chapter 35 Meeting Dumbledore

Pansy rolled her eyes at Sasuke's enigmatic reply, clearly unimpressed. Sasuke reclined in his chair, his fingers ready to snap. With a swift motion, he snapped, transfiguring a sofa into a cat. Without his wand, the cat lacked perfect realism, yet the transformation was impressive.

Daphne halted, taken aback by Sasuke's wandless transfiguration. A flicker of concern crossed her face as she pondered her family's curse. "Is it possible to lift a bloodline curse?" she asked.

Pansy scoffed. "Daphne, don't overthink; he wouldn't have magic; we don't know."

Sasuke quirked an eyebrow. ''You could steal someone else's body, but if you want to heal, it will take lots of experiments.''

Just then, the door creaked open, and Professor McGonagall stepped into the room, "Mr. Uchiha," she began, her tone measured yet firm, "I trust I misheard you. Hogwarts does not condone such dark topics, let alone talk about stealing another's body.''

With her sharp gaze sweeping over the room, the cat that was once a sofa is now meowing softly at her feet. McGonagall's eyes narrowed slightly as she saw the cat, then Sasuke. "Mr. Uchiha, while this skill is commendable, I must remind you that if you are using any black magic rituals, I might have to expel you, she said sternly.

Smiling a little, Sasuke spoke If it were a punishment, I would say its was useless. Since I could just hire someone to teach me and i get some books from the bookstore.

The defiance in Sasuke's voice kindled a flare of irritation in McGonagall. "Sasuke Uchiha," she said, her tone now edged with anger, "you will accompany me to the headmaster's office immediately. You need to understand the situation."

Sasuke remained unfazed. as he saw an opportunity. Perhaps facing the headmaster could lead to a fight, where he defeats him; this would increase his reputation, It was a better use of his time than writing a dull book about his findings, as the system had suggested earlier, Of course, he knew this was only his imagination since they didn't have any reason to fight.

He conceded with a sigh, feigning compliance. "Lead the way, Professor." Rising from his chair, he transformed everything back to its original state with a flick of his wrist.

As they made their way out of the common room, he leaned towards Daphne and offered a parting message, his voice barely a whisper, "If you can't find a solution, you can look for me."

Looking at Daphne Pansy's question, ''you really think he'll have a solution.''

Smiling a little, Daphne answered, ''haven't you seen what he just did? I don't think anyone can do what he just did, she said, looking around the room. My mother have already tried everything If I could find a solution, at least I wouldn't have to worry about suddenly dying.

''You may be right, but I think we should tell our parents and also find out where Sasuke is from. Transforming all these chairs at the same time? Even my father could do that," Pansy said in a low voice, as they both left the room.

Meanwhile, Sasuke trailed behind Professor McGonagall as they navigated the well-trodden paths of Hogwarts. A stoic gargoyle, tasked with guarding the entrance to the headmaster's sanctum, stood motionless. With a swift gesture and a whispered incantation, McGonagall activated the creature, which leapt aside to unveil the hidden ascent.

The chamber was expansive, bathed in light from grand windows that offered a view of the school's vast estate. The essence of ancient texts and parchment saturated the atmosphere. Dumbledore, the embodiment of wisdom with his flowing beard and eyes, was behind an imposing desk, a mountain of documents before him.

"Professor McGonagall," Dumbledore greeted, his voice warm and welcoming. "And Mr. Uchiha. To what do I owe this unexpected visit?"

McGonagall cleared her throat and launched into an explanation, her voice laced with concern. She recounted her conversation with Hermione and Cho about Sasuke using some rituals to enhance his magic.

And when she decided to check, she not only found what Hermione was saying but also found Sasuke's openly talking about black magic and body stealing, emphasizing Sasuke's mention of dark magic.