
Both she and 935 froze as they stared at each other, the squirrel on the other hand still moved around, trying to break free of the hold 935 had on its tail.

"Um..." Lily let out as she stared at him, utterly speechless.

935 stretched the struggling squirrel towards Lily "Hungry?" he asked her.

"Ah... Um... Well.." Lily tried to form words to reply him but she couldn't think of any, she reached for the squirrel and the moment she held it by the tail it let out a shriek.

935 stood up and watched her, Lily's eyes moved from the struggling squirrel to 935, and she swallowed as she looked at the squirrel.

Lily dropped the squirrel on the snow covered floor and let it go, the furry critter wasted no time in running away.

"Hey!!" 935 yelled as he turned to go after the squirrel only for Lily to hold his shoulder, he turns and glares at her "Let go" he commanded.

"No!" she replied sternly, they stared out each other in silence before Lily let go and cleared her throat "I have a better idea of what to eat if you are hungry" Lily suggested "Come with me" she said as she lifted him up and into her arms without him even giving her a reply.

"Besides the ground is so cold, you should not stand on it with your bare feet" Lily said as she carried him into the diner.

935 looked around the diner, he could see people eating and discussing, Lily sat 935 on a chair before sitting opposite him. A waitress walked up to them and dropped a menu on the table.

935 stared at the waitress while Lily looked through the menu. The young waitress tried her best to look away and hide her nervousness under 935's gaze.

"We'll take this, this and this" Lily said pointing at some items on the menu. "And this will be for dessert" she added.

"Right away ma'am" the waitress replied and quickly hurried away.

Lily watched as 935 looked around the diner and at the people "See anything familiar?" she asked as she placed her hand on the table.

935 paused and turned to look at her, he shook his head in response and she let out a sigh.

"Poor thing" she commented, "No name and no memories" She said as she circled her index finger on the table "Like a blank page waiting to be written on" she said in a hushed tone.

Lily stared at him for a while. " It must be so sad not to remember your mom, huh?"

The moment she said those words 935 remembered when his mum tried to kill him, Lily observed his facial expression, nothing changed, and he maintained a blank facial expression as he looked at the table.

935 shook his head and looked at her "There's nothing sad about what I can't remember" he replied.

Lily smiled "Smart kid, you remind me of a friend of mine" she said as she stared at him.

The waitress dropped their food on the table and hurried off. Lily had ordered a plate of pancakes, for each of them, two cheeseburgers and a cup of coffee for her and water for him.

Lily poured some syrup on top 935's pancakes "Here you go" she said before she poured some on hers "Bon appetit" she added.

She reached for her fork and knife and looked up when she heard the sound of rushed chewing. She froze at the sight of 935 using his bare hands to eat the pancakes. He had syrup all over his mouth as he ate in an animalistic manner.

He tore the pancake apart with his teeth and chewed on, syrup splattered on the table as he ate. He reached for the burger and forced the whole thing inside his mouth, as he chewed with his mouth open some fell out and unto the table.

935 reached to get more syrup only to meet the surprised look on Lily's face, he looked around him with his stuffed face to see everyone in the diner looking at him. He looked back at Lily, she had a fork and knife in her hand, he could tell by the look on her face that she too was as bewildered as the rest of the people around them.

He slowly retracted his hand and lowered his head. Lily saw the look on his face as he lowered his gaze, she looked around to see the entire diner's centre of focus on him.

She cleared her throat as she dropped her cutlery and said "Who needs these anyway" 935 heard her and looked up "God gave us hands for a reason" she said with a smile as she reluctantly picked up a pancake with her hands.

She looked at him as she took a bite out of it while holding it "Mmmm" she hummed "This is so yummy, no wonder you didn't hold back" she praised "Come on let's eat" she added as she continued eating with her hand.

The two of them ignored the stares of the others and continued to eat and enjoy their meal. As 935 ate he could feel his wounds closing off, and his body began to heal rapidly.

"Mini warrior" Lily said as they ate "Ever killed someone before?"

They both froze and looked at each other for a while, the tension in the air was as suffocating as the silence that surrounded them, the people in the diner felt like a blur as they stared at each other, secluded in their own little world.

"What?" 935 asked as he looked at her.

Lily suddenly burst out laughing, 935 leaned back a little, totally confused by her sudden outburst after the question she asked.

Lily chuckled and covered her mouth "I was joking" she said between laughs "Lighten up a bit sport, I was just messing with you" she added and continued to eat.

They ate quietly, when they were done, a waitress came to clean up the table and dropped two cups in front of them.

"Yay, dessert" Lily cheered as she looked at the milkshake.

935 looked at the creamy beverage before him, it was a vanilla milkshake, topped with a generous swirl of whipped cream, garnished with caramel and a cherry on top. It had a striped straw with loops sticking out the side.

"Is this what you call dessert?" 935 asked looking at it. He still had syrup from the pancake all over his mouth.

Lily smiled as she reached for a cloth on the table "No, this is called a vanilla milkshake" she said and leaned towards him to wipe his face, 935 leaned back and looked at her. She leaned in closer and wiped the syrup off his face.

"Why did you call it dessert if it's called Vanilla milkshake?" 935 asked.

Lily blinked at his question, "Um...."

Before she could answer 935 shot another question at her "What is dessert?"