chapter 8

On the rooftop, sunlight cast shifting shadows on the battle-worn stones, while the Third Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen, stood at its heart, his cloak billowing in the breeze. His eyes held a conflicted gaze as he watched Sasuke and Orochimaru standing together.

Orochimaru had summoned the First and Second Hokages, resurrected through the Reanimation Jutsu. Unexpectedly, Tobirama, the Second Hokage, lunged at Sasuke with a kunai, aiming for his heart. Sasuke gasped as the cold metal pierced his chest, meeting Tobirama's merciless gaze. At that moment, it felt like the end.

But then, another voice pierced the darkness—a voice filled with familiarity and concern. "Sasuke! Sasuke! Wake up!" It was Sakura, shaking him awake. As Sasuke's eyes fluttered open, he realized it had all been a dream. He remained in the tower, awaiting the final round of the Chunin Exam. Perhaps it wasn't just a dream; even the frogs in this world seemed to predict the future. Sasuke's Mangekyo Sharingan possessed connections to reality and time itself.

"Let's go, Sasuke," Sakura urged, pulling him to his feet. "We need to move to the next room. They're about to announce the matches." Sasuke nodded, still shaken, and followed her.

In the next room, the genin and proctors gathered as, the examiner, prepared to announce the matches. Holding a scroll with the participants' names, he spoke, his voice cutting through the tension, "Before I announce the matches, I want to ask one last time: Is there anyone who wishes to withdraw from this exam? If so, raise your hand now. This is your final chance."

As the examiner scanned the room, a lone figure rose—a boy with white hair and glasses. Sasuke recognized him instantly: Kabuto Yakushi. Genma acknowledged him, "Very well, Kabuto Yakushi. You are officially out of the exam. You may leave now."

Kabuto nodded silently and left, leaving behind an air of mystery. Genma then proceeded to unveil the next phase of the Chunin Exam.

"The final round," the examiner explained, "is a one-on-one tournament among the remaining genin. The matches will be determined by a random draw. The victor of each match will advance to the next round."

Unrolling the scroll, Genma read aloud, "The first match is… Sasuke Uchiha vs. Yorio Akado!" Yoroi, one of Orochimaru's spies, confidently stepped forward.

The center of the room transformed into an arena, surrounded by spectators. Yoroi strutted to his position, a smirk playing on his lips as he taunted Sasuke, "I'll make it quick and painless for you. You won't even have a chance to use your precious Sharingan."

Sasuke met his gaze, "I hope you maintain that arrogance after I'm through with you."

The tension mounted as they awaited the signal. Genma's hand rose, and he declared, "Are you both ready?" The match began.

In a blur of movement, Yoroi charged at Sasuke and extended his hand, attempting to drain Sasuke's chakra. However, before he could react, Yoroi crumpled to the ground, unconscious.

The screen flashed: "Winner: Sasuke Uchiha." The crowd stood stunned, witnessing a battle that had ended in mere seconds.