chapter 61 troubling Dawn p1

The Gryffindor dormitory was shrouded in darkness, the only light coming from the embers of the dying fire.Harry and Ron, cloaked in shadows, moved with silent urgency. They gathered the essentials: a thick rope, Hagrid's dragon-handling gloves, and, most importantly, the invisibility cloak.

"Are you sure about this?" Neville whispered, his voice barely audible.

Ron's face was set in a determined grimace. "We've got to do this, for Hagrid," he replied.

They crept to the common room, where the portrait of the Fat Lady swung open without a word. As they stepped through, a figure detached itself from the wall, arms crossed, a frown etched deep.

"Hermione," Ron began, but she silenced him with a gesture.

"I knew I'd find you here, up to no good. And why is Neville here?" Hermione's eyes narrowed at the sight of Neville, who looked as if he'd been dragged from bed.

"Neville's helping us, unlike you, who's clearly here to stop us," Ron retorted, avoiding her gaze.

Hermione sighed, her stance softening. "If you're set on this, then let me help." She produced a small bottle of healing potion and applied a few drops to Ron's swollen hand. The pain and swelling subsided almost instantly.

"Amazing, put more on, it's working!" Ron exclaimed, watching his hand heal.

"I only have one bottle," Hermione said, her glare returning.

"Come on, Sasuke's only friend should give you more," Ron quipped.

"No, it's already a headache getting such an expensive potion," Hermione replied, exasperation in her voice.

Harry's eyes gleamed at the mention of expense. "Then you can ask him to sell it to me. Im recently having headaches."

"It's 5 million Galleons," Hermione said flatly, looking at Harry as if he were a idiot.

"That's too expensive; itdoesn't even make sense," Neville interjected, and the others nodded in agreement.

Hermione, trying to refocus the group, said, "Better start thinking about how to get the dragon out of Hogwarts."

With that, Harry, Ron and Neville left Hermione Granger alone.

Watching all three disappear Hermione blink her eyes in confusion wasn't she was going to help them feeling frustrated she stamp down her put on a floor and interback to her room.

The trio, now under the cloak, navigated the silent halls of Hogwarts. The castle, usually buzzing with life, was eerily quiet, save for the occasional snore echoing through the stone corridors.

After packing up the dragon in a box

They reached the tallest tower, where Charlie's friends, wrapped in cloaks as dark as the night, waited. The exchange was swift, the dragon passed into capable hands, and the mission was complete.

But as they descended the stairs, their hearts pounding with adrenaline, they were not alone. A figure loomed in the darkness, a stern voice cutting through the silence.

"Mr Potter, Mr Weasley and Mr Neville

I never thought thought, all three of you will be wondering inside Hogwarts after the curfew" Professor McGonagall's voice was sharp with disappointment.

Caught red handed,trio braced themselves for the consequences,but the safety of the dragon, made it all worth it.

As they followed McGonagall to face their punishment, the boys knew this was just the beginning of their adventures at Hogwarts.

Next morning after hearing all three of them got got Hermione had expression I knew it.

All the student glaring dagars at the trio for losing 150 points in a single night, making gryffindor at the second last place.

As the Great Hall buzzed with the morning chatter, Hermione, sitting far from the trio, caught Harry's eye. Her look was a disappointment and concern, which soon turn to confusion as she watch a group of Aurors, cloaked in robes that seemed to absorb the light, stood in the entrance hall. Their presence was a silent storm, The students whispered among themselves,the clatter of breakfast utensils ceased as the Aurors made their way towards the head table. Dumbledore greet them, his expression unreadable. The Aurors' leader, a stern woman with sharp eyes, spoke in hushed tones to the headmaster. The entire hall strained to listen, but couldn't hear because of a silent charm.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione exchanged worried glances.

Did they find out they were raising the dragon The gravity of the situation was settling in, and the weight of it was suffocating.

As Dumbledore addressed the Aurors with a calm demeanor, the students couldn't help but feel a sense of dread.The headmaster's eyes swept over the hall, pausing ever so slightly on the trio.

Dumbledore persuaded the Aurors to leave,but they clearly refusing to leave and started to act more aggressively, no one know what they were talking but headmaster face got confused for a second, everyone watches them with approaching one of the student table.

[ Special note why the portion cost is mention is 5 million the reason is simple you can exchange 1point for 1000 Galleons from the system]