chapter 77 interrupted happy time

Sasuke moved closer to Clarissa, his hands slipping inside her dress as an act of revenge for her doubting him about the spell. He removed the cloth from her chest, revealing her breasts. Before he could continue, the sound of shattering glass broke the moment.

Sasuke turned sharply to see Hermione Granger standing in the doorway, a tray of snacks and juice at her feet, spilled everywhere.

Hermione's eyes were wide with shock as she stammered, "You... you... what are you doing?"

Sasuke's gaze locked onto her, leaving Clarissa as he made his way to Hermione. She stepped back, her expression turning fearful. With a hint of malice, Sasuke appeared behind her and grabbed her small body.

Hermione's mind became a whirlwind of confusion as she watched Clarissa fix her clothes. Swallowing hard, Hermione started to consider whether to resist or simply give in.

Holding her small waist, Sasuke cast a cleaning spell, tidying up the mess. Looking at Hermione's face, he asked, "What do you think about taking an aging potion so we can see how you'll look when you're older?"

Hermione, snapping out of her daze, broke free from Sasuke's grasp and shot him an angry look.

Clarissa, now fixing her dress, said, "Good luck coxing your girlfriend." With that, she took a handful of Floo powder, stepped into the fireplace, and vanished in a swirl of emerald flames.

Looking at the Hermione, Sasuke said, "Why don't we grab something to eat?"

Taking her silence as acceptance, he grabbed her hand and led her out of the room. As they walked, he thought about all the magical upgrades he had made to his house, including the fireplace and expansion charm, but regretted not adding a special lock to prevent someone from entering when doing ****** stuff.

In the kitchen, he opened the fridge and took out some ice cream. As he offered it to her, she slapped his hand away, crossing her arms. "You shouldn't do bad things with Aunt Clarissa," she scolded.

Hearing Hermione call Clarissa "aunt," Sasuke replied, "Nobody likes being called 'aunt." Seeing Hermione's serious face, he asked, "What do you want?"

"Nothing," Hermione said, shifting her gaze. Feeling her anger, Sasuke started to think about what could be bothering her. It couldn't be because he was intimate with Clarissa, since Hermione already knew about his interest in multiple girls.

Picking her up and placing her on the sofa, he found it strange that she never resisted. "Is there anything on your mind?" he asked.

Looking at Sasuke, Hermione said, "Why don't you come back to Hogwarts?"

Smiling a little, Sasuke replied, "Hermione, what do you think I should do once I go back? There isn't anything more to learn."

Reflecting on Sasuke's magical abilities, Hermione realized what he said made sense. But it also saddened her to think of having one less friend at Hogwarts.

Noticing her sadness, Sasuke gently said, "Hermione, you don't have to be sad. You can write letters, at least for now."

"Now?" she asked, thinking for a moment. "Are you going to leave in the future?"

"Yes," Sasuke replied. "Once I finish my research, I plan to look, for ways to strengthen myself." He paused, then continued, "That reminds me, would you like to come with me?"

Hermione's eyes lit up with curiosity. "Where are you going?"

Sasuke hesitated before answering. He had always been honest with her, except for the fact that he was from a different world and had a unique system. "Just like this world, there are many other worlds, and I need to explore them to find more partners."

Hermione frowned slightly. "I'm not a child," she said, her expression so cute that Sasuke couldn't resist pinching her cheeks.

With a smile, he replied, "No, you're not a child. You're just a 90-year-old woman in a child's body."

He thought to himself, "People often don't believe in truths they can't see." Reflecting on his family's techniques, he considered how their affection might change once he left.

Handing her the ice cream, which was beginning to melt, he watched as she took a bite. "Can you come with me tomorrow to shop for school supplies?" she asked.

"Are you not going with your parents?" he inquired.

"Well," Hermione said, looking hopeful, "I thought it would be great if you could come with me. My parents are always busy with their jobs and hardly have any time."

Finding no reason to refuse, Sasuke easily agrees to her request as Hermione continues to eat the ice cream and talk about issues related to magic. Sasuke replied to her most of her inquiries about the ways she could improve in some areas.

In the evening, Sasuke and Kin prepared dinner together. The warm glow of the fire cast flickering shadows as they finished eating.

Sasuke glanced at Kin before turning his attention to the system display, focusing particularly on his bloodline fusion. It had reached 59%—30% coming from his three girlfriends, Kin, Gemma Pansy's,and 29% from natural fusion over the past year. For some reason, Clarissa had not been recognized as his partner by the system.

He was aware that he needed to speak with her. By making her his partner,, he would achieve a 10% fusion, culminating in a complete 100% fusion within one year—a full bloodline, rather than the three-year wait.

On a grand scale of the multiverse, this bloodline might not be overwhelmingly powerful, but its usefulness was undeniable.

Shifting his gaze back to Kin, he asked, "By the way, what do you think about your short swords?"

"They're great, but the space teleportation part is a little complicated. Sometimes it feels useless."

"That's not true, Kin. Your blades are much better in terms of teleportation, at least compared to the fourth generation. They are easier to handle and more durable to the point where they can be used for close fights," Sasuke reassured her.

"But I feel like I can't utilize them effectively in attack. It also renders my moves more predictable," Kin said, pausing briefly before continuing. "For instance, if I toss my sword behind the enemy, they'll anticipate my teleportation to that spot. This diminishes their practical value."

"Isn't that the whole point of being a ninja?" Sasuke replied. "You need to avoid revealing any flaws during battle. That reminds me, you could make them invisible along with yourself. There are many ways to use them—you just need to think creatively."

After Sasuke made efforts to improve his relationship with her system, she recognized Kin, and as a reward, the system prepared Kin a special package containing three short swords and an anti-aging portion.

While blades appeared similar to fourth-generation blades, in reality they are similar to port keys, where a blade has the ability to teleport you to another blade. Basically, when you throw one blade, you can use the second blade to teleport yourself to the first blade.

In case you end up throwing out 3 at once, you can teleport them back to you, so they also work well as weapons, which can be thrown Unlimited time.

Additionally, the blades could channel magic or chakra; they've can be used as wands or special weapons, which are similar to the chakra weapon in the Naruto world.