Chapter 66 setting a stage

As Sasuke, Kin, and Mr. Parkinson walked through the gates of Hogwarts; they approached a sleek, enchanted carriage waiting for them. The carriage floated slightly above the ground.

Mr. Parkinson greeted them with a welcoming smile. "Please, Sasuke, Kin, make yourselves comfortable. I believe we will have a pleasant talk."

Sasuke and Kin nodded, stepping inside the luxurious interior. The seats were plush, upholstered in rich fabrics. Once everyone was settled, the carriage began to move smoothly, gliding effortlessly through the air. Mr. Parkinson leaned back in his seat, looking at Sasuke and Kin with interest.

"Sasuke, Kin, I'm pleased to have this opportunity to speak with you," he began. "Pansy has told me quite a bit about you, but as an adult, it's hard for me to believe her claims."

"If Mr. Parkinson needs a demonstration, I can provide one. However, I believe it's better for you to wait for now," Sasuke replied.

As the carriage continued its smooth journey, the conversation turned to their future plans.

"Sasuke, now that you've left Hogwarts, what are your immediate plans?" Mr. Parkinson asked.

"First, I plan to take out ms Greengrass from the ministry of magic, then continue independently," Sasuke replied. "There are specific areas of magic that I need to explore further. I'll also be focusing on some personal goals."

Mr. Parkinson nodded thoughtfully. "That's reassuring to hear. Pansy has always admired your dedication to magical research."

Mr. Parkinson leaned forward, his expression earnest. "We have many resources and connections within the magical community. My family is always open to supporting promising young wizards like yourself."

Sasuke smiled slightly. "I appreciate that, Mr. Parkinson."

The carriage continued its journey, Sasuke and Mr. Parkinson continue to talk.

After reaching his house, Mr. Parkinson showed them around briefly and then sent both Sasuke and Kin to their rooms with a handful of floo powder. Making his way to the Floo Network, Mr. Parkinson stepped into the green flames and spoke clearly, "Malfoy Manor."

The swirling flames transported him to the grand entrance hall of Malfoy Manor, where Lucius Malfoy stood waiting. The manor was as opulent as ever, with dark, polished wood and luxurious furnishings.

"Good evening, Lucius," Mr. Parkinson greeted, stepping out of the fireplace and dusting off his robes.

"Good evening, Parkinson," Lucius replied, extending his hand. "I trust your journey was pleasant?"

"Quite," Mr. Parkinson replied, shaking Lucius's hand. "I had an interesting conversation with Sasuke Uchiha."

Lucius raised an eyebrow. "So, the rumors about this boy are true, then?"

Mr. Parkinson nodded. "Indeed."

Lucius led Mr. Parkinson to a private study where they could speak more freely. The room was dimly lit, with rich, dark wood paneling and a large fireplace that cast flickering shadows.

"Tell me more about Uchiha's," Lucius said, taking a seat behind his desk.

"Sasuke is highly focused and quite skilled. With the right support, he might be able to replace the dark lord," Mr. Parkinson replied.

"Interesting," Lucius said, leaning back in his chair. " While the information we have gathered shows his quiet skill for his age, why do you think he can replace the dark load,"

"It's due to his approach to resolving the Greengrass issue and If he is successful, we will be the ones who have supported him first''.

Smiling a little, Lucius reply, ''if he fails, we never Had this conversation''

"Exactly," Mr. Parkinson agreed. "Now, while Sasuke pursues Greengrass, we need to ensure everything can be done as we plan''.

''I will start guiding the public opinion and put pressure on mystery of magic and while Mr Parkinson you should ensure Sasuke, he will give a challenge in mystery of magic for magic duel''

"Wouldn't it be better if he directly attacked the ministry?" Parkinson questioned.

Listening Parkinson question, Lucius replies, ''It's a test I don't want dark Lord who doesn't want to listen, Regardless of his success and failure, we can decide how to proceed after His dual with ministry,''

''Lucius You seems to be more optimistic about Sasuke, is there is any reason?''

''As soon as I learned about the healing potion,, I initiated my inquiry. Sasuke actions might appear trivial on their own, but together, they raise serious concerns. For example, the amount of money he has spent in just six months could bankrupt any family. In terms of his talents, he's been recognized for Best transformation abilities by many professors. His prowess in combat is equally notable. Those around him are growing stronger; had he spent seven years at Hogwarts, he might have emerged leading his own faction akin to the Death Eaters.''

'Stopping Lucius from continuing his speech Parkinson'' have you confirmed?''

While drinking the water, 'Lucius replied, ''I have confirmed from Severus Snape''

With their conversation concluded, Mr. Parkinson and Lucius Malfoy exchanged a knowing glance. The stage was set, Only a part was left to test him before they started their final plan.