Beyond Waters

Sure, Kruxe had dismissed the question of whether he was being a bit too paranoid by hiding his various findings, just as he was about to spill the beans that he had found Malleo, Kruxe changed his mind and decided to taste the waters.

"Though he's been rather chill about my use of darkness energy, not even asking why it is possible for me to use what he believes is genkai, I still have to be alert and watch out for myself.

This could be him actually playing the patient game so that I get too comfortable and reveal all I know, after all, I should have been profiled as a rather inexperienced rebellious child, one with very mysterious abilities."

For these reasons, Kruxe had decided to instead take advantage of the captain trying to keep him on his side and put the captain in a position where he could instead show his trust in Kruxe or dismiss him.