The commander rose to his feet and looked around. Except for Gary and Shaw, his soldiers were either dead or too injured to fight. He brought out his walkie-talkie, the moment he switched it on.
He moved quickly, far too quickly for the commander to even react. 935 held the commander's throat and ripped it out. Blood from the commander's neck splattered on the faces of 935, Gray and Shaw.
Gray and Shaw looked at the commander petrified. The commander dropped the walkie on the ground and held his neck trying to stop the blood that gushed out of his neck and even his mouth. They all watched as the commander leaned back and fell to the ground. Blood oozed out of the gaping hole in his neck.
Shaw looked up to see 935 skinless from the neck to the forehead. The head seemed to turn facing him blaring pearly whites, and eyeballs at Shaw. The red strips of muscle were a stark comparison to the single yellow light casting an ominous shadow upon his stance. Suddenly the skin below his jaw started to stretch like chewing gum upwards, while the skin at his forehead peeled downwards like tree sap until the bottom and the top came into contact, reforming his facial features.
He had a cold expression as he looked at Shaw and Gary. Suddenly a soldier stood by the door holding a machine gun. They all looked at the soldier, Gary's eyes widened at the sight of the weapon the soldier wielded.
"No..." Gary started with an arm stretched out to the soldier, the soldier on the other hand gave no concern to Gary, nor Shaw's presence as he began to fire into the room. The bullets raced through the air hitting not only 935 but Shaw, Gary and any other soldiers that still clung to life.
The bullets punctured their bodies and their blood splattered on the walls as their bodies danced mid-air. The moment the soldier stopped his bullet assault, Shaw and Gary's bodies fell to the ground with a mushy sound as their blood oozed out of their body like a spilt cup of red wine.
The soldier lowered the machine gun to see 935 still standing firm, he stood on top of the commander's body. The soldier watched as the holes in his body unnaturally began to close up. His eye that dangled by the side of his face slowly went back into his eye socket.
935 had a smile on his face as he looked at the soldier. His emerald eyes shone with mischief as the soldier was suddenly lifted off the ground. The soldier felt a sudden force pull him towards 935, he tried to struggle he even tried to lift up the gun to fire again but his entire body defied him.
The gun lets out a creaking sound against the ground as it is pulled along with him. He floated above 935, he suddenly felt the weight of gravity on him. With immense force, his legs crashed to the ground. The sounds of bones cracking could be heard as the bones in his legs were smashed on impact.
A scream tore out of the soldier's lungs as tears streamed down his eyes. The bones from his legs punctured out of his legs causing him to bleed. Snort came out of his nose as the pain coursed through his body.
He couldn't feel his legs but they were sprawled beneath him across the floor, 935 hovered above him. His eyes showed his killing intent.
"P-p-please" the soldier begged. He felt his gun rise off his hand, his eyes trailed the gun's movements as it stopped just above his head. Beads of sweat formed on his forehead as he began to imagine his faith.
The gun was lowered and placed on his forehead. His body began to quiver under the gun, he closed his eyes accepting his faith. Seconds passed but nothing. He opened his eyes to see a frown on 935 face.
That's when it dawned on him and he let out a sigh of relief at the realization that the bullet rounds had finished. His relief was cut shut when he felt the gun in his side pocket shift a bit. The gun was pulled out of his side pocket by an invisible force and was set by his temple.
935 felt something drip down, his gaze shifted to the floor, to see liquid dripping from the soldier's pants. The cold expression on 935's face morphed into that of disgust. The machine gun landed to the side with a thud and the other gun left his temple and hovered over his face.
"Open up" 935 ordered but the soldier clenched his lip tighter, he had already wet his pants, and his pride and dignity were already out the window, he didn't want his life to follow. But 935 was not having any of it.
935 held the gun and forcefully pried the soldier's mouth open. "How many?" 935 simply asked but he didn't get a response this only annoyed him further. 935 suspended the gun in the air and gripped the soldier's face. "How many of you are outside?" he asked again.
"I d-don't-" the soldier started but 935 didn't let him finish as he dug his fingers into the soldier's eyes puncturing it.
The soldier yelled out in pain as blood oozed out of his eye sockets. He clenched his teeth wheezing as he tried to bear the pain. He kept his mouth shut, not willing to say a single word. 935 realized it and held the gun.
"You don't need to tell me," 935 said in a calm voice "I'll find out myself, and after that, I'll send them over to you." As 935 spoke he opened the soldier's mouth and planted the gun inside.
The soldier shook his head "I'll kulk, I'll kulk" the soldier let out but the gun in his mouth prevented his words from coming out clearly.
"He had his chance to speak" the voice in his head said. 935 raised the soldier's head more so it faced the ceiling.
"I wonder if you can swallow bullets," 935 said as he shoved the gun deeper into his mouth and down his throat. He pulled the trigger, letting a series of bullets into the soldier. The soldier let out a muffled scream as blood began to well up in his mouth and spill out like an overfilled cup. 935 held him in place and kept on firing till he had emptied the gun.
935 pulled the gun out of the soldier's mouth and kicked his body back, the soldier's lifeless body fell with a thud, and blood poured out of the soldier's opened mouth. The soldier's body lay there motionless with his eyes still open, staring at nothing.
The sound of metal hitting against the floor echoed in the room as 935 let go of the gun and it landed on the floor. He walked over the soldier he had just killed and out of the room.