Chapter 70 The Final Confrontation p1

The afternoon sun cast a warm glow over Hogwarts, but inside the castle, tension was brewing. Harry, Hermione, and Ron were gathered in empty room, their faces etched with concern.

"We need Dumbledore?" Harry said, pacing back and forth.

Hermione frowned, glancing at the empty corridor that usually led to the Headmaster's office. "Then do you want to go to his office and meet him."

Ron appeared just as worried. "Will he believe us, even Hagrid doesn't believe us"

"Let's just try," Harry suggested. "I don't want to just sit around doing nothing."

The trio decided to make their way to the headmaster's office. Standing outside before a trio that could try anything, the portrait swung open, revealing Professor McGonagall. Her facial expression was grave.

''we want to meet Dumbledore'' All three of them spoke in the same time

"Professor Dumbledore has been called away on urgent business. I'm afraid he won't be back until tomorrow."

Harry's heart sank. "But what about the Philosopher's Stone? What if someone tries to steal it?"

McGonagall's lips pressed into a thin line. "We have taken every precaution to ensure its safety. You just need to stay out of trouble."

As she turned to leave, Hermione grabbed Harry's arm. "If Dumbledore's gone, the Stone is in more danger than ever."

Harry nodded, determination hardening his features. "You're right. We need to do something."

Ron looked puzzled. "What can we do ?"

Hermione's eyes lit up. " we can ask Gemma She's one of the best witches we know. She'll know what to do."

They found Gemma in the Magic Research Club; her nose buried in a thick tome, as they approached Harry and Ron, their eyes wondered around the room. 

This was the first time they had entered this room as boys; they were not usually allowed inside.

She looked up, and her sharp eyes quickly assessed Hermione' worried face. "What's going on?" she asked, closing her book.

Harry explained the situation, ending with their decision to protect the philosopher's stone. "We need your help, Gemma. We can't do this alone."

Gemma's expression Not changing much: "If Dumbledore's not here, then you're right, the stone is in more danger. if you want to get the philosophers stone or you just want to stop the thief'' Gemma's Continuing '' We should try doing it after 11:00 PM when everyone is sleeping;; this is also the best time for the thief to steal''

All parties having agreed, Hermione led Ron and Harry out of the club room. Finally the night time arrive at 11 pm, Harry, Ron, and Hermione arrived at the agreed-upon meeting spot, where Gemma, was already waiting. Seeing her, all three relaxed their expressions.

Together, the four of them made their way through the castle, navigating the winding corridors until they reached the third-floor corridor that housed the entrance to the stone. They approached the large, three-headed dog, Fluffy, which was guarding the trapdoor.

Harry quickly played a few notes on the enchanted harp he got from Hagrid, putting Fluffy to sleep. As they lifted the trapdoor and descended into the darkness, Harry felt a surge of determination. They had to stop whoever was trying to steal the stone.

The first challenge was the Devil's Snare, a writhing mass of plant tendrils.

Gemma, using a Cutting spell, cut down the plant Next, they encountered a room filled with flying keys. Harry mounted a broomstick, and quickly identified the correct key. Harry's broomstick darted through the air as he dodged other keys, finally catching the correct one and unlocking the door.

The next room contained a giant chessboard. Not good with chess, Gemma Wanted to blow up everything but Ron convenience How she should save her strength,Ron with his strategic mind, took charge, directing them through the dangerous game. He played bravely, sacrificing himself to ensure Harry, Hermione, and Gemma could checkmate the king and move forward. 

Ron stayed behind, injured but conscious, "You have to finish this. I'll be fine."

Hermione and Gemma helped Harry through the next chamber, where they faced a series of potions and a logic puzzle. Hermione's sharp intellect and Gemma's advanced magical knowledge made quick work of the challenge, Unlike the original, the medicine was more than enough for all three.

Finally, they reached the last chamber. At the far end stood Professor Quirrell, his face twisted into a sinister smile. Next to him, separate and ghastly, stood a zombified Voldemort, his eyes glowing with a malevolent red light.