chapter 56 conflict with Slytherins

Sasuke made his way to the dining hall, each step deliberate and measured. The atmosphere around him was tense; students glared daggers at him, their eyes filled with a mixture of resentment. Whispers followed him down the corridors, and he could feel their collective animosity.

Since his talk with Clarissa Greengrass was put on the newspaper, it wasn't unusual for Sasuke to encounter hostility. Some students had been brave enough to challenge him, including some seniors, but each attempt ended with more than just losing a few bones—sending them to the hospital wing, nursing their injuries.

As he neared the dining hall, the murmurs grew louder. Sasuke ignored the glares and the whispered threats. Upon entering the dining hall, the noise of chattering students momentarily dimmed. Eyes followed him as he crossed the room to the Slytherin table. He took his seat, and Draco Malfoy, flanked by Crabbe and Goyle, sneered at him.

"Still strutting around like you own the place, Uchiha?" Draco said.

Sasuke didn't bother to look up. "Malfoy, you speak like you want to fight with me, but I need to remind you all of your friends will not be able to protect you if I break a few of your bones."

Draco's sneer faltered for a moment. "Just wondering how long you think you can keep this up."

Sasuke met Draco's gaze, his eyes cold, indicating he really didn't want to talk to him. Draco scowled but didn't press the issue further, since he didn't want to end like other students.

As Sasuke began eating, he noticed Hermione, Harry, and Ron enter the hall. They made their way to the Gryffindor table, exchanging glances with him. Hermione gave him a look that said she needed to talk. He nodded subtly in response.

After finishing his meal, Sasuke stood and made his way to the exit. As he stepped into the corridor, Hermione caught up to him.

"We need to talk," she said without preamble.

Sasuke nodded. "Let's go."

As they made their way to an empty classroom, Ron and Harry followed closely behind. All three of them felt the weight of the students' glares.

Ron spoke uncomfortably, "Why do I suddenly feel like everyone started to hate us?"

Sasuke closed the classroom door. "It's because of me," he said simply. "But I believe you want to talk about something else."

Hermione nodded, her expression serious. "It's about the Philosopher's Stone. I think someone wants to steal it."

Sasuke leaned against a chair, watching Hermione. "Does this have anything to do with you?" his tone slightly mocking.

Hermione, caught off guard, replied, "I thought we could find out who is trying to steal the Philosopher's Stone."

As Sasuke was trying to make up his mind about whether to stop her, the door to the classroom was rudely thrown open, revealing Marcus Flint, followed by some other senior students from Slytherin.

With a big grin, Flint said, "You are not some beautiful girl, Mr. Uchiha, who can make demands."

Sasuke's eyes narrowed. "What do you want, Flint?"

Flint raised his wand. "Stupefy!" Flint shouted, firing a spell at Sasuke.

Sasuke casually threw the book in his hand to block the spell. He then took out his wand and pointed to the book, transforming it into a giant hornet that started attacking Flint. One of Flint's friends quickly used a fire spell to burn down the hornet, while another sent a hex toward Sasuke. Hermione, seeing this, acted on instinct.

"Petrificus Totalus!" she shouted, hitting one of the Slytherins squarely and knocking him to the floor.

Marcus Flint, enraged, managed to retrieve his wand and aimed a powerful curse at Sasuke. "Crucio!"

Sasuke just pointed his wand down and started transforming the chairs and desks around them into metal snakes. In his other hand, he began gathering lightning, ready to electrocute all the Slytherin students.

Suddenly, Professor McGonagall stormed in, her eyes blazing with fury.

"Enough!" she shouted, her voice amplified by a spell. The room fell silent, the combatants freezing in place.

"Mr. Uchiha, Mr. Flint, and everyone involved, follow me. Now," McGonagall ordered, her tone leaving no room for argument.

Leaving, Sasuke's face showed a little disappointment for he couldn't give them a little electric therapy.