe...I'm glad that Hachiman-kun seems to understand who should be the legal wife."

"Huh? The position of legal wife is mine. Don't feel like you've won, little girl!"

"I'm not a little girl!"

As expected, Arisu seems to dislike the nickname given to her by Koenji and is becoming emotional.

"Ah, calm down, you guys. I said I wanted to spend time with you, but I didn't mean a date or anything, I just meant that I had something important to talk about."

When I say that, Hiyori and Masumi breathe a sigh of relief, and Arisu looks at me with dissatisfaction.

"Really? That's a relief."

"Don't startle me."

"Hachiman-kun, you're an idiot...please stop saying things in a way that makes me have high expectations."

"That was bad."

"...Well, that's fine. I don't know what we're talking about, but I think it's important for the class to talk alone. So, as for where we're going to talk, how about a karaoke place where there aren't that many people? "

Arisu says so, but I guess the point is that we should go on a date while we talk.

"Then come and have a date with me next Saturday."

"Then I'll ask you next Sunday."

The two of them also jump on the bandwagon, but I don't mind that much, so I nod a little. It's great to love three people all at once, but it's also hard to let go of loving each one individually.

Ah, I hope my arm heals completely soon and I want to hug you as much as I can.

As this desire grows, I also develop a murderous intent towards Watanabe, who broke my arm.

I have to show him hell now. I plan on showering it with human malice and then extinguishing it near graduation.

With that in mind, I proceeded to eat breakfast.

3 hours later...

"So, Hachiman-kun. Please tell me why you wanted to be alone with me."

We entered the karaoke box, sang a few songs, ate some sweets, and enjoyed the date, but when things had calmed down, Arisu asked him a question.

"I think you have a pretty good guess, it's about what happened yesterday. Will you be able to fight Ayanokoji?"

"Yes. He promised to compete in the next special exam. Also, I have something to talk about with Hachiman-kun. This is an email about this special exam."

Yes, in fact, after the special exam started, Arisu received an email from an unknown sender asking her to expel Ayakoji.

However, Arisu did not move, and  Yamauchi was expelled instead of  Ayanakoji.

"As for the sender, it turns out that he is the acting chairman. Ayanokoji-kun's father suspended my father and made his subordinate the acting chairman."

Got it.

But how much power does it have to suspend Arisu's father, who is the president of a government-led school?

"Please be careful as he may come into contact with you as well."


Well, even if they become the acting president, if they blatantly destroy Ayanokoji, there is a risk that he will receive damage back to himself, and there is also a possibility that he will take advantage of his students.

If that happens, I wonder what measures Ayanokoji will take...well, he'll need to get some backing.

It's going to be a tough battle unless there's someone who will recognize it as legitimate self-defense when we counterattack.

Also, if the acting president were to use a student, it would be a special test, but if that happens, there is a high possibility that Ayanokoji will use Ichinose as his wall.

"Well, he's probably not going to move right away, so you can leave it alone for a while."

In the first place, unlike the principal, the president rarely takes center stage, even though he is a substitute.

"That's right. The acting president said that things will officially start in April. He'll probably appoint one of his subordinates as a new teacher, or enroll a junior in the White Room, and then make a move once everything is in perfect condition. "

That's possible. If you're going to attack, it's a good rule of thumb to make sure you're in perfect condition.

In that case, the special exam at the beginning of the second year may have content that will interact with the first year students.

However, on the other hand, there is a high possibility that there will be no violent movement in March, so it is unlikely that he will be involved when Arisu fights Ayanokoji in the next special exam.

From Arisu's point of view, she wouldn't want to miss the chance.

"Okay. I don't know what it's about, but the next special exam will be the best chance to fight Ayanokoji without any incidents, so I'll cooperate."

"Thank you. I'm counting on you."

When Arisu smiles cutely and thanks me, my cell phone starts ringing, so I take it out...

"Oh, it's from Matsushita."

It was from Matsushita, who was injured yesterday while protecting Koenji.

I wasn't able to visit her because I don't want others to find out that I am connected to Matsushita, but I guess it's okay since she calls me.

"Please put it on speaker mode. Maybe Yamauchi-kun has finished his discussion, and I would like to hear it too."

Arisu says so, so I put it on speaker mode and answer the call.

"Hello? Hikigaya-kun?"

"Hi. I'm sorry I can't go visit you."

"I don't care. On the contrary, it would be troublesome if someone came to visit me and found out about our relationship.''

As expected, Matsushita is quite dry. I don't dislike this part of her.

"I see. How are your injuries?"

"My left wrist was cracked when I was hit and thrown to the floor. Also, to get to the point, I just talked to Yamauchi-kun and his parents.''

In other words, it seems like Matsushita approached them yesterday about filing a lawsuit.

"How was it? I can imagine that Yamauchi was disgusted."

"Correct answer. Yamauchi-kun said that it was not his fault and that  Yamamura-san, Hikigaya-kun, and Koenji-kun should have been expelled from the school instead of him, but his parents were honest and said that Yamauchi-kun's usual behavior at home were such that he was given a gag order. And when they heard the details about what happened during the exam, they got really angry.''

I guess so. It would be one thing if he was just expelled from school after the exam, but it would be out of the question for him to show no signs of remorse after punching Matsushita, who had nothing to do with him.

Additionally, as a parent, it's normal to get angry if you hear Yamauchi's usual behavior.

"So? What was the result?"

"In conclusion, Yamauchi-kun's parents have decided to pay me a settlement of 3.5 million yen. Should I give some of the points to Hikigaya-kun?"

"Take it because you earned the points. But you got a lot of them."

I was expecting around 1 million to 2 million, but she received more than I expected.

"The money they saved up in preparation for Yamauchi-kun's entrance into university. It seems that Yamauchi-kun has been scolded at three-way interviews since middle school, not only because of his poor grades but also because of his lies and sexual harassment, and it seems that his parents have run out of love with him after this incident.

They're planning on putting him in a temple deep in the mountains and pounding his rotten roots right away.''

"I see. In other words, Yamauchi's parents want to show their son that they are serious about their anger by not paying for his college expenses."

"Maybe. Well, in any case, the discussion was over and I just left the reception room. Yamauchi-kun and the others are talking with the teacher about a settlement, but his yelling is bothering me.''

After all, this happened because of your own words and actions, so just like Koenji said, you should be honest and get angry.

"Also, although it wasn't a serious injury, I was injured, so please follow up depending on the content of the next special exam."

"If it's that much, it's cheap enough."

"Thank you. By the way, is the next target C class?"

"That's my intention, but I won't be moving much for the time being, so you should rest."

If I were to make a move, I would do so through a test where the strong were given huge rewards and the weak were given huge penalties.

"Understood. see you later"

After those words, the call ends. Arisu laughs happily.

"Hachiman-kun. Would you like to go to the reception room now? I want to hear Yamauchi-kun's screams."

It seems like she has roots in the forest school after all.

Well, I also have it in my heart, so I deleted Yamauchi.

"Then let's go."

I nod at Arisu's suggestion, leave the karaoke box, pay the bill, and head to school.

Then, at the entrance, I changed into indoor shoes and headed towards the reception room, when I heard angry voices little by little, so we both hid in the shadows...

"Please! I'm getting serious now, so please let me go to university!"

"Get your act together! you got scolded a lot in middle school and you haven't shown any remorse, it's a waste of time and money for you to go to university!"

"The punch line is that you'll be summoned for another problematic behavior! I won't let you pass the threshold of my house until you reform your ways!"

"Why? It's not my fault!"

"Are you still saying that?"

Yamauchi's screams and the angry voices of a man and woman who appeared to be Yamauchi's parents echoed.

The three of them passed by without noticing us, but Yamauchi's desperation was evident.

He could have avoided expulsion if he channeled his desperation into something serious... but he's a really stupid guy.

Arisu and I smiled and watched Yamauchi off until he was out of sight.

Now that I have achieved my first goal, I need to come up with a plan for my next goal, the C class.


"I'm home"

"I'm back"

After seeing Yamauchi screaming, Arisu and I enjoyed shopping and watching movies, and returned to our room in the evening.

Then, a thumping sound is heard from the back of the room, and Hiyori and Masumi arrive.

"Welcome home, Hachiman-kun. I missed you."

"Didn't Sakayanagi do anything strange to you?"

Arisu's eyes narrowed at Masumi's words.

"Masumi-san... you've been acting a lot more towards me lately. What do you think of me?"

"A little girl who becomes spoiled when Hachiman gets involved."

"D-S-K-R! I'm not a little girl!"

Arisu turns bright red and gets angry when she is called a little girl. I don't particularly care if Arisu is treated as a little girl.

"Nothing strange happened."

"In that case, that's fine. Besides, if you come back, please don't worry about us either."

Masumi goes into begging mode. Of course I'm not going to refuse.

"Okay. Then you three can spoil me."

It was fun to go on a date with Arisu at the shopping mall, but since it was outside, I couldn't really indulge or be pampered.

After all, my own room is the best. No matter how much pampering I get from my room, it won't be a problem.

While saying this, I sat down on the bed and the three of them approached me.

"Okay. What do you want?"

"Ask for a Triple Puff Puff"

Answer immediately. My arm is already close to being fully healed, so as long as they don't hug me tightly, it'll be fine.

Before that, I'm sure the three of you were smart enough to make sure I didn't feel any pain.

The source is the actions of the three people so far.

When I order them, the three of them nod a little and take off their jackets one by one.

Eventually, there are no more clothes on their chests, and six cherry-colored tips are exposed.

Hiyori's moderately sized breasts, Masumi's large breasts, and Arisu's small breasts all have different charms, and I'm probably the happiest person in the world to have them all to myself.

"Well then..."

When Hiyori makes an introduction, three people surround me, so I take a stance to accept them.

But at that moment, the phone rings.

Every time I try to do something erotic with Hiyori and the others in the evening, they always interrupt me.

Although I was irritated, I took out my cell phone and it was from Matsushita.

"Hello? Do you need something?"

".....Maybe it was bad timing?"

"Yes, it's too bad. Well, I answered the phone, so talk to me."

"No, when I went to the convenience store earlier, a class C student was saying a lot of bad things about Hikigaya-kun and Sakayanagi-san, so I was worried."

Oh, is that it? Well, the C-class members of Ichinose's yes-man group hate Arisu and me, so it can't be helped that they're concerned about Matsushita.


With that in mind, I briefly told Matsushita what I said to the C-class guys yesterday.

"Hmm...well, there may have been a problem with the way Hikigaya-kun and Sakayanagi-san said it, but what they said was correct.''

I guess so. I'm trying to be malicious, but what I'm saying is true. Ichinose will continue to protect her weak classmates, but that means forcing her talented students to be patient.

And this time, in order to help the weak, Ichinose borrowed 9 million yen from Nagumo, but it is clear that this consciously or unconsciously sowed dissatisfaction with the excellent students of C class.

If you win in the future and can pay off your debt, your dissatisfaction will disappear, but if you lose in the next special exam and it becomes difficult to repay your debt, or if you throw away your wins to help a weak student in C class who is about to drop out, you will be dissatisfied.

It's going to explode.

After all, since I entered this meritocratic school, it would be a bad idea to help the weak without considering the risk and return.

If you can help someone easily, you shouldn't abandon them, but you shouldn't force your talented students to be patient.


"For them, Ichinose is justice, and anything that contradicts Ichinose is evil."

That's troublesome.

At least for Ichinose's cronies and the weak, Ichinose's opinion will definitely come first.

To be honest, it reminds me of Hayama's entourage during his time at Sobu Junior High School and makes me sick.

They also believed that Hayama's opinion was correct and that anyone who disagreed with Hayama was evil.

They are such bad people, but they are also vicious towards me, sometimes using violence and destroying things, and just thinking about them gives me a headache.

Well, I filmed their behavior with a camera and posted it on the internet just like that Demon's violent videos before enrolling in this school, so I hope they do their best even though it may be difficult for them to go on to university or find a job.

Quiet topic...

In any case, from my point of view, people like that are troublesome.

In fact, even though I provoked them last month, they boarded a D-class and broke my bones.

"Wouldn't that be similar to a bad religion if done poorly?"

"I won't deny it. Well, we'll see what happens when those yes-men get so dissatisfied."

If Ichinose's strategy fails and they find themselves in a pinch, those people will turn around and blame Ichinose.

Love and hate are two sides of the same coin.

"Anyway, leave it alone for a while. If it moves, it will be in the second year later.''

For now, all I have to do is sharpen my fangs. It becomes violent only after sharpening its fangs.

By that time, Matsushita will be brought to the center stage and let her go wild.

"Roger that. If I find any interesting information, I'll contact you again.''

"Please do that after tomorrow."

After saying that, I ended the call and turned off the power.

Maybe someone else will contact me again. Don't disturb my time to enjoy Triple Puff Puff any more.

"...Then please continue."

After saying that, the three of them put their knees on the bed and approached me, working together to put my head between their chests.

At the same time, a blissful elasticity is felt in my head and I instantly become happy.

"How do you feel? Does it feel good?"

"My breasts are small compared to Hiyori-san and Masumi-san, but I'll do my best to make Hachiman-kun happy..."

"I'll do whatever Hachiman wants you to do..."

With those words, the three of them grow closer together.

Arisu's cute cherry-colored tip was right in front of me, and I couldn't help but take it into my mouth.

"Hyaaan! Ha-ha-kun! It's too sudden!"

Arisu gasps... No, Aria warns me, but there's no hint of anger in her voice, so I just roll my tongue and continues attacking.

"Yay...! Hachi-kun! That's intense! Hmm!"

Arisu doesn't show her usual cool demeanor at all and speaks in a lustrous voice. I glance up and see that she has the look of a dirty girl.

Seeing Arisu like that made me want to torment her even more, so while I was rolling my tongue around, I occasionally sweetened it to slow it down.

After making Arisu gasp for a while, she seemed to have reached her limit and turned bright red as she collapsed and let out a heavy breath.

Did I go a little too far?

As I was wondering, Masumi moved Arisu to the side and faced me with Hiyori.

"Don't just play with Sakayanagi."

"That's right. Please indulge us as much as you like."

Just as I thought the two of them had closed the distance, she put her breasts against my face, and just like Arisu, I sucked on their breasts at the same time.

"Ah... you're already a spoiled child."

"Suck me as much as you like...if Hachiman is happy, then I'll be happy too..."

The two of them patted me on the head with gentle voices. I feel like the motherhood of two people is going to ruin me.

If I let my guard down even for a moment, I'm afraid I'll end up calling her mom.

As I was thinking about this, I heard a crunching sound coming from around my waist, so while I was sucking on their breasts, I glanced down and saw Arisu kneeling on the floor and undoing the belt of my pants.

Then, when she took off my belt,  pulled down my pants and underwear as well, exposing my lower body.

"Hehe, this is in return for bullying me so much. Today, let's attack until you're dry..."

She was laughing, but there was a hint of anger in her voice. If this continues, she will seriously dry up by tomorrow.

I judge that and try to stop it, but it's a step too late...

"Please be prepared. Hmm..."

Needless to say, the next morning, the students living in the first-year dormitory focused on the exhausted man and the three shiny girls.

They had a sunny atmosphere around them.