
"Go back you idiot, don't come here" Cletina spoke as she watched Kruxe first place the new burning piece of wood he had miraculously transported on the platform and then with a cry pull himself onto the platform.

Cletina's body trembled as Kruxe begin crawling closer to her, as he came closer, Cletina's mind first descended into chaos as she wondered what to tell him.

Almost as soon as Kruxe finally got close to Cletina, an idea of what to tell him to convince his stubborn mind popped into Cletina's mind, but before she could speak, she saw Kruxe's left palm go into the air and then slowly approach her face.

With curiosity, Cletina wondered what Kruxe wanted to do with this palm, and it was only until a few seconds later after the palm hit her cheek that she realized Kruxe had actually slapped her.

"How dare you tell me to abandon you," Kruxe said slowly with a stammer.

Hearing his words, Cletina observed him and noticed his wet body shivering, and though cold might have had a hand in this, from how vigorously his right hand which held the burning stick shook, she knew it was fatigue.

All the swimming he had been doing especially having to swim back after she threw him away was finally taking its toll on him.

"Turn around," Kruxe said, this time his voice firm and tight.

Cletina looked up at Kruxe wanting to talk to him, but then she saw the tears coming out of his eyes.

"Too many people have died here Kruxe, and I in particular, have been heavily bleeding, a beast will soon come for me," Cletina said.

Kruxe understood her worries, he knew she was right as the blood of a seeker would be a very attractive bait to any shark or sea beast swimming around, but he didn't change his stance.

"Turn around."

"Seeing him still not bulging, Cletina's face tightened and she spoke once more with irritation,

"Even if you seal my wound, I would still die, I've other deep injuries and I've been poisoned."

"Cletina turned around, unless you kill me, no matter what you do I'll keep coming back here" Kruxe roared.

Fear for Kruse's life filled Cletina, but realizing that listening to him was the best thing she could do to keep him safe at the moment, she flipped herself around, lying on her chest and exposing her back to Kruxe.

With an internal sigh of relief, Kruxe moved close to Cletina and stared at her back where half of her armorer had been broken off, and in this unprotected section was a long gash.

Though he hadn't seen the attack hit, Kruxe was sure she had gotten it from when they were jumping off the ship, from the man who had swung the sickle.

Not wasting any more time, Kruxe trembling hand brought down the flaming stick and went to cauterize Cletina's wound.


Throughout the process, Cletina had only let out a groan, and now that Kruxe was finished, he pulled Cletina's unconscious body with his into the sea, supporting her as he kicked his feet, wanting to move to a safer and blood-free platform.

His teeth chattering as the cold intensifies and even began numbing the pain in his body, Kruxe swam forward, but the snail's pace at which he swam devastated him.

Kruxe's objective was to swim with Cletina to safety, but now it seemed he had overestimated himself as he found his muscles begin to fail as they occasionally stalled in their movements.

Panic set in as Kruxe imagine it was just a matter of few seconds before they stopped listening to his commands and then both he and Cletina sank, but then Cletina's body suddenly came alive as she held him and kicked her feet.

In a blur, Kruxe soon found his weary body speeding across the ocean, and soon he was lying on the platform he had been heading to.

As he lay there, Kruxe looked up to the sky and found the sky to be moving, and this continued for a few seconds before he got himself and realized that the sky couldn't move.

Kruxe began turning his left and right, and with a cry that signified how much his next action hurt, he unsteadily pushed himself to a sitting position.

No sitting up, Kruxe's dazed eyes glazed around and soon he understood what was happening.

Cletina was in the water holding on to the edge of the platform and swinging her kegs, her actions pushing the platform farther and farther away from the burning wreckage in the distance.

Like this Kryxe silently watched Cetina blinking his eyes several times to keep himself awake.


''thud'' the sound of someone landing on the platform reached Kruxe's ears and woke him from his half-sleep state.

"Cletina" Kruxe muttered as he stared at the woman who was on her knees, water dripping down her body as she breathed heavily.

Kruxe wanted to move toward her but couldn't, as his body was numb to his commands, and with each breath he released, a thick mist left his mouth.

"Aren't you supposed to be dying," Kruxe quietly asked in relation to her sudden energetic actions.

"I still am but your stubbornness has forced me to abandon my thought of a comfy death and force out more of my genkai"

"Luckily you saved me else the incoming cold would have killed you before the sun comes out," Cletin said and then to Kruxe's confusion began taking off her armor.

Cletina stripped herself of her upper clothing and then crawled beside Krauxe.

"What" was all Kruxe was able to croak out of his dry and cold throat.

Cetina gave no response to Kruxe's question as she instead brought his body to lie down, and then before Kruxe could understand what was happening, he felt two things poke his back and then his body be embraced in warmth.

It didn't take Kruxe long to realize that Cletina was hugging him from the back with the intention to keep him warm.

"I'll keep you warm for the night, by the time you wake up when the sun is up, I'll be dead so listen to me."