chapter 34 Rewards and new Reputations

[Congratulations on getting your first girlfriend! reward: 10% increase in bloodline fusion.]

[Additional details: for first 5 girlfriends, your bloodline fusion will increase by 10%]

[Congratulations on getting special gift pack ]

[Congratulation and completing mission proposal, 5 girls]

[Congratulation on receiving level up skill ]

[Additional detail: level-up skill, can be applied to any of your ninjutsu or magic spells, one-time use only.]

Looking at all the notifications, Sasuke asks, ''Why only for the first five girlfriends, If you can increase the fusion of my bloodline by 50%, you should be able to do 100%.''

[ Since you already have Indra's bloodline and his chakra, for me, the first 50% is easy but for next 50%, I need your body to adjust for at least 1.5 years before you reach 100%.]

''1.5 years is too long; I can't wait that long.''

[Then find a goddess and some powerful girls even who could help you.]

"There are no goddesses in this world, and don't forget, you were the one who said that with my current strength, it's impossible to get a goddess."

[Then go for some decent girls There are lots of girls with lots of potential in Ninjutsu and magic]

''Forget about getting more girlfriends; even getting normal girls as friends going to be difficult Many people have watched me propose to several girls on the same day. Soon, I am going to have the reputation of Playboy."

[Then get a better reputation by announcing new magic and Potions.]

''It has only been a few months since I started learning magic and potion. Do you think I can create anything new.?''

[Then you can start with your transformation skill, using your sharingan, you could announce some of your discovery.]

''Sorry, but I am not one of those people who could share their knowledge for free, especially when the knowledge can be used against you.''

[ Just make it into a book and post small part of the stuff into newspapers; you will get both money and reputation and just because You Announce your method doesn't mean they can do that; the best example is using your sharingan, they can't have the same hand moments as you and they don't have sharingan to observe in such a detail.]

''I think you are too confident that you are ignoring the magic, There will always be genius who might be able to find the solution''

[Have you considered whether you will remain the same? By the time they manage to replicate your techniques, you will have already moved on to better things.]

''Okay okay, I will do it until end of this year. Now tell me about this special gift pack.''

[That's for your girlfriend, every time you get a girlfriend, I will send a special gift pack for them.]

What about me? I also want one

[If you want something, get from the system or complete some quests.]

Annoyed by the system response, Sasuke started to look at his system points, which reached 38185.

"How did the increase in recalling that he hasn't done anything recently?"

[It's formed spending time with Gemma.]

"If I remember correctly, I spent more time with kin, but what I got was less than 5,000 "

[Because you forcefully took her in, don't forget you were like, if she doesn't agree, you would kill her.]

''this make me want to kill her since she is not that useful''

[Everyone have its uses; she might not be good, but you will always need some peoples you can order around, If you really want more points from her, you could try to develop her feelings for you.]

''Well that's true, I should increase her training and obedience. I just hope she's following the training schedule I gave her.''

As he was engrossed in conversation with the system, a knock rapped on the door. Sasuke, indulging in a touch of laziness, used a subtle wave of his hand to open the door, revealing Pansy Parkinson and Daphne Greengrass.

His gaze shifted to Daphne. "Didn't expect to see you here. Didn't you mention you didn't want to come?"

Daphne met his gaze. "Let's just say , Miss Hermione and cho Talking to the professor about your recent practice forbidden magic to boost your power,''

Pansy scoffed, rolling her eyes. "Honestly, soon they're going to be rumors that you're going to sacrifice girls to boost your power.

"It seems someone's imagination has run a bit wild. Sacrifices? if I were going to sacrifice, it wouldn't be in Hogwarts".

From Sasuke's tone, it's impossible to tell if he was joking or not.

Glancing around the room, Daphne inquired, "Do you possess any magic to enhance someone's strength or health?"

''They are some not-so-good methods. You can either train yourself hard or use these life-risking methods to strengthen yourself.''