Chapter 148

"First of all, thank you for your hard work. The entrance ceremony went off without a hitch. Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, you'll have a good rest. It's going to be especially tough for Hikigaya and Honami from next week."

After the entrance ceremony is over and the chairs and curtains have been cleaned up, President Nagumo comes to the student council room to express his condolences, but...

"Is this a special exam?"

"I don't know the details, but apparently there is a special exam for second and first years."

Seriously? Moreover, first year students suddenly have a special exam?

Perhaps this year's first-year students have received an explanation about the S system.

While I was thinking about it, there was a knock on the door.

"Get in"

"Excuse me. And it's been a while, Senpai♡"

It was Isshiki who came into the room. As soon as she entered, she had a smile that showed her fighting spirit.


Ichinose, who is next to me, is scared.

Well, Isshiki's smile is the same kind of smile as Arisu and Ryuen, and from the perspective of Ichinose, who is being bullied by these two, she is probably the subject of fear.

However, it's been a year since I last saw you, so I have to say hello.

"Ah. I never thought you'd join this school, Isshiki."

"I worked hard because I wanted to show my senior that I've become stronger, so I'm happy to meet you."

Her sassy tone still makes me feel nostalgic...Ah, I guess I'll take the opportunity to try that topic.

"What are you talking about? I'm sorry, I almost had a crush on you for a moment, but I have three girlfriend, so I can't. I'm sorry."

Isshiki looks shocked at my words, but soon turns bright red and starts to get angry.

"What! Why are you using my lines! It's a copyright violation! What do you mean by 3 lovers?!"

"As I said. I have three lovers now."

Then, Isshiki's expression changes to surprise.

"...Are you serious? Did you lose your sense of ethics along with your tolerance? Or rather, given your past, I thought you wouldn't make friends, let alone a girlfriend."

Well, I understand Isshiki's point. In my situation, it wouldn't be strange if I didn't have a girlfriend.

"It's fine, even if I don't have any ethics, I still follow the rules. Also, my girlfriend knows about my past, and two of them have screws loose in their heads."

Hiyori is relatively smart, but Arisu and Masumi can't be called real.

"Besides, you had something to do with President Nagumo, right? Talk to him instead."

When Isshiki entered the room...

- Excuse me. And it's been a while, Senpai♡ーーーー

She said that, but since she mentioned me in passing, I can only assume that she had something to do with the student council and President Nagumo.

"Ah, that's right. Excuse me."

"I don't really care. Since you're coming to the student council room on the first day of school, are you asking about the S system? Or do you want to join the student council?"

Nagumo doesn't seem to be particularly concerned and asks a question.

"The latter. 1st year C class Isshiki Iroha would like to join the student council."

"Is that because Hikigaya is there?"

"That's right. I thought it would be a great benefit if the senior who hates trouble and free service is joining the student council."

It's a terrible thing to say, but it's not wrong, so I'm not going to say anything about it.

"It's true that the student council president has a lot of power. But the officers don't have that much power."

Isshiki's smile deepened at Chairman Nagumo's words.

"Then all you have to do is get the position of student council president. I'll join in the game of defeating the other candidates."

She has a fighting spirit on her face, but she is completely different from Isshiki in middle school.

"Interesting. You're one of my candidates, so I'll deal with you."

"I'm looking forward to it. I wanted to compete with my seniors as well."

I don't know the new method for deciding the student council president yet, but there's no doubt that ability is important, so I'll just have to study hard until then.

"Good. I don't dislike bullish guys like you, and I was planning to recruit two or three officers from the first year as well."

Nagumo laughed and offered Isshiki his hand.

"Welcome to the student council. You'll be working from next week."

"Thank you"

Isshiki also returned the handshake.

When Isshiki was in middle school, there was a problem with the student council, and like me, she was treated with malice by most of Sobu Junior High, but I was relieved that she didn't seem to be traumatized.

"However, we're already disbanded today, so we'll just introduce each other. I'll explain how we work next week. Now, please introduce yourself again."

At Nagumo's urging, Isshiki's smile deepened...

"Yes. I'm Isshiki Iroha, a first-year C class member. In this meritocratic school, I'll do my best to rise to the top and become the student council president and A class member. Thank you for your support."

Most of the executives are impressed by Isshiki's fearless greeting.

Well, I wish I had been greeted like that from the first day of school...

After ten minutes...

"Okay, senpai. I'm going to make a room for you today, so I'll bid you farewell. Tomorrow, I'll be going to your room, so I'd appreciate it if you could have a meeting to exchange information."

"Ah. I hope it will be a meaningful time."

Student council work is over, and I'm about to say goodbye to Isshiki in the new first-year dormitory.

However, Isshiki's greeting caused some tension in the student council, and things are about to get interesting from now on.

Well, anyway, on the first day of school, you will have to buy household goods and food.

I know because I experienced it last year too.

"Yes. See you tomorrow then."

Isshiki waves as she enters the dormitory, so I watch her off until she's out of sight and walk towards my own dormitory.

(However, it's great to be able to make connections with juniors from the first day of school).

From what I've heard, Isshiki intends to become the class leader, and depending on the situation, it might bring me huge benefits.

Of course, depending on the situation, you might be asked for a large amount of money, but that will depend on negotiations and contracts.

However, it seems like Isshiki will be the chairperson this year, so if you think about that, it's probably a plus.

(Or rather, I always wonder why the President is not in A class.)

Nagumo just like Ichinose, when he first enrolled, he was in class B, and this year's, Isshiki, is in class C, whereas I was in Class D.

If you look at that, the system of president would be worthless.

And Isshiki is C class? From the second year of junior high school onwards, she was relatively quiet, and the bullying was probably going on behind the scenes, so I guess it's reasonable.

As I was walking to the dormitory thinking this, my cell phone rang, so I checked it and saw an email from Isshiki, who I had exchanged contact information with earlier...

"I forgot to tell you, but please watch the news this evening..."

It said to watch the news this evening, but I understood it immediately.

Isshiki probably also exposed Sobu Junior High's scum on the internet.

If you look online, you'll see that the video has already been spread, and you tried to go to the bulletin board where you posted the video, but you can't go in because it seems like there are too many people accessing it.

After accessing it several times, I finally got it in, so I watched the video and found that the abuse was even more vicious than mine.

Moreover, Isshiki's face has a mosaic, but the students committing violence do not have a mosaic, so the person who committed the violence will die socially.

There was also audio data of people talking about bullying and being dismissed, but the teachers were saying things like, ''It's your fault for being bullied,''

''Don't bring trouble to me in a difficult time because you're a hikitani,''

and ''It's bad for my evaluation.''

What's more, Isshiki's voice is also in the audio data, asking why aren't you helping me and calling me by my full name + teacher.

In other words, the identity of the teacher who gave the shitty response can easily be revealed.

I'm sure this was on purpose, but it's a good idea. I should have done it too.

It was a problem when I exposed it, but this time it's probably more so.

I'm really looking forward to the evening news.

With that thought in mind, I returned to the dormitory and entered my room...

"Y/N! NMM! NMM!"

"Yay! Nnnah! Nnnnn!"

"Hey, it's intense... mmm!"

I heard Arisu panting, so I quickly closed the door and headed to the living room, where I found Hiyori, Masumi, and Chiaki naked, deep kissing and caressing each other's bodies.

What's this situation?

Arisu noticed my appearance and beckoned me,

"Welcome back, Hachiman-kun. I'm currently giving a lecture on lesbian play to Chiaki-san in preparation for the future, but I'm taking a break so come join me for a round."

She invites me like that, but the answer is certain.

"Of course."

While saying this, I pick Arisu up, place her on my lap, and enjoy the lesbian play between the three of them.

I like watching lesbian play while attacking girls who have free hands, but I think it's very clever of you to teach Chiaki how to do lesbian play.

"But please finish it in the evening. I want to watch the news."

"News...I guess it's some interesting news, but okay."

Well, I'm looking forward to seeing what kind of news comes out.

While watching the lesbian play with anticipation, I hugged Arisu and pampered her to the fullest, like a parent treating a child.

It's not bad for me to act like a child and be spoiled, but it's also good to be a parent and spoil her.


"Okay, it's almost time for the evening news. Please leave while I turn on the TV."

As I say this to the four people who are hugging me naked, they leave, so I turn on the TV.

Then when I get back on the bed, they sticks to me.

The 5 o'clock news starts, but the first thing shown is a video of the Sobu Junior High School building, and below that is a headline that says,

"Malicious bullying! Educators' negligence! What is the educational system at Sobu Junior High?!''

"It's time for News 5. The first news is here: A video of vicious bullying that took place at Sobu Junior High School, a private school in Chiba Prefecture, and audio data of a teacher dismissing the complaints of students who were being bullied are being circulated on the Internet.''

Along with those words, the screen changes, a recorder appears, and audio plays, but what was being played on the internet was played.

Well, the part about Isshiki's name made a beeping sound because Isshiki was a minor.

"No, this is terrible. If I recall correctly, Sobu Junior High School was in trouble around this time last year when evidence of bullying and teacher violence was posted online...'

"Perhaps they were keeping records of the bullying, etc., referring to last year's incident. However, in this video, the perpetrator's face is openly exposed on the internet, but is the person who posted it guilty?"

"'s difficult. The poster probably wants revenge. However, I also watched the video, and the actions of the perpetrator and the teacher are too vicious.''

It is natural for the anchors and guest lawyers to talk like that. I saw a video of her being bullied, and it was worse than mine, and there were over 30 videos.

In fact, even when they call it a violation of portrait rights, I can't help but think they're talking about you.

"Hey, this news..."

"It's just as Chiaki imagined. I caused the incident last year. Like the caster said earlier, I was assaulted by students and teachers."

Come to think of it, I only told Chiaki that I was bullied in middle school, but didn't give any details.

"Well, I don't think it's a lie, but in this day and age, are there teachers who use corporal punishment?!"

"That's right. That demon, whenever there was something she didn't like, she would hit me in the face with

"Shocking First Brit!'' When I revealed it on the internet right before I entered this school, she got fired from her job as a teacher, and then tried to jump through the gates to get into this school.''


""Yes, it is""

Chiaki asks with wide eyes and obvious surprise, but I'm serious.

Hiyori and Arisu, who were with me at the time, nod.

"It's crazy that malicious videos have been circulating for two years in a row. Well, in a sense, these guys have even worse ethics than I do right now."

"Was it that bad?"

"It's not even dangerous. I have a question for you guys, but what kind of emotions do you think bullies are made of?"

"Huh? Isn't it malicious?"

"I'm not mistaken, but that's not all."

In response to Masumi's answer, Chiaki raised her hand.

"I understand. Isn't it just the malice of the few and the enthusiasm of the many?"

"Yes, of course there are cases where there is pure malice, but bullying is deeply related to the mood. There are people who participate in bullying with their friends because "everyone is doing it'' or "it's just a joke.''

If such a person is questioned by a superior about being bullied, they will try to protect themselves by saying, "they forced me to do it.''

"But the Sobu Junior High School we were at was even worse. They were bullying people with a sense of justice."

"Huh? Bullying has no sense of justice, right?"

"Chiaki's doubts are natural, but it's an undeniable fact. There were some very popular people in Sobu Junior High School, but I was shunned because I had the exact opposite views. Then, when they used violence against me, they didn't think that destroying personal property was a bad thing; in fact, they really thought they were doing a good deed.''


Chiaki has a disgusted expression on her face, and Hiyori and the others have similar expressions.

Of course, I don't know about Sobu Junior High School after I graduated, but when I was at Sobu Junior High School, Hayama Hayato was treated as an existence like a guru, and people who had ideas that went against Hayama were labeled as evil, and they were called the hammer of justice.

Just like Ichinose Honami. But she didn't violence like him, but the same can't be said for her followers.

Looking back, I think that Sobu Junior High School is really crap because even though I exposed the bullying and violent scenes to the religious students, the bullying is still happening.

"I see. So, Hachiman-kun, you realized that the weak have no human rights, so you started seeking power?"

"Yeah. I'm never going to be in that position again."

That's why I seek power. The weak are treated as evil no matter what they do.

"Also, Arisu. The person who caused this incident is an acquaintance of mine who is enrolled at this school as the new first year student, and I will invite them to my room tomorrow."

Isshiki, who I saw for the first time in a year, has grown greatly in both her physique and fighting spirit.

And she will probably become the leader of the class.

Therefore, from the point of view of A-class leader Arisu's and B-class staff officer Hiyori, it would be an advantage.

"Then, I'm looking forward to that. I hope it will be a meaningful discussion. By the way, what is the class and name?"

"Her name's Isshiki Iroha, who belongs to Class C...!"

When I told them that, I sensed an aura of anger, so when I looked at it, I saw dark auras coming from Hiyori, Arisu, and Masumi, and Chiaki was smiling bitterly.

"Really? Are you seducing another girl again?"

"Since it's about Hachiman-kun, I'm sure he did something naughty with Isshiki-san as well."

"It looks like I'm going to have a second mistress after Chiaki."

Oh, that's dangerous. To be honest, it's too scary.

By the way, I've done lucky lewd things with Isshiki several times...

And as expected, there will never be a second mistress...I'd like to think so, but even though the aphrodisiac may have had an effect on me, I can't say for sure that there won't be one since I consumed Chiaki.

"No, no, that's definitely not the case."

"I have a bad feeling that Hachiman-kun will have two or three more mistresses this year."

What kind of premonition do you have?! No matter how much of a genius Arisu is, she can't help but have such strange premonitions:

"Ah, I've had that hunch, too.''

"I've had that too.''

"I think there will be someone in the same position as me.''

Have you ever felt a premonition?...

That's crazy?!

It's just a bad feeling that all four of them are having.

"...Well, that's fine. It's unreasonable to get angry at Hachiman-kun even though we haven't met her yet."

It looks like I've saved my life for the time being.

While I was feeling relieved inwardly, the news about Sobu Junior High School continued to spread, but with the current situation, there is a good chance that the school will be closed this year.

Even if the school does not close, teachers will be replaced and the Board of Education will be on high alert to closely monitor the school.

Maybe it's because I'm the example of the data that Isshiki revealed, or there's a lot more data than what I revealed.

I don't know anyone in Sobu Junior High right now, so it doesn't really matter, but if there is a repeat of last year, the stories from last year may be revisited and people of my age may also be reported, so I definitely want to see it.

I've been through a lot of bad things, so I have a right to put them through a lot of bad things too, and see them suffer.

It's painful to have a school rule that doesn't allow you to go outside at times like this.

If they attack me after I graduate, I'll just crush them.

This time, instead of relying on the internet, I'll break their heart until they can't get back on their feet.

Well, that was after I graduated. What matters now is how you behave at this school.

I turned off the TV, which had just finished showing the Sobu Junior High School news, and looked out at the dormitory where the new first-year students were, while stroking the four of them.