Hades Shameful End and Lilith's Corpse.

Hades who had watched what Azi Dahaka just did to his entire army was left paralyzed. He wanted nothing more to get away from this place even if he had to leave his pride behind. 

However, when Romonus lept off Azi Dahaka, the cause of his defeat and launched himself at Hades he knew he had to defend himself. He gripped his staff again, but just as he was about to fight back he placed a hand over his chest where a heart would be. 


He was in agony which caused him to move his head instinctively to Arawan. The Death God was beginning to steal Hades' claim over his territory which would normally be foolish. Hades was one of one of the Ten Strongest Beings, while Arawan was a less-known Death God. 

However, at this point, with his army destroyed and Romonus charging at him it was the best time. 

"You f-" 

He didn't get to finish his words as Romonus kicked him full force in the face with a leg covered in Touki. His Demonic Life Force surged into Hades with such force that Hades' skull shattered into multiple pieces, but even with that Hades was still alive. 

The Greek god's back smashed into what remained of his castle in torment. He was almost blind, with his entire face shattered. Pieces of bone fell from his face as he forced himself to look up as Romonus walked toward Hades with his spear and sword gripped in his hands. 

"One blow? Honestly, so damn weak. I could have done this myself years ago, why did I consider you a threat." 

'My Armored, you should have more pride in yourself. Who can hope to match you as you are now?' 

Romonus sighed as he walked toward Hades who began to try to heal his face, however, his divine essence was damaged. Romonus' use of his Demonic Life Force had effectively damaged Hades' soul. 

"You damn bat, you will-" 

Rather than listen to what Hades had to say, Romonus stabbed the god in the chest with his spear. When the spear pierced his chest, Hades looked down at the tainted Spear. 

"This is not funny." 

With his last words said, Hades' body went slack. The powerful god of the Underworld died in a few blows. With Hades dead, and his Domain free, Arawan would be able to take it for himself in due time. 


By using Enuncia, he sealed all of Hades' essence into his corpse to not let its power drain away. With a defeated look on his face, Romonus sent the corpse into his spatial ring.

"How disappointing, there is no challenge and there will be even less once I become a Demon God. Too bad I need it to defeat Trihexa and the Evie Atolde."

Telling himself that, Romonus turned around as Azi Dahaka and Mephiston landed behind. Kharn lept off the Evil Dragon and landed on his shoulder. The badger nudged his face with his head feeling he was down. 

"Thanks for checking in on me." 

Natsume shook her head as she looked at Romonus. Seeing his defeated look, she was almost offended.

"Are you seriously disappointed that you are so strong?" 

Romonus smirked as Grimaldus jumped into his arms. 

"No, I am disappointed that everyone around me is so damn weak."

Walburga snorted in amusement as she jumped off Mephiston the giant Griffin. 

"Now isn't that just the most prideful thing I ever heard? Though, it is kinda hot that you are so strong that even Hades was done in two kicks." 

Instantly her purple cat ears and tails began to twitch as she looked up at him. Romonus smirked as if there was a reason he didn't kill her. Crazy women were the best in bed, he learned that in his past life. 

"Come on, we got to check up on my brother who should be in the thick of it right about now." 

Natsume nodded. 

"Right, let's go before they get overwhelmed." 

Hearing that just made Romonus scoff. 

"You think my brother needs our help? Just him alone is powerful especially when he unseals his true form. He also has his entire peerage, Grayfia included, Arjac, Ancestor Chen, Baraqiel, Armaros, Penemune, and several legions between them. 

They are going to be fine, as for me, I am here for my prize."

Romonus closed his eyes as he used his released his senses to the limit through the entire realm of Hades. In particular, he was looking for the hidden Location of Rizivem's lab which he managed to find instantly. 

"There it is." 

Azi Dahaka raised his three heads as he sniffed the air. 


With Kharn still on his shoulder and Grimaldus in his arms, he teleported them all instantly to the lab. Hades had allowed Rizivem to hide his lab in his realm in exchange for access to his research. Of course, that was no longer possible because right about now, Rizivem was getting his teeth kicked in by Viviana, Azazel, Akeno, Itsuki, and Silvana." 

Azi Dahaka shrunk himself down before he flew over and landed on Romonus' other shoulder. Kharn glared at him again, but the Evil Dragon chose to ignore the insane badger as it was better for his mental health. 

As for Walburga and Natsume, they followed behind Romonus as he swung Ruin Maker down slicing the hidden dimension of the lab open. When he did so, he revealed the entrance to the hidden laboratory. 

Romonus smiled to himself as he kicked open the front door destroying the many enchantments that kept it sealed. 

"Door is open." 

Natsume shook her head as she and Walburga followed Romonus inside. Mephiston shrunk himself a little to fit through the large doors following his master inside. When they entered the doors, they saw a giant hallway that was placed inside through space expansion spells. 

Romonus stopped walking when something began to rush toward them. They appeared to be Devils, but on their heads, they had what seemed to be torture helmets. 

'Seems Rizevim used the book of Lucifer to make some toys. Odd.' 

Natsume seemed disgusted by what she was looking at. 


The Evil Fiend flew off her shoulder and produced in a blast of wind he used his wings to cleave the Devils in half. He spun around in a barrel roll to clean himself of blood so when he landed on Natsume he didn't get her dirty. 

Romonus glanced at Natsume with a smile. 

"Good job." 

"Thank you, but what were those?" 

As he put Grimaldus down, he explained. 

"Mass Mass-produced devils made from the body of Lilith through the Book of Lucifer. That is how the entire Devil race came to exist. It is why Lilith is effectively dead. To make all of the Devil Clans, their Legions, Lucifer used Lilith's body to make them."

Walburga hummed. 


Romonus nodded as they continued down the lab. Romonus expected to find a massive amount of things, but other than the initial wave of Mass Produced Devils, they didn't find a single thing. 

The lab was truly small once they made it past the hallway and found the way down, there was only a small lab with a few things in it. Azi scratched one of his heads as it was confusing. 

"That is it?"

He flew off Romonus' shoulder before landing in front of what was effectively a medical table. Strapped in the middle was a woman, with white hair, large breasts, and milky white skin. 

Natsume looked over to Romonus wondering about something. 

"Do you still intend to use her as a sacrificial offering after seeing her like that?" 

Romonus glanced over at her. 

"Of course, just because she is a woman doesn't mean I will give her special treatment. Besides, she is effectively brain and soul dead."

He walked over to the corpse as he leaned over it. He placed his hand on her face as he tried to find any trace of life. She was still 'alive', but what was left of her soul was so small that it was bare and could be called a soul. 

In theory, he could heal her since he was a powerful Demon, but he already had plans for her. He grabbed her dainty hand before bringing it up to his mouth. He bit down on her wrist as he tasted her blood. When he pulled his mouth back he licked his lips as he analyzed her blood. 

"Interesting, she isn't a Devil, she is closer to being a Demon than any Devil. Then again, Lucifer was a Fallen Angel in a sense, it only makes sense that as the progenitor of Devils, Lilith would be unique." 

Walburga walked over and did something funny. She pulled down the white panties of Lilith before looking at her cunt. 

"You think she is still working down there?"

Romonus glanced at Walburga a little weirded out. 

"Really? You messing around with the corpse?" 

Walburga ignoring him began to mess around with Lilith's pussy. 

"A girl can be curious, why not keep her as a sex doll? Wouldn't it be a little hot to use the 'Mother of Devils' as a sex doll? You are into fucking your Mother so think of it like that?" 

Romonus shook his head as he healed the injury he caused to her wrist. Though he did look over Walburga's shoulder as she started to finger Lilith. He was partially disgusted and another part curious. 

"Is she getting wet?" 

Walburga nodded as she pulled her fingers out. 

"Yup, very. Come on, just pull your pants down and give it a go. I want to watch." 

Romonus shook his head and just as he grabbed Walburga by the waist. He lifted her and he shoved his tongue into her mouth. He wrapped his tongue around hers a few times before he pulled away. 

"No, you dirty pervert." 

Walburga sighed as he put her down. 

"Fine, would have been so hot to watch." 

'Got to remember she is insane.' 

He let her go as he stored Lilith's body in his Spatial Ring. When he turned around he saw that Natsume was looking at Walburga with a disgusted look. 

"You did all that in front of us? To the body?"

Walburga stuck her tongue out and shrugged. 

"Hey, no one got hurt and I was just curious. Now that I think about it, want a taste." 

She stuck her still-wet fingers at Romonus who shook his head. 


Walburga cleaned her fingers off with magic before Romonus began to search for two other things that Rizevim had in the Light Novel. Quickly finding what he wanted in a sealed container. 

The shriveled up Fruit of Life and Wisdom which Rizevim had used as part of the ritual to unseal Trihexa. Now, Romonus would use them for himself which he also stored away in his Spatial Ring. After that, he, Azi Dahaka, Kharn, Mephiston, and Grimaldus began to look for the one other artifact he wanted. 

Azi Dahaka found it hidden behind a wall before he brought it over to Romonus. 

"Here, the Book of Lucifer." 

When Romonus took the book, he opened it and began to read it. It was more of a journal detailing how Lucifer learned to use Lilith's body and soul to create Devils as part of his mad attempt at World Domination. 

Each time he made a Devil, a piece of Lilith's soul and Life Force was lost. She naturally could regenerate that because of her curse by God, but even with that, making millions of Devils drained her to a state of Living Death. 

He also read the different restrictions he placed on Devils. Natural births were hard because each time a baby was born, they were less affected by the restrictions. Even God cursed the Devil race which was why they had such terrible birth rates. 

"I should read this book in detail later on, seems interesting." 

He handed it to Walburga who also wanted to read it. As he explored the lab he felt Miria call him magically. He held his hand out as a projection of Miria's location was shown. In front of her was Katerea Leviathan, in a dark cube of ice. 

"We got her." 

As Romonus looked at the frozen screaming expression of Katerea he was quite surprised. 

"Well done, Serafall got her?" 

Miria nodded. 

"I beat her to near death then Serafall froze her to preserve her. She is right now slaughtering Katerea's forces." 

Romonus hummed. 

"I killed Hades and found Rizevim's lab. I am off to reinforce Sirzechs. Make sure to collect those corpses and the souls for me."

Miria grinned.

"Meet you there and I got it." 

Once the call ended, he was about to leave when he got three more calls. He projected the three calls showing Ajuka who had Shalba frozen with a time lock spell. 

"I got Shalba." 

He didn't even get a chance to respond before Falbium projected his location. Just like Ajuka, Falbium had a magically frozen Creusery Asmodeus. Next, Viviana called at that moment, but she didn't catch Rizevim alive. 

Viviana was currently holding Rizevim's head in her hand. 

"I got the fucker." 

Azazel and Akeno behind her were scrambling to make sure that his soul and blood did not go anywhere. Seeing all that made him smile. 

"Well done all of you, now we just need to reinforce S-" 

He was about to speak when Sirzechs called him. Now, a little worried he answered the call and saw his brother with a few wounds on his person, but Grayfia was tending to him. 

"We got your artifacts." 

Romonus didn't say anything for a few minutes. 


He got his answer when on the screen Shiva walked into view. The Destroyer had a cobra wrapped around his neck and looked to be around 15 with a third eye on his forehead. His hair was a dark blue, nearly black and he was wearing a school uniform. 

"I gave you a hand."

Sirzechs nodded. 

"He isn't lying, honestly we were winning easily when Shiva showed up. He stopped the fighting, looted the entirety of the Vatican, and handed it over to me." 

Sirzechs raised a Spatial Ring. Romonus glanced over at the Destroyer. 

"Thank you, Lord Shiva, I assume you helped me because you saw the future." 

"That I did, if your ascension does not succeed, we all die. If you succeed, then we have a chance so I am putting my money in the chance for us to live. I also decided to save Heaven for you since if your brother destroyed all of the forces of Heaven, you wouldn't have those to rule later on." 

With a curt bow, Shiva teleported away in a burst of Divinity. When he saw that, Romonus in a small part of his heart regretted calling in all his favors. Where was the fun? Where was the sense of war that he craved? 

He barely did anything, but then again, he did train his harem and his apprentices to be as strong as possible. What did he expect when he was such a good trainer? 

"Boss, you really shouldn't have." 

Of course, if given the chance to reject the Sparda Bloodline, he would never do it. This power was necessary, but it did rob his fun. He was thankful nonetheless. 


(It seemed like such a good idea, but damn you Sparda for being such a Beast. Oh well, it will do him good in the long run. God of War, or Asura's Wrath would be a good verse to go to.)