chapter 69 Sasuke vs Dumbledore

Finally, the real Sasuke arrived in front of Bellatrix, and Sasuke inspected her body. After cleaning the floor, he put her down, grabbed her head, used Legilimency and started to read her mind like a book. For others, her madness and desire to torture might be troublesome, but he believed he could control her.

While Sasuke was capable of killing and might even invent new ways to torture, he wasn't skilled in torturing others himself, so her addition would make his life easier. She could be the perfect candidate after undergoing specialized training, molding her into someone who would not be repulsed by the atrocities he planned for the future. First, he would emphasize their shared beliefs in strength and superiority. Sasuke envisioned himself as a powerful figure, even more formidable than Voldemort. Secondly, he needed to appeal to her instincts.

Sasuke's voice was cold as he spoke, "Bellatrix, it's time to change your master. You have served Voldemort faithfully, but he is just an ant whose vision is limited by this world. I will show you the true meaning of strength."

Bellatrix's eyes started to glare at Sasuke. "Stupid boy, don't compare yourself with my master," her voice was a mix of anger and fascination.

Ignoring her defiance, he purchased a slave collar from the system mall and put it on her. He then took out some clothes and gave her the order to wear them. He didn't like the slave collar, however, for a short time, it was the only way to make her obedient. With time, he wouldn't need to give her orders through the collar; it would also act as insurance against her.

As they ventured out of the corridors of Azkaban, he glanced at one of his clones escorting Clarissa Greengrass out of the prison.

Sasuke sensed a powerful presence approaching. He halted, his Sharingan detecting a surge of magical energy unlike any other.

Suddenly, a figure appeared outside of Azkaban, his long robes flowing behind him and his half-moon spectacles gleaming in the dim light. It was Albus Dumbledore, his expression calm yet resolute.

"Sasuke Uchiha," said Dumbledore, his tone measured. "I never thought you would release Bellatrix." Dumbledore then turned his gaze to Clarissa Greengrass. "Ms. Greengrass, I believe you will be free by tomorrow morning. It would be best for you to return to your cell."

As soon as Clarissa stepped back, Sasuke's eyes narrowed, and he threw a knife close to her, declaring, "I'm taking you out, dead or alive; it doesn't matter to me."

Dumbledore's eyes twinkled with a mix of sadness and determination. "Sasuke, what you are going to do is not going to help her. You should just let her wait for tomorrow so I can help her legally."

"Old man, it's never been about helping her."

"Sasuke, you are walking a dangerous path. I do not know your motives, but I will stop you."

Sasuke sneered, raising his wand to his lips. "You are just wasting your time. Shouldn't you be watching Harry Potter, Dumbledore? If I am not wrong, he is facing Voldemort."

Dumbledore raised a hand. "That is a battle he must face, and with his friends, he will overcome."

Sasuke's Sharingan whirled menacingly as he declared, "No friendship can stand against absolute power."

With a sigh, Dumbledore drew his wand, the Elder Wand, and pointed it at Sasuke. "Then I must finish here quickly and return. What do you think?"

Without another word, Sasuke unleashed a torrent of fire from his mouth, his wand transforming the flames into a focused inferno directed at Dumbledore. The open space was immediately filled with intense heat as the flames roared toward the old wizard.

Dumbledore's response was swift and calculated. With a wave of his wand, he controlled the flames, sending them high above, illuminating the dark sky with a crimson glow. Sasuke's eyes shone with excitement as the first step was completed. "Confringo!" Dumbledore shouted, sending explosive blasts toward Sasuke.

Reacting instantly, Sasuke formed hand seals with blinding speed. "Chidori!" His hand crackled with blue lightning as he descended, slicing through the explosive spells with ease.

Dumbledore countered with a powerful spell, summoning a dragon made of fire that roared to life and lunged at Sasuke. Sasuke formed another series of hand seals. "Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu!" He exhaled a massive fireball that collided with the dragon, resulting in a spectacular explosion of flames and energy.

Dumbledore's expression remained calm as he raised the Elder Wand high, summoning a torrent of raw magical energy. "Fulguris Ventus!" A storm of lightning and wind erupted from his wand, crashing toward Sasuke's position.

At the same time, Sasuke's earlier preparations were complete. The sky filled with a roiling thunderstorm. Without hesitation, he unleashed Kirin, a powerful lightning-based jutsu. Not wanting to be affected by the collision, he activated his Mangekyō Sharingan and summoned his Susanoo to protect himself and ensure the two women were shielded from the aftermath.

The two forces collided with earth-shattering intensity, the open space around them crumbling under the strain. Sparks of magic and chakra flew in all directions, lighting up the dark Azkaban like a day.

As the dust began to settle, both stood their ground, Despite Susanoo being in just his base form, Sasuke's determination and raw power were evident. Dumbledore stood firm, but his eyes widened as he took in the sight of the colossal, skeletal Susanoo surrounding Sasuke.

The Susanoo, an imposing skeletal frame, radiated an energy that sent chills down Dumbledore's spine. The ancient wizard had faced many dark forces in his time, but the sheer presence of Susanoo was unlike anything he had encountered before.

"Sasuke," Dumbledore began, his tone grave yet compassionate, "this power of yours is extraordinary."

Sasuke's eyes, ablaze with the power of his Mangekyō Sharingan, fixed on Dumbledore. "I have just begun. Shall we commence the second round, where I intend to flatten this entire island?"

Dumbledore shook his head gently, his face set with determination. " While I don't mind losing, engaging in a pointless battle at my age is not wise for my health."

Sasuke, enveloped within his Susanoo, cast a fleeting glance at Bellatrix and Clarissa Greengrass, who were protected within its confines. "Dumbledore, it's not good to run away," Sasuke replied coldly. "Be obedient and get defeated."

Dumbledore sighed deeply, his eyes reflecting profound sadness. "Sasuke, look at yourself. You've become lost in your power and forgotten that it's not just Harry Potter who is facing Voldemort. Your friends will also be involved."

Sasuke deactivated his Susanoo. "Nothing will happen as long as Gemma is with Hermione Granger." After saying this, he gathered all the Dementors he originally controlled, sealing them in a box and placing them inside his system space.

Dumbledore looked on helplessly, utterly powerless. They might have seemed equal to outsiders, but he sensed that Sasuke's sheer power was too much for him, and Sasuke appeared prepared for another fight with all of his might. Embracing his defeat was a calculated move because a disastrous loss would cause some people to think inappropriate things. He turned away, giving Sasuke one final somber look before vanishing, his heart heaving with sadness.