chapter 45 prediction and quidditch

"Ah, Sasuke," Dumbledore greeted, his eyes filled with curiosity. "You truly have a unique approach to handling trolls, don't you?" Pausing for a moment, he added, "Could you show me the troll?"

Sasuke considered Dumbledore's request. He had tested the troll in the system space the previous night and decided it was no longer necessary. With a wave of his hand, the troll materialized before them, its eyes wide with fear as it observed Sasuke, flinching back a step.

"You shouldn't treat a life like this," Dumbledore said sternly. He raised his wand and put the troll to sleep. It wasn't the troll's injury that concerned him; rather, he wondered if Sasuke took pleasure in causing harm.

Sasuke explained, "I wanted to improve my medical skills, and to cure someone, you need to get them injured first. However, I have to say, the troll wasn't a suitable subject because there are differences between treating a troll and a human."

Dumbledore nodded. "Then I advise you to visit the school hospital. Madam Pomfrey can teach you a great deal."

Taking note of Dumbledore's advice, Sasuke replied, "I will send a few clones."

"That's an enviable ability," Dumbledore remarked.

As Sasuke was about to exit the room, Dumbledore called out from behind, "I trust you will keep your friend Kin from getting involved with Professor Quirrell's predicament; it is not conducive to learning magic from him."

Looking back at Dumbledore, Sasuke replied, "Well, I guess I will correct her habit of seeking death," and he left the room.

While the days of Sasuke's routine learning continued, one day, he was grabbed by Gemma to watch Quidditch. "What's the point of watching a match that's going to be won by Gryffindor?" he said, grabbing Hermione's hand as well.

Listening to this, Gemma's mood turned sour. "I wish I didn't know," she muttered as she made her way to the Quidditch field with Sasuke and Hermione. Let's just say the single Gryffindor with a bunch of Slytherins wasn't something you could see every day.

Feeling all the malicious gazes on her, Hermione stated, "I think I should go to the stands," as she left.

Sasuke called out, "Congratulations on losing the upcoming match," as he sat down. Hearing this, everyone wanted to beat him up, but with all the teachers around, they couldn't do anything.

Leaning towards Sasuke, Gemma asked in a low voice for an explanation. Sasuke replied in Gemma's ear, "I was just telling them about the future."

Gemma, understanding since she had watched Sasuke study lots of books about future predictions, watched the match quietly to confirm if Sasuke had any talent in future predictions.

As the crowd settled into their seats, the first match of the season was about to begin. From the stands, Sasuke leaned forward, eyes fixed on the players below.

Sasuke took out a crystal ball to see the overall outcome. This could be a good experience since even if he made some mistakes, it wouldn't be a problem.

As he started to write down all the future events he could predict through the crystal ball, Gemma followed along, noting all the results.

As the match continued, Sasuke continued to predict, while Gemma matched all his predictions. As Harry Potter finally caught the snitch, Sasuke and Gemma also finished their work.

As they compared notes, they found that 70% of the predictions were accurate, 20% were slightly different, and 10% were wrong.

A few girls nearby watched Sasuke predicting every move of the Quidditch teams, their eyes shining with greedy interest. No one was stupid here; many even had second thoughts about Sasuke. He had already shown his strength by defeating a troll, and now he had the ability to predict the future. This wasn't just about some betting for gaining money; used correctly, there was so much more to gain.

As everyone dispersed, some people started spreading news of Sasuke predicting everything during the Quidditch match.

Marcus Flint, hearing about Sasuke's ability to predict the future, approached him for the upcoming match. He left in despair after hearing it would take 10,000 Galleons just to make a prediction about the Hogwarts Quidditch game.

A few days later, Sasuke finally prepared and gave a little warning to Quirrell's