Go Away

Under the half-opened eyes of the half-moon, the remnant of a ship burnt atop the carefree sea, the ship's once sleek hull and its curvy sails no more while the ship responsible for this destruction was no longer in sight having long departed.

All that was left of the ship at the moment was several parts of it strewn all around, some most parts burning and then at some point sinking while other parts were left untouched by the flames and went about proudly floating.

It was beside one of such pieces that two heads surface out of the sea, the faces belonging to a dark-haired boy looking at the various parts of the destroyed ship in disbelief while the woman who surfaced beside him began swimming towards a bare wooden part lying not too far off.

"Get out of the sea" Cletina barked as she swam.

Regaining himself, Kruxe listened to Cletina and began swimming after her, but then she barked at him again.

"Don't follow me, find a different one."

Kruxe was taken aback by her words, his confused mind not understanding why she wanted them apart, but then reluctantly he began swimming once more for another floating surface which wasn't too far off from hers.

A sense of relief filled Kruxe as he reached the platform and with a groan, he pulled himself onto the very wide floating piece of wood, sprawling himself on it as he breathed heavily.

As Kruxe sought a bit of rest for his tired body which had been in the sea for some time, his mind began falling back to the tragic incident that had just happened not too long ago.

Kruxe was just about to be swallowed by the jaws of sorrow when a sound of breathing overpowered his own and filled his ears.

Hearing this sound, Kruxe was shocked as the only person that should be anywhere around him was Cletina, and there was no way her super strong body could be so weak to let out such uncontrolled breaths like his.

Gritting his teeth, Kruxe slowly pushed himself to his feet not wanting to capsize the platform he was on, and then began searching for the source of the heavy breathing, but as he began he almost immediately found the source.

With them out of the sea and now lying on different platforms which were illuminated by the burning wreckage around them, Kruxe could now clearly see Cletina, and the sight of her made him grimace.

Lying there on a somewhat circular piece of wood, Cletina lay with her right hand close to her chest and her knees raised with her feet on the wood.

The woman would have been in a fully guarded position were it not for her left hand which was sprawled to the side and currently getting soaked up in the unending blood that leaked from her side.

As Kruxe noticed Cletina's state, so did she notice his stare, a frown climbing her face.

"Don't just stand there, move farther away" Cletina who had once been breathing heavily barked.

Without a word, Kruxe gritted his teeth and jumped back into the sea, his legs kicking as he swam as fast as he could.

Seeing Kruxe go into the water, Cletina let out a sigh of relief, but a few seconds after she relaxed, beginning to think of her death, she was alerted by movement coming from one of the burning wreckage not too far from her.

Cletina pushed herself up to a sitting position, ready to face any enemy, but then she heard familiar cries of pain coming from the wreckage and then seconds later a long burning piece of wood began moving towards her.

Cletina blinked her eyes twice and after that confirmed that she was truly seeing Kruxe in the water swimming toward her with a single hand while his other hand held onto a long and thin piece of burning wood.

With a tightening expression, Cletina watched Kruxe swim towards her, reach the platform she was on, and then eventually climb onto it and then carefully crawl towards her.

Just as Kruxe came close, Cletina's left hand which had been lifeless a second ago, shot up in the air and slapped the burning wood in his hand, and then without delay it grabbed his arm which had been holding the flame and then pulled him close to her and then with seemingly practiced movement her right hand moved at slapped him.

"When did you become so dumb and irrational, don't you understand the danger you're in?" Cletina barked staring at his dazed face.

Kruxe was silent not knowing how to reply, but Cletina didn't need a reply, as she took action.

She easily swung Kruxe's body toward her right hand which caught him on the back, lifted him up, and then threw him away.

Worry filled Cletina's eyes as she watched Kruxe soar, but then she shook it away when she remembered his recent actions.

Believing herself to have talked some sense into Kruxe and thrown him to safety, Cletina's tense muscles began relaxing as he waited for death from either her injuries or most likely the sea.

Seconds and then minutes went by, Cletina's breathing once again going out of control, her eyes getting moist, but just as she was getting comfortable and letting herself slip away, she caught a bright movement from the side of her eyes.

Usually, Cletina would have gotten all vigilant, but she was at death's door at the moment and had already sent Kruxe away, so she lazily turned her head towards the moving light while still lying down.

This time it took Cletina 4 blinks of her eyes before she confirmed that she wasn't hallucinating and she pushed herself up in shock, panic, and anger on her face as she looked at Kruxe's figure once again come out of the water and climbed on to the platform she was on.