chapter 43 Halloween with crying Hermione part 2

As the evening progressed, the noise and excitement in the hallways grew louder. Students were busy preparing for the Halloween feast.

Just as he had anticipated, chaos erupted when Professor Quirrell burst into the Great Hall, screaming about a troll. Pandemonium ensued as students panicked.

Back in the room, the silence was broken by the sound of footsteps echoing down the corridor. The door opened, revealing Professor McGonagall, her stern expression softer after seeing them safe.

"Miss Granger, Mr. Uchiha," she said briskly, "there is a troll loose in the dungeon. All students are to return to their common rooms immediately."

Hermione's eyes widened, but Sasuke remained calm.

"Professor," Sasuke said, standing up. "You don't have to worry. I will send her to the common room."

Professor McGonagall gave him a sharp look. "What nonsense are you talking about? I am sending both of you to your rooms myself. Now follow me and stick close."

As they navigated the corridors, Sasuke's senses picked up the troll's movements. Just as they rounded a corner, a loud crash echoed through the hallways. The troll had found them. It lumbered forward, its massive form blocking their path.

Before Professor McGonagall could react, Sasuke acted swiftly. He threw a kunai attached to explosive tags. The tags detonated on the troll's head, momentarily disorienting it. Sasuke then appeared behind the troll, lightning crackling in his hand, and slammed his punch down on its head, knocking the troll out cold.

Professor McGonagall stared in astonishment at the unconscious troll and then at Sasuke. "impressive. But dangerous. You should have let me handle it."

Sasuke shrugged. "I'm just testing his resistance to my attack."

Hermione looked at Sasuke with a

Annoyance "Can't you stop playing? You almost scare me."

McGonagall composed herself, her expression returning to its usual sternness. "I will report this to the headmaster. You both should stay here and rest. And, Mr. Uchiha, do not take such risks lightly again."

Sasuke nodded and put trolls body inside his system space.

As there was no longer a troll, McGonagall left, telling them they should go back to their rooms.

Hermione turned to Sasuke. "you really should be more careful. You could have gotten hurt."

Sasuke gave a small smile. "I've faced worse."

They settled back into the common room, the excitement of the evening finally dying down. Sasuke picked up his book again, but his thoughts were elsewhere. He knew his actions tonight would have consequences, and he needed to be prepared.

"Sasuke, why do I feel like you already know about this incident.

Shifting his eyes to Hermione, Do you really want to know?"

"Of course I want to know!" she said

Sasuke paused, deciding to show her how she was attacked in the washroom in the original timeline with his illusion. For obvious reasons, he didn't show her how she got rescued.

As Granger came out of her illusion, Sasuke explained, "When you decided to come to my room instead of going to the washroom, you changed some of your future. Congratulations. As long as you can keep it up, you might not have to give up your family in the 6th grade."

Confused by what Sasuke said, she wanted to ask a question, but Sasuke just took out a book named "Mysteries of the Future" and gave it to her. "You should read it when you go back to your room."

As he took her to the Gryffindor common room door, he stayed outside and sent her inside before leaving to check on other things.