
Unlike most places on the ship that smelt like wood and in some places stale air, the captain's cabin had a fresh and steady supply of air going, and best of all was how well lighted it was compared to other places in the ship.

Kruxe wasn't sure if they were being used, but the presence of scrolls, a map on the wall and a table that had paper and ink, presented the captain as a capable man and leader.

Looking at the chair that stood opposite of the table in the room, Kruxe wanted to take a seat, but unfortunately, he hadn't been invited to, and worst of all the captain had moved to the end of the room, and while standing had begun talking to him.

Initially, Kruxe had thought that Rollin would question him on his activities aboard the frigate and even go to seek information on his most recent trip there, but instead, the man had thrown all of that aside and made the atmosphere heavy with his question.