chapter 39 useless night talk

As the moon cast its glow over Hogwarts Castle, Sasuke found himself wandering in the night time, his thoughts consumed by the thoughts of his future.

Finding himself front of the library Sasuke enters and pick up two books,

Sitting on chair and open the 'Codex Obscurum.' he started to read Finishing it with a satisfied sigh, he reached for another tome on dark magic, this one heavy on theory rather than spells. He zipped through it quickly,

a sense of accomplishment washing over him. Closing the book with a snap, he gathered both volumes and

Suddenly, a warm hand settled on his shoulder.

Sasuke whirled around, his hand instinctively reaching for a kunai that wasn't there, "Dumbledore's voice, so gentle that Sasuke gave up the idea of hitting him for appearing behind him.

"While a thirst for knowledge is admirable, these particular tomes might be a bit much for an eleven-year-old wizard. Perhaps something on Quidditch or the history of magic would be more suitable''.

I don't think learning some children's game history will have me change my destiny, it's better for me to learn about killing. turning his head to Dumbledore

Sasuke replied.

Dumbledore's surprise was fleeting, replaced by his usual warm smile. "Killing, eh, Sasuke? That's a rather weighty word for a young wizard like yourself.

If I remember I only allow you to take books who are less harmful, you know

Learning black magic is very dangerous.

Sasuke's expression remained stoic,you only told me not to practice powerful black magic and for being dangerous I believe I have enough experience what is dangerous.

Sensing Sasuke emotional changes, Dumbledore gestured towards a nearby window. "Night is quite lovely, Sasuke. Would you care to join me for a short walk? Perhaps.

Intrigued by the change in subject, Sasuke gave a curt nod. Dumbledore rose smoothly, his robes billowing slightly, and offered his arm to the young wizard. Sasuke hesitated for a moment, then accepted the Dumbledore gesture.

As they walked side-by-side, the setting sun cast long shadows across the grounds. The air was filled with the gentle sounds of crickets chirping and owls hooting. Dumbledore maintained a comfortable silence, allowing Sasuke to adjust.

Finally, with a sigh, Sasuke spoke. "Don't you have too much free time"

"I always have free time for children who are about to lost their way".

"Others can only think, they understand people who lost their way but in reality they will never understand the desperation" as he continue to spoke"I always know I have a better options but sometimes i have to make bad choices"

If you tell me I could suggest you something better

"Nothing special," Sasuke muttered "Two old men decided the life and death of thousands, one of them dig out eyes so he could improve his strength, other one just take away they are belonging, remaining body were used for experiment.

Dumbledore's gaze remained steady, his blue eyes holding a well of empathy. "Vengeance may feel like justice, but it is a flickering candle in the storm,when it extinguishes,it leaves only emptiness."

Sasuke his voice laced with defiance. "Should I just forgive them and let them live happily after? "

Dumbledore said gently. "Forgiveness is not forgetting, Sasuke. Even in the darkest of nights, a single star can light the way.

"Isn't like saying nothing"

"Forgive an old man for forgetting, my advice for you is, if you're going to train people around you, don't think of them as tools. if you treat them as such, they will see you as a tool too, using you to gain strength. I promise you won't like the outcome."

Dumbledore glanced at the clock. "It's getting late. You should head to bed," he said, leaving Sasuke in his new room.

Once inside and with the door locked, Sasuke questioned the system in his mind. "So, what do you think?"

"[His suggestion is good for normal people, but I am not a tool training system. If you want to train tools, you won't need my help.]"

"Well, at least he gave me a good room," Sasuke muttered. Looking around, he noticed it was on par with the prefects' quarters. After arranging his belongings around his bed, he fell asleep.

As Dumbledore made his way back to his office, McGonagall was waiting. "What did you find out?" she asked.

"Nothing concrete, Minerva. I wanted to take him to the Mirror of Erised, but after talking to him, I realized it might not be a good idea."

"So, you really didn't find anything?"

"I wouldn't say that. I just didn't find anything immediately useful. It would be foolish to dig too deep now."

"Then we're not going to do anything?"

"What we're going to do is go back to our rooms and sleep. Let time handle things for now."