Chapter 149

On Saturday morning, I am leisurely looking at the school building at the entrance of the dormitory with a can of coffee in hand.

The mild spring weather gives you a peaceful feeling.

Just as I was feeling calm, a girl with flaxen hair, Iroha Isshiki, came running from the first year dormitory.

"Good morning, Senpai."

"Yo Isshiki. Well, I'll show you around."

I called in today to have a meeting to exchange information with Isshiki.

We're in our second year now, and the school hasn't stopped us from talking about the S System, so it shouldn't be a problem if we talk about it.

According to Nagumo, it used to be that they were silenced on the first day of the second year, but according to Chiaki, Chabashira-sensei never said anything like that.

I took Isshiki into the second-year dormitory, then turned right and headed to my room.

"Huh? There's a room on the first floor of the second-year dormitory, right?"

"No, there's one in your own place too. It is larger than a normal room, and you can use it by paying points."

"Hmm, I heard you can buy anything with points, but I guess they have other uses besides expelling students."

Isshiki nods in admiration, but as long as she can think of a way to use it like that, she seems to have a screw in her head just like me.

"Well, then come in."

"Excuse me!"

As I said this, I entered the room and led her to the living room, where I found Hiyori and the other four sitting on the bed.

"Huh? Don't you have three girlfriends?"

"The one on the far left is not a lover, but a sex friend."

"Seriously? I'm aware that I've changed a lot, but my senior has changed even more than me, right? I mean, we seem to get along quite well, but aren't lovers and sex friends usually on bad terms?"

"Well, a lot of things happened."

"There are too many things going on... Ah, I'm late in introducing myself. I'm Isshiki Iroha, a 1st year C class student who enrolled this year. I was bullied with my senior for a year and a half, and then I was alone for a year."

Although completely stunned, she introduces herself to Hiyori and the others.

Even though it's true, don't talk like we're friends who ate from the same pot...well, you're not wrong.

"Nice to meet you, I am Arisu Sakayanagi, Hachiman-kun's girlfriend."

"I'm Hiyori Shiina, Hachiman-kun's girlfriend."

"Hachiman's Lover Masumi Kamuro"

"Hachiman's sex friend Chiaki Matsushita. Nice to meet you."

I think if a third party were to ask me about this, I'd probably get a cold look.

"Nice to meet you too. Anyway, this room is really big, it's cost must be in the millions, right?"

"Well, this room is double the normal price, but the price was 3 million yen. The 1.5x room cost 2 million, and the 3x room cost 5 million."

However, lately I've been feeling a little cramped.

Chiaki doesn't live with me, but since we became sex friends, she's started putting her personal belongings in my room, and I'm having sex with four people at least three days a week, so we're semi-living together.

"I see, then I guess I'll have to find another part-time job."

"Huh? Do you have a part-time job?"

Masumi asks with interest, but it's my first time hearing it too.

"Normally, they don't recruit students.... But, yesterday, I went back to the school building to pick up something I had left behind after the entrance ceremony, and at that time, my homeroom teacher was cleaning.

When I asked her about it, she said, They each had to clean their assigned area and water the flowerbeds, and I told them I would take over their duties in exchange of giving me points from now on, and they readily agreed.''

Hey, can you earn points that way?

Hiyori and the others seem interested in this as well.

"By the way, how much will you get?"

"It's 30,000 yen a month. Or rather, aren't you working part-time? You can't buy a room with the money your school normally gives you at the beginning of the month, right?"

"I joined the club and gambled, and I purposely got beaten up by students from other classes and stole points from the class he belonged to."

While saying this, I pull out the contract I made when I was injured and show it to Isshiki.

"I see, now I know a good method."

Isshiki has a grin on her face, but I'm sure she'll do the same thing as me.

And now I remember yesterday's story.

"I see, Isshiki. When you introduced yourself yesterday, you said you were aiming for A class, but do you know about the existence of class points?"

"Yeah, I know. I've heard about the difference between class points and private points, and the factors that determine class."

"Is that so? We received an explanation from the teacher in May, but it seems different from last year."

"Huh? So aren't D-class and C-class dangerous?"

"Chiaki and I were in Class D, but some idiots took advantage of the teacher's lack of attention by talking privately, fiddling around with their phones and masturbating under their desks so our 1,000 class points went down to 0 in May."

The class points on May 1st last year were 490 for the next higher class, C class, and an amazing 940 for the highest class, A class.

I didn't have a problem with the points, but for other students who were taking the class seriously, it would have been a joke.

"Ugh...That's disgusting~ by the way, the first class points in April were 1000? Ours were 800."

"That's right. Maybe it's a negative effect of releasing the S system first? Besides, if you take classes seriously from the beginning, you won't lose points, right?"

As Chiaki said, if you take classes seriously from the beginning, your points will hardly decrease, and even if the initial points provided are low, if you are in Class C Isshiki, there will be no problem.

"Well, that's right~. Huh? Senpai and Matsushita-senpai were initially assigned to D class, right? I thought Senpai would be assigned to either A class or D class, but why is Matsushita-senpai assigned to D class? Due to my senior's personality, he wouldn't hire an incompetent person, so I think she's excellent.''

"In my case, I guess it's because I've only done a moderate amount of work on everything since middle school. But I met Hachiman-kun at this school, and ever since I was under his tutelage, I've been improving myself. The work he gives me is well-paid. That's far more than the reward you get for contributing to the class.''

Of course. Even if they contribute in my class, most of them are small fry, so they won't make much money.

"I see. In any case, the seniors seem to be talented people, and I would like to build a good relationship with them when I become the leader of Class C."

"Oh, are you aiming for the leadership position?"

Arisu asked with interest, and Isshiki grinned fearlessly.

"Of course. After Monday, I think each first-year class will be eager to decide on a leader, and we can't afford to fall behind."

While saying this, she does some shadow boxing, but depending on the situation, she intends to decide with violence.

Is there a rule that the leader of the 1st year C class has to be determined by violence, as the same was the case with Ryūen last year?

If that's the case, then it seems like we're reaching the end of the century as a government-led school...

Well, I would appreciate it if Isshiki became the leader. If she do that, I'll be able to form a friendly relationship with the 1st year C class.

As Isshiki, she will need the necessary pieces to outsmart the other first-year classes, but her connections with other grades are worth enough as a necessary piece.

There is no value in superficial friendship.

What is needed to build a relationship of trust is a strategic mindset that allows both parties to take advantage of each other.

If I do that, I'll take into account the possibility of being betrayed, so I'll be careful even if I don't like it.

"Then I'm looking forward to you becoming the leader. Also..."

With that in mind, I told Isshiki an opinion that I thought would be useful in the future.

The information exchange ended after an hour, but it was a very meaningful time.

However, on the way home, I wish Hiyori, Arisu, and Masumi would stop asking Isshiki,  "You won't become Hachiman-kun's mistress, right?''

And when Isshiki laughed and said, "Well, what do you think?'' and blew me a kiss at the end, I couldn't stop breaking into a cold sweat.

Upon hearing those words, Hiyori and the others had a dark aura on their faces, and the moment Isshiki returned, they pushed me onto the bed, and even though I didn't have much energy left, they squeezed it out until I was dry.

Needless to say, I was.

Chiaki, who took advantage of the other three people and also squeezed me.

But get ready because I'm going to attack you soon!!


The opening ceremony and entrance ceremony were over, and after spending Saturday and Sunday, it was Monday.

I'm playing with my phone in my classroom while most of my classmates glare at me.

Classes will resume as normal from today, but on Sunday the school notified us that there would be no classes for the first and second period on Monday.

It's probably related to the special exam, but if you use your strength, you'll be able to pass it.

Or maybe it would be a good idea to kick the small fry who are still glaring at me.

Most of them are probably dissatisfied with what I said at the opening ceremony, but it's their fault that they didn't want to improve themselves even though they've had one year.

Normally, they should have given up their naivety as soon as I learned the details of the S system on May 1st.

As I was thinking about this, a chime rang and Chabashira-sensei came in.

"Everyone is here. I have something for you to do right away. Please put your cell phones on the desk."

Hearing this, I put my phone on the desk.

"First, go to the school's homepage and have them install a new app. The name of the app is over all ability, but after it's installed, it just says 'OAA.'"

When I install the app, an icon that appears to be an illustration of the school is created along with the name OAA.

"Currently, all students have installed this app, but this app will play an important role in their future school life. Once the installation is complete, please scan your student ID with your camera."

If you do as instructed, you will be logged in. At the same time, items that can be tapped will appear.

"This app contains personal data for all grades. For example, if you press the item for 2nd grade C class, your names will be displayed in alphabetical order, so press your name. "

When you tap on the C-Class, the photos and faces of us in the C-Class are displayed, so when you tap on the item that says Hikigaya Hachiman...

2-C Hikigaya Hachiman

1st year results

Academic ability A (92)

Physical ability A (89)

Resourceful thinking ability C (50)

Social contribution D (28)

Overall B(70)

Something like this will be displayed.

"Well, Sensei, it's being digitized like a game."

"That's right. These are your individual abilities created by the school from the end of the first year until the next. You can also view the abilities of students in all grades, not just your own class."

Chabashira-sensei nods at Ike's muttering, but it certainly looks like a game status screen.

However, the number of social contribution students is strangely low.

At the top right of the screen is  "? " mark and there was the word ''Explanation'', and when you pressed it, more details were displayed.

Academic ability/mainly calculated from scores in written exams held throughout the year

Calculated from evaluations of physical ability/physical education, performance in club activities, special exams, etc.

Calculated based on social adaptability, such as quick thinking ability, number of friends, position, communication skills, and whether or not you are resourceful.

Calculated based on various factors such as social contribution/class attitude, presence or absence of problem behavior such as tardiness and absence, and contribution to school by belonging to the student council.

Overall ability/A student's ability derived from the above four numbers, but the influence of only social contribution on overall ability is halved.

*Specific method of finding

Calculated as (academic ability + physical ability + quick thinking ability + social contribution × 0.5) ÷ 350 × 100 (rounded)

I see. Regardless of my attitude in class, I have been causing some problem behavior, so it's reasonable.

Even if you haven't broken any school rules, it's no surprise that the teacher might think your behavior is problematic.

I only joined SC in April, so it won't be a positive factor.

"Currently, the first-year results are displayed, but from today, the second year, they will be updated on an ongoing basis. The updates will be the same as class points, at the beginning of the month. For example, the next periodic examination will give you a perfect score. If you get a grade, your academic ability will be A+, but if you get a 0 on the next regular exam, your OAA grade will be 50 Cs.

In other words, the average of the records updated every month is connected to the final evaluation of the year.

"There are probably some students who are dissatisfied with their grades, but I want them to accept that they have had a year like that."

Students who are judged to have low academic ability or physical ability are considered small fries.

"However, the important thing is to accept your grades and make changes. In fact, students who escape from reality and do not make changes are likely to be in danger of dropping out of school."

After Chabashira-sensei says that, she glances at me, but from my point of view, of course I'm trying to erase the dregs of escaping reality.

Unlike Ryuen and Arisu, I don't like fighting against strong people.

"This app is fair. Everyone is assessed equally, regardless of whether they are in a higher or lower class. Students who receive high marks for their overall ability can be said to have achieved results that are worthy of praise as individuals."

Since people say that, I tried arranging them in order of overall strength using the sort function...

"Huh?! Hikigaya is the second!"

If you look at my overall strength in the C class, I was ranked second after Hirata.

The difference between me and Hirata is probably his contribution to society.

When I tried looking at Hirata's page...

2-C Yosuke Hirata

1st year results

Academic ability/B+(76)

Physical ability/B+(79)

Intelligent thinking ability/B(75)

Social contribution/A-(85)

Overall strength/B+(78)

As expected, the social contribution is high. If it weren't for my social contribution, I think I would have been number one.

However, if you look at the lower ranks, the small fry are all small fry.

Sakura and Ike are at the bottom, but...

2-C Sakura Airi (Sakura Airi)

1st year results

Academic ability/C(50)

Physical ability/D-(25)

Intelligent thinking ability/D-(25)

Social contribution/C+(60)

Overall strength/D+(37)

2-C Kanji Ike

1st year results

Academic ability/E+(20)

Physical ability/D(34)

Intelligent thinking ability/C+(60)

Social contribution/D(32)

Overall strength/D+(37)

Even dregs have their limits.

On the other hand, there are Ayanokoji and Koenji in the 50th overall, but these guys don't show their true intentions every time.

If he was serious about it, his academic ability and physical ability would be A+.

"Also, although it is not related to this class, the physical ability evaluation of Arisu Sakayanagi in A class will be the same as the evaluation of the lowest student in the grade.''

Well, that's a reasonable response to Arisu.

When I used the sort function to arrange the second-year students in order of physical ability, Arisu's physical ability was 25, along with Sakura's.

Actually, Hiyori gave a rating of 28 on the bottom of the physical ability, but let's try a little harder...

Well, I think her physical strength has improved since I'm having sex with

her for more than three days a week.

Sex requires a lot of physical strength, and I sometimes do up to eight rounds in one night, so I'm confident in my physical strength and waist.

"This app will be a useful tool for changing your mindset regarding grades and interacting with others.

However, I think it's not just that.

For example, if the policy that Hikigaya proposed at the opening ceremony is adopted, the points will increase or decrease. This app will be essential. Also, this is my prediction, but if your overall ability is below a certain level at the end of the second year, there is a possibility that there will be some kind of penalty.

"A it expulsion?"

Wouldn't it be great if that were true?

There's no point in having some scumbags who don't improve themselves even if their school proves they don't have the OAA numerically.

"This is just my opinion. However, there is no doubt that students with low overall ability are at risk. There may be some students who are dissatisfied with the results, but in that case, please try to make a move that will satisfy the school. There are many students who improve themselves for the sake of profit, but for students with low overall ability, it is better to prevent the gap from widening.''

For some people, it might be a good idea to join some club activities.

Well, a blatant appeal might be a negative factor.

However, this OAA is useful for looking at small fry, but it is not useful for assessing talented people.

Arisu was born with a weak body, so her overall strength is not that high due to her physical ability, Ayanokoji, Koenji, and Chiaki are slacking off, and there are students like Ryuen who have strength that cannot be measured in numbers.

Because there is.

"Hey, hey... has he grown this far?"

After the explanation of OAA in the first period, during recess, I watched OAA like other classmates, but...

1-C Isshiki Iroha (Isshiki Iroha)

Academic ability A + (96)

Physical ability C (50)

Quick thinking ability D + (37)

Social contribution C + (60)

Overall C + (61)

Her academic ability had improved considerably. Looking at the details, it seems that the academic ability of new first-year students is based on entrance exam results, and other data is based on data from junior high school.

Well, it is natural to judge academic ability based on the results of entrance exams.

They all entered from different junior high schools, but the difficulty level of regular exams differs depending on the school.

The reason why she is low in everything other than her academic ability is probably because in junior high school, she was acting quiet on the outside but cutting corners.

However, looking at how toned her body was when they met again, she would probably get an A rating for her physical ability if she tried her best.

In any case, let's mark the students who have the highest overall ability among first-year students.

Of course, there will be students like Ayanokoji and Ryuen, but students with high overall ability will have a strong say in the class.

Just as I was thinking about this, the chime indicating the end of recess rang and Chabashira-sensei came in, so I put my phone in my pocket.

"Everyone is here. As you may have barely noticed, I'm about to explain the outline of your first special exam as a second year student."

Tension runs through the class at those words. I don't know what kind of exam it is, but the last year-end exam I took was an exam where the points changed a lot, so this time the class points won't change that much.

"The most important part is that it will be a written test between the new first-year students and you, second-year students, in partnership."

There were exceptions for things like sports festivals and training camps, but I never thought I'd be able to skip over the grade level.

There used to be a lot of fighting between classes, but OAA seems to have removed that barrier.

"So, does this exam feel different from last year's paper shuffle?"

"Hikigaya is right. However, this time we will not follow the rules for determining pairs, but will have them choose their own pairs. The exam period will be two weeks from now, including today, at the end of the month. By then, we will have to choose pairs and start studying. Work on it."

In other words, even though first-year students have just entered the school, they have to find a pair on their own, and communication skills are also required.

It is true that without OAA it is difficult to decide on a pair without knowing who is good and who is stupid.

Above all, I have to build a relationship of trust with first-year students with whom I have never spoken before, but that is impossible in two weeks.

"The test consists of 5 subjects with 100 points each. As for the important rules, this time there will be wins and losses on a class basis and individual wins and losses.''

Chabashira-sensei touches the electronic monitor, which seems to have been newly purchased by the school, to replace the blackboard, and the rules are displayed.

・Class wins and losses by grade


Based on the average score derived from the scores of all class members and the scores of all partners.

Earn class point rewards of 50 points, 30 points, 10 points, and 0 points in descending order of average score.


will be decided based on the score combined with the partner.

The top 5 pairs will receive 100,000 private points as a special reward.

The top 30% will receive 10,000 private points.

If the total score is less than 500 points, second-year students will be expelled, and first-year students will not have their private points transferred for three months, regardless of the class points they hold.

In addition, if a student manipulates the score, such as intentionally getting a question wrong, the student will be expelled regardless of grade.

If a third party forces a student to give a similarly low score, that person will be expelled as well.

"As you can probably tell by now, this exam will be sold to students with high academic ability based on the OAA evaluation."

I guess so. Smart first-year students will naturally want to team up with smart students to aim for higher rewards, and students who are worried about their academic ability will also want to team up with smart students to avoid penalties.

And I won't be the first to sell.

Regardless of my quick thinking ability, my ability to contribute to society is low.

Among first-year students, I think they will first look for students like Ichinose and Hirata who are not only academically capable but also highly contributing to society, and then they will look for me.

"Partnership is established with mutual consent and is completed by registering within OAA. You can start pairing from this moment today, but once you agree to pair, you can't change the pair for any reason.''

In other words, unless their academic ability is extremely high, they will be hesitant to make a decision, and it is obvious that students with even higher academic ability will become more popular.

While I was thinking that, the next information about my partner was displayed on the monitor.

・Rules for deciding

You can apply to the desired student using OAA only once a day (if not accepted, the application will be reset at 24:00)

If the other party accepts the application, the partnership will be confirmed and cancellation will no longer be possible.

*Excluding unavoidable troubles such as expulsion from school

For both partners whose partners have been confirmed, their information will be updated on OAA at 8am the next morning, and they will no longer be able to receive new applications.

*It is not specified who the partner is.

I see. In other words, it is not possible to send a message all at once to students with high academic ability, and even if you send it to one outstanding student, that student will be paired with another student on the same day and will not be known until the next morning, so there is a possibility that the application will be in vain.

There is a reason.

"By the way, teacher. Is there a penalty like expulsion for students who can't pair up?"

I hear a commotion from the class at my words, but the source of the commotion is a student with low academic ability.

"First of all, there won't be a situation where you won't be able to pair up. Students who are unsold on the day of the exam will be randomly paired with each other. However, as a penalty, the overall score of unsold students will be cut by 5%."

Chabashira-sensei's words send a shudder through the idiots. It's not funny when two idiots stay together and get penalized.

However, this test is quite troublesome from Ayanokoji's point of view.

The students in the White Room who are trying to expel Ayanokoji enrolled in the school in order to expel him, so if they teamed up with him, they would blatantly cut corners and try to get him expelled.

In that case, the school would take immediate action, but it is clear that Tsukishiro, the acting director, will force Ayanokoji's expulsion, saying, "It's your own fault for collaborating with such an idiot.''

Moreover, since Ayanokoji is always cutting corners, he is not in a position where he can pick and choose as he likes, giving him a grade of C in terms of his academic ability.

A first-year student with a C academic ability might be able to team up with him, but the assassin from the White Room may have cut corners and entered the school just like Ayanokoji, so it won't be an easy choice.

"Teacher, how difficult is the exam?"

Horikita asks the most important question, but since it's the first special exam, it shouldn't be that difficult.

"To be honest, there are many very difficult questions. It is definitely the most difficult one you have ever taken. However, that is only if you are aiming for a high score. Even if you are a student with an E score, It's designed so that you can get a score of 150 or above without any preparation. If you study for a few days, you should be able to get a score of 200, but this is just a guess."

Academic ability E 150 points~199 points

Academic ability D 200 points~249 points

Academic ability C 250 points~299 points

Academic ability B 350 points before and after

Academic ability A 400 points before and after

"If you study properly, you'll be able to get a higher score than expected. Also, even if you're an A grade student, it's stupid to get a perfect score on this exam. I don't think there will be any students who will get a score higher than 90."

In other words, in every subject, there are probably 10 points worth of questions that you would learn at university.

Regarding pairs, it is dangerous if the E judgments form a pair, and there is a high possibility that it is safe if they form a pair with B.

Well, most of them will be paired with C grade.

If you study hard, you'll feel safe and you won't end up in a lending/borrowing relationship.

Well, it's difficult for me to mess around with the exam this time, so I'll try not to move too much about the exam.

In fact, it's more important to have contact with the first years.

That's what I thought while listening to Chabashira-sensei's explanation.

"That's all about the explanation of the special exam. Please think carefully and do what you want."

The homeroom teacher finishes the explanation for the 1st year C class, but a commotion arises over the special exam that takes place early in the school year.

"Pay attention.

Meanwhile, the sound of clapping hands is heard, and all the students who clapped their hands...look at Iroha Isshiki.

Iroha sat down on the podium and opened her mouth.

"To be blunt, I'll be the leader of this class, so you'll have to follow my instructions."

Her classmates were stunned by her extremely arrogant words, and immediately let out an aura of anger.

"Hey. That's quite an attitude!"

The boy who said that and stood up and approached Iroha had a low academic ability of D+, but his physical ability received an A grade of 91.

He played rugby in middle school and has a good physique.

"It's annoying when someone suddenly tells me to follow them no matter how good your grades are...!'' "

While he was complaining, Iroha pushed the boy's chest with murderous intent.

Although he is frightened by it, he tries to hit her back, but...


Iroha takes advantage of the man's center of gravity and strength, knocks him down to the floor, and immediately takes out a mechanical pencil and strokes the man's neck gently, revealing her murderous intent.


"Do you have any complaints yet? If so, I'll be forced to continue."


Unable to resist Iroha's murderous intent, he nods.

Because my instincts told me that if I rebelled, I would be killed.

After confirming that he had nodded, Iroha stepped back from the man, her murderous intent gone, and a wide smile on her face.

"That's what I mean, but is there anyone who disagrees?"

No one raised their hand in response to Iroha's question.

Thus, on the second day of school, Isshiki Iroha became the leader of Class C.