chapter 62

After finally getting some promises, Pansy left the room, leaving Sasuke alone to contemplate. He sat back in his chair, thinking about Pansy's bold approach and the information she provided.

He leaned back, closing his eyes as he pondered his future. The door behind him creaked open again. It was Gemma, who had just come out from the target practice room. "It looks like somebody caught a cute little fish," she teased, her face clearly amused by Pansy's move.

Gemma's expression shifted to a more serious one as she sat down near Sasuke. "I found out something interesting from my uncle," she began. "The Ministry of Magic took away the healing potion from the Greengrass family. Later on, they lost the potion, and the Greengrass family has already warned the Ministry of Magic that if they can't hand over the healing potion, she might take action against the Ministry."

Sasuke's eyes opened. "So what does this have to do with me?"

"The Ministry of Magic claimed they could replicate the healing potion as long they had it, but now they've lost both bottles. To avoid embarrassment, they might come after you since you're the only source of the healing potion."

Sasuke considered her words, then said, "So basically, they took the potion from the Greengrass family, lost it, and now, being threatened by the Greengrass family, they think it would be better to go after a little kid."

"Exactly," Gemma agreed. "I really have to say, sometimes age is really deceiving."

Sasuke leaned back again, with a peaceful expression. "I just pray they won't run away when I start to fight."

The next morning, Sasuke opened his eyes in his room and checked the system notification. By making Pansy his girlfriend, his progress with the Indra bloodline had increased by another 10%, leaving him only 15% short of reaching the 50% mark.

After checking a few more things, he prepared himself for the day's classes and made his way to the dining hall.

Like any other day, he made his way to the Slytherin side, sitting alone at his place. Ignoring the students chatting, he started his breakfast. After a few minutes, the hall suddenly fell silent. Taking one more bite, he looked around and found some Aurors talking to Dumbledore.

Gemma, leaving her friends, made her way to Sasuke. "Looks like they've come," she whispered in his ear.

He took out a short sword and put it on the table while continuing to eat, giving the signal that it was okay.

The lead Auror took out his magic wand as a gesture, but as soon as he pointed it at Sasuke, he found his hand smacked by the short sword on the table. He dropped his wand from the pain. Before anyone could react, all the Aurors found themselves completely ensnared by thin, strong wires that had appeared out of nowhere. The wires formed a perfect web of steel. Kin, who had silently appeared beside them, controlled the wires with one hand; her other hand was holding the same short sword that Sasuke had placed on the table.

As Sasuke finally looked up, he spoke menacingly. "If I killed all of you, how many Aurors could the Ministry send to arrest me?"

The Aurors struggled but found the wires unyielding. Any movement only tightened the grip, making it clear that resistance was futile.

The lead Auror, eyes wide with a mix of fear and anger, glared at Sasuke. "Release us at once!"

Sasuke leaned forward, his eyes cold and unfeeling. "You came here thinking you could intimidate me. Now you see the reality of the situation."

Dumbledore stepped forward, his calm demeanor a stark contrast to the tension in the room. "Sasuke, let's not escalate this any further. Release them, and we can handle this matter with reason."

Sasuke considered Dumbledore's words for a moment before nodding slightly to Kin. She flicked her fingers, and the wires loosened, retracting quickly and disappearing as if they had never been there.

The aurors gasped for breath, massaging their limbs where the wires had cut into them.

One of Aurors try to stop the bleeding of The lead Aurors hand.

Dumbledore interjected, "Sasuke, if you assist them, it might help to de-escalate the situation and avoid further conflicts."

Sasuke glanced at Dumbledore. "They are just a bunch of losers.They want the healing potion from me or probably its recipe, which I am not planning to give them."

The lead Auror spoke up. "We can pay."

Sasuke's voice dripped with mockery. "Oh? Then you can cough up 50 million galleons for one bottle. What do you say?"

The lead auror scoffed. "Stop talking nonsense. That potion can't be worth more than 10 galleons."

Sasuke's expression turned icy. "The cost of its ingredients is more than a million galleons."

"Then show us the recipe," the Auror demanded. "We can check if the ingredients really cost that much."

Sasuke looked at the Auror like he was a fool. While Sasuke knew that even if he showed them the recipe, Hey wouldn't be able to make it since the ingredients were not from this world, he wasn't generous enough to share the recipe, even if it was useless.

"Not a chance," Sasuke replied coldly. "Leave before I put you in a cage."

The Aurors, realizing they don't have any advantage, are now left in frustration.

Gemma looked at Sasuke and said, "Here I thought I could finally see some blood."

Dumbledore Standing beside them, feeling lost and confused.