chapter 57

As they were led out of the classroom under the watchful eyes of many students, Professor McGonagall took them to her office. The stern look on her face left no room for argument. Inside her office, she fixed her gaze especially on the Slytherins.

"I will not tolerate such behavior in this school," McGonagall said, her voice icy and firm. "All of you will receive punishment, and I will be informing your heads of houses."

Marcus Flint stood with a defiant look on his face, his fists clenched at his sides. McGonagall's eyes narrowed as her anger rose.

"Mr. Flint," she said sharply, "as a senior student, you should be setting an example, not instigating fights. Your behavior is disgraceful, and it reflects poorly on Slytherin House."

Flint opened his mouth to retort, but McGonagall cut him off. "Not another word. You will be serving detention for the next month, and I will be recommending to Professor Snape that you be removed from the Quidditch team."

Flint's defiance faltered, his face paling slightly at the thought of getting removed from the Quidditch team.

She then turned her attention to Sasuke. Her face softened a bit.

"Mr. Uchiha, while I understand that you were defending yourself, your actions were highly excessive and dangerous. Transfiguring objects into attacking creatures is far beyond acceptable behavior. You, too, will serve detention for the next two weeks."

Sasuke nodded curtly, his face impassive.

Turning to Hermione, Harry, and Ron, McGonagall continued, "As for you three, what were you doing in that place?"

Sasuke sighed. "They wanted to ask about some questions."

Hearing this, McGonagall said, her tone brooking no dissent, "Then all of you can leave now. I will be deducting 300 points from Slytherin, and I expect to see no more incidents like this."

As they filed out of McGonagall's office, Marcus Flint shot Sasuke a venomous glare. "Uchiha, look at what you have done. Because of you, how many points have Slytherin lost?"

Sasuke met Flint's gaze coolly. "You should pray you don't lose your head in the night." Saying this, Sasuke led Hermione and the others away, leaving Flint seething with anger.

Once they were out of earshot, Hermione turned to Sasuke. "Why are Slytherins fighting with you?"

Sasuke shrugged curtly. "They're just testing me."

Hermione sensed she was missing something. Harry and Ron exchanged glances before Harry spoke. "Do you think you have time to help us?"

Sasuke's expression remained neutral. "It's just Voldemort looking for the Philosopher's Stone," he said in a matter-of-fact tone.

Ron gulped, his voice small. "Voldemort? Isn't he already dead?"

Sasuke nodded. "Only half. But it's better if you don't get involved, at least not before your exams. After all, if you feel the exam, you won't have time to play your detective games."

Harry frowned. "But if he's really after the Stone, shouldn't we do something now?"

Sasuke's eyes hardened. "You are first-years. Let the professors handle this."

Hermione opened her mouth to protest but then closed it, realizing Sasuke had a point. Harry and Ron also looked reluctant but nodded in agreement.

"Just be careful," Sasuke added. "And if you hear or see anything suspicious, let a professor know immediately."

As they parted ways, the trio felt a mix of frustration and resignation. They knew Sasuke was right, but giving up midway felt unsatisfactory.

Sasuke couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding as he walked away, shaking his head at what could go wrong. Despite his outward dismissal, he still prepared some backup plans.

The corridors of Hogwarts buzzed with rumors of the fight, but Sasuke paid them no mind. However, someone who did pay attention was Gemma.

After dinner, Gemma called all the boys from fifth to seventh year to the Slytherin common room. She stood before them, her expression unreadable but her eyes sharp.

"Boys, we need to have a little chat," she said, her voice .

The boys, sensing something was wrong wanted to live but before that Suddenly, the room erupted with explosions and sparks as Gemma demonstrated a series of powerful spells.

After a few intense minutes, every boy was sent to the hospital wing, nursing their injuries and bruised. As the boys were being escorted out, Gemma stood with satisfied while looking at har magic ring.