
Lily fluttered her lashes as she looked at him, she opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out. 935 looked at her curiously as she tried to think up an answer.

After a while she came up with something simple "It's something sweet and yummy like a treat you enjoy after you finish a meal" Lily replied.

"Why?" 935 asked.

"Why what?" Lily inquired.

"Why do you need dessert after a meal?" he asked plainly, his second question took her completely off-guard as she thought she had cleared his confusion already.

"Ahh... why, you asked," Lily said as she looked around, "Well um... because it's a yummy way to end your meal, it's like a reward for emptying your plate, not just milkshakes, it can be cake, or cookies or ice cream or-" 

"You should be glad you get to eat" 935 said and looked away "Why do you need a reward for completing an average human behaviour?" 935 added.

Lily surprised by his words couldn't help but smile "Well aren't you a smart one" Lily commented as she stretched her hand to ruffle his hair a bit.

935 looked at her and frowned, but this only made her laugh and ruffle his hair more, "Hey stop it" he exclaimed.

"No I won't" Lily replied cheerfully as she teased him. 935's stare softened as he looked at her. She brought back her hand and smiled at him. 935 looked away trying to hide the slight smile that played around the corner of his lips.

"Hey" Lily called out and he looked at her "Try it," she said as she pushed the milkshake towards him. 935 held the cup and brought the straw to his lips. He smelled it a bit.

"Hey don't smell what you want to put in your mouth" He heard Lily warn but ignored her as he proceeded to take a sip of the beverage.

The moment the cold and velvety liquid touched his tongue, he was greeted with a burst of flavour as though a cloud of sweetness fell on his tongue. The cool creamy texture was so smooth it felt like a soft hug on his taste buds.

Subconsciously, 935 closed his eyes as he relished the vanilla flavour dancing around his tongue, bringing a perfect balance of sweetness and richness. It tasted like a dream in a glass.

Lily watched him as he relished the taste "Yummy isn't it?" her voice brought him out of his milkshake trans, he opened his eyes and looked at her, he nodded before he began to drink in large amounts.

Lily used the straw to stir her milkshake "Careful or you might get a brain freeze" she said and looked up, 935's eyes suddenly widened and he stopped taking the milkshake, he dropped the milkshake on the table and closed an eye.

Lily watched as he placed his right hand on his forehead while his left hand clenched and released at intervals, she waited for the effects to wear off before she said anything.

After a few seconds, the effects seemed to have worn off and 935 stared at the milkshake strangely, he had downed almost everything before his brain freeze.

He looked at Lily and before he could ask her any questions she asked hers "How did it feel?" 

"Uncomfortable," 935 replied "Like something was poking at my brain" he added.

"That's a brain freeze for ya" Lily replied.

"Brain freeze?" 935 asked as he looked at the milkshake.

"Mmm, to put it simply, the chill of the milkshake went straight to your head" Lily replied as she removed the straw from her milkshake and placed it on the table "But it's nothing, it happens to most of us, that doesn't mean you should stop taking your shake okay?" Lily added as she took a sip of her milkshake.

935 slowly held the milkshake and took the last sip of it slowly. Lily brought the cup down after downing the entire thing, she had a refreshing look on her face as she placed the cup on the table.

But that wasn't the only thing on her face, she noticed 935 smile as he stared at her "What a pretty smile" she commented, and the moment he said that his face returned to its former dim glory as the smile subsided.

935 looked away and said "You have white stuff on your face"

Lily pouted "You know, frowning makes you age faster," she said as she rubbed off the whipped cream from her face. She looked at him for a while and said "Hey Kai"

935 gave her a puzzling look as their gaze met. "Kai? Who's Kai?" 935 asked.

Lily nodded "You" she replied "It's not like you remember your name, and I can't keep calling you 'Hey' all the time so Kai is fine" Lily added.

935 kept quiet for some time as he pondered on the name, Lily waited for his response patiently, the waitress came and told Lily the bill and she paid for it. 935 looked up at her and nodded.

Lily tilted her head to the side "Is that a yes Kai?" she asked and he nodded.

"Anything is better than 935," he thought to himself.

Lily stood up, walked over to him and said "Ready to go, Kai?"

"Where to?" he asked.

Lily lifted him up from the chair, carrying him in her arms "Shopping, you need shoes and clothes. We can't have you running around in hospital clothes, barefoot like a mad person" she answered as she walked out of the diner.

She sat him in the car, this time she didn't put on his seat belt, she entered the driver's seat before starting the car and driving off.

Lily, then took 935 to a small boutique and bought him some nice clothes. 935 looked around the shop, fascinated at the things he saw. After they had bought a few clothes and shoes Lily drove back to the hospital.

Lily had dressed him up in nice warm clothes. Pete heard a knock on his door before the door opened and Lily walked in with 935.