chapter 33 Gemma’s Path to Strength start form kiss

"I don't want you to be a useless girlfriend," Sasuke said. "It would be better if you were able to defend yourself."

Gemma's smile wavered. "Hey, this isn't the way you should reply," she retorted, her voice tinged with a note of disappointment. "Don't forget, I agreed to be with you because of your strength. But if I have to protect myself all the time, I might as well have chosen someone else."

The bluntness of her words struck a chord. Sasuke couldn't bear the thought of losing her so soon. He scrambled to salvage the situation. "Of course, I'll protect you when you need it," he reassured her. "But wouldn't it be better if you could also become stronger? While learning some powerful magic, you could also learn other techniques. Improve your offensive and life-saving abilities."

Gemma tilted her head, her earlier disappointment morphing into curiosity. "Is your technique similar to that clone of yours, the one who asked me into this room?" she asked, recalling the strange encounter.

"Yeah, kind of," Sasuke admitted. "I can start by teaching you three basic techniques: shadow clone substitution, transformation... a bit like the one I was using before."

Gemma furrowed her brow. "What type of magic is this? I've never heard of these techniques. Are they similar to the transformation you just used?" Recognizing the need to change his approach, Sasuke chose to be somewhat honest. "Actually, this isn't magic at all. What I'm about to teach you is a new system, crafted specifically for combat, assassination, and even thievery."

Gemma's eyes widened in surprise. "Not magic? Then anyone can use this, like Muggles?"

"For Muggles, theorizing can be a challenge. It might be possible, but I have no interest in teaching them," Sasuke revealed. "Currently, I am the only one capable of utilizing Chakra and Ninjutsu. Kin also possesses ninjutsu abilities; however, she does not have the capacity to impart chakra to others."

"Chakra?" Gemma repeated, unfamiliar with the term.

She wanted to agree to learn, remembering that she still had much to learn about magic. "Would this take a lot of time?" She still had a significant amount of studying left to do.

Feeling her hesitation, Sasuke reassured her, "You don't have to worry about your studies; just like I learned my transformation spell, I believe I can get you some methods to get started quickly."

"OH, you mean like proposing to five boys or something like that?"

"NO, if you have read something similar to a dual cultivation novel, I am doing something similar to this so you don't have to worry about not having time for your studies."

"Dual cultivation is similar to your Ninja technique?"

"No, let me try to phrase this," Sasuke said as he leaned in close to her face and began to explain.

Gemma listened intently, and gradually, her face began to blush as the explanation was about to end. Sasuke reached out, cupping Gemma's cheek, their lips drawing ever nearer. Their lips finally met in a soft, lingering kiss. As they savored the sweetness, he pulled away, leaving her in surprise and confusion.

Closing his eyes, Sasuke called out to the system inside his mind, remembering the ways to train her. He asked the system to give her chakra and help him train her.

["She already had chakra after she agreed to be your girlfriend. I have already improved her body to have chakras and magic for training. You should do it yourself; this will improve your relationship," the system responded.]

"At this age, if I started her training, it would take at least 10 years," Sasuke thought.

["As a benefit of the system, you or your girlfriends will be able to learn any magic, Ninjutsu, or any other non-bloodline skills 10 times faster," the system informed him.]

Hearing this, Sasuke started to remember that his speed of learning magic was very quick, but not wanting to bother to teach the basics, he asked, "Is there a facility to teach her the basics in the training room?"

[ "Yes, but I advise you to only learn the basics inside the training room, and you should teach her yourself," the system suggested. ]

"Then can you tell me what basics she would be able to learn?"

[ "Basics of chakra, throwing skills, and making hand seals," the system replied.]

Turning his gaze to Gemma, Sasuke asked, "Are you ready to skip some of your classes?"

Recovering from her embarrassment, she turned to Sasuke. " What do you want to do?"

"I am going to send you into a training room where you will be able to learn some basics. After that, I can start your training from tomorrow."

"Wouldn't this waste a lot of my time?"

"No, just because you're my girlfriend, you may not know, but the speed of your learning is 10 times faster. In the future, you could learn lots of magic and Ninjutsu, spending only 10% of your time," Sasuke explained.

Gemma had already seen Sasuke doing lots of stuff, so she decided to agree. Then Sasuke took her into the system space.

Inside the system space, he asked in his mind, 'Where is the training room?' As he said this, inside his mind, a door suddenly appeared in front of them.

["It will take 1000 points every hour to use the training room," the system stated.]

After deducting the points, he directed Gemma to the training room. Exiting the system space and resettling on the sofa, he began to look for his rewards.