chapter 38 playboy Reputation

Leaving the cleaning to the house elves, Sasuke enters to the system space to check on Gemma's training. A few hours later, she emerged, exhaustion etched on her face.

"How was it?" Sasuke asked.

Gemma replied, clenching her hands, "Overwhelming. I feel like my head has been stuffed with lots of knowledge," she replied, her voice completely exhausted.

"So, can you use Chakra now? And what is your hand speed?" Sasuke inquired.

"I can feel the chakra, but I don't know how to use it yet. As for hand speed, it's one hand seal per second."

"Well, you can train hand speed,I help chakra control, and when the times comes, I will teach you.".

Remembering the rooms he got from the principal, "I plan to open a special training class. Do you want to join?"

"Oh, are you going to teach everyone this chakra thing?" Gemma asked.

"No, that's only for my girlfriends. I only plan to teach magic, which is already available at Hogwarts," Sasuke explained.

"That sounds like a waste of time. It's not that I don't trust your teaching, but no one would bother to learn from a first-year. It's better to ask a professor," Gemma remarked skeptically.

"That's even better. I only plan to teach a few people, like you," Sasuke responded.

"I'm not questioning your abilities, but do you even know how to cast Smashing Curse?" Gemma challenged.

"I don't know, but by the end of the year, from petrification to Apparition I will learn everything. Don't forget, our learning speed is higher, and I also have my clones. If I just create five every day and let them study, I could complete seven years of study in one year," Sasuke boasted.

Hearing about such a benefit, Gemma's eyes lit up. "Do you think I can also learn Shadow Clone Jutsu?"

"Of course, but I suggest you create only one clone at first. You need to understand that once you dissolve your clones, you will not just receive their memories, but also their exhaustion," Sasuke warned.

Nodding to Sasuke, Gemma decided to clean herself up. Once she was ready, both of them left the system space and made their way to the Great Hall for dinner.

As Sasuke and Gemma entered the Great Hall, they immediately drew attention. Whispers and murmurs spread like wildfire among the students.

" I clearly remember in the library he was proposing to Cho, Sasuke's with Gemma. How did he manage that?" One student whispered to his friend.

"I don't know, but I heard he's also proposing to Penelope."

"It must be the love portion," another student replied, a hint of jealousy in his voice.

"Yeah, I think we should inform the professor. "We can't let beautiful girl like Gemma? Fall into 1st year student arms," a third student said while glaring at Sasuke.

"It's probably his black magic I heard someone talking in the afternoon about his black magic to professor," a fourth student speculated, rolling his eyes.

As they walked past, Gemma could feel the eyes on them and hear the whispers.

"Doesn't it bother you that people are talking about us?" she asked in a low voice.

"Let them talk, only thing they can do is talk," Sasuke said confidently. "

At a nearby table, a group of girls were also discussing them. "Gemma's so lucky. Sasuke is really handsome," one girl said, sighing dreamily.

"Ugh, just a playboy," another girl grumbled.

Sasuke and Gemma finally reached their seats and sat down, trying to ignore the ongoing gossip.

"Are you sure about this training class?" Gemma asked, changing the subject.

''positive'' Sasuke replied. "It's just teaching some useless normal magic, what i really need to do is use magic and ninjitsu abilities to amplify each other's effects."

As they began eating, the gossip continued, but Sasuke and Gemma focused on their own conversation.

After finishing their meal, Gemma hesitated for a moment before asking, "Do you think the training room can put all the knowledge about magic into my brain, just like it did with the basics of chakra?"

"Unfortunately, no," Sasuke replied. "And I don't think you should worry too much about the training room. Instead, try learning new magic on your own and see how your learning speed improves."

"Oh, that reminds me," Sasuke continued. "I got an abandoned room from the principal that was used to practice black magic. You can help me set it up."

"Is there anything else?" Gemma asked.

"Yes, just put up a notice that if any girl wants to join a special training class, they can apply," Sasuke said.

Fixing her hair, she asked, "Can you teach me that giant purple skeleton jutsu?"

Sasuke shook his head. "You can't learn that. It's related to our bloodline, and even in the Uchiha clan, it's not a common thing."

"Is there anything similar?" Gemma inquired.

"If you can learn alchemy, you might be able to create something similar with a mix of magic and technology," Sasuke suggested.

"That would be illegal. I don't want the ministry of magic coming after me."

"You shouldn't worry about them," Sasuke said, sad while not caring about the ministry of magic.

"Easy for you to say," Gemma replied with a sigh. "Just thinking about how to deal with the students' gossip is going to be difficult for me. And as for dealing with the ministry of magic, I'm not ready yet. I still hope I can complete my graduation."

Finishing her food, Gemma concluded, "Bye for now, I have to meet my classmates to get the notes for my missing class."