chapter 49 new curse seal experiment

In a room, Sasuke Uchiha meticulously arranged the various materials on the expansive table in experiment room. 

as he activated the various protective wards and charms around the room. He couldn't afford any interruptions or mishaps.

He began by examining the creature in the cage before him—a rare, invisible beast known for Its invisibility, Sasuke wanted to harness this trait for his new cursed seal.

Sasuke starts extracting the necessary fluids and components from the invisible beast. With practiced precision, he mixed these components with intricate runes and sigils onto injections.

Taking a small dose of a special mixture

He then turned to a small rat, his chosen test subject for the initial trial.

As he picked up the rat and gave him a injection, he applied the cursed seal to the rat. The creature squeaked in discomfort as the seal started to take effect, few minutes later, the rat was almost dead. 

Sasuke watched intently as the rat stopped struggling, giving him a small drop of healing potion so he don't die. He started to examine the rat.

As he examined the lively rat, Sasuke activated the cursed seal, and the rat began to change. Its fur shimmered and gradually became translucent until it was entirely invisible. He could still sense its presence through his enhanced perception, but to the naked eye, the rat had vanished.

"Perfect," Sasuke whispered, This experiment was not something he had undertaken on a whim; it was the result of his previous life studying the curse seal, The difference was that this time he had created a different curse seal that was more into the magical side. 

If Orochimaru can create a curse seal using Jugo's innate ability to absorb natural energy, there is no doubt changing few things he can also create curse seals with different effects.

Since he didn't have Jugo flesh at this time, he decided to use some magical creatures, He can even try to copy his own new curse seal.

He took a deep breath and began to refine the curse seal, preparing for more complex experiments. His goal was to create a seal that granted invisibility, enhanced physical and magical abilities without side effects.

In the quiet of the night, Sasuke and his shadow clone continued their experiments, dark circles forming under his eyes. 

The next morning, with a very sleepy voice, he called out to Kin and Gemma, "It's time for your injection."

Both girls looked at him in the dark and firmly shook their heads. "I think you better sleep first, Sasuke," Gemma insisted.

"Yes, you should sleep and then read and examine whatever you find," Kin added. "We can continue later."

"What are you talking isn't just a one night? As a Ninja, I can wake for several nights."

"Sasuke I think you really need a sleep; you have been awake for when weak, not one night," Gemma replied and she started pulling him to bedroom.

little confused but still believing in Gemma and kin he made his way to the bedroom.

For next few days, he is started to relax till Christmas.

During this time, Sasuke send

the portkey to Hermione's Granger so she could come to the Gemma house, where he forcefully fixed her teeth.

Sitting at a table with an angry face, Hermione kept glaring at Sasuke.

"Hermione, it's time, so you should change your expression, I feel like I have inter into your bedroom when you are changing,"

"What do you know, Sasuke? You just knocked me out, next moment I found myself on a table, Do you know how terrified I was."

"Isn't this for your good, Now there are no more rabbit teeth."

" o keep your hair the same way for one more year, it's bad if people figure out you can be quite cute before I make you my girlfriend."

Shaking her head "who had this much time keeps in your hair every day; it's better to learn few books."

Gemma, watching both of their interactions, said, "you better start eating before food gets cold."

Agreeing to Gemma Hermione, "ask where is kin, as she looked around, she couldn't find her."

While eating, Sasuke replied, "Well, she is in very big jar, adjusting her body, so I could give her curse seal soon as possible."