chapter 76

As the meeting came to an end, Fudge left abruptly, his expression one of frustration and fury. The others present shared looks of discomfort.

Dumbledore spoke in a tone that was both calm and authoritative. "Professors, please resume your responsibilities. I must have a word in private with Sasuke, Clarissa."

McGonagall and Snape shared a swift glance and nodded. They departed from the office, leaving a sense of expectancy in their wake.

As the door shut, Dumbledore shifted his focus to Sasuke and Clarissa, who were standing aside with inscrutable expressions.

"Now that we are alone, we can speak more freely," Dumbledore started. "Sasuke, have you considered your future? With your abilities, you could pursue various paths, such as teaching. I believe your distinctive insights could greatly enhance the understanding of magic."

Sasuke, without dismissing the concept, began to contemplate. Although his primary objective was to gain additional life-preserving abilities, he still required a better grasp of dark magic. Returning to the Naruto world at this point would be premature; he had to devise a flawless plan to prevent further setbacks.

Dumbledore looked at Clarissa and took out a book. "I think this book might be helpful for you. While it doesn't have a cure for your family, it contains a lot of information about blood diseases and some dark magic related to them."

Clarissa hesitated, not wanting to be misunderstood by Sasuke. Watching her hesitation, Sasuke spoke, "Just take it. Knowledge is always useful." He continued, "That reminds me, you don't have to wait for my permission most of the time."

Clarissa stepped forward and picked up the book. "Thank you, Dumbledore," she said, starting to flip through its pages.

Sasuke, sitting in his chair, thought about his future. First, he needed to take a short vacation because the constant research in last half year had been taxing on his body. Second, he needed to decide how and when to go back to the Naruto world and start his revenge.

If he just wanted to destroy the village, he could take a nuclear bomb, hide it inside his home, leave the village, and blow it up.The only thing left would be the angry Sage of Six Paths and a bad taste in his mouth since he felt killing them wasn't enough.

Looking up at Dumbledore, Sasuke said,"I guess I'm going to relax for some time and continue to look for ways to strengthen myself."

"I think you should try to become a teacher since you seem quite confident in your teaching skills," Dumbledore suggested, not wanting to give up on Sasuke. His presence at Hogwarts could ensure many students' safety.

Standing up, Sasuke replied, "I train killers, not flowers. If you don't have anything else, I think it's time for me to leave."

Watching both Clarissa and Sasuke leave, Dumbledore did not stop them. He began to ponder, trying to think of anything he could use to convince Sasuke to stay by his side. To his surprise, he found there was nothing. Sasuke Uchiha, almost 12 years old, had no feelings for friends or love. Thinking about this, he decided to investigate further to find something he could use to convince Sasuke to stay at Hogwarts.

As Sasuke and Clarissa walked through the corridors of Hogwarts, the echoes of their footsteps the only sound, Clarissa glanced at Sasuke. "What now?" she asked, her voice a mixture of curiosity and concern.

Sasuke's eyes were focused ahead, but "nothing, just as I said, I am going to relax a little, and if they don't return your property or remove Fudge, I can send out kin to end their little life."

They continued walking, eventually reaching the outskirts of the castle grounds. Sasuke spotted a secluded spot, and with the pop, both of them disappeared.

As the days passed, Sasuke and Clarissa began to settle. Sasuke spent his time resting in his house, which have been completely restored by magic,

while Clarissa delved into the book Dumbledore had given her, searching for any clues that could help her family.

One evening, as the sun set and the shadows grew longer, Clarissa entered in Sasuke's home. "I've found something," she said, her voice trembling with excitement. "There's a spell in this book that might help me cure my family."

Sasuke looked up "Show me," he said.

Clarissa opened the book to a page filled with intricate runes and diagrams. "This spell If we can master it, we might be able to reverse the curse on my family."

Sasuke studied the page intently. "This is going to be to risky and painful; your daughter's might die from the pain."

Disappointed Clarissa, sit down. Are you sure you are not saying this because you want to take advantage?"

Sasuke going near her, pinching her chest, Finding herself unable to move, she felt ashamed and, in a low voice, Here, you see, I don't need to lie to take any advantage, Sasuke said.