Tag Him

"How are you alive," Sierr asked staring at the side profile of the boy whom she had turned inot her sex pet some days ago.

"Now isn't the time fir such questions." The boy answered his gaze fouces on the place where he had just thrown his really huge opponent.

The boys confident look and form stance had Sierra feeelign like she was in some fairy tale stort, remembering how the boy had jusmoed out of nowjere and then saved her had a bit iog butterflies flying in tummy, but the she moved to acces the boy's sttength and the next secod she was shaking her head as her thoights were broght back to reality.

"Kruxe you have to leave here immediately, this is ntot a fight you can join in, you'll die" Sierra said, but Kruxe whose eyes were narrowed on his enemies lat location stayed still deigning it unnecessary to give Sierra an answer.

"There are movements, be sharp" Kruxe said, but rather then sharpen Sierra, Krux;e words made the women, unsure and fidgety.