
"Don't be foolish Robio, what happedn to the calm colected man I knew" Sierra said but raher than try to avoid Robio, she instead clamly waljed towards him, lossenign the red ribbon she had tied around her wiats and when Robio got within dostcne she flicke it at him.

Though Robio wanted to charge up straight and beat Sierra just as he had Talia, the man knew better than to treat an F rank and an E rank seeker the same way.

Wathcign the riibion Sierra flicked at him Robio sensed the ganki put in it and with casution he jumoed out of it's it way, taking a roll and then charging Sierra ince more.

"Bamb": the sound of the ribbogncollidign with nothing but air rang out, telling everyone of it's deadliness.