First Battles of Ascension 2/2

Once Romonus cleared out 50 miles into the Territory of Hades, he turned to the troops and gave his battle plans. Azi Dahaka lowered one of his wings for him to walk up to his back. Romonus walked up the wing until he was behind Azi's three heads. 

Kharn, Grimaldus ran after him while Mephiston, his Griffin stayed with Natsume and Walburga. Once on the back of his Evil Dragon, he began to think of war plans with his forces. His thoughts cycled hundreds of times as he made a plan to give his troops the fun they wanted. 

He could finish this in moments, but he did promise his troops the War they craved. With a smile, he decided to do just that. He had 750,000 Devils in just the forces of House Bael and those kinds of numbers were a massive force. First things first, Romonus expanded his senses to the absolute peak to be in control of each of his Legions. 

He connected his mind to the 75 Legion Commanders which was more than a little disorienting, but he could split his focus several times that time. 

'This is Demon King Romonus, I will be leading with your minds and eyes.' 

Not one of these 75 dared to disobey and they opened their minds to their future God. With that, he gained 75 more pairs of eyes and he could see how each of his Legions was doing. 

"I will lead my Legions directly into the heart of Hades' Domain. I could finish this instantly, but these Devils of War need to taste blood once more. As I allow them to move, Avivoton, Caoimhe, take your forces and flank from the right.

Avivoton nodded as a pair of burning black wings emerged from his back. He blasted into the sky and he gave that directive to his forces. 


His forces didn't need to be told twice because they had followed him to war for over 2,000 years. Caoimhe followed her husband into the sky now causing the sky to be filled with 150,000 Devils. House Berith was famous for its sky battles that bloated out the sky with fields of black fire. 

Once they were in the sky and moving around to move as a separate force from the right. Romonus turned to Arawan. 

"How do your troops function? House Bael fights battles from the front either on land or sky." 

Arawan turned to the 60 Legions from the three clans of his followers. 

"Since my Dullahan clans are Warriors Clans, they prefer to fight from the front. Flying warfare is common, so I will lead my forces that fight on the ground while my trusted Apostles lead from the sky. I assume we flank from the left." 

Romonus nodded as he hefted Ruin Maker off his shoulder and held the True Longinus in a tight grip. He could feel it, the Will of God inside the spear was stronger than ever. However, the formerly pure and divine essence was beyond corrupted. 

However, in the center of that corrupted shard of God's being, a small ember of all that was pure stubbornly held on. It seemed as if it would die at any moment, but it kept fighting.

'Struggle all you want, you are just kindling for me.' 

He raised the spear to the sky and using his near-endless stores of Demonic Mana he enhanced his troops with his energy. This caused each Devil in his army to begin to glow with an ominous purple. Before he left he turned to Natsume and Walburga. 

"Get on Mephiston and follow next to me. With hope, we can get this done quickly and join Sirzechs and his forces because Heaven is not going to take this lightly."

Both girls mounted the giant Demonic Griffin and with a mental order, Romonus ordered Azi Dahaka to rise to the sky. The instant his mount was in the sky, Romonus's 750,000 troops followed him into the air. 

'Ready Archaon?'

'Yes, my Armored.' 

Once their senses and abilities melded together, Romonus' mind became razor-sharp. No doubt even existed in his mind as his enhanced troops followed him deeper. These Devils had served each Lord Bael in their wars and they would continue to do so now during the reign of Romonus. 

As Azi Dahaka flew forward he took a deep breath as he charged up a flame breath. Romonus surged his energy into the Evil Dragon causing Azi's chest to glow with the force of a dark sun.


Deep in the heart of Hades' Domain, the god of the Underworld sat on a throne of black steel. Around him, his strongest Grim Reapers stood as he observed the forces invading his Domain. 

He was so enraged that his features appeared to be in a scowl. It was odd because his face lacked flesh to give those expressions.

"Pluto, kill that Devil brat now." 

Pluto, one of the strongest Grim Reapers in existence tapped his finger on his Death Scythe. His black robe was decorated with ornaments along with an ominous Clown Mask covering his face. 

He almost looked like a Death Jester as he looked at Romonus. At this point, Hades' forces were not what they once were. There were three facitions with two of them being against him. Orcus and Thanatos refused to follow him and scores of Reapers followed them meaning that few at the moment were loyal to Hades. 

Just as Pluto was going to answer, Azi Dahaka unleashed his breath attack. Drawing on his skill as a Cursed Mage, Magic Circle Focusers appeared in front of his three mouths. When his flames crossed those, they doubled in size as they blasted into the distance striking Hades' Palace instantly through portals. 

When it did strike, an explosion of Azi Dahaka's poisonous dark flames enhanced by Romonus erupted with the force to destroy all of Japan and more. Hades reacted by enhancing the defensive formations around his castle, but even that only weakened the blast slightly. 

The tempered Divine Steel that made his castle gave way and the upper half of his manor was gone. Hades still sitting on his throne raised his head to look at the open sky as the top of his manor was just gone. 

Pluto blinked a few times before he backed away in absolute terror. He no longer had the guts to posture that he was strong. Not with this kind of power. 


He slammed his Death Scythe on the ground and teleported away to safety. Hades, turned his head when he was gone in a rage. 


Pluto was one of his strongest Grim Reapers and his running away at a time like this enraged him. He couldn't even go after him because Romonus was not going to let him escape. 

He turned to the other Reapers in the room who from the look of things were on the verge of fleeing as well. Hades shut that down with a command. 

"Anyone else who dares to escape is going to wish they were dead."

He drew on the power of the Underworld and his Domain to summon all of the dead that had been sent to him. Since humans have existed and the Greek Pantheon came to be, the dead came to him for their rest. At least those who worshiped him, but if their one thing, the living never stopped dying. 

At this time, he unleashed the floodgates of all those who had died, well into the billions. Romonus who was flying on Azi squinted his eyes as he looked forward at the undead that began to materialize from the ground.

They covered the ground in a field of billions of corpses. With his senses, he could see several of those corpses still wore their uniforms. From the corroded armor of old to the uniforms used by soldiers in the modern day, it was a mass of the dead. 

Azi Dahaka kept flying, but he had a smile on his three heads. 

"Now isn't this a party." 

Romonus nodded as this was a good chance. He could collect these billions of souls as fuel for his Ascension. Hades just kept giving him gifts. Flying behind him, his forces were vastly outnumbered, but what the dead had in quality, they made up with numbers. 

He roared an order. 


Each of the Legions was divided into 10 Battalions of 1,000 and most of these Devils were created by Lucifer himself. They were made for one single purpose, to fight for Lord Bael which had been Zekram when he had been made. 

Now, they were serving him and they knew what to do. As one, 750,000 Devils at once pooled their energies together with the practice that came with ten millennia of war. They combined Fire, Darkness, Lightning, Wind, and a lesser version of the Power of Destruction. 

75 of these orbs of elemental devastation formed in the sky which glowed with a crimson dark glow. When they launched them forward, Romonus enhanced these orbs with his own Power of Destruction tripling their size making them look more like small stars of destruction. 

One after the other these stars struck the hoard of the undead each exploding with the force to obliterate cities. Each consecutive blast spread came one after the other obliterating the bodies of the undead. 

Meanwhile, Romonus raised his hand and began to gather the souls of the dead. Hundreds of millions of souls surged toward his open palm where he fused them. A small orb of souls began to form which would be another ingredient in his ascension. 

'Not enough.' 

Azi Dahaka grinned to himself as this was a good chance to cut loose. He drew power on the Divinity that Valerie awakened in him and his expertise of Cursed Magics. The energy his former master Ahara Manyu used in his creation. 

Above his head, over 10,000 Forbidden Magic Circles appeared. Each of these spells was devastating, but this was the final technique he used when he had been killed. Now, he could use this attack, without consequence. 

"I love this Spell, I will show you why they call me the dragon of Demonic Origins." 

Azi Dahaka formed a hand sign with his hands as each of his Ten Thousand circles fused into an ominous spell in Ten Thousand circles. Romonus could feel Azi Dahaka's Life Force, soul essence and draconic mana drain out of him, but it began to recover instantly. 

Valerie's Modifications would not fail him now and Azi used this to his advantage. Romonus smiled as he allowed his own Life Force to add to the spell. Hades floated out of his castle as he looked across his realm at the spell being formed. 

'Who do they think I am?' 

He was Hades, the god of the Underworld. One of the strongest beings this world over. He raised his staff in front of him as he feared nothing. He would stop this spell in its tracks showing this fools the power of the oldest son of Kronus. 

That Greek arrogance would be his downfall as Azi Dahaka opened his eyes and cast his spell. 

"Embodiment Of Ten Thousand Evils." 

As soon as he finished the words, the spell came to life. Hades, who had been casting spell after spell in the air to counter froze as what seemed to be a Nova of Ominous Power flashed through his realm toward him. 

It was instantaneous and in a sinister flash, a massive chunk of his realm was just gone. The flash lasted only an instant, and it stopped directly in front of his manor because of the hundreds of defensive spells he had created. 

If he had lungs, he would be panting for breath as it took a great deal of power to stop that blast. He didn't even consider that Azi Dahaka stopped his spell short to not destroy the mansion. There was loot inside and they didn't want to lose that. 

Now, the only thing he felt was fear because he could not even escape. Romonus raised his hand and drew the billions of souls that had just been freed into the ominous black gem of souls in his right hand. 

'Absolute power is a bitch at times like this. No fun in anything.' 

Natsume still flying on Mephiston turned to him to look at him. 

"Why did you bring us all? You two could have done this yourselves." 

Romonus sat down with Kharn and Grimaldus looking at him. 

"I expected a bigger challenge." 

Walburga shook her head. 

"How did you forget your power? You said it yourself that only Shiva, Brahma, Vishnu, and the Dragon Gods could face you. How could Hades do anything against the two of you?" 

Romonus groaned in annoyance as his soldiers had wanted a proper battle. He and Azi had finished it before they got to have fun. Even Avivoton and his wife who were about to flank both looked annoyed as they had gotten themselves worked up for this. 

As for Arawan, he just smiled to himself as he didn't have to do anything. 

"I overestimate all my foes and underestimate myself. Regardless, we might as well hurry up and join Sirzechs." 

Now in a much more annoyed mood, he started to walk down Azi Dahaka's center head until he was standing on the tip of his nose. 

"Now I am mad." 

He bent his knees and he lept the vast distance toward Hades in the worst mood he had been in a while.