chapter 44 ron great loss

Hermione was met with curious stares as she entered the Gryffindor common room. Before anyone could question her, the door burst open again. This time, Professor Snape appeared, dragging Harry and Ron behind him.

Snape's eyes narrowed as he took in the scene. "You three have caused quite enough trouble for one night," he said, his voice dripping with disdain.

"Professor Snape," Hermione began, her voice steady despite the tension. "I—"

"Silence," Snape snapped. "Do you have any idea the chaos you've caused? I need to go and look for a troll, not some children whose IQ is lower than that of trolls."

"Professor, Sasuke already took care of the troll."

Snape's eyes flicked to Hermione, a mixture of annoyance and disbelief in his gaze. "It doesn't matter, Miss Granger. I will confirm it myself. And both of you—50 points from each person." Shifting his eyes back to Hermione, he added, "For you, it's 20 points as I assume you were not at the dining hall when it was announced for everyone to go to their rooms."

As Snape stormed out of the common room,Everyone started to gather around Hermione, asking how Sasuke had defeated the toll,

form Initially believing, they had a disbelieving expression, as Hermione recounted the events. what Hermione was saying wasn't magically possible.

Once everyone returned to their activities, Harry and Ron approached Hermione to apologize for earlier.

Seeing them apologize, Hermione's mood soured again as she remembered how Ron had spoken about her after Charms class with Harry Potter.

"Hermione is like a broken record—always with her nose stuck in a book, hanging around Slytherin like a bad smell," Ron had said. "Learning dark magic from that Uchiha. Honestly, I think one day she'll start hissing."

Clenching her book, she said in a low voice, "It's okay," before leaving for her room.

Watching Hermione leave, Ron felt regret, knowing she hadn't forgiven him. Harry comforted him, "You can always try again, or we could ask your brother how to apologize."

Ron, confused and agitated, considered asking his brothers for advice.

After entering her room, Hermione opened the book "Mysteries of the Future." Though she could read it, she couldn't understand anything—it was only about how the future couldn't be changed. Confused but persistent, she continued reading until she finally fell asleep.

The next morning, everyone in the hall was enjoying their breakfast. Sasuke, at his seat, was feeding Gemma with his own hand, listening to the system notification of getting points.

He received 100 points every time he fed her. If he wasn't worried about her health from overeating, he would have continued feeding her 24/7.

As he continued, Hermione entered the Great Hall, still looking tired from her restless night. She spotted Sasuke and made her way over to him, ignoring the curious stares from her fellow students.

"Good morning, Sasuke," she greeted.

"Morning, Hermione. Do you also want to try?" Sasuke gestured to her with his hand.

Imagining such an intimate gesture with Sasuke, Hermione started shaking her head.

"It's just pudding, not a kiss, so don't be shy," he said, putting a spoonful of pudding in her mouth.

While Sasuke continued to gather points, Dumbledore attracted everyone's attention and announced, "I would like to congratulate Sasuke for defeating the troll, but I hope he can hand over that troll as soon as possible."

A murmur of voices filled the room. Many were having a hard time accepting this, especially the Gryffindors, who now felt a little ashamed.

After the breakfast was ended, Professor McGonagall approached their table. "Mr. Uchiha, let's go to the headmaster's office."

Sasuke stood up, leaving Gemma with Hermione. "See you soon."

As Sasuke walked towards Dumbledore's office, the headmaster sat behind his desk, his eyes filled with curiosity. "Ah, Sasuke. Please, have a seat."