Chapter 67 Beginning of attack

The dark wizard lay sprawled on the ground, his robes tattered and dirt-streaked from the fierce battle. His wand lay broken beside him. Sasuke Uchiha stood over him, his stance relaxed and his expression calm, a stark contrast to his opponent's.

The dark wizard groaned, but Sasuke didn't move to help or hinder, simply watching with detached curiosity. He was observing the aftermath.

"You're truly powerful," Mr. Parkinson said, his voice quivering with excitement. While dark wizards were common, Sasuke's ability to defeat them all within seconds was extraordinary. Observing Sasuke, he began to envision the full extent of his true strength.

After that, Sasuke turned away, followed by Mr. Parkinson. As both of them reached the study room and sat down, Sasuke asked, "How is the Greengrass situation?"

"It's really bad. Initially, all the families thought he would take a few properties, but he ended up sending purebloods to Azkaban without a trial and seizing all of their property."

Sasuke's expression remained steady. "I didn't ask about this." His eyes were directly looking at Parkinson. "A few days ago, when I was about to go to the magic industry to take out Miss Greengrass by myself, you told me I should fight openly, so now can you tell me when I can fight?"

Mr. Parkinson cleared his throat, attempting to regain his composure in the face of Sasuke's direct gaze. "Yes, of course," he began, shifting in his seat uncomfortably. "We had a plan to challenge the Ministry of Magic. The idea was to use the injustice done to the Greengrass family as a rallying point. Many were outraged by the lack of a fair trial and the subsequent property seizures. It seemed like the perfect opportunity to galvanize our allies."

Sasuke remained silent, his eyes unblinking as he listened intently.

"We were set to make our move," Parkinson continued, "but then Dumbledore intervened. He used his influence to delay any direct confrontation," Parkinson's voice wavered slightly. "Tomorrow, Dumbledore has arranged a re-trial for the Greengrass family. He's confident that this will placate the outraged pureblood families and prevent any further escalation. The re-trial is expected to be fair, and there's a good chance that Miss Greengrass will be released."

"There's something you need to understand," Sasuke said, his voice calm but with an edge of determination. "The Greengrass can only be released by me." Sasuke's gaze was unyielding. "I don't care about the Greengrass family being wrongfully imprisoned. What matters here is that I should be the one to set her free, not Dumbledore."

Mr. Parkinson's eyes widened. "Why didn't you just want to help her? If you're speaking of fame, I believe there are better ways."

Sasuke's expression didn't waver. "I don't care about her that much. What you need to understand is that tonight I'm going to break into Azkaban myself. Regardless of whether she wants it or not, I am going to take her out."

Sasuke's eyes flashed with determination. "I am prepared for any conflict. If I have to face the Ministry or Dumbledore, so be it."

Mr. Parkinson hesitated, then nodded. "Understood. I will try to support you. But I hope my name will not come out if there is any problem."

Sasuke gave a curt nod. "No problem, just help me reach Azkaban. I'll handle the rest."

With that, Sasuke turned and left the room, his mind focused on his mission. Mr. Parkinson watched him go. If not for personally missing his power, he would have never helped him. But now he wanted to help him as much as possible, as long as it didn't affect his interest.

He decided to tell Lucius about Sasuke's attack on Azkaban to let him and his friends witness the marvelous scene. Attacking Azkaban was something no one had done. While their original plan had failed, this attack would give them new hope.

As the moon reached its zenith, casting a silver glow over the landscape, Sasuke was prepared, his mind focused on the task ahead.

Mr. Parkinson approached, a large hooded cloak in his arms. "Here," he said, offering the garment to Sasuke. "This will help you blend in with the shadows. The guards at Azkaban are not to be underestimated."

Sasuke took the cloak, his expression unwavering. "I don't need to blend in. I need to reach her without delay."

Parkinson nodded, though he still looked uneasy. "I've arranged for a Portkey," he said, producing a small, inconspicuous silver coin from his pocket. "It will take you directly to the outer perimeter of Azkaban."

Sasuke took the coin, feeling the magic thrumming within it. He put the coin in his pocket.

Parkinson hesitated for a moment, then placed a hand on Sasuke's shoulder. "Be careful. If you succeed, it will be a blow to the ministry. But if you fail..."

"I won't fail," Sasuke interrupted, not wanting to continue.

With a final nod, Sasuke activated the portkey. The world around him twisted and spun, and in an instant, he found himself standing on a rocky outcrop overlooking the stormy sea. In the distance, the looming fortress of Azkaban rose from the waves, its dark silhouette cutting a menacing figure against the night sky.

At the same time, a group of masked wizards appeared with soft cracks on a rocky cliff overlooking Azkaban. Their identities were hidden behind dark cloaks and silver masks, but they could see the dark fortress standing against the turbulent sea.

After a few minutes, a sudden, distant explosion of black flames marked the beginning of Sasuke's assault. The masked wizards watched in awe as bursts of fire illuminated the night, the sounds of battle reaching their ears even from their distant perch.

"He's really doing it," one of the wizards muttered, disbelief and admiration mingling in their voice.

"Stay alert," one wizard commanded. "We are here only to observe."